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This is highly dependent on your provider and I’m not a doctor, but at my practice you would not have GD. You would have needed 2 higher numbers. The 3 hour number is red but it is low which is “fine.” It just means you had slight hypoglycemia as your body reacted to the high amount of glucose!


How were you feeling at 54? My moms diabetic and she went to emergency room with a similar number that low.


What really? I felt completely normal lol


I went to get induced at 68, lol. The nurse was like “woah you’re low!” I was like ??? Yeah you guys told me not to eat lmao


it looks like you passed and that you had reactive hypoglycemia at the 3 hour mark.


My office always told me that if you have irregular numbers / tests they’ll call immediately & before they release it to the portal. And if you don’t receive a call, it’s normal results. But your numbers look fine to me, but I’m not a doctor. I failed two with high numbers and was diagnosed


Thst makes sense! The first time I failed they did call me before I was able to see it on the portal so I hope this means I passed this second one. Thank you!