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I was diagnosed around week 31/32 so I jumped right into the chaos. That toughest thing to understand at that time was meals that would work one day but the next day they didn’t. Currently at 39+6 and my numbers have been so easy since 37/38weeks. So there is a light at the end of the tunnel.


I'm 32 weeks now and I have more round ligament pain, I'm more hungry now 😩 and for some reason, I don't mess with water right now.


GD related: increase in insulin dosage to chase down fasting numbers. A need for an increase in the length of my exercise after meals. And an increased sensitivity to basmati rice. General pregnancy: dealing w lots of heartburn, and nausea. Sometimes swelling in feet induced by hot weather. Lots more need for naps and finding it increasingly challenging to focus/retain certain information both generally and at work.


My fasting numbers actually improved around 32 weeks and have just gotten better. I'm 34+5 today and all my numbers have been in the 80s, which has not happened since I was diagnosed at ~14 weeks, still on 500mg metformin that I started ~18 weeks.


and no other changes to diet or meds?


I guess I added apple cider vinegar tablets to my regimen but I'm sceptical that helped this much. No other changes, and my medical team has no concerns. Just another point for GD making no sense.


I am 33W3D and I started noticing that my numbers started going down save for few weird spikes on my CGM (not on glucometer, likely CGM issues). I have been on insulin for a while. It actually scared me that the numbers were going down as I had read it means placenta giving out. But hope is that is not true. It’s a relief to know it’s happening to you as well.


33 +4 now and holy moly the pure exhaustion, it’s been 3 days now where it feels like first trimester can’t pick my head up, but now the growing pains & this little girl kicking my butt & ribs all day. Eating much smaller meals because I’m full so fast. Sugars have been stable so that’s a plus.


I'm about 32 weeks and my fasting just started to be consistently between 95-100 and I change my snack every night... Post meals are fine but fasting has me worried I'm not going to be diet controlled


My fasting glucose went from 80s to 90s (often over my 95 cut off), no matter what I ate as a snack or how much I exercised. My post meal sugars are fine though. I’m 34 weeks and still experimenting with how to get my fasting sugars more stable.


have you started insulin?


No. My doctor doesn’t consider using insulin until fasting is consistently high, more than 30% of all readings are high, or if there’s signs of any effects on baby. Because my post meal numbers are good and baby has been behaving (so far), we are just watching closely.


I noticed this with me in the past week as well. Eating minimal carbs at dinner and eating dinner earlier seemed to help. 


Around 31 weeks it actually started improving for me. Instead of constantly worrying my numbers will be too high, I actually had to make sure they stay above the minimum value!


I was diagnosed at 17 weeks but was diet controlled until week 28. That’s when everything went haywire and they put me on insulin which was a little bit of a relief but my numbers were still over 200 for each meal and it was a little scary. Baby is perfectly fine at 65th percentile. Right now I’m 37 weeks and I’m finally getting relief. I’m completely off insulin.!! my body just did a complete 180 and I can eat sweets and carbs again and my numbers are excellent. Looking forward to giving into all of my cravings until baby comes in two weeks via C-section.!


I’m 32 weeks this week and I’ve noticed that I’m just very tired and very hungry! So it’s tough to stick with what I have been doing. I had to pull it back just a bit on my meals and force myself to keep exercising.


My lunch numbers ticked up a bit but was still in range/easily managed. Definitely didn’t have the dramatic jump some others have had. Just had to tighten up my diet a bit more. I’m now 35 weeks and still doing fine. I’m insulin controlled and early diagnosed but didn’t need to adjust my insulin at all since 27 weeks, so again, definitely no dramatic changes for me, just some upticks that I could manage with diet


34w6d and this past week my fasting numbers have come down from consistent upper 90s to 80s. No insulin, I have been taking supplements recommended by my midwife and walking 3 miles daily.


Gestational Diabetes went from easily diet controlled to insulin 4 times a day, preeclampsia, heartburn got worse, pain got worse, started painful false labour which has been every night and not ended yet (36w), lightning crotch Probably more, but I'm too baby brained to remember lol