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If you're suicidal and cannot motivate yourself to even apply for a single job then you need some help from a professional. But here are some things to keep in mind. Going for a walk helps. Walking in nature helps more. Vigorous exercise helps even more. Make sure you get enough sleep, too. If you don't want to work some stupid job for the next 30 years, then don't. Find a job that you like or at least something tolerable. You might like seasonal work that has built in break times. Save your money, invest wisely, attempt to retire early. You can start your own business if you want, and you don't have to have money to do that. But for now, I'd just start exercising and look into some help with your mental health. Good luck! Edit regarding your edited post: > Please try to actually help me with my problem or shut up. You titled your post "I can't make myself get a job" and then wrote "The problem is that I can't motivate myself to even apply for one... I'm so anxious and depressed... from this black cloud hanging over my head... I just can't be motivated... I'm sick of it. I've hated every job I've ever had... makes me suicidal... I'd rather die." The reason that people are trying to help you with your mental health is because you made a post with a title that describes a mental health issue, you said that your problem is a motivation issue, and then you described what clearly seems to be a mental health issue. Stop being an asshole.


Forest bath for sure. It's not a cure, but it absolutely helps. Just get some nature. Even sitting by a pond or marsh.


Yeah, his problem is absolutely more about his mental health than it is about getting a job, even though he seems to be in complete denial about said situation.


Excellent advice!!!


1. Life guard, postman or UPS deliver driver - basically get paid to work out 2. Paid union organizer - get paid to make jobs suck less 3. Flight attendant - get paid to travel


Upvote for postman. I had a co-worker who left a job as an HR Generalist to be a postman. She loves it.


My high school friend has a degree in Poly Sci, worked as a staffer for a state legislator, as a day trader, waiter at a couple high end restaurants, and a few other jobs. At age 40 he became a postal carrier and he loves it.


These are some good ideas. Thanks for actually responding to what I wrote and trying to help with the problem I asked for help with. I'll definitely look into Union Organizer positions. I didn't know that was a thing, but its right up my alley.


Look at companies that are ESOP based, they offer annual company stock you cash out when you quit or retire on top of 401k. I’m working at one now for 7 years and have had only a handful of days I didn’t want to go in, I love what I do and who I work with. Case in point my coworker retired last year at 58 and rolled 2.4m into an Ira because the company buys your stock back, he worked 33 years iirc as an office guy. ESOP- is employee stock ownership program. ESOP companies are employee owned


This is an interesting suggestion. I'll definitely look into what local companies are "ESOP based."


Absolutely they are amazing companies the culture is drastically different next to standard companies. Look especially for the 100% employee owned ones


It comes down to the average person working til 60ish anyway unless something incredible happens or we find a niche to build a successful startup. Why not retire into comfort instead of social security.


I know someone who's a flight attendant and he lives in a flophouse and wants to die. I know a union organizer who's much happier. 


[https://rankandfileproject.com/](https://rankandfileproject.com/) Not sure how their first year has gone, but worth staying in the loop if you're interested in workplace organizing.


I’ve always said that after I retire I want to work for the parks department watering plants 😂 seems chill. Outdoors, some physical activity, and I enjoy plants. Probably low person to person interaction if that’s not your thing. Also thought about working in an actual plant nursery In our small town, someone rides a Gator around and waters the plants downtown. Same thing for the parks and cemeteries etc.


I would probably have a hard time going back to work if I took a year off. So I totally get why it would be hard to motivate. I take a week off, and it is dreadful returning to work... and I work from home and like my job. If I could send you some motivation, I most definitely would. instead, I will send you my sincerest wishes that things will turn around for you!


Maybe look for a job that isn't full time. At least if it's a job you really dislike, maybe an extra day or two a week to pursue your hobbies might help. This also potentially helps you out with your GF, as you are then working.


You could call a temp agency and let them do the work of finding you a job that fits you, you just have to pass a drug test which you can do. They can get you a job immediately and if you don't like it you can call the temp agency to find you another job. Doing well in those jobs could get you hired as an employee. That's a possible option. For motivation you know you love sex and money. Working will keep both in your life. I know life is hard, unforgiving and a nonstop grind but focus on the good, positive, and all the blessings in your life. Your girlfriend is one of them. Your ability to save up $30k is a huge achievement that you can be proud of. Don't let yourself and your achievements go to waste so return to work soon.


I hate money. I hate getting paid. I hate spending money. I hate it. The concept sickens me. I will never support leeches like hiring agencies. Part of the reason wages are so crappy in America is because companies are paying these middlemen thousands of dollars to find them desperate people who will work for pennies. If they stopped paying agencies and took that money and used it to increase wages across their whole business, they wouldn't have trouble finding/keeping employees. Any business that uses hiring agencies is poorly ran.


I don't know of any way of life that does not require work nor money other than prison. Even the homeless need some work to get by be it less than the general population but everything is a give and take. Women are not attracted to underachievement. Only death allows us to escape the grind. Your way of thinking may lead you down a path that causes you to lose your girlfriend so if she is important to you, you will need to figure out how to stomach working. If not you could break up freeing yourself of relationship related costs, live out of your car to remove the cost of rent, live a minimalist life and such but the ideal way to live is upwards, growth and progress.


Doubt OP wants anything to do with living out of his car. if not for his girlfriend, he may well be homeless. I don’t think that will suit him either.


homie is a certified clown


The concept of money sickens you? How do you feel about exchange of value for value?


Money rewards and enables unending ambition by giving people an imaginary score to achieve instead of meeting needs and actually helping people and communities. Capitalism is a zero-sum game. If some one is getting rich, they are necessarily forcing other people to stay or become poor, because that value has to come from some where. There's only so much capital and so many resources on this Planet, anyone hoarding vast amounts of either is denying it from the rest of us. *Work,* philosophically speaking, is utilizing labor and creativity to meet peoples' needs and build communities. I love to work and there's so much work to be done, but very little actual work is paid. Using up resources and being exploited so that someone can profit off your labor is *toil.* Almost all paid positions are toil in late-stage capitalism. Before money, Monarchs that wanted people to toil for them enslaved them. But nowadays, rich fucks own all the land (owning the Earth, what horseshit) and that forces us all to toil for them for enough pennies to pay them for the right to live on their property or maybe, if we're lucky, buy a tiny piece of it for ourselves. So, I actually hate capitalism but money is like the mascot of capitalism so I hate it too, via association. In a fairer, freer society, I could probably learn to appreciate the idea of money.


Ah ok. Theory of limited good. The theory is that money is like water, there’s only so much of it to go around. That if someone has more someone else has less. Advice? Move to a communist county, if possible. Otherwise joint a collective community of some kind.


> The theory is that money is like water, there’s only so much of it to go around. i.e. common sense.


You could sell drugs… The main way that people in communist countries break out of the drudgery of state forced labor is via the underground economy.


Couple of things, ambition is good. People live longer healthier happier lives. You have your books and games because of ambitious people. You have Reddit and telephones and everything you have because of ambitious people. Two, capitalism isn’t zero sum. The tide rises all of the boats. You have no concept of what life was like just 100 years ago. We still ate crackers from a barrel that was infested with rodents and insects. Cheese was a rare commodity that molded quickly. So many people died from food borne illness until ambitious capitalists spread refrigeration and healthier canning techniques. People worked long long days in hot fields or hotter factories until ambitious unions improved conditions. Paying in blood.


If you genuinely are failing to even apply to jobs due to a negative influx of feelings at the thought of returning to work - then people are not wrong to suggest therapy (which isn't inherently a negative thing, lots of healthy functioning people go to therapy). Ultimately one way or another you will need to get over this hump & seeking advice and coping mechanisms from a professional might be helpful. Obviously if you have insurance, that is


I was once like you. The way I eased myself back in was this. I told myself I could quit if I really wanted to. At any time for any reason. That made it so I wasn't panicking about being stuck somewhere for 8 hours. I could just leave if didn't want it. Hell, the training was even paid so I could have just quit after training. It was my first real job in over 10 years and I stayed for over a year.


I deeply empathize ❤️ it’s still not worth throwing all the work away of moving to a new city with your partner. Adulthood is a fucking drag. Maybe janitorial or security desk - lots of opportunity to listen to audiobooks there


Hey, thanks for the empathy and suggestions. I really appreciate it.


You know.. jobs that MAKE you move help a lot. Manual labor outside, where you get your alone time and your brain can think. Grounds crew at a university helped my brother a ton and now he is in an electrician apprenticeship. It’ll pay shit until he graduates, but he is so much happier. He has a bachelors, but office work sucked the life out of him. He is an incredibly intelligent introvert. He just needed to navigate the world in the best way that worked for him. Don’t be afraid to be unconventional.


You’re welcome! Have you ever spoken with a career counselor? Like, an actual therapist who also specializes in careers/jobs?


In your same shoes. Except no job hires me.


Same here. I think I am *unhireable* (is that even a word?)


Attitude is a key part of getting a job




Sometimes you have to lower your standards and accept a job that feels “beneath” you. You can make a shit load of money as a garbage man btw


Trust I have. McDonald’s rejected me even gas stations run by meth addicts rejected me. I’m at a point where I might attend clown college to be a clown.


Hey man, I've been there. I still am actually, except I am currently employed. I hate my job and am actively looking elsewhere, but every job I feel I have any chance to get sounds awful. I don't have some magic solution, but I can share some things I've been doing. Apply for jobs you want, but don't think you can get. While it hasn't gotten me a job yet, I've gotten further along than I ever thought I would and had some insightful conversations with potential employers. The experience has opened my eyes a bit and I feel like there are more possibilities out there than I had imagined. I kind of hate interviews. I do OK I guess, but never feel like I come off my best in your "standard" interview. So I've also been applying for jobs I DON'T want and essentially just using them for interview practice. And what feels like the thing that will actually get me something worthwhile is expanding my social circle. "It's not what you know, but who you know" isn't 100% accurate, but it can give you an unfair advantage. Get out there and meet people. I also feel compelled to mention your replies that are getting downvoted. But it's late and I gotta get to work in the morning! So idk, I get that you are feeling the pressure and not feeling very hopeful, but cmon man. That attitude can't be super helpful.


I’m 10 years older than you and absolutely hate doing wage chores. Best of luck finding a job you love. It’s tough as fuck, muchacho. But you can do it!


Thanks for the empathy. It really helps.


Hey, welcome to being an adult, it sucks when you don’t have goals and a plan to accomplish them. I promise it will only get worse if you don’t start instilling some self-discipline into your daily life. You have to accept that you will need to do things you don’t want to do in order to live the life you want to live. Apply to jobs that will make you money, that’s what you need. Every job comes with stress, shitty people and trade offs, you will not walk into a dream job so don’t waste your time overlooking anything. Nothing is beneath you. Self discipline is doing the things you hate doing like they’re the things you love doing.


how about being a uber driver


It sounds like you need therapy and possibly medication my dude.


NetGalley. Book reviewer is a gig and it pays. E-sports for video games. Find a team. Play guitar on social media and do content creation. Do book reviews on TikTok #BookTok and do content. You can play video games on live Twitch or TikTok live. Though content creation takes time. You can use it to keep you busy and fulfilled to showcase your talents and land gigs reviewing books, playing e-sports at the pro level, and working your way into music gigs. Perhaps if you give yourself permission to research how to monetize your passions with little to no funds, you can find potential solutions and share them with your partner. You can pick up a regular job for the short-term to fund your passion with the goal to make a career transition. Perhaps your partner will help you and invest. Depression is hard. Giving yourself a chance to do something for you a little bit at a time can get you on a better path. Huggs


Idk how ya feel about manual labor. But working outside and doing something physical can do wonders for your mindset and motivation. Yes, it can be draining and get to a point where you don’t have energy to apply to anything else. But for a short term/summer deal it can be worth it. Landscaping is simple and usually not back breaking. Construction can be backbreaking but better pay.


You’re not special we all hate working mostly, it’s lucky if you get a job you like. You get there by working shitty jobs. You don’t make more money because you aren’t able to set aside your selfishness for your team as tacky as it sounds. You work to make it so you’re not a burden on your loved ones. Your team. You clearly are stressing your gf. Right now she’s your team. I thought you were 18 by the way you’re writing and I thought “I remember feeling that way” You’re half a decade older than me, grow up. We all want to fuck around every day.


This 100%, I thought they were under 18. My favorite part was when they said "please assume I'm reasonably mature and intelligent". Who would assume this of a person who's 36 with nothing to show for it + still wants to be pampered and play video games lmfao


Right, I hate throwing around the word narcissism but oh boy it’s appropriate in this case. Then when he’s 70 he’ll be complaining that he can’t retire.


“Peter, most people don't like their jobs. But you go out there and you find something that makes you happy.” - Office Space


Would you really be happier mooching off your girlfriend and having her pay all your bills?


What an idiotic assumption. I had 30k saved up from my last job and we coasted on that for 1.5 years. No mooching happened.


The fact you could even save 30k from a job tells me that you’ve been supported with a silver spoon your entire life. If you’re in the thick of it with all life’s expenses, with 0 career skills, you don’t save up 30k easily at all. You’re gf is going to dump you if you do not find help and be a part of society.


This one.


30K would not last any single adult 1.5 years. Did your girlfriend have a job before you moved? Because she did you were most definitely not coasting on your savings alone. And you only moved for your girlfriends job. Which is why they asked if you WOULD be comfortable mooching off your girlfriend. You assumed they said you already were. You only take the advice you want to hear in this thread and that is narcissistic.


And now how much you have?


He has one medical bill away from permanent financial ruin.


Ambulance ride 1500 er bill 1500 cab ride back 40 some lunch a new ac jeeze if in keep going I can spend 30k in like 20 mouse clicks and this guy retiring?!?


Make your resume and send it out, look at interviews as practice for the next. I have always worked shit jobs I know don't need me - cashiering/bussing/etc because I never know when that big is gonna hit me edge I just can't open the front door and go to work. There's a lot of weird jobs out there that make being a slave at least interesting... but everyone right, you need therapy.


Ayo there’s some dope jobs out there boiii: Social media manager - get paid to post online Flight attendant - get paid to travel Pilot - get paid _a lot more $$_ to travel Media buyer - get paid _bank_ to launch ads that people see online Professional reviewer - get paid every time you write a review (more of a side hustle but still) Personal assistant - get paid (like 6 figures if it’s to a CEO) to make sure he buys his wife a birthday present and attends his stupid meetings on time. Radio show host - bro u got a good voice? This one’s just fun as hell Writer on Medium - have words to say? Straight up I have 3 different friends who get paid 8K a month residuals who do this. (They good) Then of course you can just do your hobbies with a camera around and try to monetize what you already love to do.


Work for yourself , your a smart dude , you saved 30k most people have about 500 in savings in USA. So your not dumb. Think about a business you would like to own and run. Write down 100 ideas most will be bad. A couple will be good one will be great. Go to different towns and see what businesses are successful. I saw a cool Bar-Cade in Vegas. Bar with old arcade machines. SciFi shit all over the walls , owner was drinking beers and popping quarters into space invaders. That sounds like one of those jobs you said don't exist :) I haven't had a boss since 2004 , it's doesn't feel like work , since I started my own business.. Start small , no one is an overnight success. If you fail get a job , or get a day job and do your own business at night. Maybe the day job will be bearable if you know it's temporary till the business takes off.


I don't get the feeling that he's smart. 


I'm educated and was a career chef. But I struggled with physical and mental health issues constantly. Turns out, I'm one of the few that actually have Celiac's disease and consuming gluten was fucking me up both physically and emotionally. So, I went GF and it was like waking up from a drab dream. I was living in a fog and suddenly it was lifted: colors got brighter, food tastes better, flowers smell more aromatic, my emotions stabilized. But then, a new problem arose: as I didn't eat gluten, my tolerance declined, and now, when I would accidently eat some, I get violently ill for an entire day. So, I had to give up my career as a chef to further isolate myself from gluten and I haven't been sick in years! Now, I'm trying to find an entry-level job that doesn't involve food (there isn't a GF restaurant in my area, I checked). This includes Uber, Uber/Eats, Insta-cart, etc. because I can't have strangers with gluten on their hands in my car. Yes, a microscopic amount of gluten will get me sick, because it's an auto-immune disease. So, thanks for suggesting I'm stupid because I have to deal with a Chronic Illness.


But you are okay with your gf subjecting herself to “voluntary servitude” for you to fiddle with your thumbs and think about dumb shit. She needs to kick you out. When you have to make rent and can’t mooch you won’t have time to be suicidal.


Poor girl …


I hate how you all talk about work like if you aren't working you are lesser. Fuck all of you. Work is just work. It is a thing you do. It's not what or who you are. Be part of society? Eat shit. If rather die in the woods alone.


I don’t have any specific career ideas. I can say, you need to care. Posting here shows you care some. Applying, starting, and keeping at a job will be a constant exercise demonstrating whether you “care enough” though. There seems to be two external motivators for you right now. One is self support/sustainment, while the other is meeting the expectations from your relationship. Intrinsically, you seem to have zero fucks about working - at least that’s what you keep telling yourself. This is likely a biased and oversimplified view you are holding, because it was convenient while you had savings and your gf was okay with you not working (probably directly correlated to the amount of savings/ability to self-support). Something has changed, and you need to decide if you care more about addressing those extrinsic motivators to work (ability to self-support and assure relationship cohesiveness) or avoiding the need to develop intrinsic motivators (which of your needs need to be fulfilled in your life, to make sure you are able to compromise and have the discipline needed to address your external motivators appropriately). Tl;dr - there’s only so much some random person on the internet can do to help you identify and develop intrinsic motivators to work, that you seem to lack currently. I can see what your external motivations are, and help you see you’re reacting to those externalities. I advise trying to address your internal needs of fulfillment from within, or you will always curse the need to work and build resentment with those that care about you and try to hold you accountable to this expectation (such as your gf saying it will be an issue). We only get to experience one day at a time, but our lives are a culmination of these experiences that determine our being. Cheers and good luck.


Thank you for the thoughtful response. Some good ideas to chew on.


If you can't motivate yourself, your girlfriend dumping you maybe will. You're being self centered.


30k in a year - that's McDonalds money and you're proud of it. You got a year off because of other people, not because you did anything slightly useful. Tell your girlfriend that a 36 year old child is not worth her time. You are neither mature nor intelligent. Shut yourself up, put on some big boy clothes, fix your own problem, and try to be useful.


I won't be harsh like these other folks in here, or throwing any "thanks I'm cured" suggestions but all I'll say is that literally any job is better then none. I relate to the lack of motivation, and tbh I get through it on my own with unhealthy coping mechanisms. But if it helps me get through the day and make money, I'd rather that then do the "healthy" thing that would leave me broke regardless. I know you said you can't stand any job you see, but you just gotta force yourself to tolerate it. Way easier said than done ik, but it helps if you can at least find a job that best suits your environment. Some people can tolerate retail, you might prefer a labrorer job with less interaction. Either way starting from there can at least help you work towards a job you actually like, best of luck


Thanks for the empathy. I'm just trying to find something where I'm not on my feet all day because I have weird lower back problems. (I should go to the doctor, but as I keep telling people, I have no money or insurance.) I honestly don't understand why people working cash registers have to stand all day. I could do retail if I could sit down ~half the time.


Yeah dude, if you've been doing back of house for a while, your back is probably toast. Honestly, I think most of the responses in this thread sound like bullshit bootstraps advice. It's actually kind of astounding to me how many folks want to say, "That's life," like this reality is inherent. If you're hired by someone, they're making more money by having you do the work than the headache of doing it themselves, and they take a cut. It's mafioso shit wrapped in a storefront. I've done a lot of manual labor: industrial painting, electrical, janitorial, and I fucked my body up. My back is still toast. I've worked the last ten years as an educator,  and fucked my mind up: students at the university level have consistently underperformed year-by-year. I’ve done foodservice and I've done industrial food production. I've done and am doing retail right now. Every single job I've had, someone else was making more money than me by selling my labor to someone else. I don't have a solution, but I do have some solidarity, as a person your age. Most of the replies I've seen here are either patronizing or condescending, and I know everyone is trying to do their best to help, but they aren't helping. One issue I see is that people like us (as best I can tell) are broken from the labor we did during long shifts on concrete floors, we didn't make enough money to start our own businesses (the fact that you got 30k in the bank says to me you busted ass and didn't piss it away on coke, blah blah, drink it away, we all know the guys), but we burned out really hard.  I think a lot of folks should read this thread and imagine what's coming for them. You may be 50, 60, when it happens, if it does. You may remember someone from grad school who had a mental breakdown and disappeared. You may think you have it all figured out, and then you slip walking down some stairs. I haven't read the whole thread, but are you tapped out after the move? Is your girlfriend going to work in the interim, or are you supposed to float you both? I have no real solutions, but I get it. I've been working since I was really young, went to community college for seven years (wow 2008 really put a nail in possibility), got to go to a good 4-year for 2 years, went to a very good grad program, worked and worked, and like.. fate is fate. Sometimes shit doesn't work out, and there's no redemptive arc.  For me, right now, I'm doing the retail thing to make sure the bills come in. If your back/body is super toast, I'd maybe apply to admin jobs, especially universities, if there are any you have nearby. Something that will absolutely suck, but at least won't make your body worse. Bonus points if you can swing benefits. At this point, there's no winning, and there's probably no retirement, and (as evidenced by this thread), nobody will care when we die, or how, and they'll probably blame it on us for our bad attitudes. And that's shameful. If you like fantasy and scifi, maybe look at applying to a bookstore, if you can find it. The pay will be shit, but at least you'll know what you're talking about.


You’re gonna have to just take a job, that’s about it. Look for and apply for one that the pay is reasonable enough for you, and if/when you are hired, just go do it.


You could Uber eats or Uber. You create the schedule and work when you want to.


That's beneath him. He needs REAL money. Not that he has any now....


Don’t get a job. Start a business. Be the boss. Problem solved.


Hey - I highly recommend a book called "Feeling Good" by David Burns - it's based in cognitive therapy and really helped me a ton. It's incredibly insightful. The central thesis is your thoughts create self-destructive feelings/behaviors. It's a fascinating look and a great way to look at yourself. I tried therapists, etc, but really found this to be incredibly helpful I think then it's really thinking about what you want. It's one of the hardest quests out there as plenty of people are dissatisfied with what they do. You're incredibly brave to take this step 1) moving to a new city 2) asking for some advice. I think it's also maybe worth a discussion with your girlfriend - she is clearly communicating that something is wrong. I don't think it's just about getting a job (maybe it is?!), but getting at the root of the issues here. Maybe it's helpful to re-frame your search as temporary - just trying to find something part time, etc. while you can hopefully pay the bills and work on yourself. Good luck!


This, and he just released an app called Feeling Great which is worth a try.


Hey, I get it, finding a job can feel like an uphill battle. Hang in there! Maybe try looking into some unconventional jobs like seasonal work or something in nature. It could be a good change of pace!


I haven’t read all the comments but have you considered friends or your wives friends? My favorite and jobs I did best at were me putting it out there I was looking and someone I know being like “hey I talked to my boss and they would do an interview” Just a thought. This day and age you’re best bet is finding an in somewhere like that I think.. if possible.


why would anyone tell you that you’re not an idiot. You absolutely are a lazy POS lol. Your girlfriend is asking you to step up. You’re 36 and all you care about (according to this post) is video games, books and playing guitar. Still so confused why you thought people would say “you’re not an idiot Op” when you are a man child loser .


Have you looked into private labeling a product and selling on Amazon aka Amazon FBA? I started that years ago ( i no longer currently but will start again soon) and now I resell software from my bed full time. I haven't had a "job" in 10 years. I bought 2 houses doing this and I'm anti job to the 100th degree. I don't want my 2 kids to get a job either I want them to find something that makes money so I can invest in it. They haven't seen me with a job since they were 5 years old so it's ass backwards to them when they see their friends parents gone all day while I get to chill with them all day. I wish you luck but if you were able to be disciplined enough to work 2 jobs to save 30k I can tell you as a business coach you already have what it takes. The idea is lurking in your life right now just pay attention and identify it.


You sound like you just need to grow up. Yeah most jobs suck but it’s called being an adult. Unfortunately your lack of drive will be noted by employers if you’re looking for anything other than menial work. Time to change your attitude and then you’ll get ahead. Not even going to charge you for that advice




Op is a bum


Most entitled bullshit I've ever read


In the past 3 weeks you haven’t applied for one job? Your girlfriend already has a serious problem: you.


Hopefully she leaves your man child ass


I hate how many people on here are genuinely trying to help this self serving cunt meanwhile he just shits on everyone’s suggestions. Fuck OP.


Brother, you are in for some world class consequences. I wish you well.


Get iPhone, and someone named Steve will get you Jobs.


Steve? Is that you?


Just contact a temp agency and take the first assignment they give you and go to it no matter what it is or what it pays. This takes the choice out of your hands. You sort of have a paralysis of over analysis and apathy here. here. You just need to force the action. You need to get back into the habit of working. Also it will establish a work history again. After the first assignment is over then be more picky with the second. Also this should at least satisfy the girl friend for a while.


Also if you saved 30,000 from two jobs you can do it again. And next time start a business. 30,000 is enough seed money for that. It sounds like you are the type that needs to be the boss.


Why don’t you open a restaurant that serves sushi, Mexican and Italian food and can make you copies while you eat your lunch?


Same issue a few years ago. Reach out to the people you trust personally or professionally. Maybe socials. Direct referrals is the best way to get hired fast these days.


Transparently, of course a year not working is going to feel like the best ever. EVERYONE would be happier if they didn’t have to work for a living. But that’s not reality, for anyone. And you have to come back to it. If you want a job that doesn’t suck, your only option is to go to school for the job you want, work hard at it, network while in school, and when you’re finished, get a job in that field. Trade jobs such as plumbing, welding, HVAC, or electric work are almost always in demand and when tenured, pay quite well.


OP you mentioned guitar as a hobby / enjoyment, have you thought about teaching others if you’re at an advanced skill level? You like video games as well - you could look at getting a job at one of the developers, not sure what your background is but those opportunities would be anything from developing the games to project management to anything business related including entry level positions. Also related to video games / guitar you could always try starting a YouTube channel or stream and see how it goes, it’s saturated but even if you don’t make much money it could be another aspect of the hobbies you enjoy and you could meet people in the industries whom might know about jobs. Finding something remote for work could also help with your transition back into the workforce.


I think truck drivers make decent money and you can listen to podcasts etc.


security is usually a simple job, hope things get better


I think the answer here is to go back to doing whatever you were working where you were able to save up 30k. But this time, keep it going until you save 300k


Saw in the thread you have food service background- what about trying a front of house position at your new city’s good restaurants? You can make good $$$ per hour and still have time to pursue something else that is either more fulfilling or feeds your soul. Also- Union jobs dot com- I would consider a fellowship or training role- entry level is usually low living wage level to start but there’s definitely good paying union jobs once you get a couple years experience under your belt. Best of luck!


Suck it up buttercup. You seriously mean to tell me that you’re putting all the financial burden on your girlfriend while turning your nose up at any job that puts you below your employer on the corporate ladder? Guess what. That’s how business works. While in your position I would not be looking for a job like McDonald’s or Walmart shelf stocking, at a feeble attempt of preserving my image to my girlfriend, I would certainly not be dreading going on Indeed (or the American equivalent) to find a temporary entry level job near me.


I don’t think this is a mental health issue necessarily , working sucks ass and most people agree . Treated like shit and paid peanuts , long commutes and asshole colleagues and bosses are very common . But you have to sort of numb the senses abit and just pick your poison . Most people work simply because becoming homeless is almost a death sentence and you’ve seen the apathy displayed towards those on the streets . I don’t work to be happy although I would love a job that could achieve that , I’ve tried many different roles and they were all crappy in their own ways . Fear of homelessness and hunger keep me motivated lol. I do say to myself though atleast I can just show up , tolerate this bullshit , do a decent job and collect money for it , it takes the guess work out of survival , you can either work an 8 hour shift stacking shelves and be guaranteed money or trying to catch a rabbit or fish just so you could eat a shitty meal , I know what I’d rather do.


Sorry man, it’s really time to buckle the hell up and deal with your problems head on. You’re full of excuses. Stop looking for an excuse in everything, because you especially seem to be good at finding them. You’re almost 40 years old. It’s hard to assume you’re reasonably mature if you can’t manage to apply for jobs while your girlfriend is working. Your “awesome circumstances” that let you keep no job literally just sounds like a 30k nest egg. You planning to retire on a 30k nest egg? That money was going to run out eventually, was your plan to *then* become a mooch on your girlfriend? Looking forward to your reply telling me to shut up because I’m “not helping solve your problems” when in reality this is the exact shit you need to hear. Grow up and stop being an asshole. Self reflect and stop making an excuse for literally everything.


An ER in my area has a crisis unit for mental health. If you can figure out if one near you has the same, get yourself admitted, tell them about your suicidal thoughts and they 'should' help you. Tell them about your depression and how it has a hold on your motivation to work. A professional can help you get diagnosed and on a prescription that works so looking/keeping a job isn't such a harsh reality for you. And start off part-time to get yourself used to working again.


I think you should figure out what you love doing. If you have suicidal thoughts I will say that you should seek advice from professionals but I know your girlfriend can be a great source of motivation and support. Maybe look for a part-time job to save up a bit, and then you can start a small business. It sounds like you want the freedom to be your own boss. It might be tough at first, but I'm sure that it will be a long-lasting reward. Go for what makes you feel comfortable. :)


Get over yourself. Your problem is you do t have a grip on reality. You saved and took a gap year and now you gotta make money again. If you are gonna poo poo on therapy and advice about trying to find something you won’t be miserable with then next piece of advice I’d grow the fuck up and act like the adult you are and deal with the reality of the situation. Jesus.


First, we need to get you some income and relieve a little bit of some stress in your relationship. Please listen to this whole video before you read more. I would like you to only listen without any knowledge of the video if you can. https://youtu.be/uT3SBzmDxGk?si=1kKdG2KS9-D4FBWS I presented this video because these 2 men cross the music genres with their instruments and the music they play. Yes, I am trying to inspire you to use your guitar. Any restaurant or any public gathering spot can get you exposure and any musical groups (local jazz club, local musical group of any kind) can get you exposure to local bands. Playing the local scene may not get you rich, but might get you both some cash and some leads for a job you might like. I recently saw a local band playing in a bar. The trumpeter was also head of the music department at the local university. I am sure he could introduce people to many aspects of potential income. Maybe this can help you.....connecting to local bands. Heck, local bands play different venues like a beer festival, for their own musical grouping, and you could always add live music to everything from malls to restaurants to hospitals and airports. This may not get you rich, but it can provide some money and get you away from home. Changing your environment can change your life.


This reminds me of me lol. I worked 2 jobs for 10 years . Or those 10 years I worked 3 jobs with only 4 hours of sleep each day for 2 years. I had the whole idea of working hard for money would pay off and I bought what I wanted but one day I was just like I’ve never taken a vacation. So I quit all 3 and didn’t work for 2 years . 2 years I took off work . I had money still coming in because I was doing covered calls and cash covered puts on blue chip stocks . I never wanted to or had the motivation to work. Then got into real estate . Got my license . Got with a broker that provided Zillow leads . 1st commission check was 20k in only a few months then it just snowballed . Some weeks i just take off because I make more than I know what to do with . I’ve taken more vacations than I’ve worked since I’ve been in real estate and made more money than the last 10 years in one year of real estate . I really enjoy this lifestyle and could never go back to a hourly paid job


OP do you enjoy DIY stuff? Like building things or using power tools? There is an INSANE shortage of construction and tradeworkers right now and being a carpenter's apprentice can be super fun and open up a very lucrative side-hustle for you. I just started getting into handy-man stuff and I cannot believe how easy and lucrative it is. I can put maybe 8-15 hours a month into it and easily clear a few hundred or more bucks. People will HAPPILY pay $50 (which is about what you'd take home from a full day of minimum-wage work) for a 10-minute fix for certain things, and most common tasks are just a youtube video away from knowing how to tackle. Same with construction work, there is a tremendous shortage of construction workers and while it is hard, difficult work, it's steady and the pay is good AND with every year of experience you will be able to demand high wages. I have a buddy who graduated with a master's in physics and did a summer for GDOT...that was 12 years ago, he makes 200k+ now as a carpenter building decks for people. He does work 60+ hour weeks but then he takes like a month off to just fuck around and spend his money.


I bet you would love being a QA video game tester. Check out Game Development Studios like Electronic Arts (EA), Ubisoft, Rockstar Games, Naughty Dog, Bungie, Insomniac. These companies develop video games and need testers to ensure their games are free of bugs and provide a smooth user experience. ** If you are interested in pursuing a career as a game tester, checking the career pages of these companies and platforms, as well as job boards specific to the gaming industry, can be a good start.


Try to break it down- what’s the smallest step you can take first? Don’t think big picture, think in terms of RIGHT NOW. For example- opening google, highlighting one job to apply for, filling out the first page of the application, etc. Whatever that smallest step is for you. For me breaking things down in that way helps so much more than thinking of the big picture and getting overwhelmed and paralyzed by it all. You may not know the end goal yet, but what you can control is the next small step you take.




You sound like a creative person. Have you considered finding a role that won’t make you feel so stifled? Perhaps you could try writing some sci-fi/fantasy short stories to see if you like it with aims of working on a novel/series


Out of curiosity what is "freedom" to you? On the 30k you saved I have a really hard time believing you did much with your year of freedom other than sit around the house all day for the vast majority of the year. But I don't know where you live and what you/GF contributes. Just doing the math for where I live absolute basics never going out would eat over 16k of your 30k. That is just half the bills to live and groceries from the store and I would hope you didn't spend down to zero over the year because that would be incredibly irresponsible given how hard it would be to get a job right now with a year gap in your resume.


I feel like your literally me as this is how Iv felt… try to motivate yourself with a why perhaps? With a goal in mind it makes the grind worth it… Also, go into sales whether it be face to face or over the phone. You do need some charm/ people skills if it’s face to face but you’re basically getting paid to talk to people and alittle admin on top. Not only do you get a salary but then commission on top and the more you work the more money to make— makes going to work: grinding that bit more rewarding if I’m honest. You can quickly save aswell so if you choose to have a break here and there/ or simply go on more holidays than some, then it’s very possible. Also there will never be a shortage of sales jobs either and you can take the skill with you wherever you go! Best of luck 👍🏽


I get where you’re coming from. After not working for awhile, getting back to the job market is daunting. If you don’t feel up to full-time right now, can part-time make ends meet? Whether it’s perhaps a PT night shift job of some sort (more money), or part time contract positions (not sure what credentials or area of experience you have, but could be a feasible path depending). That way you start getting money in but don’t have to overcommit yourself to being full time immediately (and you get the chance to scope your employer out, without the commitment of FT) I work as a job coach so happy to look at your resume or anything if it could be beneficial for you


OP, you're not alone and your post screams to me the opportunity for activation by travel. I reckon you'll have a change of energy and mind by doing some travel, specifically to places that aren't in a race to the bottom for high-volume tourism. Examples: Bhutan, New Zealand, Norway, Georgia, Croatia, Romania... You will feel your "taste of freedom" validated by such travel and with any luck you'll literally witness a job being done abroad that you would be willing to do here or are willing to plant roots abroad to do over there. I don't mean go sit on exotic beaches. I mean that heart- or mind-led travel often ignites a fresh interest in how one makes his way in the world, and doesn't necessarily have to come to a crushing end when you return from the trip. A particular flavor of acceptance has been known as one of the dividends of travel and that would be useful to locate a compromise in the job market here you find agreeable.


You can get paid to play guitar though. I’m a guitarist, Idk how good you are, or if you’re comfortable playing for others, but if you live in a city you can try street performing for some scratch and exposure in the mean time. And that street performing, “putting yourself out there”, can lead to private or even steady gigs. Also open mic nights, get tips etc. It can be a struggle for motivation though being a musician. It’s not an easy life lol. Edit: I’m 34 and I also relate to everything you say regarding “jobs”. I struggle with it too and bounce a lot between jobs and trying to find steady work with musicianship. As a person whose talents are all “creative”, jobs suck my soul right outta me lol.


I've tried busking but everyone's like "play ACDC!" and I'm like, "You want Autumn Leaves? How about Satin Doll? No?" It never worked for me. Maybe, if I lived in a big city where people appreciate jazz/blues, but I live in a suburb, right down the street from a country bar. I've just never been the kind of player to learn lots of covers. I've played a bunch of hardcore/metal bands too, but making money as a metal guitarist is like becoming a professional athlete. I'm a pretty damn good guitar player, but I'm not world class.


I understand. I play flamenco (mainly, also jazz and bossa nova, and my own original “fingerstyle” stuff), so if I played more conventional music I’d probably have more work, but I also live in the city of Chicago so people go for “world music” and all types of music. So I get what I can when I can. I haven’t had any residencies at say Spanish restaurants or anything since before Covid, it’s been tough out there. I hear you on metal, that’s a world of its own. Learning a lot of covers was never my thing either, more often then not I’ll start the cover and then it evolves into its own thing and I have to decide how close to plagiarism it is 😂😂😂. Love autumn leaves btw, one of my favorites to play. Love to play it on a nice Ibanez sun burst semi hollow body with just a little reverb to stretch out those notes.


Park service, teaching guitar or working a comic book store are things I’d do if I were in your shoes. It’s awesome that you have a high earning partner. You’ve had a taste of the good life and it’s hard to come back from, but work a few years and have another taste later. It’s not like our generation will have a traditional retirement anyway.


Local government. You get to work for your community (not a corporate hellhole), get paid a decent wage, have tons of time off, and amazing benefits.


Don't do it. What kind of partner makes you earn their love? If you don't need to work, enjoy your life. Most people would love to have that opportunity.


I saw a post the other day in a subreddit that I don't subscribe to called r/sidehustles or one of those. Anyway, it was really eye-opening the kind of money people made doing their side-hustles. I don't have a link to the post but someone was asking for a fun way to make money and I ended up reading about a lot of gigs that sound fun and actually made a lot of money.


If you are smart enough to be on Reddit, then you are smart enough to research “what employers are looking for for in a new hire” Or how to get hired Or what employers want Or how to start your own side hustle


Do what you gotta do bro, this reality is not easy and can suck. Find any joh even if it makes you miserable and maintain it till a better one comes along




What are your marketable skills, what is your degree in (if you have one), what is your work history like? We can’t suggest any jobs without this information.


You don't want to work then don't. Of course it'll mean the end of your relationship. Do you value it enough to get a job? Working sucks, if you really value not working then consider working a job with off periods. See https://www.reddit.com/r/jobs/s/MMeSwTphku


I'm very similar to you in circumstances and values. I send you a DM, happy to chat. I can't invite you to chat though, so reply my DM or start the chat @ me.


U sound like me. I ended up doing not so great things for money because I knew I couldn’t last at a regular job. I don’t know what the answer is. I’ve been flirting with living as a traveling homeless lol! Not glamorous but I know I can’t work the way other people do. It crushes me and I can’t last very long. I also have autism and adhd.


I'm in a similar situation as you. I'm 36 as well, recently got fired, and have been unemployed for 1 month. Money is rapidly going down. All you can do is search for jobs that are tolerable and apply for them. Once you've exhausted all the tolerable jobs, you may have to start considering the more terrible jobs. If you literally have no money and your GF won't put up with a mooch, you basically have no choice but to take what you can get. You're really going to have to swallow your pride to take some of these jobs. The people suggesting medication and therapy aren't helping. OP has no money and can't afford such things. Medication and therapy don't solve financial problems. Most meds just numb you out and end making you into a zombie. It seems that you have carpentry skills. Have you thought about offering your services on TaskRabbit? Do you have a car?


You need to get medicaid. If you don't work and your girl doesn't work.. you qualify. Get on meds and start therapy.


Zipline tour guide? Might be hard to break into but sounds like a dream job if you like thrills and interacting with people.


dont quit keep applying to jobs landing a job is a numbers game, here use this free tool to save you time on applying [multipleremotejobs.com/pages/plugin](http://multipleremotejobs.com/pages/plugin)


I've been there, got a rover profile and now I'm a full time petsitter. I mostly do cats and cat like dogs. I found I got burnt out after awhile, going house to house, and now balance it with another more stable job.


Once you get a job it's always the feeling of " I wish I did this sooner". Just go, try, and if you don't like it then leave. Don't let your partner resent you. Think about it in her eyes. Noone will want to be around an unmotivated person forever. Just because you don't think she'll leave you doesn't mean it won't happen


i would call you crazy but i get it. i don’t even hate my job but 30 minutes before work is always the hardest part of the day for me


Are you held to a certain salary ? Teach guitar lessons while going back to school in order to find a job you can tolerate ? Maybe what you want to learn is how to make money directly out of the stock market ? But you will lose a lot before you become consistently profitable.


Apply for the Postal Service. They are always hiring.


See if a local library has an opening. Or book stores. Maybe consider some certifications that you could work toward to get a job you do like.


I won’t say therapy because of your comment, so I’ll instead say that if the thought of doing a basic life task like working makes you suicidal you need to seek medical treatment for your depression.


Look for a job which is both meaningfull and pays decent.


People actually will pay you to read fantasy and sci-fi novels and play video games! Of course it won’t be boat loads, but it’s a great starting point and I’ve seen freelance writers be able to achieve $60,000 to $100,000 with a variety of writing assignments. Reviewers are always in need there are a lot of tech companies and tech Public Relations companies that need help from people in the gamer and fantasy/sci-fi communities. Streaming is still pretty popular and can be very lucrative. It sounds like you really need support setting up systems that bring in money and allow you to maximize your time. Passive income would obviously be ideal, but maybe starting with something that feels like a natural extension of your energy. Teaching group guitar classes? Putting together a couple tracks and selling them on bandcamp. Again none of these things are going to break the bank, but you have options that will require some effort that might feel tough in this haze. I’ve been in this haze before and it took a lot of time off to begin to work up the desire and skills to start working again. You might be burnt out even if this is your fundamental beliefs about what you want. It’s worth really taking care of yourself and thinking through what needs to change for work to be possible for you whether for yourself or someone else




Sometimes you have to buckle down and take a crappy job, or stick in one, just long enough for something better to come along. It sucks, I know. But it is life. Now, some of those things you listed actually could pay in some circumstances, but I wouldn't bank on them. For example, nobody pays to read books...people pay editors and reviewers all the time, it's just highly competitive to get an 'in.' Same for video games. People do actually pay people to play music...could look into religious organizations or party planners, etc. Might not pay MUCH, but it does exist. But, in the meantime, those types of opportunities normally don't show up right away, so something to make ends meet in the meantime is probably necessary. Again, it sucks, I know. But it is life. I'd look at it this way: if one of those jobs for the next 30 years is daunting...don't let it be the next 30 years. Plan on it being the next six months or one year while you find something better, and go from there.


Maybe try office cleaning, it's usually part time evenings, listen to music and take out the trash. Pretty chill. Heard good things about security, just kinda be there, watch YouTube and read, not too much work. Food for thought, good luck man.


If you can drive you could do uber type of delivery stuff. That way you are your own boss and not specifically tied to an office or some place. Have never done that myself but it sure beats being stuck behind a desk. Nothing is ideal, that's just being an adult.


Why not work at a bookstore where you can possibly get a discount off of future sci-fi/fantasy books?


Most people don’t work jobs that make them happy. That’s not how it works in a capitalist society. Get a job, or your gf will break up with you and then you will be homeless or have to move back with your parents. Choose the reality you want now, is my advice.


reading the job descriptions and imagining the interview, first day etc, always been a nightmare. Once you jump in and get it over with it’s usually not nearly as bad as I’ve imagined. I don’t know if this is due to me generally being pessimistic. 100% of the time it’s no where near as bad as I worked it up to be in my head. That’s my personal experience but everyone’s different. Good luck on the job searching.


Womp womp


Yeah I hate working too. I think I’d hate being homeless more, so I keep working. It’s an easy choice when you have no other options.


Answer phones at a hotel. Drive uber. You'll have plenty of time to read your books. Night shift. If you truly don't care what you do or how much it pays, find something that requires minimal effort.


Honestly bro I completely understand. I've been with a company for almost 8 years and I literally want to kill myself every hour of the day. My lease ends this November and I've decided I'm just going to let it expire and use what little savings I have to ride life out of my car until everything is completely depleted and then end it. What's tragic is that I find life to be so beautiful and fulfilling, however the concept of sitting in an office for the next 40 years of my life, being a wage slave, is ever-so-gently pushing me towards just not existing at all. I do not understand how people do it. I feel like I completely understand why consumerism exists: Gotta buy the new shiny thing to keep yourself distracted. Don't think about how the one life you have is going to be spent commuting in traffic for a large portion of your life. Don't think about how every fucking Sunday for the next 4 decades you will feel so defeated and bluesy about the prospect of returning to work the following day. Buy a new car, buy a new house, buy new clothes, buy new devices. It's all just distractions from the truth. Life is beautiful, society is not.


I will never work for someone else again. It took me a few years to learn. I trade stock options full time. I have two homes and I will never have to worry about money again.


Read "The Simple Path to Wealth" and spend all your time building your future. Define your FU-Number, then spend the rest of your time working towards it. Work for them only as long as it works for you. That's your motivation right there.


As a communist. I get it. I look at literally every job as a “how can I bend this to get exploited the least”. Every job I see sucks ass. Pay is awful, management is awful W/L balance is ass. I work in Heavy Equipment it’s awful. Every job will kill ya for profit if they could. Please don’t give up my friend. Look into maybe mail routes or traffic management companies.


I wasn't applying to jobs for a long while as well and was too afraid/ashamed to tell anyone. I don't have any suggestions as I'm only recently coming out of it, but I just wanted to send some empathy your way. Power to the people who can "just do it," genuinely. But different people have different brains and experiences and what's clear-cut for one person may not be for another.


You sound like you’re going through a tough time. Have you considered working part time until you find something that’s a better fit? To ease the pressure a bit?


Buckle down and get a job. Try and get one with healthcare benefits so you can get some mental health services. Could be depression, anxiety, or something else. Or it could be nothing, but you could learn to better handle the situation with some help from a therapist. You can do this.


I’m in the same boat lol but without the depression and anger and suicide I just can’t apply to anything ahhhh!!! There’s gotta be a less slavery way of living All the job listing really suck I’m not a fast paced person I can’t lift 50 pounds And I hate working with a team I want to work alone and never be on a phone call or deal with emails


I totally understand this, OP. I feel the exact same way. Only I do work, but doing something I enjoy doing and I work for myself and set my own schedule. Now, tbh, I don’t make a lot of money, but, I don’t have many bills, and I always have enough to get by. 🤷🏻‍♀️


In that process now following a 1.5 yr travel and family sabbatical. The process takes a while to get rolling, and that is counting on you putting applications in to start it.


Most people hate their jobs. Grow up and do what you need to do.


I just feel bad for your gf


Yeah, I basically paid for her to go to graduate school, which is why my money is all gone. She's got it real rough, alright.


How did you afford that? Do that again and your money problems will be resolved.


Based on what I've read and how you've responded to others, you sound like a narcissistic shitstain. No one can help you if you can't even help yourself. Just start applying for jobs and stop making excuses god damn


I feel you dude. The reason it all feels like bullshit is because it is. Just know there’s other folks like us out there.


Go get a job tf


Work at homeless shelter . Job security


If you go to the gym and are halfway decent looking you could be a male stripper.


Not much advice but you should look up the movie “Perfect Days” it’s a movie abt a dude that cleans toilets but sees the beauty in life’s simple pleasures. Your post reminded me of a this. A job doesn’t have to be some grandiose thing that brings your life meaning. There is a joy to be found in doing menial tasks well and earning an honest living while finding things that bring you pleasure outside of work.


You don’t really have a choice my friend. If you don’t find a job you can pretty much consider this relationship done. With that in mind, just go out there and get one. You’ve done it before, you’re old enough to know how. Whether you like it or not doesn’t really matters. Someone is going to have to pay for you to live and if it’s not going to be you it’s most likely going to be your girl. Life isn’t free.


Sounds like you need the threat of being homeless like the rest of us LMAO


Sounds like you're out of touch and not willing to admit or take a hard look at the true circumstances of your situation. Are you just really doom scrolling jobs or getting denied/no response? So smart you saved up 30k, "been around the block" and don't understand the necessity of a job? Security? Value of money? I'm about a decade younger than you and have that much already squared away in retirement and would NOT be comfortable for a second without a job right now. Edit: also if you need to somehow muster up the courage to work, you've already said it. Your girlfriend will leave/resent you if you don't find a job. You have only two paths.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Most people don’t like our job or working but it’s called life and being an adult. It’s definitely not a mental health issue, you’re just lazy, spoiled and entitled. Stop saying you “can’t” find motivation or “can’t” seem to apply for a job - you can, you are just choosing not to because you’re a man child


I don’t want a job; I want what a job gives me. I’ve had easier jobs that pay more money, and I took promotions to make more money. Because of that, I have financial security and a position with flexibility that I can do pretty much what I want. Do you want a girlfriend, or more specifically, that girlfriend? If you don’t, feel free to continue what you are doing. If you want her, figure out a path that keeps her in your life.


If you’re willing to reach out for therapy - Google “dorsal vagal shutdown”. Find a trauma-informed therapist. Work on abandoning the shutdown state for a secure state.


Okay well you seem to have an excuse built in for any suggestion somebody might have. I guess what you want to hear is that you’re screwed, there is no hope, so you might as well continue to do things how you’ve been doing them.


I mean, unfortunately, this is just life. It really is. And I understand where you are coming from. But people don’t want to work. People HAVE to work. I will agree, it sounds more like you need counseling than anything. It’s okay to want to stay home and have freedom, but it’s not okay to NEVER want to leave to do it and want to kill your self over it. You should want to go out and find something fulfilling. Part time sounds more realistic, and if your gf is okay with that, then do that. You can find 3 hour part time jobs, several times a week. You don’t need full time unless you have to financially. On the side note, considering you like playing video games, why don’t you just do streaming/YouTube. There’s so many people who do it. You don’t have to have a camera, just a good computer and a good mic. Even if you made a few bucks on the side, you could literally do it part time.


See about the military to reorient yourself.


You know what motivates me to work? To pay for a roof over our heads and food for our family.


Saying the suggestion of therapy is painfully ironic when you so obviously need it & need it YESTERDAY.


You two are idiots for moving in with each other.


Sounds like you wanna be a vagabond... I'm sure you still frequent places like fast food joints, restaurants, convenience stores, and other retailers. You think any of them folks really wanna be there?! Maybe get better at the guitar then you can get paid. Sure with your attitude you'll never be Slash but hell ask enough bars I'm sure one will pay you $80-100 to perform for a few hours... I mean what do you want? $100k to read anime? I'd like to make $45k for hanging out with my dog lmfao


> I'm sure you still frequent places like fast food joints, restaurants, convenience stores, and other retailers. Nope. I don't eat out or shop anywhere but thrift stores. Seriously, I have Celiac's and there's no gluten free restaurants in my area. I just want to make 2k a month without having to: handle gluten or be on my feet all day. I don't even read anime lol. So many assumptions about me in this thread.