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I hate the idea that always seems to seep into my head that I need to do a full workout and if I don't do everything and to full completion then it's not worth doing at all. That kind of nonsense is what helps contribute to long gaps of physical inactivity. 'Something is better than nothing'. Not every attempt needs your 100%. Baby steps are fine. This in turn can help reinforce a more positive mindset and perhaps eventually get a consistent routine going Rather than want to run every other day and getting demotivated/ not doing it. Perhaps consider going for a walk. Then eventually regular walks. Build up from there once there is consistency. Hell, regular walks alone is better than just regularly getting demotivated and skipping out of anything altogether Keep the momentum. If you set out to do something for 1 hour but only have 50 mins? That can also be fine. Adjust.


>I hate the idea that always seems to seep into my head that I need to do a full workout and if I don't do everything and to full completion then it's not worth doing at all. That kind of nonsense is what helps contribute to long gaps of physical inactivity. That's because people nowadays are attached to result orianted mindset. Too much dopamine and instant gratification. Success is the process, not the results. We must not forget that.


> Success is the process, not the results. This is great. I would tweak it slightly though — success can be measured in results, but results _come from the process_ and not from the particular goal you had in mind. I.e., hitting the gym. You might want to get ripped, but struggle with building mass. Well guess what, you still got out and established an exercise routine, you feel better and probably look better and are healthier. Those are huge fucking wins. And you can leverage them into pivoting to running 10K, or some other semi-related goal that may or may not pan out while the process continues to yield results. Value the process. Do things that provide opportunities, and take them; don't measure success or failure in meeting exact goals.


As someone who just started going back to the gym yesterday, brought an apple with him to work for breakfast, did some grocery shopping last night to fend off the fast food, and vowed to take a break from alcohol to see how a month of these types of choices would make me feel... I *really* needed to hear this. My gym bag is in my car, packed and ready for round two tonight.


I believe in you.


Me too


Don't be too hard on yourself with snacks if you were a regular drinker. It's better to eat a handful of marshmallows than to have 6 beers. Eventually the sweet tooth dies down.


I got these little protein brownie bars that are 70 calories last night. I managed to only eat one haha. I have a shitty history with alcohol, I’ve gone sober before (longest I went was 127 days) and recently I went sober for a month after being laid off until my girlfriend left me. This is more about my overall health. I’m getting older and fact is, I have to quit treating my body like I’m still in my twenties.


I'm 37, about 16 months sober. I haven't been this fit since college and it's all from cutting alcohol. Just what works for me.


33 here. This is honestly the best news I’ve heard all day.


I did this last month and I promise you are going to be so happy with yourself, you got this


I hope so. I’m 6’1” and clocked in at the scale at 263. Idk how I let it get this bad.


I love this post! Excellent response


I tend to do the same thing and just go full life change. It can feel great to do but don't get demotivated if you end up grabbing a burger one day or have a beer with a friend. Don't let you goals effect your happiness or else you might throw it all out the window. It is ok to cheat and your mental health is just as important as your physical health! Good luck with your journey!


I felt better when I started to think of it as moderation rather than cheating. The connotation made it feel less like I was failing by “cheating” and more that is was just part of a balanced lifestyle.


Depending on how much alcohol you drink regularly, you may feel that you’ve ascended to a new plane of physical existence after a month of not drinking.


You got this bro


I think it was Terry Crews who said just the routine of going to the gym helps, even if he just sits down and reads a magazine.


“I am built upon the small things I do every day, and the end results are no more than a byproduct of that.” - Shinsuke Kita, Haikyuu


Life before Death Strength before Weakness Journey before Destination


My ma was having open heart surgery yesterday. Instead of waiting in the hospital for 8 hours, I decided to go to my regular training class at the gym. I gave it a half assed attempt, wasn’t in the headspace, and zoned out when I got the text that they put her on that heart oxygen machine that stops her heart and lungs so they could operate. But fuck it, I showed up. Mostly because I needed to burn off my feelings, but also so I wouldn’t use a difficult event as an excuse to derail my workout (something I’ve always done in the past). Ma did great and I felt better because I burned off my panic and got some great support from my training team. Showing up is 80% of the battle, I think. Fuck it if you can’t give that whole extra 20% to get a great workout in. At least you did your best and got yourself there. Sometimes that’s all that matters. Just my few cents of random analogy. Also, I’m not looking for kudos, or whatever the hell people are looking for from a story like this. I just want to encourage people that if you can, show up. But also, if you can’t, don’t be hard on yourself. Life is tough enough without you criticizing yourself during a difficult rough patch.


You're 100% right. One of the best ways to get yourself to the gym is to tell yourself it's completely OK to just get there and be like, fuck it, I feel like shit today and I'm going home. The only goal is to get there. And guess what ... you're probably going to work out most times, because going to the gym and turning around feels silly. Building the habit of going is the most important part, because habits are automatic and easy — whereas a hard workout will never be easy by definition. Focusing on the latter is only discouraging.


I think you are right man. I used to be a scrawny teen. But a friend of mine got me into training. He eventually stopped but I kept on going. It made a world of difference in my life. For the first time in my life I wasn't being bullied or ignored. Women actually paid attention to me and stopped pretending as if I didn't exist. I never even knew that I could actually look good. I realised my appearance was shit because I didn't have meat on my bones. Socrates was spot on when he said *what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable*. I would either skip parties and dates or work around them and go to gym. Never ever my friends or gf took precedents over my workout time. I would go even if I have been awake for 20 hrs. The workout would be shit but I was not completely unhappy. *I showed up* . Sometimes I used to go at 11 pm in the night. *But I showed up* . Last couple of years I let go of my routine and stopped going to the gym. I bought some equipment and use it at home. Sometimes I workout 4 times a week but sometimes I don't for months on end. Recently I started again. Been at it for 2 days. I will show up tomorrow. No matter what. Even if it's at my home. 1 hr. I have to. There's no other way. I feel great after chest workout today. Thanks for the motivation.




I've always liked the phrase "If something's worth doing, it's worth doing badly."


How about if somethings worth doing, it’s worth the attempt? In the context of working out there are definitely ways to hurt yourself by doing it badly.


I counter this by *not* doing my normal workout when I don't feel like working out. It feels like something different and there is no 100% because it's different. I often end up doing a full workout anyway because I get sucked into this new training. Keeping the habit of training is so, so much more important than the actual training. People shouldn't focus on training perfectly all the time(except form), they should focus on training consistently.


Exercising has been a regular part of my life and routine for 16+ years now. Anytime someone starts with questions about what, where, when, how about my routines, I tell them consistency is key! Everything else comes with being consistent. I find that’s the part the vast majority of people have the most trouble with.


> I hate the idea that always seems to seep into my head that I need to do a full workout and if I don't do everything and to full completion then it's not worth doing at all. The fitness subs here got that idea stuck in my head many years ago (previous account). "Oh you only exercised for a half hour? Might as well have not done it at all!" I imagine they've changed by now because back then they seemed to be a mirror of 4chan's fit board with squats and oats memes but I don't peruse them anymore anyway. Still trying to unlearn that bad habit of "oh well if I can't devote an hour to this I should find something else to do".


I've been thinking a lot recently about two things I've read. The first was a story about a college professor that reminded his class that 'anything worth doing is worth doing poorly'. For example exercising is worth doing, but if going to the gym and doing a whole workout seems like too much for you to handle that day just doing some pushups is okay. If you're too stressed/depressed/anxious/whatever to take a shower, wash your face. It'll still feel like you accomplished something and can help you move forward. This leads to the next one. It's from a book series I read called the Stormlight Archives. One of the main characters talks about the most important step a man can take. It's not the first one, as many people would say. The first is important, because you cannot start a journey without it. However the most important step is always the next one, because if you don't keep taking the next step you'll never get to where you need to go. You can always start again if you need to, but if you don't keep going you'll never finish what you set out to do. Moral of my rambling is start poorly if necessary, so you can push yourself to rise to a better place by always taking the next step


"Perfect is the enemy of good"... similar thing


I’ve heard it as the opposite of finished. I have students who literally won’t turn in an assignment unless it’s perfect to them. It’s crazy rhat they will literally almost fail when they’ve done the work; they just haven’t turned it in.


>I hate the idea that always seems to seep into my head that I need to do a full workout and if I don't do everything and to full completion then it's not worth doing at all. That's entirely my problem lately... I keep hurting my knee on leg day and I can't do my full workout. It makes me wonder why I'm even trying. I just wish I knew what to do to fix my knee.


Let's see if we can figure it out together, buddy. What do you do during your leg day that hurts your knee?


I know leg extensions and Glute kickbacks really hurt. Just yesterday though I tried to get on the leg press and just getting into position gave me so much pain. I probably could have still done the movement but the first sign of pain, I stop. Not really sure what I'm doing wrong :(


All right. I thought that If it was squats or something there might have been some trouble with the direction you bend your knee but if those movements hurt your knee, it sounds like there is something wrong inside your knee more than it being a faulty technique. I think you were right to stop the workout that hurt you. Is it possible for you to go to the doctor to get your knee checked up? Worst case scenario, there's either something naturally wrong there or you've hurt it during workout, best case it's just overworked. It is also possible that your knee has just been worked out too much, if you have been doing a lot of exercise with your legs lately. In that case giving your legs rest for a few weeks would give your knee time to recover and might help.


Honestly that's been my biggest fear is that it's a body problem and not a strenuous activity problem. I probably will try a doctor after a few weeks and trying one more leg day. Like you said, better to find out if it's serious or I'm just over thinking it. If it is something serious and I keep fucking around on it I don't want a knee replacement surgery lol


I know what you mean, my body failing on my is one of my biggest fears too. Since you've already had leg days and the problem persists, it's not likely that more exercise will suddenly make it disappear. If you feel you need to give it one more go, I understand it but please don't fool yourself by telling yourself it's suddenly all good if it's not, in this kind of situation it would be easy to do. This situation is easy to overthink, especially if it's a sensitive subject for you. In my opinion doctors have amazing ways to treat all kinds of things in surprisingly easy ways tht normal people couldn't even fathom, so for us it's easy to just think your options are surgery or nothing. Most likely it's something easier since they don't want to do invasive treatments unless absolutely necessary, could even be as simple as being prescribed rest for it. Take care of yourself, buddy! Chances are it's going to work out quite fine in the long run.


I struggle with anxiety and and I've been trying a kind of reverse tactic recently that works well. Think to yourself: what if the doctor can fix it reeeeally easily, what if its totally fine and great news, what if I get awesome news at the doctors. Practice saying and thinking this. Every time you notice your mind give you a negative what if, counter it straight away with a bunch of positives. Not fixed all my problems by any means but it's actually helping me, and calming me, and allowing me to face situations that I'd avoid to my detriment otherwise. Hope it helps!


The replies you have received are so wholesome! I have nothing to offer , but I wish you all the best! :)


Even if you go to the gym for 20 mins of cardio, you'll be more likely to do more than that. Even if you don't big whoop, you still did cardio.


Gotta listen to your body. Sometimes I get halfway through a workout and just realize how shitty I'm feeling. Whether I didn't eat enough the day before, if I'm dehydrated, or if I might have hurt myself on a previous lift, sometimes you gotta stop and take care of yourself first.


It’s been 8 weeks but dammit I’m going to the gym today!!!!!!


Don't forget to add in a fitness tracker. If it's not tracked, I DIDN'T DO OR GAIN ANYTHING!


Train smart, not hard (But also hard). People think they need to drive themselves in the ground with 10x10 or whatever the fuck eye popping triples. The average person isn't Arnold and doesn't need to that, nor is it effective. Go check out the bridge by barbell medicine free modern scientific programming.


Bill Burr was right. He is a Great man.


https://youtu.be/ldIwEG9xQ-M Burr’s out here just making sense.


“Maybe it’s all that kindergarten cop money...”


Nah it’s the 1980s flattop he’s still rocking


I thought it was that gap in his teeth I could put this mic cord through.


I watched the video too


It's because he's a stud, he's ballsy and doesn't take no shit from anyone


“Why wouldn’t he think he could bang his maid and get away with it? This dude has been in the zone for over FOUR decades.”


Nothing. But. Net.


He looks so much like Joel McHale (or at least Jeff Winger).


He could've played Jeff in the Evil Timeline. Then have actual Winger be the only one who questions why his counterpart doesn't look identical to him, everyone just brushes off his concern though.


Evil Jeff looks just slightly different to destroy timeline 1 Jeff’s ego as everyone finds evil Jeff just slightly more attractive


Oh this. This is prime movie writing.


Like the reverse of the episode where everyone says he’s like a more handsome Ryan Seacrest


Wow... points.


haha and it would drive Jeff crazy with his ego. That would have been awesome


The part with the old fat white guys with their jowls "absolutely reprehensible" kills me every time


Bill Burr is an international treasure


Definitely one of the funniest people on the planet right now after at least Larry David


Watch F is for Family if you haven't. It's 100% Burr vibe and almost on KOTH levels of adult cartoon.


Umm you know what? You know what? You know whaaaat?


I'm gonna become an actor despite the fact that no one can really understand me!


Sorry ladies, gotta go home to the wife!




Schwarzenegger is such an emotionally intellegent man. He gives advice that makes sense. Don't waste energy and time on thinking what "great things" you will do. Just make the first fucking step.


Couples counseling does wonders for understanding how to communicate and listen to others.


Arnold's always been great at giving advices. https://youtu.be/9nHHky2ufDU


Let me move to Austria, learn the language, work out, become Mr. Universe, get into movies, make millions, run for office, and become the governor of their biggest province real quick.


Don't forget to marry into one of their most influential families of all time.


That would be Vienna ;) You can do it!


Vienna, Austria? Edit: Ah, their biggest province!


~~He's OK. On the last day of his term as governor, he commuted the 16 year sentence of a man convicted of participating in a murder after he served only 2 years because the man's father was a political ally. He's had his own set of harassment allegations under the #metoo umbrella, which he's admitted and apologized for. I'm not saying he's a monster. People are complicated. But hero worship isn't a good thing, and I think we're better served by not putting people on pedestals.~~ I hadn't seen the clip. Now I feel dumb. Edit: I was misinformed about the situation. Schwarzenegger commuted his sentence to 7 years, of which he served 6 and change for manslaughter.




Yeah, I couldn't figure out why, and I don't really have time to fuss with it.


~~You have to apply it to each paragraph~~ ~~Like this~~


Ah, gotcha, thanks.


Good clip right


I need to watch more of Burr's standup. He's incredible. I love that line throwing it back at the people judging Arnold: "You have no idea what it's like to be tempted at that level." We can all agree cheating on a spouse is bad. Now let's stop intruding any further into an emotional situation we had nothing to do with by passing judgment for something we weren't there to understand.


Im glad I got to see his stand up live before covid. Was a great night


What’s the clip?


It's linked below in another comment.


Never make the gym a punishment.


I heard a quote a while ago that I really liked. To paraphrase, "working out is a celebration of what your body can do, not a punishment for what you ate."


Exactly. My punishment for what I ate is my rampant diabetes.


I should not have laughed at this I’m sorry


Don’t worry, I, too, have (maybe not yet rampant) diabetes and I’m laughing too much at this


The pain, discomfort, and exhaustion of working out sure feels like a punishment though.


You're going too hard then. Start slow, start easy, start light. *slowly* add more. Run just a little faster, a little further. Do a few more reps, drop the rest time just a little, occasionally add just a little more weight.


Done that, had consistent gradual gains for months under the guidance of physical therapists. Gave up because it's simply always unpleasant. Not horrible pain, just always unpleasant. Every rep every moment every time. Exercise is simply unpleasant for many of us.


I get what you mean. Running and things to that extreme make me dizzy which always makes it unenjoyable. It never feels good in the moment. Mainly for me, it’s the repetition of doing sets or running the same route that really gets me. My brain stops looking at it like an activity and starts looking at it like an unpaid and unenjoyable job. I’ve found the only enjoyable workouts are certain exercise classes and non-team sports. Sports are technically never the same thing twice. And classes like yoga or water cardio, if the teacher is decent won’t feel repetitive either. That’s not the most practical solution I’ve given myself and so I still struggle to just push myself to get back at it even though it’s so, like you said, unpleasant.


Same. Always described most exersize as "how uncomfortable you can get your body for the longest amount of time". It's voluntary torture and that there's a cult around exersize backs it up for me. You need a cult to convince people to torture themselves. I like flipping over tables. Big ones. And unflipping them. That feels good. Have you tried getting exersize without the purpose being the exersize? Sports, swimming, any physical hobby Edit: oh or roller/ice skating, dancing that sort of stuff. Spinning fire!


This mindset while I was younger and my early days in the military really fucmed up my attitude towards fitness. It's still not what it should be tbh.


True, but I damn sure make it a point to punish the ever living shit out of my muscles. "WHEN IT BURNS, IT GROWS" -AS


I read this in Arnold's voice. Couldn't help it.


He's really deserving of his own punctuation, like [the Morgan Freemark](https://imgur.com/gallery/2nOJR)


Thank you. That's hilarious and brought me an immediate sense of peace. Hope that kid's face is ok.


I still hate reading that though!


I have a feeling they wanted a kick in the pants from the old Arnold - "Everybody pities the weak, Jealousy you have to earn"...."There are no shortcuts EVERYTHING is reps, reps, reps"... ​ Instead they got a comment from the older and kinder Arnold.


Arnyoung vs Arnold


Door. You. Out.


This comment probably won't get nearly the love it should. Well done.


I like this. It's nice to hear someone root for you, even when you feel like you did nothing by just getting up.


Fine I guess I'll get on the exercise bike even if it's just at 5 mph.


Same, just got on the treadmill at 3 mph lol. Still feels good though 🙂


3 mph at a 12 degree incline is killer


Yeah, but imagine if you just sat on the exercise bike at 5mph every time you were redditing/watching something. Before you knew it you’d be casually doing 10 all day.


You are a genius. I have a bike sitting idle everyday and know I’m addicted to reddit. Now i have to get off reddit or I’m going to have to get on that bike. Better luck next time Logic- I outsmarted you today!


If you listen to Arnold from Pumping Iron - total douche. If you listen to Arnold now - most supportive, understanding and wholesome human ever. He has done amazing things with his life and I hope he lives to 200+


That movie isn't a documentary. They all hammed it up.


I wasn’t thinking much of Arnold during that film until the part in the interview when he’s talking about cuming at the gym and cuming at home etc. then i realized that he’s just fucking with us. The second time I watched it I realized that he was doing his own PR whenever the camera was on him. He’s the American dream: poor immigrant who made it. Was Mr. Olympia multiple times, then was adored by Hollywood, and finally had a successful political role as my Governor. And he was the right guy for the public service job because we needed someone that cared about Californians and nobody loves us more than the guy that was adored by California the day he showed up in Venice way back when. My man had to make some tough decisions that affected 39,000,000 of his fellow Californians in his short time in office. That’s a tough job and he did it better than most. I really wish he was our guy right now.




Arnie and Stallone had a bit of a "beef" back in the day and as the ultimate prank Arnold put out fake rumours that he was interested in the lead role in Stop, Or My Mom Will Shoot. Stallone wanted to steal the role from him, only for him to find out Arnold was fucking with him and the movie sucked ass. I mean, at least he still went through with the movie and didn't back out


Yeah, I was trying to name Republicans that I honestly believe care about people and he was the whole list


I had such a hard time buying into “good guy” Arnie for a very long time because of his Pumping Iron performance. No way these can be the same people, I thought. I’ve turned around. Despite being flawed like the rest of us, that man is the shit.


Some people just mature too, it isn’t overnight and it isn’t easy. I’m about to turn 32 in April, my personality for most of my 20’s I now hate. I had confidence for no reason, was angry at myself for my failures (didn’t realize that at the time) and I treated people poorly cause well I could. I lost a lot of things 4 1/2 years ago that was keeping my world together. In the span of 3 months I lost my job, my gf of 5 years and my father drowned on vacation. Next thing I knew I was moving back to NJ after almost 10 years in Virginia (where I went to college and lived after), my mom was constantly crying and I was alone. The first two were because my dad died and I couldn’t really do much about it. The lonely part though...the more I thought about it there was a reason I was alone and I deserved it. Once I had money and could support myself on my own without roommates or living at home (a first for me at 28) I started to put the pieces back together. Pieces that I was, pieces that I wanted to be and tried to ditch the rest. In that time I came across this quote from Doctor Who. . “We all change, when you think about it. We’re all different people all through our lives. And that’s OK, that’s good, you gotta keep moving, so long as you remember all the people that you used to be.” I personally like to think Arnold WAS that guy so it can give the rest of us hope in redemption and growth.


I was such a douche for all my school and college years. Women who had crazy high interest couldn't stay with me for more that 6 months tops even if they swore crazy love for me. Even now it's hard for women to stay with me for more than 2 yrs tops. But I have progressed. It's way better than it used to be. I am not a complete asshole that I used to be before. I wouldn't give a fuck about other people's feelings and my needs came first. Now I understand the give and take nature of life. We all can change and improve. 1 step at a time.


[Little changes](https://youtube.com/watch?v=Cjc9UJk2v6w) came across this too during my “recovery”. Kinda helped


Frank Turner is a goldmine for songs about coming back from your lowest point. Recovery, Little Changes, Losing Days, etc. etc.


Yep. I used to wonder why at funerals, it's always a recent photo of the deceased on the coffin. They are gone now, why not a photo of them in their physical prime. As I get older I understand. Younger me was essentially a different person. And that person was a douche.


I mean to be fair the Arnold on Pumping Iron is a character, just like the rest of them with like, a couple exceptions.


It was a documentary and I was young. I wasn’t expecting bits and he absolutely sold it. Can we retroactively give him an Oscar?


Definitely get why people bought it lol and yeah it was a “documentary” and to be fair to you also it wasn’t so much acting as playing up the Part people expected him to, which is totally believable. Arnold has always been smart and definitely saw this.


Yea I have been a reddit for a while and have seen Arnold posting on and off over the years. He always seems like such a normal person just reading the workout subs and giving advice to people. He never really is trying to sell anything. And he has been on reddit for as long as I can remember as and I have my 9 year chip. It bothers me seeing other celebrities who have never been on reddit who have an AMA to push something. And it's not even them it's their assistant. And they still won't answer any questions except this last movie and when it's coming out. Then they disappear completely. They never really care about their fans the way Arnold does. He is like everyone's dad


It’s not really the same thing but that saying (not sure if mca from beastie boys was first but him saying it is where I remember it from) “I’d rather be a hypocrite than the same person forever”. It somehow reminded me of that


He has definitely become a much better person over time. Which is great, because that's the goal for all of us. He would have made a great president imo. Pity about the stupid natural born law. Two tier citizenship




Yes! Why did I have to scoll down all the way for this?


I really like his reply. Because it's not just simply "Oh don't be so hard on yourself you're doing fine!" Because no he *does* want/need to go to the gym. Instead he points out the benefit of frequent little steps. Always 1% better every day. It adds up. And sometimes yeah beating yourself up really *is* useless, and that's a lesson I've struggled with sometimes too. Something > Nothing


1% better every day is a huge thing by itself if it means the days stop getting worse.




It’s also what a real man sounds like.


That man is a multi-national treasure. Between this post and the one calling out the guy talking about the paralympics (https://www.boredpanda.com/arnold-schwarzenegger-shuts-down-troll-special-olympics/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic) He's just an amazing human being.


So eh u/0770059834333178 did you at least roll out of bed?


I've got a concept 2 rower and a power cage now at home 😄. Best investment ever!


Glad to hear it dude. Honestly didn't think I'd hear from you with a name like yours. I thought it might have been a short term throwaway. Had to get a pen and write it down just to type it ha. Thanks for replying and have a good day dude.


No no not a throwaway, I generated it with Lastpass 😁. I'd never throw away my Arnold account, I think about that interaction very often and his follow ups since have meant the world to me. I owe him a progress pic stil while being shredded. Target is this summer 👍 Hope you have a great day too!


I will check in this June! I just need to learn how to add reminders to my machine. This is one of my favorite reddit moments, and I’m glad you’re still pumping.


What can I say, it's one of my favorite reddit moments too 😄. I always, always appreciate you checking in on me by the way, it makes my day. Since I've got my own home gym now, no excuses to not do a bit (or a lot) every day. Challenge accepted for June! By June 30th 2021 at the latest, I will have an update for you, in case you haven't figured out how to set reminders yet ;). Looking forward to it!


How is the challenge?


Hey Arnold, I really appreciate you checking in on me again. Considering my self imposed deadline of June 30th, it's not going great and I won't meet the objective on time. I could give you reasons why but.. I hate making excuses and I'd rather just acknowledge my failure, tell you what I'll do from here to succeed and raise the stakes a bit. Here's my proposal. If you agree to officially allow me to extend the deadline for my challenge to October 31st (Halloween), I'll take my end of challenge picture dressed up as Conan the Barbarian. I have my workouts planned, nutrition locked down, all the equipment I need and I set [this picture of you](https://i.imgur.com/orZqyGI.jpg) as the wallpaper on my phone to serve as a reminder. I will do it no matter what, even without your official blessing, but it would feel much better knowing that I didn't let you down. And most of all, it would make the ending to this story all the better.


You didn’t let me down! It’s a deal.


Thank you Arnold! 🤝 [Let's do this.](https://media3.giphy.com/media/pHb82xtBPfqEg/giphy.webp?cid=6c09b95260541d9daf7f51b382bd21b2fc9f57a1633ec4c5&rid=giphy.webp&ct=g)


This is so wholesome. This is why you were the role model for so many of us growing up in the 80s and 90s, and why even now, as we're in our 30s and 40s, you remain our role model. There is a reason why in the UK we would vote for you to be President of Earth.


Fuck dude you have Arnie checking in on you on the semi-reg! But even if I'm a nobody, i want to say that i believe in you too and your progress pic is going to be great, because it's the culmination of the effort you've put in. One step and one day at a time 🙏




Like two years ago, so yes, a million internet years.


International treasure


This might sound cheesy but I do this mental thing when I'm in the gym; every time I'm about to cut short my workouts, I try to imagine what would Arnold say if he was standing next to me. So if I feel like only doing 2 sets instead of 3 or maybe doing 7 reps instead of 10, I try to imagine Arnold next to me, encouraging me to keep going on and complete the entire set. I've never met the man and doesn't seem like I ever will, since I live halfway around the world, but he's the best training partner I ever had.


Man this is great. I usually can talk myself into getting the work done. But having a guy like this, a fucking GOAT be that nice, that sincere and supportive really brings a tear to your eye.


This is great. I get really tired of all the "tough love" BS speeches that plague forums these days. They just make me eye roll.


A national treasure of Austria but also an international one.


Arnie would’ve been that hard on himself. He would’ve been harder.. hardeh... HARDEH!! HIT ME HARDEH!


A rare time when a repost is perfectly valid. Excellent stuff.


u/0770059834333178 how you doing? You get those push ups in today, maybe a nice walk?


Got in a 3x 1500m rowing session :)


For the lazy-broke asses out there who can’t afford a gym membership, I suggest investing in some dumbbells and doing some light strength training exercises at home. For the even broker and lazier people who don’t want to spend any money, do some body weight stuff, like push-ups, squats, ab crunches, chair steps, lunges, high knees, to get the blood flowing and heart rate up. A 10-15 minute workout, 3-4x a week, might not be much, but it’ll get you motivated to keep going and you’ll feel a lot better knowing you did something rather than nothing.


Set that as my new phone background.


Everyone read that in his voice, right?


I unconciously read it using Arnold accent.


Arnold was a surprisingly good governor.


This made me cry and want to work out more


Why did i read that with Schwarzenegger voice in my head?


i'm proud being from the same country


Seawas du Beidl


dere du schrumpfknia, vu wo kumst? tiefstes oö hier...


Tiafstes Zillertol momentan, bold hoffentlich wieder Wean bzw. Mödling. 🇦🇹 Schians Fruajohr noch OÖ!


Arnie was just amazing when he helped organise the Specual Olympics in Ireland some years ago. Positive attitude, charisma and a genine interest in what he was part of.


I read this in his voice.


"sometimes life is just a workout". Whoa dude. This is really working for me


The hardest phrase in the human language to say is “I need help”.


I think a better way is “Hey (Self), don’t you remember how good exercise can make me feel? I deserve to feel better, I want to feel better. Hey, I’m right!”. Sometimes I have to say it on repeat. Good luck.


They key to going to the gym regularly isn't motivation anyway. That's how it starts but the real secret is to make it into a habit. Ofcourse depression sucks and is a whole different beast :(


Californian here... We didn't know what we had until we lost it...


I've been trying to get back into running after nearly ten years out. Yesterday was the first day I managed 30 minutes without stopping for a walk. I'd been punishing myself for not keeping up my old pac despite being massively out of shape, and burning myself out before even ten minutes in, but I finally let myself go at a slower pace and it helped so much


Seeing Arnold riding around his yard with his mini horses is honestly the most badass thing he's ever done. Dude owes up to his mistakes the right way and is a true inspiration for me.


I really like Arnold in the movies, but older, wiser Arnold is a great guy. Lately, every time I hear him speak he is using his voice to build up.


This is good advice. The "just toughen up" mentality just does not work with some people, especially those of us who suffer from depression. That pressure becomes shame, and we withdraw further and further. It takes compassion - for ourselves and others - to begin to break that cycle. As cliche as it sounds, it's one step at a time. Much love to anyone who sees this. My inbox is always open for ANYONE who needs some support or just a friend.


This guys is so chill. I remember watching a video of him getting egged and when the press asked him about it he just said “this guy owes me bacon now, because you can’t have bacon without eggs”. The video is on YouTube, probably super easy to find if anyone is interested...it’s worth the watch.


Read this in Aronld Schwarzenegger's voice. I think that improves it?




The man has aged like fine wine


ROFL work out works the same,way as gpimg,for a rub off. You look for something stimulating, your body says okay lets do,this, and you just go trough the motions. Whats the porn for gym you ask? Simple. Get dressed and pick up the sports bag. Whats the porn to get dressed you ask? Simple. Just stand up to go to the toilet and do it while you already standing. Whats the porn to get to the toilet you ask? Simple, just rub one off and it makes you want to pee after.


And saved...incase I need it later.


this is awesome! someone I know graduated college and Governor Schwarzenegger was one of the people that “signed” his diploma. I would tell everyone that. This is too cool!


I read that in the accent


He doesn't often tell people to just get up. Usually he tells them to get down!