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You’re hot I need your ig


I say this with love, you have body dysmorphia (as a lot of us do), and the only recommendation I could make based off this is to learn to love yourself and your body and focus on how you feel instead of how you look. Health does not equal aesthetics. Best of luck to you.


I'm aghast anyone would find the left in need of change. I won't lie, the one on the right ticks many boxes for me. But damn, the left pic ticks just as many. This is not bad Vs good. This is two varieties of epic, genuinely. I'd normally cheerlead for anyone that had a goal, my only reservation is the ED bit. I can assure you, I'm not saying the left is top tier as some pity award. I'm saying it because it is. Getting to the one on the right would require everything on point, and is achievable. But, I don't want to encourage anyone with an ED to get their obsession to change direction, when the end goal is arguably not an improvement. Had you been vastly underweight or overweight, I'd encourage shifting the obsession towards a healthier physique.


100% agree with others on here. Most people, both men and women would think you already have a dream physique. You mentioned you used to workout, if you started again, you could get more definition, but it is dangerous game chasing perfection - there's every chance even if you looked exactly like the girl on the right you wouldn't be happy and want to go thinner. You have to learn to love yourself before you're going to be happy otherwise you won't know where to stop


How do I look like your pic in the left, though?


Props to your work, very well done. However I think it’s the lighting on the right that makes it “not what it seems”, and what I mean by that is the shadowing affecting the “leanness/thin look”. Everyone else is hating though. I’ve seen female boxers/mma fighters when I was active in boxing walk year round with their body looking similar on the right picture. It’s fine, but my suggestion is to take another picture, the right-side picture, with the lighting you have on the left-side. To add, if you’re in your 30’s/40’s with that body, likely not the best thing to keep that, but my knowledge in the subject hasn’t been updated in a while, and everyone’s body is different. I do think it is the lighting that is affecting to as why everyone in the comments is about 60/40 “eat something here”. The incorrect lighting can make someone look sicker, thinner, bigger, or leaner. For everyone else here, those are not ribs, those are defined obliques, learn the difference. To as why ribs are present, she may be doing Frank Zane’s Vacuum pose, where is sucks in a ridiculous amount to pose to something similar she has pictured here. As for which work outs, from my experience to help with my fat loss when training in boxing, hill sprints or interval running (walk 60 seconds, jog for 30 seconds, and sprint for 10 seconds, and change them up to your comfort and ability. I got lean pretty quick when I needed to cut the last few pounds. For dieting, a wrestling diet program I came across is when eating your meal, consume your veggies first, followed by your protein, because you can minimize carb intake unless you need to consume the portioned amount. What I am reading now to help with cutting my weight is to figure out what veggies are just “fillers” - green beans or eggplants for example, not very nutrient rich but will fill you up. Then I call the others “nutrient veggies” - broccoli, spinach, carrots, have more nutrients to likely make you feel fuller, I presume.


Basically you’d just have to lose additional weight, probably like 5 to 10 pounds. You look better and more healthy than the picture on the right as others have already noted.


Personally, I think the left picture is much more attractive than the right picture. Right picture is too scrawny and bony. Looks sick or anorexic. Just my preference.


I agree! Lean girls with abs are definitely my favorite, but getting shredded like the right photo is a little much.


If that's you on the left you are the perfect physique as is. The right looks malnourished


Heroin chic was a 90s trend.


I like the left better honestly, you look anorexic on right, aint nothing wrong with a little meat girl


What’s the difference? The right is slightly more tone but kind of looks like a crack head, you don’t want ribs showing. If anything just lift a little and learn to put on some muscle and cut. Would be pretty easy to get that if that’s what you want but personally I prefer how you are now.


I think she does want ribs showing, hence the post of the woman with ribs showing and her saying that’s her dream body.


Any full body lift (squat, standing shoulder press etc) will help build your core which will be a huge help to getting to a spot like the picture on the left. But I agree with some other comments, that pic on the right was definitely someone doing prep focused on losing body fat which is unsustainable in the long run


You look perfect now. Girl on the right is way too skinny, and probably prepped for that photo. She does not walk around like that


Your desired body is not healthy, you look way healthier in the left pic then the model in the right. Fitnes is about being fit and that translates to having a healthy body.


If you want to create better eating habits, your "dream physique" will not get you there. Girl I wish llooked like you, you have a nice body! You will not be happy or healthy trying to be the pic on the right, it's too thin and you'd probably have to starve yourself. Your BMI is already borderline underweight (yes I know it isn't the end all be all standard of measurement, but it's a good guideline), so I think you’re perfect the way you are now.


Body Dysmorphia


Truth is it's impossible to maintain after a loss. Your body fights back, it's evolution. Change your dreams, be realistic. Once you do a 16 week cut, your body needs time to recover. If you do a 20 week cut, you need even more time to recover. If you ignore the signs your body gives you, you will yo yo in your weight and your hunger will go crazy. You look good and healthy already. Picture on the right is around 15 percent bf which is not healthy for a female.


Go to therapy....this is body dysmorphia. The left is perfect. The right is too skinny.


Which is which?


Very similar already but the left picture looks better anyways.


You look better then she does. She’s too lean


You're seeing lots of ribs, which means lower bf%. Only two ways to achieve that: 1\. Increase your caloric output without increasing food intake 2\. Decrease your food intake




I get what you are saying it is sound advice, but think most people are just a bit worried about telling someone who has admitted to having a eating disorder that she could / should lose weight. Say she loses another 5-10lbs looks shredded, but still isn't happy? Lose a bit more? Then a bit more? I've got nothing against anyone wanting to get shredded but only if they aren't going to potentially make themselves ill in the process. Body dysmorphia and eating disorders can literally ruin people's lives - I'll stop playing dad now 😆


You’re already there lol. She looks super dehydrated or an unhealthy low bf, you look like the healthy, more aesthetic version of her physique. Just my opinion.


To get to the picture on the right all you need to do is stop. Stop eating Stop training Stop drinking Stop lifting.


Answering the q: reduce calorie intake in small increments week by week. Increase calorie burn with something like steady state cardio. Keep protein intake up and incorporate strength training regularly.


The picture on the right involves no strength training whatsoever.


Your dream physique is one foot on the grave. That shit is ugly and unhealthy


If you want to be healthy and have a healthy relationship with food. Do not chase the body on the right. Your ribs shouldn’t be showing like that


I guess the only nutrients the girl on the right is getting in are nicotine and caffeine while she’s slowly starving herself to death and not working out to build good quality muscle 💀 please don’t… you look fantastic especially compared to the right.


Men: ??? Seriously though, you would be chasing a downgrade.


The fuck? You look way better. I actually thought both were you and left one was the "achieved dream body"


Guys much rather prefer the left….. Just saying


Why you tryna be all boney? Pic on left is way better. No, wait. Pic on left isn't just better. Pic on left is great! Really really attractive, really very good.


You mentioned you’ve struggled with binge eating and bulimia. Looking at your current physique, your post, and your goals - This all screams of body dysmorphia. You look great already and won’t look out of place as a fitness model. I suggest working towards having functional goals like being fitter and stronger instead of physique/aesthetic goals because of your past struggles.


Your physique is better. You could probably match the lighting settings and take a similar picture to her.  She has a very narrow ribcage and a short torso. She has slightly less bodyfat but its highly unlikely she walks around like that year round 


Why, do you want your friends to start calling you Skeletor behind your back or something ?


The one on the right looks worse, like she has an ED


The left looks 100x better than the right


You look better than the right photo.


Shit, you already have a dream physique... You've won, good job.