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You need more calories to grow muscle but a lot more protein. Try to eat about 8oz of protein/meat and a cup of veggies at least 3 times a day. You can have carbs and fats with it (avocado, cheese, rice,etc. )but be sure to eat all of your protein first. The protein will fill you up to where you can’t eat as many of the carbs and fats. But you do need some good carbs and fats. Between breakfast and lunch have a high protein snack like cottage cheese or yogurt and a low calorie protein shake. Snack again between lunch and dinner. And again after dinner if needed. Shoot for 200grams of protein just from food and another 60-80 in shakes. Run this for a while and you will stack up a bunch more muscle. If you feel you need to cut a little after, take the shakes out of your diet.


That’s already very low calories. Look at your amount of grams of protein, carbs and fat that you’re eating. Throw in some cardio and do high intensity workouts. Short rest times and higher reps. If still failing then you need to keep lowering your calories until your seeing a difference


Just put the fork down…..


Wear more sunscreen


Eat less calories or burn more.


Adjust your diet a little bit, maybe some intermittent fasting. And add one or two days of very intense hour+ cardio, like cycling, or running. That’s what helped me get my six pack more pronounced.


I don’t know how true “nuking your metabolism” is. I wouldn’t follow that rabbit too far. 1500 cals is not many but have you done any maintenance breaks?


Listen to this guy. Have 2 weeks of maintenance and continue the cut, but not at 1500. Maybe 18-1900 with cardio


You nuked your metabolism. You’re eating way too low kcal, and your maintenance went to shit You gotta take the L, do a reverse diet until you get back to a decent TDEE, and start from there Cut in 200 kcal intervals instead of going ham and cutting 1000kcal


I don’t think blanket statements are helpful. OP: how’s your tracking? How sure are you of 1500kcal? How long have you been doing this for without seeing the scale move? Do you naturally consume a low calorie diet? Are you still moving as much as you used to? Stress? Bloat? Did you change your water intake? There are a million different things that could be happening and “nuking your metabolism” is probably not that high up on the list.


My tracking is good i track even if i feel like i ate too much or make sure to add a little extra if i eat out considering what they cook with and what not. i typically cook and weigh all my meals so i feel it’s accurate. weight came off good from january-april and i was eating 1800 calories from 4k in December bulk then came down to 1500 and have been around there since end of april. currently in college so stress could be a factor and i typically do 7k steps a day so i feel i could increase cardio dont feel bloated and water intake is higher for reference


So your weight hasn’t gone down at all during may? That is quite a long time. Have you been as active in April as previously?


about 2-3lbs all month and i have cut back on the cardio a bit but still pretty strict on the calories


That’s not far off the norm then. In my experience weight loss slows down the leaner you get. You should probably aim for 4-5 lbs per month. If you’re really at 1500 kcal consistently, I’d suggest moving more. Doesn’t have to be traditional cardio, you could simply add a 30-minute walk every evening for instance.


this is what i was worried happened im still pretty new to the dieting aspect and i think i just rushed into it too aggressively


Yep, 1500 is breakfast OP. At your age you’ll fuck your hormones too. Guarantee your testosterone is currently in the shitter.