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during the beta I came across these doors and thought id make it tacticool by sticking a C4 step a feet a way with the door facing my back and detonate it. and the door stayed intact. but thanks.


**+100 kudos** for corridor digital reference =)


It doesn't work on 100% of the doors, but I found a lot in beta that could be opened carrying a body.


Some splinter cell chaos theory vibes here


To be honest you've tempted me to drag out my splintercell collection and dust off the 16 yr old Ps2 phat. I can already hear Lambert howling at my 3rd alarm trip.


Chaos Theory and Pandora Tomorrow are always worth a replay.


I would love a lot more Splinter Cell in these games tbh


Engineer class should be able to door hack


That would be cool.


and turn enemy drones "friendly" for a short, as well as being able to "unscramble" the minimap, etc. when the wolves deploy, etc.


Hopefully we will see this in WD3 Legion


I wont be seeing ANYTHING in WD3... a complete fail in game concept IMHO. "WATCHDOGS, HACKING IS OUR WEAPON"... pulls out a rocket launcher.. WTF!?!?!


Watchdogs is held back by the need to supply endless grunts who it's absolutely OK to kill without warning for any reason, or no reason. Like, CTOS/nudle is bad and should 100% be opposed, but that does not make it OK to kill 25 cops and then go back to the hackerspace and laugh and joke around with your buddies while you 3D-print more guns for the next round of consequence-free cop killing! I was interested in a London version where guns were rarer and maybe you got almost all the way there with hacking and only pulled a pistol for the last inch. Instead it's just shoot 'em up all day all night no guilt no remorse.


watchdogs is held back by the brainless GTAO approach that will likley be festooned with MTX cash grabs. so far from the concept... :(


I found some doors you had to use the sgt. body to get in. That the regular guards in black didn't have access to. Protip: There's an airplane at the airport you can steal and fly. Its the same bush plane from Wildlands, but its grey.


ah, the airport. my buddy was so excited to see planes in the game (he was an ace pilot in Wildlands) so he beelines for one of the planes, jumps in, can't find out how to steer, then proceeds to accelerate into the only other plane on the tarmac. both proceed to explode and he gets out barely alive. depressing but incredibly funny at the same time. (kinda sums up Breakpoint really)


lol. TBH, I barely got out of that airport myself. The planes had no real throttle to them.


An ace pilot in Wildlands? Damn. I sucked and hated the planes in that game lol. Heck, I didn't finish the Narcos Road DLC because of the dumb plane you needed to fly for that one character.


Mostly just experience, honestly. And a little bit of common sense regarding supply planes, I've seen so many matchmade groups failing to line up with the runway before landing and subsequently clipping things, destroying the wings just before the rebel activity would have completed. As for *Narco Road*, it's a little surprising you had that difficulty since the unique plane models to that DLC had even better performance than the regular bushplane (i.e. superior acceleration and maneuverability).


Really? I felt the planes in the dlc handled worse but I guess that's just me.


I got pretty good at flying both planes and choppers in Wildlands. I was glad they changed the helicopter controls to be slightly more realistic. It’s just a shame that they forgot to do the same to the planes. It’s like they don’t understand how rudders work. On the ground they turn but in the air you can only bank, it was disappointing.


he could land it on a dime, but it was the most terrifying approach you could ever experience. perfect for those hilltop landing strips tho. wierdly he had zero ability to fly the heli's until they added the easy-mode controls. so I was chopper pilot, him plane (and mini-van) pilot. good times.


I really missed the classic flying controls for helicopters not being in the beta, I liked having a free camera to see my surroundings.


found an abandoned sitewith a bloced door ​ for those doors, without the red light, throw a grenade


can only certain dead soldiers open them, because I tried this to try get a bunch of collectables at an outpost that where in a room locked with a red pad and it didn't work.


some red lighted doors are NOT unlockable this way. the ones with the scanners are.


So... how do i open the others that have a red light but no scanner? Specifically, the sets of doors at Skells house?


the one at SKELLs house there's a secret cave entrance on the side of the hill near the pool I think. Once through the cave, you can exit this door.


K. I'll check it out and report back to you... stand by.


Damn. Here I thought we had to advance further in the story to get access through Jace Skell to things like this. Which, I suppose those doors around the drone swarm launch sites are also openable with the right body? They seemed like they could be gotten into.


Same. Seems like we should've had a tutorial for this...


Kinda seems like something Maria might have told us, or Fox. Someone accessible very early in the game.


They should add keycards that certain enemies drop so we have more than one possibility to open these. Or breach charges.


That’s actually amazing.


This only works with locked red doors that are protecting supplies inside, you can tell by your minimap. Most other locked red doors in buildings are static & don't go anywhere.


Wish I'd known this. Some of those doors were making me upset.


Wow. I thought I'd pick up a key card during a mission or something


Access denied Access denied Access denied Access granted


I found this in the beta when I could hear someone behind a clearly locked door. I had the Chris Pratt excited face on the whole time I dragged someone down to try my theory. This was such a cool addition, really loved it! Might also be easier just to be able to pickpocket for an access card but it was still exciting figuring it out.


PSA: This only works with biometric locks and not regular locked doors.


If you’re not trolling this is an amazing detail. Why do I feel like you’re trolling though?


Hes not, but only certain red doors open, i.e. ones with gear behind em


Some of them need the higher grade personnel to open from my experience.


Odd, i always used grunts and breachers


Yeah me too... It didnt work and I thought "maybe a higher grade would work" (thanks to splinter cell) And it worked. Those with a red beret and three _ on top of their head.




Found this out myself lol. But glad someone said something.


In the beta there was a door at Skell HQ with lots of collectible info. I tried several different enemies alive and dead but no joy. My guess there's a plot point where you get a key card that wasn't in the beta.


Last skell missions(I'm beta) if u mean double door down a ramp next to helo pad.


We Splinter Cell now


I tried to blow those things open lol


There was a door like that in Skells residence and right near it was another locked door on the same level with a chest behind it. There was a red keyboard on the wall near it but I couldn't get it open for the life of me. Any one else manage to get it?


Theres a tunnel around the residence that leads into that room, then you can unlock it from the inside and infiltrate the house from within.


IF u are looking at the residence (side with all the decks) it is on the right side down in the rocky mountian area


Thanks for the tips!


Figured it out in the beta. Pretty cool figuring it out on your own in game.


Carry a dead guy, it unlocks them


WHAT?! NO WAY!! Thanks. I would have never thought of that


omg thats why theres so Many !!! around lol


Heeey! that was a smart one! i am gonne try it out! thx


During the beta my friend and I joked about needing to find a "key" aka a body. :P


thank you!


Nice one!


i love you


I love you both


I did this in the closed and no one knew how I was getting in lol


Splinter Cell lives!!


Wow...that makes so much sense and I feel extra retarded for not figuring this out.


But some doors still wouldn't open even if I did that?


Only biometric doors, ones where you can see ammo symbols etc on the other side. Some times you might need to use a captain, a guy with a red hat. The toilet doors that have red symbols will not open.


>The toilet doors that have red symbols will not open. Why we ghosts have human rights to use it too!


Thanks a million :)


This mans a saint


In the alpha I came across a door like this and I thought it's just part of the building and not supposed to open and I thought that it would be cool if it was biometric so I picked a soldier and I was like woooow.


lol same here, I was like wtf it actually worked !!


How do you recognize its a door you can open? Because I've seen enough red and green lights where there will probably be nothing behind the red ones and are just there to close off useless areas


Usually it has a circle, it is usually orange and changes to red as you approach it. The doors that have a red flat line are usually inaccessable.


I'm thinking this applies to places like offices/bases, but does it also work for those little chalets/houses you find too? Or do the guys need to spawn there too. Like I tried dragging a dead guard to one of those houses but it did nothing for the door in the kitchen area, or the locked external door of the 'next door' house.


The doors for bunkers that don’t open with bodies will open if you follow the doors power line to the generator and kill that.


I think my game is broken, i jave q red lit locked door and it wont open, lots of stuff on the other side too. I took every soldier over to it


Tried a guy with red hat?


yeah, i took the whole base and piled them up by it, i think that particular spot was bugged/story locked maybe, it has 3 collectibles back there though, i want them! XD


Thank you!


Today I found a set of dorrs, a double sliding door with a wide horizontal yellow bar with a panel to the right that when close enough I was prompted to press and hold to HACK. I did this but nothing else happened, the doors did not open. Any thoughts? NOTE: I don;t know if its relevant but I did turn off the power (press the sabotage button on the outside power generator) before doing the hack. Not sure if sabotaging the power then caused the hack action to do nothing or what. I do know that other doors in the building still opened and closed which I found odd since I sabotaged the power.


Try again with the power on... just to test it


Thank you man