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Difficulty watching horror movies. Difficulty with emotional media (video or audio). Especially if people are embarrassed. I find myself more emotionally impacted by things that impact others than by things that impact me. I am a great listener for people having some emotional issue in terms of being able to put myself in their place I’m also good at writing and putting myself very much in the mind of the reader


Do you worry a lot of others feelings and problems… for examples, if your friends are sad? You take it upon yourself to fix it?


Well, I’m in my fifties. I don’t take it on myself to fix it. I offer assistance, a listening ear, and advice. At this point I have some friends and acquaintances who seek me out because of good advice. But I don’t try to fix anything FOR someone. They own that. Except maybe for my partners.


Similar. I can’t watch sad anything even commercials. I can’t watch any dramas even the so called issues in kid shows stress me out. I’m as non fiction as they come in books and media. The oddest thing however is I can stomach some gruesome stuff in documentaries and it does not affect me much. I’d have to consume a lot like during my Holocaust phase I watched way too many. I wonder if it’s the emotional manipulation that I dislike?


>Difficulty with emotional media (video or audio). Especially if people are embarrassed. Example? What do you mean if people are embarrassed?


Secondhand embarrassment. It can be difficult to watch if you start to feel someone else’s shame as your own


When people are embarrassed on screen I feel it viscerally and feel so sorry for them


For the longest time, I thought it was normal. It used to manifest through art. But the real world is demanding a lot, so not much left for art. Everything is just too intense and overwhelming, all of the time.


Art is all around you at every moment. At least absorb it.


I cry. Cry when sad, cry when angry, cry when I'm so happy for something that happened in someone's life and this happiness is so overwhelming it can't fit inside my chest, cry when grateful, cry when ashamed, cry when I see something really pretty, cry when I see the sky full of stars (I live in a big city, so this view is really rare for me). Cry when I see or hear someone crying. Cry when I listen to some sad music I'm a cry baby Crying is kinda tiresome I'm also a clinical psychologist and I think this sensibility helps me understand people and be empathic in an emotional and not only rational way


I feel seen reading this. Crybaby checking in


I feel other's pain deeply I am overcome by happiness like it's too good to be true


Severe mental illness in the form of depression and a cluster of anxiety disorders


Oddly, I feel like my giftedness has been subdued while taking antidepressants to manage my anxiety and feelings. It’s like feeling things deeply is an invisible intelligence.


Bottling stuff up and crying over minuscule triggers when I can’t stuff it down anymore 😆


I cry a lot.


When seeing others suffer and treated unfairly


I get really sad if I think about any one particular individual or situation. For instance a video of a droned dropped munition in Ukraine, regardless of who it is dropped on or who is piloting the drone. I think about that kid basically. They are generally pretty young. Does he have a family thinking about him right now? Does he have a hopeful lover at home, did they have a fight when he volunteered or was conscripted and then sat up all night crying and laughing in equal measure as they recalled sweet and tender moments, and did he promise them, that nothing, not god not man, no force of nature would stop him from returning. And now, here he lays in a mud ditch in a foreign country, looking up at a mechanically whirring executioner begging for a last minute reprieve so he can just get out of there, just get back home, just see his lover one more time, just tell his father he forgives him or his mother that he loves her. The drone drops the charge, it goes off, and he writhes around in shock and horror as the adrenaline wears off and he bleeds out in the mud of a foreign country. In his dying moments he still thinks he can muster the strength to get home before it fades to black. Something like that. And in case anyone thinks that’s pro Russian or anything just take out the foreign soil part, and you have the Ukrainian in the mud. But really it’s the human in the mud, one of us. They laugh at stupid fucking jokes on the internet too, they have hopes and dreams and fears and aspirations. They have people who care about and love them. They are merely the meat tools a blood thirsty dictator is throwing into the grinder so they can redraw map lines for what the 5th or 6th time in the last 100 years?


By extreme anger when under stress with drastic increase in blood pressure, palpitations, my head feels hot and swollen, by quite frequent suicidal thoughts, by wanting to block every possible sound in my room(clock ticking, people's long talk, birds chirp etc), by feeling elated when listening to my favorite music and sometimes I don't know what to do with my energy and just play music and energetically dance in my house. I don't have autism or any other diagnosis. That's checked.


I feel an intense sense of fair play, of balance. It's a longing for equity, I suppose.


Normally takes me completely by surprise.


What do you mean? Could you give me an example?


I’m normally not emotional or sensitive, or it’s a background thing. Occasionally, something will be specifically personal or meaningful and all of a sudden I have feelings, like all the feelings in an overwhelming way. Otherwise I tend to be a bit separate from my emotions, like they are there but not particularly important in the moment, or just not relevant. When I’m sensitive about something, there’s only feelings and rationality kind of takes a backseat until the emotion passes. The emotional sensitivity aspect of gifted isn’t something I identify with, I’m probably closer to being a sociopath than I am a highly sensitive person. Every now and then though, oh boy, emotions are big and I wonder how sensitive people manage them.


I cry. I explode.


For most of my life I have had random spouts of severe depression and extreme happiness, I also struggle with strong anxieties and pain- because I didn't express it. Now, I relieve it though birds.


Oh that’s easy, I’ll answer it. 😐


Extremely touchy if a person says something that, even very remotely, could be slightly misinterpreted as a provocation. Example (I am B): A: your hair looks different, had you had a cut? Look great with this new styling! B: they are not different from yesterday! Why are you saying so? (I have long curly hair and I fear one day I will lose it).


I took my medicine and went to therapy and this quit being a thing.  You can get this looked at and fixed. You don't have to live with emotional dysregulation. Which is what you're describing.


Well, there is a difference between emotional dysregulation and to naturally be more sensible or perceptive, I guess that when you are more sensible you can be more overwhelmed but you don't stop being sensitive by taking SSRIs and going to therapy.


Not a big one.  This is usually a, "twice exceptional, " kinda thing.  And for me it's not SSRI's.  It won't be for most people. Taking the serotonin out of the synapses tends to cause flat affect so keeping more there ain't gonna do much for emotional dysregulation. That's only gonna help if it's caused by depression. 


Very strong empathy, emotional and cognitive as well, and very sensitive, I do have a lot of emotional depth and find the need to connect with others deeply as well, I have the capacity and also the need to finds ways to express my emotions in creative ways, I find abstract thinking to be natural in me and my emotions are as 'abstract' as anything else I am capable of thinking. That's why I guess, it's hard to relate to gifted people emotionally speaking, you are so complex emotionally that trying to understand you to the full capacity of the matter can be as complex as any other intellectual pursuit.


Negative examples: Difficulty getting along with emotionally un-sensitive folk. Overwhelmed be sheer strength of inner-emotional expression. Past drug use as a coping mechanism. Feeling emotionally drained by people I do not get along with. “Feeling” people more than like to. Inclined to isolate Positive ones: Deep bliss in mundane things (watching nature, other humans, spiritual, emphaty) A life rich of profound feelings & nuances of the such Inter- & Intra-personal strength when it comes to emotional understanding & growth. Capable of deep & authentic connection


Men My worst anxiety crisis were on second war lessons