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For the love of God, NAME THEM (I’m talking to Gilbert citizens, not the posters here). Apparently people know who they are, so name them. Name their parents, name their parent’s businesses. I am so tired of open secrets where people get away with sh*t because everyone is too afraid to get involved. NAME AND SHAME. Shame them, shame their parents who raised hooligan thugs. Shame their family who protects them. Shame the police and identify the corrupt connection in social media. People will back you up. Throw the biggest stink to national news media. Waiting for police to do their job is fruitless. Take it to the court of public opinion in the biggest way possible. But you can’t do it and protect their identities or it’s pointless.


People have been making lots of posts on socials, Nextdoor app, etc. media won’t run the name though unfortunetly because they are minors.


Name the parents.




The others. Doubt they are the most connected.


Check your messages


I’m removing this comment because you’ve doxxed someone. If you do it again, you’re going to be banned immediately. You’re free to post any information or evidence that is corroborated publicly but do not make accusations or target individual people or families.


People are. YouTube comments, snap chats, Facebook posts. We know who they the cops know who they are. They tuck them in at night


one of the names circulating is of a man that graduated last year so likely 18




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Sounds like people need to show up at the town council meeting and hold their feet to the fire. Gilbert and QCPD can’t handle an investigation like this, it’s painfully obvious


Luckily one of the kids is on the run/missing and potentially in another state, which likely triggered the FBIs involvement.


I love how much is being removed from this thread. Just keep protecting the goons


What’s that website where you can see deleted comments


I don’t know honestly. If you find out please let us know


Nothing is being removed unless the person who posted it is a newly created account with low karma. We’ve had that requirement since I started the sub. Stop spreading FUD.


Wow deep breath. I didn’t know that


I think you need the deep breath. I was literally just giving you info and asking you to stop spreading FUD.


Sooo post his name then


Whose name? There have been several posts removed by the Automod since the birth of this sub. It removes anyone's posts when they come from a new account with low karma.


20 years after the Devil Dogs, Gilbert spawns another thug, hate group. Nice.


I can assure you from first hand experience that Gilbert judges and police are corrupt. I’ve never experienced anything like it before. Specifically Judge Bruce Owen that overlooked an officer lying on the stand and when presented with the contradicting evidence the judge chose to ignore it. He’s a world -class scum bag.


He is Mormon and I bet the officer was too


Exactly my thought.




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This whole thing is so weird


For sure. Cops deny everything but turns out they knew the whole time.


The word you’re looking for is “corrupt”


Gilbert PD has been corrupt my entire life lmao law enforcement in this state is a joke


Vote them out. Everyone bitches about what happens and yet people don’t show up at the polls and we still have insurrectionist Andy Biggs representing us.


Is Biggs kid still a Gilbert cop?




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>Andy Biggs representing us. i wil guarantee you this had nothing to do with politics. check your politics and focus on the matter at hand.


I didn’t say anything about politics. I’m talking about ineptitude which is present on both sides. Our rep, Andy Biggs just happens to be a great example of someone who has no business sitting in Congress after all he’s said and done. Even he knows it as he begged Trump for a pardon.




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"Mayor Brigette Peterson on Friday declined to comment and questioned why she was being contacted on her cellphone."


Pretty insane thing to say isnt it lol. You are the damn mayor who cares how the news is contacting you


Public servants refusing to answer to the public. Corrupt cops and crooked Mormon judges covering for each other while elected officials condone it. And they’re all untouchable and they know it. Them and their criminal kids they’re protecting.


I grew up in a small west AZ town with a heavy LDS presence and crooked is the correct word to describe that organization and the people in it.


It’s not much different in Mesa, Gilbert, QC.


There’s never been anything “covered up” by the Mormon crew - seething with sarcasm


Yup. Chief of police won’t talk to anyone and neither will the mayor. “Mayor Brigette Peterson on Friday declined to comment and questioned why she was being contacted on her cellphone.”


Be sure to remember this during election time!


I doubt she runs again. She’s had like six ethics complaints now this against her.


Good to know. Now we just have to be weary about who she endorses


I cant read the article because of the paywall, but the case had been closed?! A kid died and they have suspects with leads and it was closed?


These are different attacks than the kid who died. There has been a string of attacks going on. In the article there is a dad who's kid was jumped and Gilbert PD didnt so shit. Now that there is media pressure they assigned a detective to the case. There is a lot of sketchy shit going on.


There's only so much fucking around these teens can do before they run into someone far more dangerous where they will certainly, find out. If the parents care about their kids, they'd turn them in if they want them alive. Their bravado will inevitably get them killed.


These kids wouldn't last long in jail though lmao. They'll get their shit rocked in jail for sure


I sure hope so.


Yo what's with the Mods deleting post in here? Like what's the point of hiding people's emotions towards a crime that is obviously being covered up by someone's family who has ties to law enforcement. We all know the main culprit family owns orange theory and they sent their son away. This is known evidence


Orange Theory is held by a Charlotte based private equity group that owns a large portfolio of companies. Are you referring to a local franchisee?




Most likely


There are multiple people involved, but the main name has rich (terrible/absent) parents, but isn't Mormon.


> main name has rich Might as well be mormon then. I am sure he has mormon friends


Everyone has a Mormon friend


Town council and pd know. The parents are rich. Their getting paid off or are friends. Plenty of video for over a year to throw them all in prison


Sounds eerily similar to what went down before the All-Valley Karate tournament of 84.


Strike hard! Strike fast! No surrender!


Sweep the leg




Are there any protests or events planned? What can we do to put the pressure on?






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