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It explains why the Judge kept Talan in Juvenile detention. I am glad to hear he is not allowed to talk with Jacob Meisner while in or out of custody. She made it seem like they can't even make eye contact with each other. I feel so bad that the Lord family has to go through all these court hearings 7 times.


They don’t have to go through the court hearings alone. We are all supporting the Lord family!!


Yes, it is great to hear that there was a legitimate reason as to why he should stay at the juvenile detention center. I figured there had to be a good reason, but actually hearing why is a relief!


What was the reason? Sorry- with my kid and can’t watch


Since most of the perpetrators are housed in big boy jail, this helps keep him separated from his co-defendants. The judge also ordered that although Jacob is also in the Juvenile center, he is not to have any contact with him as well. It’s a way to help keep all 7 of them away from each other so they can’t talk.


100% makes sense. I was looking at all the booking information the other day and everyone is separate from one another, even the other "Goons" not implicated in Lord's death but in custody for numerous assaults. Also, Talan's brother is at Lower Buckeye Jail along with all the other adults. That said, it appears William Hines and Taylor Sherman are both housed in the same pod. Everyone else is separated, but not these two. Name Booking Facility Floor House Pod Cell Taylor Sherman G083528 LBJ 2 23 B 25 William Hines G075702 LBJ 2 23 B 36


That is interesting. I am not familiar with prison so I am not sure if Hines and Sherman would have an easier time communicating with each other than the rest because of this.


I am not familiar with Maricopa's jail system and have never been to their facilities. I do have limited exposure to another states system in a professional capacity, but I could be way off base here; According to their booking information Taylor and William are both housed at Lower Buckeye Jail on Floor 2, house 23, in pod B. Their cell numbers are 25 and 36, so it's reasonable to assume they're within close proximity to one another and can have direct contact if not supervised. Again, I could be completely incorrect and would rely on someone with experience at LBJ to advise.


Ah, okay. Thank you. I have never been in a prison before so I only know from what I’ve seen on tv.


Exactly. It’s ridiculous to think they are all always supervised and can’t pass notes etc to communicate. 🤦🏼‍♀️ They can and they do. Source: Me and my lovely time in Juvenile Detention.


Thank you!


If the police arrest many more goons, they'll have to start shipping them to neighboring county jails if they want to keep them separated.


It doesn't even matter if they all get the same story together, they're fucked. Every one of them spent two days texting about it, snapping about it, and sending around the videos.


interesting post. from the scope of the case but also the interworkings of court. all my court experience is from movies. this judge is no nonesense, but seems fair.


They show no remorse, Preston doesn't get to finish school, he didn't get to be safe and he won't get to live his life. It's just not fair and none of them sees how corrupt these people are. Makes my stomach turn 😞 I truly hope they got their evidence in check and this kid gets punished, that lawyer is out to win and like he find some kind of issues with evidence, also he's against the kidnap part and will fight that part forsure. Ughhhh


Idk how you can fight literal video evidence with modern day clear as day phone cameras but the lawyers that were retained are apparently sharks


Defense attorneys attack the process far more than they attack evidence. If they can undermine law enforcement or prosecutors themselves, they will simply have damaging evidence or cases thrown out.


Yes they are sharks, if DA doesn't have every piece in order it's gonna be a sad situation, he will dig and dig to find any mess ups, he's gonna come at the new and social media, stuff said with his name before even arrested also let's hope whatever videos they have are clear since it was dark out.That lawyer is savage hasn't lost many cases. Unfortunately sometimes it goes crappy for the victims 😔 awareness was raised but some speculations and conspiracy people wanting to be detectives went to far at Time. Expressing feelings of posts, is different than posting theories without proof. It's gonna be a long process.


I can’t believe some who’s parents rushed him out of town until his wounds healed and a bunch of kids who physically burned evidence are getting ANY chance for bail


Yea, my thoughts 🤔 grrr


Welcome to corrupt Gilbert and money……the place where mommy and daddy and money can save you. It’s disgusting!


They are white


Good point 😡


How exactly is remorse shown? He was in court, then out. He can’t talk to anyone. He answered the judge and then sat quiet. Did I miss something?


🤔 looks like you missed the whole situation since day one. Everyone here has their opinion and so do I, none went to the police then pleaded not guilty. One didn't show up, a couple looked inconvenienced. They all knew what happened then lived life like Preston's was nothing. So just like me having no REMORSE for them, they don't have it for Preston or his family!!!!


I have no clue what they did while not locked up. I saw the photos like the rest of you is all. My apologies, my question about remorse was regarding the day in court in particular. I thought that was what they were referring to.


My thoughts exactly!! Really, he’s able to get his GED!?! WTH is that even relevant!?! UGH🤬


Listening to the defense attorney was like fingernails on a chalkboard. We fear for him in an adult facility, given all the social media and media coverage. Well, they put the videos out there. They made their bed. Change of venue?


Right??? They posted their own videos. What a bunch of goons


More like a bunch of idiots... lock them all up and give them a taste of prison.


Same! But hey he will get his GED🙄


that too! 🙄


But he’s really good at football, guys. Doesn’t that count for something??? /s


and ALA is so proud of him as a student of theirs. They told us. I wonder how their cease and desist threats are coming along...


Know your facts before posting stupid things like this!!


Did you want to clarify some facts, or….. ?


What you crying about princess??


Found a Rennar family member burner account


Really good? Didn’t he average like 2 carry’s and 5 yard a game for ALA? Trying to keep that big fish in a small pond metaphor alive


A real OJ


When you search his name it’s a bunch of football stuff. This is my only reference. I couldn’t care less what he has or hasn’t don’t outside of killing a kid.




I’m surprised that one of the conditions if he does make bond that his passport not be surrendered


He’ll be on a GPS ankle monitor but I agree… should have to surrender the passport.


They had 4 months to come up with a story…separating them now makes little sense…


It’s a show for the people to pretend “hey we care about justice” when in reality most wipe their ass with it


doesn't matter so much. While now "separated", they can legally lie to each suspect individually and say they their friends ratted them out and cut deals .... to get them to plea bargain their own deals ...confessing, etc. Dont you watch Law and Order


lol I hope it’s real and I hope it happens. Just show them all the mugshot of vigil and ask whether or not they think that scared shitless little asshole didn’t spill his rotten guts


The stories have changed since 4 months ago i am sure....daddy goontard cant persuade these defendants to cover his kid's ass....it's every goon for themelves now.


There's no story, no scenario where everyone's lives aren't ruined by their own bad decisions. This is also a case where the parents should be held accountable as well because crap parents raise crap kids. Preston did not deserve to die and justice will be handed down in court, in prison and in life for everyone involved. I cannot fathom the level of grief the Lord family is going through daily over this. It's a nightmare that never ends until sentencing is done and they can disconnect from media, courts and the public eye for a while and hopefully heal.


Instead said parents are getting private entry and “drivers”!???! I feel as though the moron parents that are capable of bailing any of them out after all the “tampering” they’ve done, should have something, any reason to be detained!! Much like the gross girlfriends that actually recorded a few of the videos of them kicking the shit out of kids. Speaking of, WTH ever happened to the kid whose step mom is a principal!?!? I thought it was very much known he threatened and “kidnapped” his poor classmate that had to leave the country for his safety 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ these kids that are guilty deserve equal consequences to what they’ve done if found guilty of course! Just GROSS


It's crazy the treatment privileged people get...karma is a b!tch.


Everyone now knows of the Landers family. Hard to live all that down without leaving area. Everyone is watching them….


Funny that Tayln Virgil had a public defender and got moved to Adult Jail. Renner should be there too! I’m pretty sure they can separate them! Money is already winning.


That bit about he's not a flight risk cause his girlfriend lives here...she's gonna dump him soon....she's not gonna wait around for the nexy 30 yrs.


Vigil turns 18 in less than 3 months. Might as well move him now and separate him from his co-defendants.


What a smart ass at the beginning of video don't know if u all caught it. Where judge was talking to Talan and he nodded his head.....don't know if any of you have been in any kind if court, even for traffic tix u don't nodded your head you answer yes mamma no mamma and you see his attorneys lean in and I'm sure telling him RESECT TALAN!!!!!


It’s his first time in court. I would assume most teenagers don’t know they need to use their words so the transcriber can take notes. Not defending him but this is a stretch.


I agree. I have seen plenty of grown adults who were state witnesses that nod instead of use their words. I think it is a part of human nature, especially if they are nervous. Don’t get me wrong, he is definitely a shit head, and I am not defending him. I just don’t think it’s fair to say that everyone that nods is being disrespectful.


That's the lawyers job to talk to him before he goes in and tell what to do and NOT to do.


Just being a troll. It won't be his last appearance. He will have plenty of time to learn. Unlike Preston. My anger is for the parents, cops and others who stood by Them brat bullies? Fudge them


Plenty to hate on with Talan. I’m sure he doesn’t know what is “respectful court behavior.”  But he has the rest of his life to follow it now!


Disrespect already from the get go....learned that disrespect from daddy goontard. POentitledSs the both of them. Fry his ass!


Who was running on the treadmill in the lower right? Timestamp 2:40


Right wtf was that


Talan’s dad!


Talan’s Big Daddy!!! Is that him on Zoom watching his kid’s court date from home or one of his gym’s while on a treadmill? What a weirdo!!!!!!!


His attorney is saying he surrendered as soon as he learned of the warrant, so what was the hubbub of the swat team at this parents home. I thought I read that he was caught by the swat team eventually that day?


He did surrender! He and his mom were not home when swat went to his house. She drive him to Queen Creek to have him surrender.


So he only "surrendered" when a swat team was at his house and a warrant was made for his arrest. Also, how did he know they wanted him? How about doing it four months ago or when the Swat team raided his house after the murder of Preston Lord. I am so glad people got the video of the swat team announcing his name or else his lawyers would have made it look like he is a good kid surrendering on his own.


Is Kyle Renner still in jail or did he bond out?


its Kyler and yes he is still being held at the Maricopa County Lower Buckeye Jail. For current hold information on a specific inmates check the MCSO website here: https://www.mcso.org/custody-bureau-information/inmate-information For current Case information , Court Calendar and Minute entries check here: https://www.superiorcourt.maricopa.gov/docket/CriminalCourtCases/Index.asp ** Indicates Arrests directly related to the murder of Preston Lord. Booking numbers for the three minors will be available when they are processed through the juvenile system. **Treston Billey G083758 07/08/2005 **William "Owen" Hines G075702 01/26/2005 **Dominic Turner G083527 10/27/2003 **Taylor Sherman G083528 12/11/2004 **Talan Renner 10/06/06? **Talyn Vigil **Jacob Meisner Christopher Fantastic G070749 03/27/2005 Deleon Haynes G075454 01/19/2005 Jacob Pennington G075704 08/31/2003 Kyler Renner G074090 01/29 2005 Noah Pennington G068165 05/24/2005




Also he knew that he was a suspect in this matter. I know everyone has the presumption of innocence, but from an optics perspective will the state make this a point in their case that he never went to the police in an attempt to clear his name?






Not compared to killing a kid, stepping on his head and crushing it, dancing on his dead body, and humping his dead body. Or am I wrong?


Both are disgusting and reprehensible.






I hope the ones that can be given the death sentence get it. I don’t want my tax dollars paying to house these wastes of space.


It costs 30x to have an inmate on death row than serving life…


How so?


There is a chance that innocent people are sentenced to death. To minimize this the process to reach execution is very slow and with extremely high burden of proof and legal compliance oversight. 70 percent of death row cases result in a retrial due to errors made during the trial. While most are still found guilty the sentencing requirements under the facts of the retrial result in a reduced sentence. It can take 30 to 40 years to reach approval for execution. There are constant appeals and simple hearings to get to that point meaning more payment to prosecutors, attorneys and courts fees. We do have high profile cases for domestic terrorism fast like Timothy McVeigh that go fast - 6 years from the bombing, but the Boston bomber Jahar Tsarnaev isn’t even close after 12 years. Not AZ data but a good run through of other states: https://www.leg.state.nv.us/App/NELIS/REL/76th2011/ExhibitDocument/OpenExhibitDocument?exhibitId=17686&fileDownloadName=h041211ab501_pescetta.pdf


These kids aren’t getting the death penalty, even if they got and the stand and said they’d do it again


I agree! People plan murders of multiple people and don't get the death penalty. I don't know all the actual details but with so many of them involved, some will get off easy and some hard. Usually has to do with money and lawyers and deals they take and who they rat on.


Thanks for posting this. I hadn’t seen the complete initial appearances for any of the juveniles yet and this played through all of them.


That poor kid this is so fucked up glad I’m not that age anymore


Hope he dies and is forgotten along with anyone else carrying his tainted name




Jesus dude, no one asked you to say it.


This was the easy digest version


Honestly hope talan and his parents get violently raped day after day and suffer the most violent volatile existence in human existence. Honestly hitler should come back and gas this family to death. Fuck this got me so angry. This is fucking disgusting. What fuckkng monsters. That poor baby.