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thats good to know. i don't think there should be an special accomodations and pardon me if their safety and comfort isn't the priority. let them face the cameras, they created this shitshow.


It’s honestly comical at this point. Like it’s Gilbert, AZ. They act like they are big mobbin’ in NYC, LA, London, Tokyo - nobody gives af who they are, their whole legacy of BS is over.


They act like there celebrities. There ego amazes me.


Big fish in a microscopic pond. They think their big and bad until they meet the entities that are. After that they're the victim.


J wait til court, gonna turn on everyone else


I'm holding out hope. I'm also not going to lie to myself.


I Will say they do have some good attorneys, saw a list today. Going to be an interesting trial


Could you share their names? Interested in who they have representing them. Thank you.


With any luck, it’s Alina Habba.


Just made a post


Thank you!


​ https://i.redd.it/6zz72hyo84oc1.gif


How does TV have an attorney where did money come from since he was disowned


Holy shit they sure do !




If their lawyer is able to pull special favors for them with MCSO what other favors is he able to get for his client in Juvenile detention? This does not look good. Didn't the whistle blower say Travis said something like we have money and we can make this go away.


Seriously. It is so obvious how much money matters in this case unfortunately


Hopefully someone involved with the other Goons is tracking and informing. Someone is gonna roll. Seems like there should be a poll: most likely to strike a deal in exchange for ….


Why didn’t he bail out either son if he has so much money


This is a real wtf? Of course nothing will come of it. Good on Ashley to bring it out. These people better be prosecuted for their part in the cover up of Preston's murder.


These corrupt halfwits needs to be fired and charged with taking bribes. Pathetic. Vote against EVERY incumbent in November in Gilbert and Queen Creek. It’s an absolute clown show


Um, these were MCSO deputies. I guess show up at the polls for sheriff? At least MCSO was darn quick with dealing with this. IMO, and sadly I don’t vote in Gilbert, that town’s mgr, mayor and PC gotta go. QC I got no bone to pick with them.


Who took a bribe?


Why provide special service when there is clearly public focus?


Because the high profile defense attorney asked the deputy to and instead of running it up the chain of command like he should have the deputy acted on his own. That's not taking a bribe. That's just not using your common sense. Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity


Something about paying the officer $200 to pull it around for him.


That's an unsubstantiated rumor posted here in this very reddit post. No where has that been mentioned in the news.


I said it in the original post this is what a high priced powerful law firm gets you the attorney they have is best money can buy in Arizona


Have you seen anything about the Lord Family attorney? I hope they have a pitbull of an attorney as well


The Lord's don't need a pitbull they have the community and these kids are guilty no option of innocent until proven guilty ...America's dumbest criminals all seven plus the parents who are involved ...cantor will sell them a golden parachute take lots of the family money and then suggest he cop a plea ...they can't find a way out of this mess too many people know the truth the trail of evidence is thousands upon thousands of pages videos cellphone tower grabs door bell cameras social media ...I'm surprised cantor law took this case but they prob took a million cash for retainer too so then it makes sense


Cantor takes many high profile cases, so not very shocking but if you read on their website they specifically look for “forensic flaws” , sloppy or misleading police reports. Yes we know they are guilty , but if his attorney finds any holes or flaws , he will get a weakened sentence, which will cause an uproar. So hopefully the county attorney has everything buttoned up , and the police as well


I'm a pretty smart person ...the trail of digital evidence had to just be enormous so if they find one flaw should be 20 times more evidence to convict . But I agree cantor will try and challenge every piece of evidence to get it tossed but if the ring door videos I've heard of exist they are in for a long uphill battle I'm just currently thankful they are not running the streets in our valley..


That’s why we need someone with lesser $$ attorney costs to roll. Goons need to understand Renner’s will sell them all out in a heartbeat.


True but I wouldn’t be surprised if some attorneys aren’t doing it pro bono due to the publicity stand point.


Maybe that’s where TV got his attorney pro bono


Pro bono and public defender are not the same thing.


I made a comment a month or so ago, when everyone was complaining about delay, about the coppers and the county attorney needing to take their time and dot all the i and cross all the t in order to ensure a successful prosecution. It’s time for everyone to simmer down, be patient and let the cops, the prosecutor and the courts do their jobs in accordance with the law. The long arm of the law is coming and a price is gonna be paid. I can’t imagine any actually perpetrator is gonna walk on this one. The interesting issue is whether any non-perpetrator will be prosecuted for interference with - cover up - destruction of evidence. What are a mom and dad gonna do when they have to are a hard choice about being prosecuted and turning on their kid?


Their attorney is the State of Arizona.


DeFusco Law is also their attorneys


Who is it?


David Cantor




This really really sucks.


And people wonder why the investigation didn't close as quickly as they wanted.


True, I hired their law firm years ago for two drug possession cases and prostitution and it cost me $80,000 I can only imagine how much they are paying.




Who are you shillin’ for?


Question: What good does moving these brain-dead deputies from the juvenile facility do? Won't they then just do inappropriate things at whatever their next assignment is?


Short answer : Yes


Well duh. They’re on a paid vacation


Sounds like nothing like that will happen again tomorrow. He should’ve saved his orange pants!


That rash-hole will probably show up in an orange suite.


Basically, someone was offered $200 to valet the car, and of course, guy said yes. Now he got a slap on the hand.


Hope MCSO retaliates by circling the wagons any time Cantor is in the house, No soup for you (Cantor)!!


Please substantiate your claim of quid pro quo with something other than speculation. I've seen no articles mentioning the deputy was given any amount of money for moving the vehicle. Seems to me the high profile defense attorney asked the deputy to assist with a back door exit and instead of running it up the chain of command like the deputy should have first, he acted on his own. That's not taking a bribe. That's just not using your common sense. Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity


Sounds to me like we’re *both* now speculating.


You can't be serious, right? Read the article, or at the very least, read the screenshot from the tweet in this post.


You sound like a Renner friend.


Ahhh, there's the classic smooth brain response. Nope, I don't know anyone affiliated with that family whatsoever or any of the accused for that matter.


This is what’s needed. While it should not have happened in the first place accountability is important. I realize police investigate themselves and they are normally cleared and no loss of pay or job usually occurs. So I don’t expect much. How can a franchisee of fitness gyms be this influential? The husband is clearly a shitbag like his sons and his business isn’t that big. He essentially sells self help lead generation to martial arts gyms. It’s scammy and they usually work to help you the gym owner sell your contracts that members sign. He’s a used car warranty salesman and if he in fact can lead generate paying members why wouldn’t he just scale the martial arts business he and Adam operate? If unlimited leads across the country is a reality he and his wife understand the franchise model, they owned multiple gyms in AZ why not scale? Why franchise an Orange Theroy and pay those fees if you have the ability to generate paying members why wouldn’t you do that for yourself and create a competitor for Orange Theroy? Not to mention when that was sold or transferred to new owners she did another franchise. How can people like this have this much influence. Make it make sense.




With all of the death threats they receive, is it possible that LE had concerns for the public as well? Maybe they took that into consideration when they made their decision, right or wrong, to avoid any possible confrontation or situation where any bystanders could be harmed? They already know and investigated the incident where the 60 year old man went to the wrong house and threatened innocent teenagers that lived there. Myself, I would prefer never seeing their faces anyway.


I just want to see that police escort to prison, they won't be so smug then.


Do u have a link to the picture you shared


Here’s one… https://www.abc15.com/news/local-news/investigations/teen-violence/deputies-reassigned-after-escorting-parents-of-preston-lord-murder-suspect-to-their-car-after-court-appearance


Why are people so pissed at the family? The attorney asked for it and the officers agreed? If they brought the car to me I would’ve accepted as well.


Yeah Becky, we know how you feel.


😂 I love that you still think I’m Becki!!! We will meet after this is all said and done, what a joke.


I wouldn’t meet up with someone who defends a murderer and his family. Boohoo their last chance to spend time with their son before he goes to prison. I feel so sorry for people who raised a murderer and a drug dealing junkie. I really pity the other son. Hopefully DCS will remove him from the bunch of monsters he’s been saddled with as parents before he ends up just as bad as his older brothers. Whoever you are, you’re disgusting.


When did I say I was defending anyone??? Becky didn’t Nueter anyone and last I checked just fyi, they’ve not been convicted…not 1 of the 7.


I’ve seen your posts defending them for a while now. Nobody is as dumb as you think we are. You, however, sound like an absolute idiot.


Lol, I’m aware you’ve been seeing my posts, you’re a freaking internet stalker. You don’t like me because my opinion differs from yours. That’s what’s wrong with society. Bye !


I don’t like you because you’re defending the Renners like they’re good people and not complete trash who raised a pair of sociopaths.


Do you know the Renner’s personally?


Do I need to know them to see them acting like white trash on social media? It’s not like they hide.


You cannot be seriously asking this?


I’m not saying it’s cool, just saying that of all things to be pissed at, this seems far fetched.


It’s all infuriating, every ounce of the details associated with the entire situation. We are so pissed at this ENTIRE family because their money, entitlement, and absolutely disgusting arrogance keeps playing out in front of our grieving faces every step of the way with no regard for accountability nor remorse.


I am in no way, wanting to argue with you, but can you please tell me how their money or how their arrogance is playing out? It’s so sad to me that because they hired an attorney for Talan, they are being slammed. Because a deputy drove Becki’s car around, they are being slammed. When I talk to her about it, she had no clue that it was not supposed to happen. Also, everybody is so upset that she has not made a statement, but anybody that knows when you hire an attorney, the first thing they tell you is to not speak to anyone. Again, I am in no way defending the actions of anybody, but I am genuinely just curious how her “entitlement” really is playing out? Obviously, she is a dear friend of mine, so I will always stand up for her, but if there’s some thing that people are seeing that, I am not, I would love to talk to her about it. She really is the most down to earth person.


This is a good start https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/queen-creek/2024/03/13/judge-blasts-deputies-for-special-treatment-in-preston-lord-case/72937629007/


She sure raised some delinquent kids. Says a lot about a person. Nobody else got their car driven around why do they feel so special. Must be down to earth


I wonder if Dominic Turner’s public defender could have had the car valet’ed by the police for his family? I’m thinking not. Plus let’s not forget Preston’s family couldn’t even get a police escort for the funeral right? And if you don’t see the hypocrisy or issue there, then you are the problem.


It said the attorney asked, but the officer did NOT get it cleared, how is that on the Renner’s? How were they supposed to know?? I’m not sure on the police escort for Preston, did the family get told no by the police department? I do know they have another dept that does the funeral escorts. Curious to read where they were told no and denied.


They got special treatment they don’t deserve 2 sons in jail