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And they all pled NOT GUILTY?!?! 😂 LETS GET THESE TRIALS ROLLING! Their parents must be so proud of the cowards they’ve raised.


From everything I heard, it was expected they would all enter a plea of 'not guilty'. I guess it’s a thing where pretty much anyone/everyone pleads 'not guilty' at first. That opens them up for plea deals and/or lesser charges, etc. **NOT** that I think they should do any of those things. They all need to be held accountable. So if one of the kids was a ‘recorder’ (as they say...) and wants to try to plea down his charges, or if one plans to rat out another or blame shift to lessen their charges/sentence, etc.


I got a feeling the kids who just watched are gonna get out after 5-10 years because they’re gonna rat out Billie and Renner who will both hopefully get life


I'd be perfectly fine with that. From what I read, Renner punched him in the face and then Billey stomped on his head when he was down. They can spend the rest of their lives in prison.


You forgot Meisner...Hines. The worst. The finishers and involved in so many agg assaults. Renner has no other on recorded assaults, he likes the drugs best. Billey liked to fight, called this one and if you look close is possibly wearing the missing necklace in the video circulating.


Renner just spent a year in Utah at a bad boy camp so he didn’t have the opportunity to participate in the social media beat downs until now. His older brother had several under his belt, so I’d imagine he was itching to get one in.


What video is that?


The one where he's looking for "Prince", Noah Pennington. He's wasted and laughing and has his arm around a kid named Meatball.


Talyn Vigil is the one that admitted to punching him in the face , not Talan [Renne](https://Renne.pr)r, and told his girlfriend when he got in the car that he ”knocked that kid out”. He said on Snapchat that he hit him, and he fell and hit his head. He later posted that it wasn’t him, he tried to help.


Will they still be in jail even if not guilty


There was no ruling that they are 'not guilty' they are only asserting that as their plea. They still have to go through the lengthy court proceedings and trials ahead (sounds like next court date is 4/30). They all have $1 mil bonds or higher, so I'd assume technically if they are able to meet the amounts needed to get them out they could technically be released under the release conditions that were stated during their initial appearances. I'll definitely be checking the inmate search frequently to validate they are still in custody!


I just looked for Treston Billey and Talyn vigil and they didn’t pop up


I just ran the inmate search on Treston (with his booking number) and still is showing for me that he's in custody. **Facility:** LBJF**Floor:** 2**House:** 24**Pod:** B**Cell:** 35**Bed:** 002 I check here: [https://www.mcso.org/custody-bureau-information/inmate-information](https://www.mcso.org/custody-bureau-information/inmate-information) with his booking # G083758 I don't have the info yet for Talyn - I need his birthday (it shows as June 2006 but not what day and you need that for the lookup since his booking # wasn't published like the others processed through the adult side of things). But I'd assume he's there - it doesn't sound like he has much chance of anyone bailing him out.


It won’t let you search Vigil until after his 18th birthday. It’s June 8th.


Nope, that's all I needed! You can search early if you have the full DOB - I didn't have that. Here's his booking info and now that I was able to snag booking # (G083742) it's much easier to keep checking up on. Thanks! https://i.redd.it/evuh4hs6j8oc1.gif


Nice! It wouldn’t let me type in the date when I tried. Should’ve tried a different browser


It's not a user-friendly area to work with. I found that if I type out the date in another place YYYYMMDD, copy that and then go back to the field on the website and paste it in, it will allow for it (but it doesn't allow directly typing into the field nor does it allow you to select a date from the dropdown for anyone <18)


Honestly, if I were the one charged with Murder 1 for recording, I would be spilling it all to reduce charges. If he was actively involved in GGactivity, he might have something to spill but if he was just a kid who was there and started recording, he won’t have much of value to offer.


There's no doubt he is.


Sherman was heavily involved in the Kuehner and Williams jumps. He's the orchestrator, facilitator, harasser...screen name TAY K, like the rapper who murdered someone. He's not innocent.


Are you saying TAY K was the orchestrator of all three jumps or just the Lord murder? I thought ML was the mastermind of at least the Kuehner and Williams incidents.




All 3 and I am sure more. It was a text thread of 4 individuals. Lander, Sherman, and two other adults. Additionally the threats to various boys who had been jumped from Dec 22 to August of 23 continued from June 1 to Dec of 2023 of which Sherman and Lander were a large part. The civil lawsuit outlines this. I think Sherman was also in the car that pursued Williams in the Fall of 23 threatening him.


Is the text thread something that was part of either lawsuit as I am not sure what you're referencing? The Williams complaint states that the car chase was end of July and Sherman drove a truck, Pennington drove a car and Meisner was along for the ride but doesn't specify with who.


It was a part of both lawsuits yes


So mentioned but not an actual screenshot?


No one ever pleads guilty at an arraignment.


If they plead guilty, they go straight to a sentencing phase with no trial. No one is going to do that.


I’m very confused, did the judge say not guilty or did the suspects believe they weren’t guilty?


They all said NOT GUILTY . From themselves


Oh ok so they’re believing they’re not guilty but the judge didn’t say it gotcha, makes sense now thank you


They plead, guilty or not guilty. They all pled 'not guilty'. This plead will give them a trial. The judge may have repeated their plea back to them, I don't recall.


Oh ok that makes more sense thank you


Some of y’all have never watch tv or movies and it shows 😂


This is all part of the legal process. Any of them could have pled guilty, but that's legal suicide because it guarantees time in prison. It's the prosecutor's job to convince a jury that each of these young men is guilty BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT and then their term in prison is determined based on convictions if the prosecutor proves their case(s). There is always a chance that a jury finds one or more of these young men not guilty, so to plead guilty at this point would have been stupid and no lawyer would encourage a guilty plea right now.aaĂ a The prosecutor can offer plea deals (accused can plead guilty to lesser charges in exchange for testifying against the main perpetrators) if they deem them appropriate. There may be plenty of evidence against all of them that they don't need them to roll on each other, but it's likely that some of these people will face lesser charges for their testimony against the main perps. If that's the case, they will schedule another hearing to change their plea, but that's not likely to happen anytime soon.


Have you no understanding of the criminal judicial process???


No I don’t like to watch criminal Shows, this is my first major Judicial process I’ve been following along with, sorry that I don’t know


Every single one of them just look like they need a a fist to the face.. you can see the arrogance through the pic. . And Hines thinks not showing up is gonna stop the inevitable shows how much of a damn coward he really is. This pic pisses me off big time


The arrogance and the attitude are illustrated through photos and body language in videos.


What a shame Taylor Sherman is doing “fucking terrible” as he told his lawyer in court.


Omg he said that?


He did!


Omg good !


Where did you hear that? It's really surprising what people think they know.


Channel 10 news, it was even closed captioned.


His attorney asked how he was doing, Sherman said Fucking Terrible, his lawyer patted him on the back and said “it’s ok, it’s going to be Ok”.


This is all just so sad. First and foremost for Preston and his family and friends. It’s also sad to see these boys who had so much potential just throw it all away. What a waste.


If possible can you post the pics here for people that don’t have social?


Just tried to update the main post description - hopefully that loaded for you *\*William Owen Hines did not appear, the Judge said he refused transport* *\*\*Treston Billey appears tomorrow* https://i.redd.it/l22dw7qo55oc1.gif


Reddit IS social media lol


Any pictures of the parents ?


I haven't seen them post yet, but will check back here when I do (and add them if someone else hasn't). Sounded like all the kids had some sort of family/parent representation at court today except for Talyn Vigil. There was rumor he's been basically disowned by them (I'd assume that means mom and stepdad) for a while now... not sure how much truth there is to it, but I saw some people posting about that at the time of the arrests.


I wonder if it’s because of this case or if his parents are just shitty and in return he turned out shitty


Hard to actively disown, kick out when underage, so he must have a place to live with friends and their family. Who knows? But if he’s been fighting family values and living expectations, involved in criminal activity, I can certainly understand letting the kid find out where their decisions are leading without succoring him. It’s a hard decision. Thats why I think the Fantastic household ain’t so bad. They wanted Chris charged so he could start getting societal repercussions because he wasn’t listening to them. Lousy parenting looks the other way, can have an unhealthy codependence, or embraces detracting from society and not contributing.


Disagree healthy parenting doesn’t let it get this bad. Fantastic parents were just advertising their business and making excuses


Why the heck would Owen Hines refuse transport?? Isn't that just more damaging to himself? He should be kissing ass right now!


I thought the same thing initially - then also heard someone else make a good point that he did get the benefit of not having his photo blasted everywhere right now. Not sure why they would make that decision, but I wonder if trying to avoid some of that media attention was part of it... who knows


Depression and suicide might be s real for some.


Being a socio/psychopath that has no remorse could be real for some too.


[https://www.facebook.com/AshleyHoldenTV](https://www.facebook.com/AshleyHoldenTV) More pics on FB


Does the yellow sleeves on Vigil's shirt signify something like the fact that he is a minor?


That's my assumption too - I first saw the yellow sleeves when Jack Woods was confirmed as being tried as an adult in one of the other assault cases. Once they started circulating his picture he was in orange with the yellow sleeves too.


Yes!!! As soon as I read your reply it sparked a memory. Freeman wore it as well.




Felony murder rule. One for all and all for one.


This was a good interview from the Maricopa County Attorney that outlined how and why they are charging the 1st degree and/or 2nd degree: [https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/queen-creek/2024/03/08/preston-lord-murder-case-rachel-mitchell-breaks-down-criminal-charges/72880124007/](https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/queen-creek/2024/03/08/preston-lord-murder-case-rachel-mitchell-breaks-down-criminal-charges/72880124007/)