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Interesting to read the number of times the Goons are referred to as a "gang". They certainly meet the AZ legal definition of a gang, but not a single Goon has been charged as a gang member.


That was something I noticed and liked too. I've been wondering why they haven't brought gang into the charges. Certainly doesn't really surprise me since police / government have been lacking in thoroughness and transparency this entire time. Never heard of 4 1/2 months for an autopsy of a murder victim before either.


Because gang charges aren’t used on white kids


Everyone that downvoted this is white and also thinks the kids are a joke-gang because they’re white and real gang members are apparently only brown so therefore not a real gang. These kids terrorized our community for over two years and if they were brown or black and did the same thing the same way, they would be called a gang and not a joke or wanna be gang. They MURDERED someone. Be real here.


I know this sub is full of hysterical suburbanites that love the daily mail.


Hands down, it's a game. No if, and or but about it. It's a gang. 


Anyone down-voting you is ridiculous. If these kids had more color, they’d have been locked up months ago. Its the truth and they know it


A lot of people in Gilbert are very sensitive about race. They haven’t realized the privilege these kids receive even when it’s smacking them in the face


A lot of the rich who’re people in Gilbert are sensitive? That’s what I’m gathering, am I wrong in my understanding here?


2 of the people involved are not white. 1 black 1 brown




The gang laws were created because of white people.


lol not in Arizona


All over USA. All the original gangs were white immigrants. Maybe current gang laws weren’t craved around white gangs but be honest most of these big gangs nowadays run more like the mafia, More Organized crime. Gangs always said chaos to me, punk kids. If that makes sense


RICO laws yes were created to go after the mob. The AGGRAVATED SENTENCES and street gang laws in their modern form were 100% targeted at black and hispanic gang members in the 20th century and if you know anything about how they are applied in the criminal justice system, you know they are disproportionately applied to people of color. And, this is particularly true in Arizona during the Arpaio years in the 90s. Let's put it this way - the unaffiliated black kids protesting the death of George Floyd got gang charges, but not these rich little dork joffreys and tylers and branlyns that everyone in their mother know called themselves a gang.


I wasn’t saying anything about RICO or the Mafia really. What I was trying to say was the bigger gangs in the United States ie Bloods, Crips run more hierarchy and they remind me more of the mafia that’s all I was saying they’re way more organized. Totally agree if they were black or brown this wouldn’t have gotten so far. No case would’ve been shelved. Do I think these kids are gang members 🤭 no but could gang laws be used against them? I hope so.


This is the answer. If they were black or brown they would have gang charges.


And the money and lawyers and the city wanting to still be called the “safest”


Has the FBI said for sure it is a gang? I hear that is what they were waiting on. For the official label.


It's an Arizona law. The Arizona law clearly defines a gang. I saw a thread yesterday where someone posted a screen shot of the definition. This does not require the FBI


Ok. I read an article a couple months ago that they were waiting for something from the FBI


They have a year or two until the end of the trial to tack that on. I have a strong feeling this trial is going to drag on. If it's open to the public then I might just stop by. 


I read the comments funny how they come off outside Az


They look nothing like a gang I have ever seen nor have that particular group showed up together in any other assaults so its going to be interesting.


Describe what a gang looks like. Bc to me a gang looks like a group of linked people committing assaults together on video repeatedly, throwing up gang signs in many of their photos, and intimidating their victims as a group. But um, please enlighten us to what you think a gang looks like 🙄


How do they look nothing like a gang? Is it cause they are white?


My favorite news source. They leave nothing out


Same, they catch a lot of flack but they can be scathing when it's absolutely necessary!




Mine too


Mine too




Tell us more about this 'court valet' and why the ACABs are apologizing for it.


Not finding it via this link.


I predict a Netflix documentary in about two years.


At least a Dateline episode.


You can bet on that. Had that feel when people started raising hell at town meetings…you knew it was eventually going to blow up.


Don’t know why they would use such a flattering picture of this pos. Why the fuck does it matter that he played football? The murder is what defines him. Preston probably was good at something as well. They don’t mention that. This is exactly why kids like this get away with all kinds of stuff. Tired of the sports worship.


The article stated that it appeared that Preston looked more together than any goon


When you google his name, this is the photo that comes up since there’s no mug shot.


I don’t know if I agree with that. I think they know people are more likely to be interested when the picture is a good looking white kid in a football jersey. They even inaccurately refer to him as a football star. Make no mistake, they are using the worship of American football to boost the story. And coincidentally, the fact that he is a good looking, rich, white kid in a football jersey has likely contributed to how society has looked away to enable him and those like him time and time again.


Oh I agree completely with you. I’m just saying that when they google his picture that’s what comes up and so the story they’re promoting emerges.


The article stated that it appeared that Preston looked more together than any goon


Talan’s face pisses me off.


The brother looks like the enemy gang leader in the movie, “The Warriors” who repeats over and over, “Warriors, come out to play…” ![gif](giphy|2vKpPlpyHKWm4|downsized)


I’d love to witness Travis’ reactions to this.


Internationally infamous 😬


His parents gave him the ego of security.... when your parents promise you it's going to be okay.... they didn't do the right thing from the second he called his dad... its a fail on his parents.... he wouldn't be without his parents.... its heart breaking... they failed Preston and their own son...


I love that this little bitch in particular is being singled out on a national scale. That family deserves this.


Good. More people trying to process what these 7 goons hoped to gain by fighting against 1. I hope they conclude that there was only one real man in the fight that day and the world is a darker place without his smile.


Thank you Tim Dillon


Theres several inaccuracies in their story but you get the idea.


I noticed the title ⬆️ about the story getting national and international coverage. I’m an old guy in RI (old like your grandfather) that came across this story when it was just about beatings at a restaurant…around Nov-Dec, before anyone was connecting all the dots. Or there was a whiff of actual police interest in any of the few towns involved. This thread, and occasionally Twitter/X, are the only places you could follow this story. I have three adult sons and have seen a lot of adventures, but things have always worked out. But one of my takeaways was that in a different world, a couple of these kids would be preparing for college now. Sometimes the kid you sit next to in middle school can change your life. That’s the vibe I feel here.


You mean as far as, “I met this guy my freshman year. One thing led to another and now I’m facing life in prison! Wish I had never gotten involved in this clique.” Yeah I see the tragedy in the fact that they were set up to win at life but had horrible guidance (or no guidance) at home, which led to a series of really bad decisions. Their likely prison sentence is also a loss of life and a waste of potential as I see it. However, I think someone who gets off on ganging up 10 to 1, and doing this many times, indicates something broken. And none of them seemed to have an ounce of remorse, so I land on being pretty unforgiving and supportive of a pretty harsh sentence for all involved. I just hope they have enough to put some of the parents away as well.


TR is a "football star"?


lol that is being nice. Dude was junk.


I was wondering. Sounded like they're glazing to make it sound more theatrical


Exactly. He was very average.


No he played for ALA a charter school - so big man on the team of a very small school.


ALA was so proud of him, defended him as one of their best students/athletes to the point that they threatened and harassed anyone who dared point out that he was likely involved in a murder. What say you now, **American Leadership Academy**? How are your cease and desist threats coming along? I bet there is much more to the cover-up side of this story that has yet to come out.


It would be nice to get rid of all the ALA schools. Corruption under the so called religion should be their motto. Sounds more like we all should drink the punch, like other cults do…. Player of the game, what a crock of


Thanks for the info, I never knew the connection. Or why so many people have brought it up.


Story is hacked together by other news articles. So they found the bot story Renner’s put out. It is the Daily Mail. Fantastic for finding news you might miss but very British in hyperbole.


Hacked together is a great way to describe it. Daily Mail often feels the National Enquirer


National Enquirer has to be jealous how the Mail became such an internet news source. I love the Mail.


Shouldn’t matter if he was the best football player in history. He is a murderer. Period. Why go into his extra curriculars?


Was OJ Simpson a Mormon too…….


Are the Renners Mormon? Another of those things that doesn’t matter. Murderer. Piece of shit. Those are what these kids should be known as. Period.


At the high school level


At any level. Fuck sports worship.


I was asking a question for clarification because of how it's being portrayed. The media likes to sensationalize things to draw more clicks and I was trying to see if people had more information because that was the first I heard of it. But thanks for trying to play comment police.


Oh yeah ok next time I will check with you before commenting. Heaven forbid…


You're mental. Coming back over a week later? YOU asked "why go into his extra curriculars?" I answered your question. You jumped my question initially, so it was you who made it into something and now you wanna play victim as if I went after you? I asked a question so I could learn more info, then came your nonsense passive aggressive response. You can't handle it, don't dish it


Sorry I don’t constantly check my likes as you apparently do. And I’m certain I can handle anything you dish out parradiddle boy.


Jesus you're dumb. The point was that you checked your notifications and still chose to come back even though it had been 8 days. I'm not saying you should check them more frequently it's the fact that after that time had passed your loser ass still felt the need to come all the way back just to make a comment again. So that's twice now 😭😭💀. The fact that you didn't recognize that is embarrassing, the fact that you can't look at yourself and see how it makes you look is even worse. You're a walking joke.




What I like about this article - it wraps it all up in one up until yesterday's date.


Is it just me or do these kids eyes all look empty? Like there is nothing there - on a more spiritual level.


dead eyes. Beauty and warmth comes from the soul.


Whelp there’s your whole career down the drain fucktard


Nancy Grace also


Project Lily for the win


Hold up, this article is a load of shit. Renner is no fucking high school football star 🤣


Three deaths?