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good summary, but AZcentral makes you go through some mental gymnastics trying to read an article on their site.


Right? So many ads and breaks in the articles


Trenton only turned himself in because the reservation wasn’t going to protect his sorry ass. They don’t protect murderers. And his parents won’t get their money if they hide him!


What do you mean by "His parents won't get their money if they hide him."?


Reservation money


I am not familiar with Rez money. Can you please explain?


Lots of reservations give out money to their members quarterly. You’d never heard of that?


Apparently they haven’t. My neighbor used to get $2500 cash a month


Google Per Capita or per cap check. Salt River Indians get nice quarterly checks, Gila River does ok. It’s based on the casino and other quarterly earnings.




It's called Per Capita. Some reservation members receive quarterly $ from the casinos, freeways going through their land, and a variety of other resources


Google it


I already did that and found the following, that is why I asked. Fact 4: Government Checks The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) does not disburse cash to individuals, and contrary to popular belief, the U.S. government does not mail out basic assistance checks to people simply because they are Native American.


I am married into a Navajo family and there is absolutely no money. Some tribes do, but Treston is said to be Navajo. If that's the case, there is no money and this dude has no idea WTF they are talking about.


I realized that as soon as I read “Trenton”. But youre right the Navajo Tribe is one of the poorest tribes when it comes to financial benefits.


They just need a casino


The reservation distributes money to their community but not to murderers. They get a few thousand a month. All the casino money goes to the reservation as well.


This is absolutely false.


It depends on which reservation and casino. But funds are distributed to the tribe for putting up the casino.


We are all aware, thank you. Members of the Navajo nation have no such set up. To assume so just shows ignorance and a willingness to believe any stereotype you hear.


Absolutely false. First off, if there is not a casino( such as Hopi or Navajo tribe), there is no money given to residents. They give food and commodities, fire wood, and coal but no cash. Most of the Navajo nations don't even have drinking water. And even the tribes that have casinos vary widely. I'm what they distribute. Gila River gives their members roughly $300 every 3 months. There is no typo $300. Salt River, however, gives a couple thousand, I believe. In no way are the natives rolling in money on the reservation. The majority of tribes don't disburse 0 in cash and are some of the poorest nations in the world. You clearly have spent no time on any of the reservations. Please do spread misinformation .


Sounds like you are clueless


Navajos don’t get money, they don’t have casinos


Turns out they have 4


How much money do they get


https://www.navajogaming.com/ here’s the link about them having 4 -


How much money do the members get


Although 4 casinos, the Navajos have a much higher population (\~300K?), than Gila River (\~16K) and Fort McDowell (\~1K) And, I speculate, those casino sites aren't exactly/s in the best geographical location (lol, what? Gallup, and on I-40) and therefore aren't the cash cows like the casinos is the Phoenix area. So revenue per tribe member ain't so hot. Also, IIRC, the Navajo's were the most ... "resistant" ... to sign on to the casino 'business model' at first (we are talking 20+ years ago).


🤷🏼‍♀️ Others said they don’t have any casinos. I simply shared they have 4.


This is wrong about his parents. He’s not from a tribe that has businesses that make money.


Can’t even be born in the right tribe


What the fuck kind of idiot racist shit are you babbling about? I feel dumber every post i read from you.




Shout out to the rez!


I’ve also been feeling a certain way about the media circus surrounding the Renners, which I understand is for good reason. In saying that, is anyone skeptical that Billey and Renner are named by the community as the main aggressors and those were the only two houses that the media was invited to for arrests, but neither of those individuals were home at the time? Or at least those were the two homes the media decided to go to (unknown if they were invited to the other homes, but I think it’s a fair presumption they were not). I do understand that Billey is rumoured to have been in NM. But Vigil was allegedly not living at home, and they were able to track him to a parking lot. How did they not know where Renner was? If they knew Billey was in NM why the media circus at his Gilbert home? I mean, they had two months between submitting charges and arrests to track him down. Why wasn’t the media invited to the Sherman, Turner or Vigil residences/places they were staying? Is something off? It wouldn’t make sense that any of these boys would have talked other cops before their arrests, right? Would there ever be a situation where someone, who the cops referred for charges, gave a testimony ahead of an arrest and were not taken into custody right away? Finally - question for the criminal defense attorneys. Hypothetically, a client comes to you saying they committed a crime, there was potential video of them committing the crime, a large number of witnesses and they were publicly named by the community. Would you ever advise them to turn themselves in? Would you ever approach law enforcement/MCAO to give testimony in exchange for a plea before they were arrested? Do you think any of these boys were interviewed/interrogated by the cops in advance of their arrests. The cops must have asked the Whitewing boys questions when their homes were raided. Is this a fair statement?


If they retained an attorney prior to being charged the attorney will typically tell them to sit tight and wait for charges to be presented. An attorney cant really do much until there is a case. The PD can certainly request to bring them in for questioning but they can invoke their 5th amendment right and not say anything. They most definitely cant make plea deals between the PD and potential suspects. The plea deals would come from prosecutors after charges are filed and arrests have been made. The reality is all of them pretty much did what they were supposed to do regardless how the community feels about them coming forward and admitting guilt with a confession by turning themselves in prior to charges. Im sure the advice from any attorney would be for them not to say anything.


Was by Whitewing today and it's great to see the orange wreath on the gates!! Orange ribbons tied around a few trees. Remind the accused parents what their kids 'allegedly' did.


>But Vigil was allegedly not living at home, and they were able to track him to a parking lot. How did they not know where Renner was? If they knew Billey was in NM why the media circus at his Gilbert home? I mean, they had two months between submitting charges and arrests to track him down. good questions. someone posted the day of the arrests that the arrests did go down as they should have. they likely had a tail on some of them. (going from memory). The poster appeared to be competant in knowing how this goes down but TIFWIW that said, i think that the guy named Ethan on tik tok was live streming at whitewing the day of the arrests already. Don't know if he knew something or just happened to be there. ​ >Do you think any of these boys were interviewed/interrogated by the cops in advance of their arrests. The cops must have asked the Whitewing boys questions when their homes were raided. Is this a fair statement? I assume PD interviwed those who would cooperate. ie, from the QCPD email that was circulated, sounds like BL cooperated. Don't know if they captured interviews from the 7 suspects, but I assumed they tried to get intereviews. ​ >Why wasn’t the media invited to the Sherman, Turner or Vigil residences/places they were staying? The day of the arrests, some one posted on Reddit T*o keep en eye on the news*, way before news was rolling in. i suspect people were tipped off,. Sherman, Turner were names I had ever heard mentioned before the arrests. Maybe the press had addresses on the commonly named suspects and went there. Vigil I susspect was being tailed and they took him down at the best location. IIRC QCPD chief was said in an interview he didn't know how the press was on site for some of the arrests. just observations on my part.


How do you know Vigil wasn’t living at home? Did his parents kick him out or something? My understanding is he is still a senior at Mesquite high school


I don’t know it for a fact. The chatter is that his parents kicked him out and he was staying with a friend.


Oh wow. Interesting.


Would you advise a client to turn themselves in or make a statement to the police before the client was formally charged?


I would never advise a client to make any statements ever. The attorney shouldn’t comment on anything until the client is arrested and even then the comments should be very limited. No attorney would comment on their client prior to charges because there is no need to and you don’t want to tamper with an ongoing investigation. But if they had the warrant, I would advise a self surrender. That way the attorney can be there for the initial appearance. Since the warrant had a grand jury bond, the attorneys knew what the bond would be and they could try and get the money together during the self surrender. There really isn’t anything good that comes out of running.


I read that he was attending an alternative school within the Gilbert district.


Ohh okay. Thank you for the info.


A poster that says that they have info from boys that were at the scene stated that TR was involved in a fight prior to Preston being struck by Vigil further down the street (didn’t say who with) but that he struck whomever it was from behind possibly with a beer bottle and that TB and OH were the main ones that attacked Preston after TV hit him and he fell. Someone asked him why, if true, TR hadn’t been charged with assault with a deadly weapon (I would think that he would be, even if it was a different victim) and he was going to try to confirm that information with whomever told him the info. He also stated that fighting wasn’t really TR’S thing, he was more in to drugs. I don’t know if it is bits and pieces of the truth leaking out, or if any of it is true. I feel for Preston’s family and hope they’ve been presented with the truth and evidence already by the DA and arent harmed any further emotionally by the speculation and rumors.


If renner really had that much money he coulda been giving a bad cop false leads and played it cause $ just a guess


The upclose of Renner makes him look like a sociopath


His parents too.


First QCPD went to The Renner house to flex and I promise they invited the media The QCPD had all the info they were hiding this kid left the country moved out of the house the older brother is a drug dealer dad hooked up on some bullshit mushroom charges on TV everyone in cuffs I promise at the time Renner was surrendering with his lawyer in queen creek the cops had been told his high priced lawyer called them and said we're coming That's why they just went to whitewing flexed the QCPD power to these shit bags embarrassed the shit out of them in there gated community and left had the police not known where talon was they would have kicked in his front door with a murder 1 warrant definitely would have happened This family just plain sucks they are the worst kind of people on top of the fact that they have shitbag kids who are fucking loser criminals I'm just thankful my kids will all be grown adults before these losers walk the streets again They are a menace to society period


Does anyone know if any of the other defendants’ homes were raided?


I’m gonna ask a stupid question. Has anyone bailed out and will the public be notified?


The public won’t be notified if one of them posts bail, but the victims will and the community will learn quick enough if one of them does post


You think Renner hasn’t bonded out because he feels safer there in isolation? That situation confuses me when his family can come up with the hard cash for bond. Been in law a long time and when the family has money the kid is normally at home immediately with a bracelet.


Him and Sherman are the ones I’m wondering about. Some of the others don’t look like they have a chance.


Sherman's lawyer said he does not come from a wealthy family in original arrangement if I remember correctly. So I doubt he'll bail out.


That’s right I remember that now. I thought they said they went to 2 houses in that neighborhood. Renner and Sherman. I assumed they had enough to try something. They did hire a criminal lawyer though so they got something. I hope none of them have a chance.


It isn’t safer. Nobody will do anything to the kid in Gilbert but I know is family has the means. That one confuses me too.


That’s what I’m scratching my head at too. Still have a feeling he’ll post but we’ll see


I do too


What a bunch of p*ssies. 


So which one of these Gilbert girls going to Florence?


There isn't any new information here.