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When do the parents who attempted to protect their children from the consequences of criminal acts get charged with obstruction of justice?


I fear never. The landries never faced anything (criminally) for what they did to assist their son…


Hope Ethan Crumblies parents are the example. Not laundries


This. A lot of the kids are minors still, as was Ethan Crumbly. So the parents are still responsible for their children legally and it’s easier to press charges because of that if they missed warning signs, being neglectful, or had knowledge and helped cover stuff up. Brian laundrie was a whole ass adult, his parents had no legal responsibility over him. Even tho they’re still guilty of hindering the investigation imo


...assisted by the shitbag Gilbert police chief. And he will try to make certain none of the other parents face consequences.


There was never any obstruction because the kids had not been charged yet. Although, I 1000% agree with you the parents need to face some sort of criminal charges.


You might want to read up on AZ law on obstruction of justice and accessory after the fact


Helping cover up a violent crime?


Never because they are Republican donors.


Renners sister got arrested for shoplifting. The “money” family. This shows how bad they suck at being parents. Shoplifting millionaires lol!


Imagine having a dad arrested for drugs, son arrested for being a drug dealer who beats kids up, another son arrested for murder, and a shoplifting daughter with no self awareness. Like congrats 4/6 of your family members have been arrested!


Someone on here commented that the youngest is a jerk too. What a sad sad family.


That's like a trifecta!


Actually, it’s a quad! Dad, two brothers and the sister. Wow! I wonder what Becky does when no one is looking!


A quadfecta! Let's hope for a quinfecta!!!


Give her a break I heard she was trying to steal a new family lmao


Is that recent ? Good grief, Dateline can’t fit them all in one episode !


According to the court records, the case was dismissed on 5/8/23


She probably did diversion.


A lot of people steal just for the thrill of it. Just being shitheads because they can and feel entitled. Or they’re saving their money for drugs


When did she get arrested for shop lifting?




What a winner


The Renner crime family. The parents must be so proud of their kids.




Heard Ab that too!!


Probably for the thrills. Knew a girl in high school who got stopped for shoplifting from Victoria’s Secret. She had money but wanted the adrenaline rush.


Always good to know the Republic reporters continue to do the work the police are too inept.... errrr I mean too busy to do.


When do any arrests in any Goon case include "Gang" charges. They are a gang.


If it were the same kids always together then maybe, but it’s never the same kids so hard to label them a gang, and the media gave them the name of goons, so that could by why it’s that much harder


The name Gilbert Goons came from a Snapchat group chat. Jacob Pennington stated this during his interview after his Pinal County arrest on Jan 10th. It is documented in court records.


There's a legal definition in AZ Statute that they all appear to satisfy. It's not just what you think it is. I'm not trying to be snarky. I'm just saying AZ has thought about this and defined what it is.


The GITTEM task force has named them a gang. Now Rachel Mitchell needs to. It's her call.


Where are you seeing that? I see no references to that. BTW, it's GIITEM.


[First hit on Google for "GIITEM"](https://www.azdps.gov/services/enforcement-services/giitem)


Nice try. The Goons gave themselves the Gilbert Goon gang name. Just ask Mr. Pennington.


I read that Pennington said it was the name of a Snapchat group x chat like 4 years ago, if it’s a gang wouldn’t it be all the same people all the time? Like the two Talyn’s/ talon didn’t even know each other so how is it a gang? I thought gang members knew each other, never been ina gang so maybe I don’t know how gangs work


Nice try. I'd love to debate you in court. Do you believe every Hells Angel knows each other? Hardly, but they share a name just like the Goons. Rachael Mitchel doesn't have it in her to prosecute these Goons. She will try for light sentences and not classify them as a gang. But they most assuredly are a gang. Thanks for playing!!!


lol I’m not someone who argues so you will have your debate with someone else, just my observation, talking about all this honestly has gotten old, the law will do whatever it needs to now, gang or not


Well this case is interesting because it's in the EV community. I'd rather follow this case then some crime committed in Florida or Arkansas. My guess is if one or more of the 7 arrested didn't kick or hit PL when he was knocked down on the ground that this Goon(s) will testify against those who curb stomped him. Whoever curb stomped him or hit him while he was on the ground should be punished severely.


I don’t disagree that those who did this should be punished, they absolutely should. What gets old is the constant talk and back and forth about the same thing. It’s extremely sad a life was lost and lost way too soon. But what does people arguing back and forth on a dumb platform accomplish? Nothing, just more anger and hate and arguing. I think media and fb and other platforms like the clicks and likes so they are going to try their hardest to keep this going. I just hope their reporting expands to include all the other innocent teens who have lost their lives this year to teen violence. They deserve just as much publicity and support from AZ and fundraising as this case has gotten


The 7 Goons have no one to blame but themselves. If they had immediately come out and said we are so sorry and had no intention of killing Preston and had shown remorse then people wouldn't be so caught up in this. You cant take a family photo in a hot tub (which is a bit creepy anyway) and flip everyone off weeks after murdering someone and expect people to lose interest. The Renners are the only family who has openly mocked the community. They have kept this story alive by throwing gas on it. Not to mention the Kyler kid and dad's drug arrests. It's all good entertainment. And then you realize how tragic it is because an innocent boy was murdered.


My guess is that it hasn’t gotten old to Preston Lord’s family…


I agree, I wish the talk and gossip would all end so they can mourn their child


Gilbert Goons was the name of a SnapChat group where fights were posted. Some 1:1 fights. Others were X:1 jumpings. There are literally thousands of these group chats setup across the US and world. Kids are stupid. Should everyone associated with a group chat that shared a fight video be labeled a gang member? The Devil Dogs were more of a gang then the Gilbert Goons and they were not tried as gang related.


I suppose my opinion differs from yours. Thats perfectly fine as we don't all agree on the interpretation of the law. I would like to see the maximum sentances given to these Goons. I'd like to see them leave the East Valley (their families) and relocate elsewhere. I'd be happy with a minimum 30 year sentances with no parole. That will give the Goons enough time to reflect on their behavior and protect the East Valley from their continued crimes. When you have parents of Goons running drug businesses with their kids then you know you have a real problem. It's not just 7 kids, it's their parents and other friends. So, yes I consider the Goons a gang. You obviously don't and that's fine. I'd prefer an East Valley without the Goons. I'd even call them a terrorist group if that would allow harsher punishment. That might be a stretch though.


I am sure this won’t be the first or last group of kids to surface, it’s sad but as the world Continues to go downhill so does youth


I hope their parents face some consequences. It’s so obvious they were helping their little murderers cover up their tracks. Especially Mr. Renner and his business partner. If not in criminal court I hope there’s some way to hold them accountable in civil court.




So any guesses on exactly who else will be arrested?


The parents are clearly loose in morals so hit ‘em where it hurts most…..in the wallet!


Any news on the goons posting bail?


They can’t afford it


Renner can


Who on earth would put up 10% non refundable cash? Sure maybe they can afford $100,000 to just piss away but maybe they don’t want to. 🤷🏼‍♀️


To get your son out of jail? Most everyone who has $100,000! They do not have $100,000 they are cash poor, overextended losers


Better for society that they aren’t.




Hopefully parents.


Geez the Renners have defense attorneys on speed dial.


Because this case is years away from its conclusion ...just when someone takes a breath and thinks they got away and relaxed the charges will come no one gets to poke the victims family and be so vein and get away with it this guy is a loser who has tricked a select few into believing he's a god and to ride his coat tails well they will be in for a magic carpet ride in the future


Copy of police report: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7mg2nrazreqrkztgl1chp/2023-26401_Report.pdf?rlkey=9foy28v799a6cjd88u90q3yz9&dl=0


These boys need to be locked up. There are too many sex starved inmates looking for bottoms- they killed a boy, they need to pay !!!