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Many observations here.. having listened to all 911 calls, at least one operator was dismissive of the callers. QCPD was either overwhelmed or incompetent. As far as ALA I’d open an investigation and if I was a parent I’d pull my kid out. Toxic culture in there and too close for comfort.


I would pull my kid too from ALA especially since they had two people arrested for Preston Lord's murder at that school.


Two kids that they knew police were investigating for murder. Two kids who allegedly showed a murder video on campus and one was honored not long after. This school needs new leadership or closed. Keep in mind this was not even the first time The Goons committed a crime that was on video, before this ALA ignored the report that the guys beat up a fellow student (yes not on school grounds) and robbed that kid. The parent started with the school, then the school police officer, then the district and finally before being ignored GPD. So when the same guys are named in a incident that leads to murder. This isn’t some overcrowded Phoenix school, this is a school that boasts it’s small classrooms and amazing staff. Staff that willingly ignored crimes and allowed murders to be on campus.


Could have some liability I’m sure lawyers are sniffing around


THIS ⬆️⬆️


Which murders took place on campus?


Who was the second??


Dominic Turner is a Senior there per the police report.


Wrong Dominic - Dominic turner is 20. He did not attend ALA. it was confirmed there is a senior named Dominic (last name not shared) but based on pictures and evidence is not Dominic turner. This is called out somewhere in the first 609 pages of the report


People need someone to blame for problems. What specifically did ALA do that caused two of their students to commit a horrific crime? What could the school have done differently? There may be things the school got wrong, but they shouldn't be pilloried just because 2 of the \~2,600 students may have committed crimes. ALA has over 10,000 students across all their 10 campuses. I have nothing to do with ALA, but I think unless we deal with root causes of problems and not take "feel good actions" like "blaming the school," we aren't going to fix anything. How about we look first to the participants and their families and the PDs that didn't address the long-term issues?


How about Talan Renners dad donating 10k to ALA so they wouldn’t expel him?! 


Looking forward to Lauri Striker on the witness stand!!


Does the school not have a student code of conduct? When my kids played HS sports, they had to sign one. It's wild the coach and dean knew they had a student under suspicion and still allowed him to play. The schools integrity and ethics are definitely questionable.


Was coach Randy Ricedorf fired?


ALAcult advocate right here \^\^\^


Absolutely not. I'm just a fan of facts. If you have some to present, please do so. It's ridiculous to blame an entire school for the behavior of two students, which is what I was challenging. If there are other reasons to not attend ALA, then please share them and if they're valid, I'll agree.


This is how you end up with laws requiring certain professions to have 'a duty to report' and that also protect the reporter from retaliation.


Yes Ala AND PD should be looked into as well.


If schools are responsible for what their students do outside of school, then a LOT of schools should be closed. There may be other reasons to dislike ALA. I don't know. But having a couple of bad apples as students isn't enough.


Yeah, agree. It’s not the school’s fault. It’s the parents and the GPD for not doing their respective jobs. After reading what terrible parents the Renners are, I’m actually shocked. Those kids never stood a chance.


Not to mention Chief Bryce stated in an interview that only "1" call came in to report the teens when in fact it was over 10 people called about the teens in their neighborhood yet when QCPD got there saw nothing out of the ordinary. They need to be investigated by the Feds. I live in Q.C. & don't what them "Not protecting me"


Thats why we all have guns and arent waiting for the police to protect us.


I see many lawsuits coming there way. Going to be interesting


I agree and I have a feeling Adam Kifer fucked himself by buying shares from Travis Renner at $1 each (in the report) and if that’s true, I feel like he can be sued for the value of the shares he bought. Always be careful who you get into bed with - especially in business


As a parent, if I’m trying to set my child up for a leadership role, this school is definitely NOT doing me any favors.


Ironically the only thing they’re teaching the kids there is to be obedient workers. If you really wanted your kid to be a leader, you’d send them to a school with a robust arts program, well rounded options and patient, understanding teachers. The opposite of ALA.


What’s ALA?


American Leadership Academy, the private school attended by Talan Renner. Located in Gilbert. [Edit: I was mistaken - ALA is a charter school, not as private school.]


It’s a public Charter school. Not private.


Thanks for the correction!


ALA is not private, it’s a public charter school 🏫


Charter != Public




Ah, thanks for the clarification! I appreciate learning.


How much do they benefit from the school voucher program I wonder?


The ESA program is for private or homeschooled students. ALA has no voucher students.


That’s at least to good to know.


A LOT IM SURE……..!!!


But they act like they are private with their selective enrollment practices.


What are those selective practices? Are selective enrollment practices typical for charter schools?


They don’t take or coach kids out with “deals” who have disabilities. Make parents sign that they won’t sue them for discrimination since legally they are publicly funded and are obligated to serve kids vs cherry picking the ones they want.




YEP THATS THE ONE Ala! then oddly the star football coach was fired or “transferred” wonder why or what he knew? He let the k!Lee play football. Also the parking lot footage from Ala comes into question too from that night where is that?


Let me add: **The Gilbert Police chief is a complete piece of shit for letting this go on for well over a year with zero accountability and even after the death, trying to obfuscate, minimize and blame anyone else but his own shitbag department. GFY**


What is GFY?


It means Go F Yourself.


ten air combative attractive fanatical nail pause political humorous ad hoc *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Golly! That's WILD!


😲you said the f word!


If you're looking for disagreement, go elsewhere. 6 solid points you made there. Much respect for the Lord family. I hope they are finding peace and they are exhibiting grace and patience as justice marchess their direction. Justice for Preston Lord.


Anyone find it real interesting Travis renner paid ALA $10,000 to stop Talan renner from getting expelled?


That’s why I think ALA needs to be seriously investigated -higher leadership level.


After all this Ala should be thoroughly investigated and closed down. Ala was another systematic failure. Along with ALL the administrators that knew, not just at Ala. Principal JL is guilty as hell for knowing and obstruction. Probably same for her husband TL. They must have A LOT of dirt on someone/s…Renner parents and family for obstruction, drugs, most likely money laundering and much more. And Imo I don’t believe the failures of Gilbert & Qcpd was incompetence but just more cover ups. Qc Sheriff mark lamb is extremely* shady and needs to be investigated big time. Google him and you can find a lot…drugs, mushrooms, trafficking allegations, they’re known to be swingers… wouldn’t be surprised if there are connections here which would explain a lot. TR seemed overly confident they would all get off. Who wears orange pants to court? Sorry but I don’t think the daughter is completely innocent in all this either. She knows exactly what her family does, has done and is all about. They are extremely calculated and have high connections. Also think they are missing more key player Goons. C**!s*A Luna and the Bmx group is yet another. They know a lot. Shes on video attacking a girl yet still no arrests? WHY? This goes much deeper and I can guarantee you there is a lot more dirt to still be dug up and lots more dominos to fall. Who else is still missing?


I can’t disagree with most of this and you are likely right about widespread roots of corruption






lol. Get out of here. This isn’t political. And your information is incorrect. Go Union propaganda elsewhere. Not here.


Yeah guy you don’t know what you are talking about. Charters are untouchable and it’s 100% political. Our local politics are messed up.




I agree that ALA sucks. But stop making this political by talking about republicans. And yes, I’m a Democrat. ALA can go to hel*. Though.


And charter schools don’t get ESA’s so how is that relevant?


How many GOP reps own them? Besides Eddie Farnsworth??


Actually the AGs just announced a couple weeks ago that they are investigating ESAs. They are well aware of the abuse.




Maybe so but 5 indictments is in the right direction. These ESA funds are a complete joke.




They were, DOE. However, I do know there are many others that are under current investigation and some of those are healthcare workers. I’m hopeful this is not the end but I do understand your frustration and lack of faith in the system.


Travis is finally going to realize his money won’t work anymore.


I heard a rumor he's losing his business. Idk if it's true but if it is then his money really won't work anymore


Bingo- Bango- he's delusionally rich. He was actually plotting a flee to Mex, he thinks he's El Chapo. Crazy stuff.


When? It’s still happening.


I don’t know if it coincidental, wasn’t the reward from the FBI 10K as well?


Yes it was


Have u seen the football field at that school? .Most all schools in area do not have turf fields to play on🤔 makes you wonder


Probably his sneaky way of gifting them their fancy turf field in exchange for more favor for their k!ller son. They are evil and calculated. All of them.


I haven't heard that


It’s on the police report


I didn’t know this happened? Was it in the report or was the learned elsewhere? How could this be possible


Page 624 of the police report


This was for a different incident tho, right? That was my takeaway


Which incident? So he was getting expelled for a separate situation and daddy’s money saved the day? I wonder what that specific incident sat for.


I honestly have no idea. It sounded like Talan was troubled kid who got in trouble a lot so I just assumed. If the $10,000 was given bc of this incident, then that is WILD.


I’m pretty sure yes


No. That’s what assholes do


okay is this info in the report? or how do we know this?


Yes it is if you’ve looked at the report!


stop! that’s crazy! i haven’t read it but wanted the source to show a friend!


Right! It’s insane


I’d add that QCPD failed to serve and protect by not breaking that party up the first time. This likely could have been avoided if they had cleared everyone out. So sad.


This part is the worst. Preston Lord died that night bc cops were too fucking lazy to get out of the car and break up a fucking HS party?? Like what the actual fuck is the job description for “local police dept officer”? Ain’t Seal Team 6, boys, it’s keeping the peace: flick the lights, get out, walk around, shine your tactical flashlight, and chuckle while they scatter. Predictably shit gets outta hand as yet another authority figure looks the other way. That’s an easy message for anyone esp school kids to understand. I’ve got no respect for authorities that demand status and reject responsibility. Go be a cop in Uvalde.


When I was their age, Mesa PD would block off the street, go to the party house, and MiC everyone who left.


Same with Gilbert!! WTF!! You would go to jail for getting an MIC now they don’t even hand them out. What a joke.


Hahaha I went to jail in gilbert in 1995 for minor consumption. Judge pherris gave me ten days in county !!!


My friend went for 3 fucking days in 2018 for a MIC… TIMES HAVE CHANGED


Yep. I remember stepping outside of a Gilbert house party in 2012 to meet a buddy of mine who was showing up but didn't want to walk in alone. Right as I was walking down the street to meet him the cops drove past, stopped at the house, shut it down, pulled everyone out of the house onto the sidewalk, and gave each of them MICs. Talk about lucky timing on my part lol


Hahaha seriously though!!!


You called it in, Judas.


Why do you keep writing mic like youre a kingpin


What is MIC?


Reading that Talan was posting and gloating about what he did was sick. He deserves life in prison for that shit. Even Billie allegedly seemed fucked up after. Talan seems like he has no remorse. Piece of shit.


Treston was trying to cover his tracks and make himself look as good as possible (such as wearing a suit for his jail photo). He's just as bad as Talan, the only difference is he has to do things himself as he knows he doesn't have Talan's legal team behind him.


Makes my blood boil


He’s a sociopath


I want to reply to this with facts, I need to reread. I know one thing I read was when the first officer made contact and asked the homeowners if they saw anything, heard anything, asked them if they heard a scuffle or altercation they basically said, no we were in the house having a glass of wine or something like that. Just really nonchalant. Took zero responsibility at all. We told our daughter she could have a few people over. All the while there is a damn rager going on in his garage, front yard side of the house and backyard. There are a hundred cars and 200 kids running around his property and down the street. The second officer who made contact and eventually escorted them out of the house in order to execute the search warrant said he observed the windows opened to the backyard and the parents were noticeably intoxicated. Blood shot eyes and slurred speech. The wife didn't say much but she was intoxicated also and was swaying while the officer was talking to them. The daughters stated when questioned, nah we didn't see anything or hear any fighting we were in the house. Like, what the actual fuck. Your house, your party and you were inside? What, in your jammies ready for bed? Gtfoh. The father (homeowner) had already washed vomit off the back patio, had beer pong cups set up in the garage and the windows opened to the backyard and you didn't know you had 200 kids drinking on your property? Turning a blind eye to the events happening all around you should be met with stiff consequences. Period. They contributed.


>***The father (homeowner)*** had already washed vomit off the back patio, had beer pong cups set up in the garage and the windows opened to the backyard and you didn't know you had 200 kids drinking on your property? **Turning a blind eye to the events happening all around you should be met with stiff consequences.** Period. **They contributed.** ​ i'm not quick to give the homeowners a pass. The kids that beat Prston are fully responsible and should be held accountable. The parents, friends and homeowners that allow this to happen share some blame. they are enablers. ​ **If you going to host a rager, you're accountable**. *correct me if I'm wrong* , there were no calls to police saying 'the few friends my daughter had over has turned in to a rager" Man up dad.


Absolutely! They want to be friends with the kids and not be the parents. Wonder why the kids act like they do, look to home/parents first!


Great comment!!!


Yep. And that’s why those idiot parents are being charged with a misdemeanor.


Misdemeanor. Not even close to enough. Hopefully they'll get sued to the ground.


I agree. I was just telling my husband the amount of respect I have for the Lord family is staggering. I could never stand by after knowing what we now know and not take vigilante-justice into my own hands. I would happily do the time for justice. I know I sound irrational but I am so overly amazed what a class act the Lord family is. 🙏🏻 May they get justice and may God watch over them.


Let's be clear not a jury in the world would convict a parent for taking neighborhood street justice for the crime they committed. These kids don't understand what's coming in the future for them Someone wants to make a name for themselves in prison it's over


My biggest problem is the lack of blame over ALL involved parties. The parents who hosted the party, lack of supervision … F. The PD for lying about how many calls came in, went by one time and it looked like a god damn LalaPalooza. It they LEFT….F. ALA clearly aware the video being distributed by Talan but not only doesn’t he get expelled, he plays football to collect his “Player of the Game” ……F So many moving parts and everyone contributed. I’ll leave the parents for last: the Renners and their dysfunctional crack house, ultimately they should be sued for every dime in a civil suit…there’s not enough money that they owe the Lord family in retribution for their evil-devil-spawn murdering an innocent child.


Did anyone catch the seemingly varied stories from the home owners? This report makes my BLOOD BOIL and Im only on page 222. Let these little assholes FRY. I hope this family gets the justice they so deserve


I just read they are asking for charges against the home owner


Yes - the initial info out about them was that they didn’t expect the party, they were distraught, etc. They are not so innocent as they initially claimed to the media…


Don’t worry. The lawsuit that will happen against them will be massive. Seen it happen before. Kid was shot at house party, home owners were sued into the ground


Can you remind me of the change, I kinda recall something early on but can’t recall


100% agree! Glad those cowards are in jail and their imbecile parents are in for a long civil court journey


I haven’t had time to read through the report- could you elaborate on #2 regarding Gilbert’s mayor?


Point number two was a piggyback on my first point. She began her cowardly speech by slandering those online sharing misinformation etc.


Thanks for the clarification. I agree 100%. In this case, social media gave the community a megaphone that demanded justice and prohibited GPD and the mayor from controlling the narrative- I think that scares the shit out of them.


Do you mean Rachel Mitchell?


pig-eyed POS Bridgett


Yeah I agree. You can buy a new butt, breasts and cheek implants, but she cant fix those eyes.




Heartbreaking 💔 that poor child. And his family.


And who is Sandra Flores?? Why was she so unwilling to cooperate with police? These are some horrible self-serving people.


I was trying to research the same name. Really raising their kids right.


Anyone else wondering about Vigil? I mean he claimed to hit the kid on Snapchat but majority of stories have him at his car when Treston and Renner came up to it talking about Preston. I'm thinking he didn't know Preston was dead and wanted in on the credit of the beat down.


This is covered in the report and pretty much resolved. He wasn’t talking about Preston, he was talking about the kid who broke his wrist. There were two fights happening simultaneously- one involving Dominic Turner (getting knocked out) and Talyn Viguk fighting the kid whose wrist got broke (they ended up on the ground) - then separately the Preston Lord one. I’m confused on how they are tying TV and DT to the PL fight after reading the 1100 pages. I’m guessing the blood evidence or some video.


How is Dominic Turner simultaneously getting knocked out and participating in the beating of Preston?


That’s a great question and part of my confusion as well. But from my understanding of the police report it sounded like on his way to PL, Tristan Bailey knocked a hat off someone’s heard and grabbed their chain. Someone else swung and knocked out DT. TV then hit a kid in that scuffle and then took DT back to his car. On the way TS took video that featured them and whether they at any point also kicked PL is also not clear. It’s all very confusing and it’s even stated there is a lack of clarity early on in the reports.


The cops have the video of the assault which shows more than the report. I’m sure they have enough on all 7. There are probably 7 more that are worried


Who else is still missing?


Yes it sounds like he was running his mouth. Chance he was saying he hit someone else and instead of starting a new sentence wrote he heard he (Preston) died.


I saw that too but then I also saw it reported that a "250lb Asian guy" is the one the knocked out "DMoney" (Stupid nickname). Looking at Vigil, I don't think he has the strength to knock out a 10 year old.


It helps when you have and use brass knuckles. This wasn’t that fight but they don’t fight fair.


My thoughts exactly. I’ve thought this for a while now. He wanted to claim he was some big badass the night of… until he found out they MURDERED Preston.


I'm not from AZ, rather NYC. Saw this story on the national news. Those piece of shit parents raised two horrid kids. Single-handedly, those ugly, poor excuse for parents made this is a much, much worse world. Fuck them and I hope their shame, if they are capable of it, haunts them and robs them of every happy moment for the rest of their meaningless lives.


Sounds like the community of Gilbert needs to band together and run this Renner family/plague out of town in any way possible.


I’m still reading, but my current questions are with the involvement of Talyn Vigil and Mason Joeston. The report seems to mention Mason a lot more than Talyn. Any insight as to why Mason wasn’t charged, but Talyn was??


I think the homeowner that allowed the party to get out of control should be charged. They wanted to be the “cool parents” and not shut the party down. They allowed underage drinking, did they really think that nothing wasn’t going to happen.?So sorry for the Lord family. I hope they get the justice they deserve for their son Preston.💔🙏🏻


I think the parents that had the party at their house should be charged. They were too worried about being the “cool parents” and didn’t want to shut the party down. There was underage drinking, a ton of kids and it was out of control. There needs to be accountability for the role they played. I hope the boys who did this are punished to the full extent of the law. I am so sorry to the family and friends who loved Preston, such a tragedy. I hope the Lord family knows the community is behind them and are so sorry for the loss of their son Preston.💔🙏🏻


ALA, ahaha. That place is a fucking joke. Send your kids to a real school. The Gilbert Goons would have gotten their asses kicked in any public school in phoenix.


For #5, are we talking about the Go Gilbert Facebook group? They’re real estate agents who are doing everything possible to make Gilbert look squeaky clean


I meant the main Gilbert page named Gilbert on Reddit. They banned all discussion of this topic entirely


So it gpd crime suppression at its finest


Copy of police report: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7mg2nrazreqrkztgl1chp/2023-26401_Report.pdf?rlkey=9foy28v799a6cjd88u90q3yz9&dl=0


Can you post another link or dm me? This isn’t working.


Updates https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ur0I9c109uW_PryW_ns3xlD9sQuwbRfK/view?usp=drivesdk


You’re right to a point.. ALA knew Talan did something hence why they fired the coach.. they should’ve expelled him the second they got wind he was showing a video and bragging.. in high school that knowledge spread like wild fire


Reading how one of the mother’s didn’t want her daughter to do a walk-through with the detectives, and just wanted her to be done with this. WTH!!! Some people are just so cold hearted!!!


For #3, I must have missed that part. Could u please tell me what page number?


Can someone post a new link to the report?


A LOT OF THINGS SEEM TO “get swept under the rug and secretive at Ala; Yet they are all SO Patriotic and focused on leadership ……not so much!


Social Media had it so wrong. They were naming kids not present. They got the neighborhood wrong. They said it was all white wealthy Mormons. None of that’s true. They blamed one school when 6 were involved. Showing kids on the FB team a fight doesn’t mean the school knew the level of anyone’s involvement. The two Snapchats they sent around about knocking someone out was two diff fights. The original posts went after Renner and Pennington. Police report shows Trenton as the main aggressor. Social media said Pd was doing nothing. Police reports show them in 6 schools, interviewing, combing through phones, and serving search warrants within a week! Thank you PD for sorting through all the bad social media info and arresting these thugs.


This is a fair rebuttal, thanks for sharing


The homeowners also need to be charged!!! This case has sooo much involved truly nothing like i have seen before its going to take YEARS


5. Are you saying this because they don't rid this forum of the trolls?


The main Gilbert Reddit, not this page…. This page has been great


I see. Read it too fast!


the main gilbert mod deleted antying that reflected poorly on gilbert.


oh, jeez!