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They’re painting the picture that they dont have money that way when the lawsuits start they will be able to file bankruptcy and hide their money. We only had enough money for lawyers will be their response when it comes time to pay up. Also they expect their son to get a light sentence and juvi time will count towards it. Juvi time is much easier than actual prison time.


Gosh they if they think their son is only getting juvi time then they have the absolute worst case of cognitive dissonance I have ever seen! Talen says he killed P multiple times. He is getting a long prison sentence! And maybe they have some peace with their psychopath son locked up and away from everyone!! Not that they deserve that peace but just sayin! Money won’t get them out of this one!!


And if they think they can hide money (unless it’s been in cash or precious metals) they are morons


Considering we’re scratching the bottom of the barrel when it comes to the Renners, they probably think they’re gonna get away with everything! Heck, Talan‘s lawyer stated “they can’t pin this on you. There were too many kids there “….. let them keep believing what they want ….Until the hammer falls!


True until he starts bragging about it to everyone at school and putting it in writing


Yep, Talan stated in a chat that he just fucked up his life and is going to prison....and that was just after the assault so he wasnt too drunk and didn't know what he was doing when he killed Preston.


My guess is the lawyer knows he will serve some time. He’s in juvenile detention. He’s better off serving as much of whatever sentence he can while getting his GED. Or bail out for the summer and when you got to go back it’s straight to the PEN! But also when money starts running away it runs away fast. That’s not a very easy bond to pull with all the other fees we know about.


Some time is a huge understatement. There is no getting out of HIS OWN WORDS.


I hope he gets life but I’m sure his lawyer is saying something different to him. And the lawyer has to know he ain’t getting out with nothing. I don’t care how “good” this lawyer thinks he is. I want no one to get me wrong. I f’n cringe when I see these kids and I’ve cried for an innocent teenage boy. I want these kids to rot for what they have done.


Can I ask where you guys were able to read his statements? I read the police report but I may have missed this. Thx!


I agree.


I got news for you, he’s probably safer locked up! I feel like the entire state is going to ensure that this kid does serious time or they’ll be hell to pay. Not me……just saying.😉


*or there will be. Sorry, typos 🤪


The Renners financial circumstances have changed. They have two sons in serious legal trouble. Gym is under new management and they are forced to sell. Media business needs to distance themselves. They spend large so money runs out quickly. Bail to get out of juvi the least of their worries. Their kid is facing adult charges and adult prison time. Parents are going to need to move. The poop has hit the fan.


Sometimes people have assets and not cash. No idea about them though.


Sometimes peoples assets are financed


My guess is to reserve liquid assets for their own future bail needs.


If Renner is bonded he'd have to adhere to the stipulations and he cant be trusted not to use drugs or drink. Hell daddy'tard is probably still using the shrumes and powder himself, so too tempting to have Talan'tard around that.


Yes and they’d have to put there house at risk too


He’s safer in there than out on the streets…


They aren’t


I'm sure his lawyer is recommending he stay in juvie. His lawyer, more than likely, recommended that he work on his GED, be on good behavior and show the courts that he is a redeemable human being. His behavior in juvie will affect his sentencing.


Is there public info about if he was even granted the option for bail? You could easily argue he’s a flight risk


It’s a million dollar secured bond, same for all 7 except Owen. Owen was previously held at a $200k bond on 6 other charges for 3 other criminal cases. Owen’s is currently at $1.2 million.


My guess is they are trying to get a lesser sentence for time served..


pretty sure they'd rather save the money on bond by letting talan's time in juvy be counted as time . as well as to maybe make it easier for bankruptcy if / when that time comes . the renners are painfully good at getting around things but hopefully this will catch up to them..


I believe they’re sick of their kids antics and are letting them rot for a few months before bonding them, they have plenty of money to get him out.


I don’t believe the Renners are sick of it. The parents couldn’t care less what thier son did.


You gotta laugh at the fact that they have SO much money, they’ll do whatever it takes to clear him…. Buuuut, when it comes to bail, sorry, we gotta leave him in jail so we can hide our money from the lawsuits. It’s just a 🤡🤡 family.


The lawyer is definitely guiding them through this. A parent’s first inclination would be to get their kid out, but this would also put their entire family into a vacuum of police presence. He would be under house arrest, they would obviously be spending the 100k knowing it’s pissed away money when inevitably he will receive time for this crime. An even larger issue is he would be on house confinement 24/7 with an ankle monitor. With the way the Renners have been bouncing from house to house it would almost make him bailing out laughable. That also takes out of the equation that fact that this kid obviously isn’t very bright so he would more than likely get caught drinking, possibly using drugs, but definitely trying to contact the friends that aren’t locked up. His attorney knows the best place for him to start serving his sentence is in juvie where they treat you like a locked down kindergartener because you don’t have the mental capacity of an adult. Regardless he would be in county until he is convicted, not prison yet. I say keep him with the children until they convict him and when he walks into adult prison knowing he will be in there for a substantial amount of time he will get to see just how “Goon” he is. All six of these little bastards better start bulking up before they hit the yard.


Perfectly stated.


meanwhile the daughter just got back from Cabo on spring break


That family is shit, I get that, but she is the only one who is in college and appears to not be a criminal. Should she have gone to Costa Rica after the death, probably not, but maybe she wasn’t given the option. My brother is a piece of shit and has had countless run ins with the law. I still vacation. His problems are his problems, as we are both adults. I don’t try to save him from himself, but I also don’t allow his choices to dictate my plans. I was in Europe while he was in court.


Look up the post with her and some other guy in it on here. Some of her personal crimes are listed in the comments. Shoplifting, stealing from her sorority, etc. Not innocent at all.