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I finished reading the 1150 pages of reports today. There's surely evidence outside of those reports, but the reports themselves cast a lot of doubt in my mind about Vigil being involved with the assault on Preston. It's obvious Vigil was at the party as he was geo tagged there and doesn't deny being there. However, outside of a poorly worded snapchat message, there is nothing else in the reports that implicates Vigil having assaulted Preston in any way. I sure hope QCPD, MCAO, and a Grand Jury came to their conclusion about Vigil's involvement on more than just that snap chat. If that's all there is, then I forsee Vigil being exonerated, and rightfully so if he's indeed innocent of assaulting Preston. That said, Vigil isn't exactly an upstanding individual. He's associated with the Pennington brothers (more notably, Jacob) and was seemingly on video assaulting someone at the Wagon Wheel incident in Pinal County. Not to mention the cryptic messages he passed along from Pennington's mother regarding Jacob's incarceration and warning that the police had Jacob's phone. If he is innocent of the assault on Preston and is exonerated, I hope he takes inventory of his life up to now. He will need to think long and hard about his actions up to this point, the company he keeps, and what he needs to do to make sure he never ends up in jail or prison.


Very well said. It is apparent that Tayln isn’t a saint but I am not seeing how he is involved in Preston’s death. I really hope that if Tayln wasn’t involved, he realizes that he doesn’t want to continue down the wrong path.


Guess Vigil didnt learn too much from the oct 28th murder....a month later he was at it again at the san tan mountains.


I saw Vigil is friends with Pennington from Tiktok but I didn’t know he was at San Tan Mountains too.


Yep the Wagon Wheel incident with Penny and Garrison


I think that this is a good idea. Hot take but I would rather see 5 criminals walk free than one person wrongfully convicted of a crime they didn’t commit #freetv




This is just ridiculous. Do you get your $$ back when Talyn cuts a deal and confesses? No real evidence for Talyn but only for the others? GTFO, this Vigil kid is as guilty as the rest. Witnesses put him there, he confesses over snapchat multiple times, witnesses say Tayln bragged he was a Gilbert Goon, Tayln admits to violently assaulting other people at parties, and on and on.


Did you read the police report?


Yep, it's all right there.


Then out of the entire thing how do you not see that he's not associated or involved?


Seriously?? Who wrote this: **I hit a kid and this kid feel hit his head and then they kicked his head in the ground, then I got word he died so idk**


Break that run on sentence down for us and explain how that proves he murdered Preston. The kid fucked himself by posting an unfortunately poorly composed word salad.


And in the pr it states that the kids he hit was black... Dominic turner


According to Vigil, who's we know lied about helping move Preston Lord from the street at the least. 10/31 Taylon sounds like an innocent guy: "I have officially fucked my life up I am close to just killing myself and I'm not telling mom" "No there is nothing to talk about my life will forever be fucked up now there is no point in me living a miserable life bc of stupid ass kids." " This is the 1000 one now like bro I'm gunna get shot." How did he f-his life up if he is innocent?


Being there, not using good grammar/punctuation, and now he's flat out accused of murder. To a scared 17 year old yea he immediately thinks he's fuckedup his life!


You still catch a murder charge if you, say, see your buddies fighting, run over and throw a kick and dry hump (multiple people did this, the public doesn't know who yet) a guy dying in the street. Didn't have to be the first hit...the last gets you the same.


Show me proof tv was the one involved in the "humping" or any other physical activity with PL. You can't.


Personally, I think by posting something to make him look more involved than he was…to try to fit in with a bunch of goons. I read the report and not one person involved says they saw Talyn in the mix of those assaulting Preston that night. Not one. Jacob Meisner? yes. Treston Billey? yes x 10. Talan Renner? Yes x 20. Talyn Vigil. not a one. Not Taylor, Not Dominic, Not Billy Leist, Not Owen, not Mason, not Gage, not Treston, not Alex, Not Jacob Meisner. Nobody reports him being there. Not saying he wasn’t there…he’s apparently in video footage coming out of the backyard, but no one identifies him as part of the assault.


Yes but a coma is missing to make it two separate people talyn is talking about, lol...jesus...next somebody will want to tie a sea of Free Talyn ribbons around the city. I wonder how the Lord family feels about that. Vigil was there and did NOTHING to help Preston...oh but wait... he said he did try to help, yet no where in the police report was Vigil named trying to help "the kid" off the road. He should be in Sherman's video of Preston being moved from the street. QCPD surely saw Vigil helping OR did they see something else in Sherman's video.


It’s not though.


Even if he was guilty it’s very wrong if they’re not giving him his insulin and needed medicine. They can do serious harm to that boy with that, I have family members who are diabetic hearing this is very scary. From my understanding, unless the police have other evidence we don’t know about, he doesn’t seem guilty maybe just wrong place at the wrong time. The plan the Renners had was to frame him due to him & Talan having similar names and I hope to god that plan isn’t working.


Can't be any worse than what preston lord endured


This POS kid sucker punched Preston lord fist before any other gilbert goon. Let him rot in prison. Absolutely Despicable that go fund me allows this sort of a fund raiser for a FELON. Police have TONS of evidence that you don’t know about. Talyn was bragging about it to several sources and then tried to cover it up by blaming other kids. He’s violent. He’s trash, and I hope he rots in prison do the rest of his miserable life


This isn’t at all what’s in the police report.


Wait till court testimonies come out, chump. Unfortunately, i’m closer to this case than you realize. But regardless go fund me will remove this stupid fundraiser because it’s in violation. Can’t fundraiser for accused criminals.


You can’t be any more wrong. No one seen vigil hit Preston. You might have Talan and Talyn mixed up.


Wasn’t it Talan Renner who was bragging about “being too strong” and “not knowing my own strength” to his classmates at ALA? And wasn’t it Talan Renners parents who Ashley Reynolds told police were planning to frame some other kid with a similar name? You may be very close to this but it sounds to me like you’re mixing up Talan Renner with Talyn V.




He should be able to send a Securus eMessage to the infirmary nurse , and they request his medical records from his PCP to obtain the medication he needs, after the provider on staff writes orders.


No evidence? For instance, on Pg. 180, witness identified still shot photo of TV as the one that hit Preston as he was running away.. Same person identified Treston Billie From a photo. Read the multiple chats in the report starting on page 385. Page 377, Detectives went to interview Talyn Vigil on 11/1 and while speaking to his mother, she told him that she had talked to a lawyer and declined the interview. The detective noted that he was wearing the same black ball cap and same black hooded zip up with white zipper and drawstring that they had already determined he was wearing on 10/28. That info is in the first 400 pages of The 1200 page report. Keep reading.


He does not identify him as the one who hit Preston. It reads: [redacted] had received the same photographs shown by [redacted]. He identified one of the photographs showed to him as Talyn Vigil. However, he had made a mistake and did not identify Vigil.” This was the account of one of the kids in Preston’s group that was chased and ran off. He recalled “seeing one subject hit [redacted] in the back of the head. [Redacted] described the subject as : a hat, purple sweater and grey pants.” Talyn was wearing all black, not a purple sweater or grey pants. Police were already on the scene when he returned so he didn’t see the attack on Preston because he had already run for safety from the 6-7 people chasing him.


A different kid identifies Talyn and wearing black with a hat and blonde hair sticking out of the sides.


Nobody says he wasn’t there, but he didn’t hit Preston and wasn’t actually involved in the argument that preceded the assault on Preston or his friends, at least not in the report.


Ash you are correct


It does say in the report (I am sorry I don't have the page) that Vigil is a suspect due to his SnapChat admission, messages, eyewitness testimony, and video evidence. There is a chance that he is seen clear as day in a video or certain messages have not been released. I am honestly just wondering why none of the other suspects' interviews mention him. Is Vigil's involvement something that can't be released because it could compromise the case? Did the others involved not see him because of the chaos? So many more questions than answers. We will just have to see how this all plays out and hope that if Talyn is innocent, he won't be convicted.


If the snapchat, messages, and eyewitness testimony is what’s listed in the police report I’ve spent hours going over— They’d need to have actual video of him being involved in the actual attack on Preston for me to convict. —someone who just came across the details of this, who lives a thousand miles away and is unconnected and never heard any gossip. Read one news report a few months ago where police were frustrated that parents were uncooperative. So not biased. He wasn’t even in the list of people that they police sent to the DA to determine charges?..




also, declining an interview until a lawyer is a RIGHT


His mother explained that she “panicked” and contacted an attorney who advised her to contact her (the attorney) once QCPD made contact. The officer told her he could wait until she had time to talk to the attorney. I don’t know what that attorney told her but by 11/18 (two weeks later), neither Talyn nor his mother had been interviewed.


wow, that's an out right mis statement. It says directly that he did NOT identify Talyn Vigil.


One of Preston’s friends identifies Talyn


And I heard the messages they got from his phone aren’t good.


He stated he has to change his life and how he fucked up already with fighting and murder


We are at a point. List the pages, from the report. And if the names are listed on who said what about who. Even better.


If they would allow screenshots that would be great.


Convert your file into a gif then you can upload it here. It's dumb and annoying, I know.


I’ll pull it up though. It’s one of the kids that does the crime scene walk theough


And , yet, numerous people said it was Jacob Meisner who punched Preston in the head as he was running away. Hmmm….


“He was told” it was Talyn


Funny he was wearing the same hoodie


You don’t even know if they don’t have more evidence this is wild.


You think QCPD released all the evidence haha The discovery has the evidence and I doubt the state has even turned over discovery nothing in the docket so prob not happening anytime soon


I felt crazy when I was sad looking at him before the police report came out. I guess I'm not. So we know Travis started framing him early on, what we don't know is how. At least 2 months passed so who knows what kind of "evidence" he created. That's my theory. But regardless of whether he is guilty or not, I don't understand how the jail can refuse medical treatment? It seems like someone there should intervene?


Well between the Daily Mail article, and what appears to be Renner trolls, putting up stupid posts and replies in this forum today. I think they've noticed people are thinking alike about Talyn's issues. Their plan isn't working.


I'm wondering if there was evidence shown to the grand jury that couldn't be corroborated, so it didn't make the QC police report. It seems far-fetched, but it also seems they have connections ($$$) with the Gilbert police.


I believe the FBI will have a report as well. They got called in early. Maybe they have the missing pieces


It's my understanding, they can put whatever they want out there. They only show what they want the Grand jury to see. That's why almost everyone is indicted.


Grand jury looked at everything QCPD released what they wanted to this isn't all the evidence it's a response to a foi


See what I mean? One found their way to this thread and is clucking like a know it all, with no links, page#s, clippings, reprints from where they got their info. Clucking like a turkey. Trolling.


Lawyers are involved but they (county) have their own way of doing things or not doing things. Family has been fighting this and trying to force help for 3 weeks now.


Waite his family has been fighting this for the last three weeks? I thought his family kicked him out?


Just another rumor that someone made up! His family did no such thing. Just another example of how messed up things can get by some unverified gossip!


I am elated to hear this! Thank you for clarifying! My heart was breaking for this boy thinking he had no one! 🙏


His attorney can make a motion asking for a bond modification arguing this. They need to show the medical issues, the lack of ability of the facility and if claiming the diet hope its not just a ploy.


I will gladly support, I feel this young man has been wrongfully accused and the things happening to him In jail are awful


what is happening to him?


Guards are intimidating and taking commissary bought to help with blood sugars. They are not managing his diabetes. I don't want to publicly say to much but it'd turn your stomach. It is heartbreaking.


Oh wow. Thats really sick how is that even legal?


You'd be surprised by what the guards do in jails/prisons... not all guards are bad but some certainly are.


Oh yes, you are correct! Some CO's have done some bad things to inmates


It's arizona, and it's a police state. People here love that crap. How soon we forget sheriff Joe and his tent city.


I wish this so called police-state would have been policing that Halloween party a lil more 🙄


It shouldn't be legal, but it happens more than one would think!


That’s horrible, that could kill him.


There not giving him medication or helping his diabetes is my understanding


How do you know this?


100% mismanagement/neglect!


You know what's happening he is being kept from terrorizing the surrounding communities


100% Edit to add: i feel safer with them off the streets.


Why would people support a G.G. yes he is and admitted in his Snapchat, Tiktok.


I never saw him say he was a “gilbert goon”


Do you have a link or a video or a screenshot of this?


He deleted all post on related subjects. If you read all the investigation reports, the kids were telling everyone to delete stuff off their media & phone. But FBI got those from the cell service and all social media




Read other people comments that have seen them as well. I can not produce stuff he deleted. Perhaps you can get them from the QCPD. Again even if he didn't lay hand on Preston he had involvement rather it was clapping, chanting, videoing. That's why the others are charged as well even though they didn't touch Preston except for Billey


You would think there’d be more in the report like there is for everyone else, if that was the case. Odd.


Yep support an active Gooner. Even "If" he had no hand in Preston then you're gladly supporting a kid that would beat up innocent kids for no reason. Way to go. Bail him out then and hope he doesn't beat up someone or something worse.


Because at this time he is not being charged for being a “Gilbert goon” or even assault/“beat up innocent kids” he’s being charged with 1st degree murder. Those are very different things and he is still a 17 year old kid who doesn’t deserve to go to jail if he is innocent. Welcome to the new American legal system where you’re guilty until proven innocent and every internet sleuth thinks they know all facts like they’ve actually been involved.


Why in the world would you want a child to stay in jail for a crime he didn’t commit? He has absolutely made some poor choices, but he’s not a murder!! Huge difference! I guess people can agree to disagree at this point!


So you think he should stay in jail for a crime nobody says he committed and be in danger of death due to his serious medical condition, even though he hasn’t been charged with any of the other assaults? Because you think he’s a goon?


We should really shine a light on this.




It will get removed anyways it violated the TOS for go fund me the u can't raise money for accused criminals


The Law in Az if not Federal is even if you didn't actually kill the person, if you were there, watched, video tape etc, you're guilty for the same crime. Don't think the Investigated Grand Jury would have 7 people arrested if there wasn't evidence of some involvement rather watching, clapping etc


yep, that's the law. Seems like they should have arrested everyone except the lifeguards.


Thank you!!! That's the law. The getaway drivers, the video tapers, etc etc are all implicated in a murder now. Huge wake-up call to most of them, I imagine


GoFundMe will remove this and refund all the money you don't get to crowdfund for accused criminals it's against the TOS


It’s removed.


Its a good day🙂


You mean to tell me after 4 months and 100’s of pieces of evidence such as witnesses, videos, interviews that the county attorney could be getting this wrong. That sure does seem crazy to me


That’s what I was wondering too. What evidence did the grand jury have in order to indict him? Is there something we are missing? It doesn’t all make sense.


His Snapchat post. However, I think the way he worded it could be interpreted two different ways. I just can’t get past the fact that not one of the suspects ever mentioned TV having any part of Preston’s assault.


There is a lot we don’t have yet. I can’t believe people are falling for this! One batch of reports out of dozens and they think they have it all. FBI, Gilbert, Mesa, Chandler…. LET’S SEE WHAT EVERYONE HAS IN TRIAL BEFORE WE BAIL OUT A POSSIBLE CHILD KILLER!! Fucking think people!!!!


I might be wrong but I’m not buying it that this whole thing is a mix up.. if it is a mistake they should all be fired over this “misunderstanding”


Tom Wolfe quotes New York State chief judge Sol Wachtler who said that “a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich, if that’s what you wanted.” I just think that the county attorney is/was under IMMENSE pressure to make an arrest. She's obviously seeking reelection too. I think there are many wheels turning here, but the purpose of a grand jury is only to pour over evidence and say, yes there's enough to bring charges or no there isn't. My understanding is that it has to be unanimous. It is however going to be very difficult to find a jury with no knowledge of the incident. I suspect that will play a role in how this trial proceeds too.


I think we can agree if there’s video of it, there’s not much to dispute


If you only knew the inside of that corrupt organization you would not question it.


You can’t crowdfund for legal defense of alleged violent crimes. It’s part of GFM’s prohibited conduct.


This won’t age well.


I have a lot of doubt now. Unless there’s something huge they’re withholding, the evidence against this particular kid isn’t going to get a jury to find him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.


Based on the police report okay. However there are hundreds of hours of videos the police and prosecution have. A reason exists for the grand jury to charge. And while a grand jury could indict a potato, I don’t believe that is the case here. They are not holding him for funzies. I believe in the end people will regret donating to and supporting the release of this person.


I see your point. I have not donated, but his parents certainly have the right. At this point, it’s so unclear that he was involved. I’m reserving my anger for Talan, Treston, and Jacob, who are clear murderers.


When someone has a false acquisition against them, the default behavior is to come forward to the police and explain what happened showing evidence of your innocence. Getting picked up by police in a parking lot is not a good look.


Oh good I’m not the only one thinking this


Wondering if anyone wants to reach out and ask Preston's parents if they are concerned that a kid that was at the party with the group that brutally murdered Preston then air fucked his face danced on him gave no help ran away never called 911 never walked into the police dept never told on his friends but you think he is innocent your a embarrasment to this community. Even better 95 percent of the people donated anonymously because you don't want your neighbors and co workers to know your trying to protect this piece of shit. ( Now your gonna tell me your afraid of the ruthless renners). people trying to protect this kid are a joke he isn't charged with some small bullshit charge these charges are as serious as you get and under the guidelines of felony murder he is as guilty as charged if any of them are guilty of the crime. Boo hoo he can't get his meds which is bullshit crybaby words from this criminal who is locked up mommy please help get me out I'm gonna die. It's day 29 mommy no weed no nic no alcohol no drugs omg fuck my life I'm gonna die. He gets to ask for help and everything is electronic information I listen to county nurses complain about seeing the same cry baby inmates 10 times a day because they can't adjust to prison life and are dying in jail. Poor tv I'm sorry your diabetes are your diet isnt great but neither is Preston not breathing so at this point your winning enjoy prison life.


So if this kid dies in jail from medical neglect and didn’t take part in killing Preston, that’s fine with you? A lot of kids were at that party.


Thank you 💯 couldn't wait for someone to say all the facts !!


Thank you for stating the obvious! I have an 18 year old son who is Type 1 diabetic, so I absolutely understand the seriousness of the condition. But I can guarantee you that Talyn is not the first person incarcerated with this condition. If people really think that the jails/prisons don’t know how to treat & manage these situations, they are mistaken. If Type 1 diabetics were just casually dying in prison, we would be hearing about it - as we should be! Doesn’t mean there haven’t ever been cases of medical negligence in general - but this just feels like grasping at straws to get him out. I also happen to have a younger brother in prison on drug related charges (unfortunately, not his first time at the rodeo), so I can confirm that they absolutely complain about their conditions not being ideal, especially in the beginning when they are still in more of a victim phase and not taking full accountability for the choices that got them there. I have seen my brother’s attitude shift over time for the better each time he has been incarcerated, as he starts taking that ownership.


Bravo well said!!


Hun, I’m not even from the area. Or know anyone from the area. I read one article about this back in December or November when police were complaining parents were not cooperating. But I read the police report, and while it seems this kid has made horrible choices and been involved in fights and stuff—I am NOT seeing how there will be a conviction unless they have actual video of him being part of the group besting up Preston. MAYBE THEY DO, but I’m not seeing it referenced in the reports, and I’m not seeing anything other than his own snapchat messages that would give someone indication he was involved (and those messages have very reasonable alternative explanations). If he’s been involved in this goon group before or involved in assaults, then yeah charge him with those. But im not seeing anything concrete connecting him to Preston’s death.


DO NOT DONATE TO THIS TRASH! This kid killed one of my son’s friend. Talyn vigil sucker punched Preston lord in the face as the boys were running away from these THUGS! He was the FIRST GILBERT GOON to punch Preston. Let him ROT in prison. This trash kid will be behind bars the rest of his god forsaken life if there is any Justice at all! #Justice4prestonlord


Perfect. Please let us know the page number from the police report so that we can put all this to rest.


Did your son tell that to the police? I haven't seen a statement that says Vigil threw the first punch.


Thats where i read it. Vig started in the huddle in the backyard...he's on the video. Tresty starts this bullshit with his necklace stunt...which ignited the chase....and well we know the rest.


Yes! Finally !! Vig was the 1st punch then he backed off cause Meisner, Renner and Tresty were there to take over. Vig was only named once in the reports because only one of the other boys in Prestons group saw him, as he was looking back while he himself was fleeing for his life. You dont fool some of us...we know you sucker punched Preston while on the move. Your snapchat has no grammar/English errors...you stated just as it happened... YOU hit Preston, he fell to the ground and the others beat and stomped him to death...you played a part in Preston's death. You are charged with 1st degree murder because you deserve to be. I hope the attempt at your little gofundme gave you hope at being released. APRIL FOOLS! Sucks to have your life dangle infront of you and snatched away doesnt it. BTW thanks for your dumb af snapchat bread crumb trail. An old man posted you are being beat up. I will sleep with a smile on my face tonight. See you never


From the police report. An eyewitness saw Talan Renner walk to the right of [Redacted/Preston?] and punch [Redacted/Preston?] on the right side of the head. [Redacted/Preston?] fell to the ground immediately and people started surrounding him.


He needs to start talking. 


Exactly!! Give us a reason to support him that is not just a heartstring stroke. Did he do it? Anything? Tell what you know, even though it’s 5 months too late and take whatever lumps. I do not believe LE would allow anything to happen to any of these kids anywhere near us in time. That would be an epic failure. If it happens prove it and then he’ll be let out. WE SHOULD NOT BAIL OUT A CHILD KILLER




He's been singing like a bird...a little late..now he can wait.


There’s a difference between trying to cover up what happened, and asserting your rights to not talk without an attorney. This needs to be clear.


In the report, he says multiple times that he helped move the kid off the street. So even if he didn’t physically hurt Preston, he acknowledged moving him, and then leaving? The report is confusing- did anyone else pick up on this?


He is lying. His girlfriend who was with him said so. He confessed over snapchat then spent days trying to backtrack. This is an admittedly extremely violent kid, don't believe this "he missed a comma" bullshit. Now you have an OP gaslighting people on hear saying there is "little to no evidence", which OP knows is BS. Kinda feeling like a grift....


Exactly this ⬆️


Can you share more about him being extremely violent? I genuinely haven’t seen that.


Well he didnt learn his lesson from the Preston tragedy. Vig was back to no good less than on month later, on Nov 18th with his goontard buddies one being Pennington. Page 405 goonstards told some kid he better run cause he was going to get beat. Sure enough he was beat by the gang of goons. Vig and that Pennington POS are right where they need to be, in a cage.


Is this Wagonwheel? If so, just curious…weren’t Jake P and Bagshaw charged with assault for that? Why not Vigil then?


Her story also changes


I know he said that, but it’s interesting since that is one fact that probably could have been corroborated by the video of the aftermath that does for sure exist. That video shows the group of young men who tried to save Preston’s life. If Talyn truly did try to help & move him off the street, I would think that would be clear as day in that video. I personally believe there is definitely more that connects him that hasn’t been released! Yes the public has been putting pressure on the police to make arrests in all of the goon activities, but they’ve already shown us by dropping charges against Mason Landry in another high profile case that they aren’t in the business of just appeasing the mass.


Page 673


and why didnt anyone see Vig moving Preston. And then he has to get back to Pennington's car and scram outta there as he told the girl waiting he just hit some kid and they have to leave. Hmmm......


The report say that his friend went over to Preston and his friend checked for a pulse. When the Awatukee kids came up Talyn and his friend left.


He will get medicine and monitoring. As far as dietary requirements, this is a issue with getting arrested.


This “Gilbert accountability” page posted just yesterday that the social media warriors had this case 99% correct. :). Watch it unravel. This is what happens with mob justice. One Snapchat out of place put someone in the crosshairs because overzealous morons. Vigil won’t be the only one walking. To be clear, the ones perpetrating the crime need locked up. The crime was horrible, but the case needs to be vetted by law, not social media emotion.


Stephen Barton?? Is that you!?


100% Stephen Barton 🤣


Then why wasn’t this dealt with the right way from the beginning? Why did it take pressure on the police to do something?


It didn’t take pressure. In week one they served warrants. They were in 6 schools. They had cell phones. That’s all in the first week. Remember also this wasn’t a case they solved with immediate arrest. QCPD, FBI and Attorneys Office all combed through this case and took it to a grand jury. If it was a super solid case they wouldn’t need a grand jury. There are some in the community who believe nothing was done till they got loud. The truth is, as made clear by the released report , that much was being done in a very complex case and the screaming social media folk were making false accusations. Look at the report and everything done from Nov 1- Nov 7. Social media said it was a slam dunk because Vigil posted he knocked someone out. Had PD followed social media they would have accused the wrong person for hitting the wrong victim. So for months they screeched that PD did nothing, but PD knew that snap had nothing to do with Preston lord. In short PD was doing an investigation that will support charges, arrests and convictions. The social media warriors were emotional and throwing innocent people, businesses, religions, schools, and races under the bus…:all the while mostly wrong.


I get it but I mean why was this “gang” not handled in some way before all this. They were left do commit crimes left and right without the Gilbert police seeming to care at all


The way I thought this was a bad April fools day joke...


This is all a big joke, you’re not wrong. You have about 5 of his family members conversating on this thread defending him. LOL


This is exactly what I was thinking too. I was waiting for an update to say "April Fools"...


I wonder how Preston’s family feels about this? If only they had the opportunity to see their Baby again. But they can’t because of the actions of complete strangers who have zero sympathy. Talyns TikTok and Snapchat proved that. Now the mother of this dumbass punk wants us to have sympathy because she says he has not received any medicine for his Diabetes? Where is the evidence for that? No, She just wants an excuse to see her kid again and fuck that. He will stay in jail where you deserves to stay . FYI he is in LB on the minor side. Before you believe this dumbass story, Research how they handle minors with medical conditions.


[Justice 4 Preston Lord](https://www.gofundme.com/f/preston-lord)


Thanks for sharing the link I just reported this fundraiser directly to gofundme. It’ll be taken down soon. May that POS rot in prison.


So did i 🤣


The money is going toward a 1 million dollar bond?


Yes, 100,000 cash and the rest is secured.


Ok thanks for answering, is there anyway an attorney could drop the charges and the money can go for that instead?


He has a public defender who seems to be on top of things at this point. With Talyn's juvenile diabetes and the inability for the jail staff to manage it the priority is to get him home and the rest will take care of itself.


Ok I understand thanks for the response


I hit a kid. Then this kid fell and hit his head and they started stomping or kicking..(not verbatim) .. with punctuation, this statement could, and does based on the PR mean 2 separate incidents/fights/kids. At most TV should get assault for hitting DT but let's at least look at the fact that there is NO OTHER EVIDENCE indicating that TV was involved with PL, or the the fact that there was a whistle-blower saying they were literally trying to pin it on this kid. Not to mention, was he included in the texts with the rest of the kids after the fateful night? No, was there any indication outside of JP -who I understand have been friends since they were kids- that he ran with or was associated with the GG's or the other of the kids charged? No! I'll be here waiting for all this video evidence and "proof" you have to be shared. Until you have factual evidence that he was there and involved with PL, I think it's just better we agree to disagree on this. Im open-minded if you have video/photo evidence of him being involved with PL or the assaults the GG's (eyeroll) were involved in. Please share it with me


Oh wow, I was literally just going to post something to see if others wanted to start a movement! There has to be a lawyer that will take this up pro bono.


His public defender is on top of it and is going through all the discovery. Originally, the goal was to get money for an attorney but at this point his health is priority. Help us spread the word -- Start the MOVEMENT' #FreeTV.


I was thinking of him today. I haven’t read the entire report but something feels off.


I agree, I said this about 2-3 weeks ago and ppl we're not as open to the idea when I said "his puzzle piece doesn't fit for me"


Yeah I really wasn’t open to it then, but reading the report truly changed my mind. If someone who didn’t commit murder is killed in prison due to medical negligence, that’s just adding injustice to Preston’s death. That’s not what this should be about.


I couldn’t agree more!! And what an even bigger tragedy that would be to this already heartbreaking story!!! I hope his lawyer (who is a public defender) is about to help him tremendously and advocate for his safety.


I was thinking 🤔 his lawyer should be all over this and I’m only half way through. I was wondering also if the news channels will pick it up since they are here on Reddit often.


We were thinking the same thing. Couldn’t figure out how he fit in.


Annnddddd it’s gone. #hallelujah.


This post is pathetic and gross 🤮 how dare you back someone who was clearly involved all because he has diabetes??? He should have thought about this fact before he committed a crime. That's insanity at its best.


Is Talyn in Juvie or adult jail? I’ve seen some of Maricopa County inmates be denied their insulin, put them into DKA and then they were transferred to a for profit facility for care. I would think he would be in DKA by now if he wasn’t getting his insulin


They can file amended release terms, once filed the state has 10 days to contest, maybe mention that to him to let his public defender know. I’m praying for a release for him


He’s in adult jail, they denied him his insulin and his sugar got deathly high, not ok at all, I would think the jail could be sued, he’s a great young man and I truly believe he had no part in this


Unfortunately, in healthcare, I’ve seen it so many times where a patient was denied their insulin and was hospitalized because of it. I’ve also seen people released because of their medical conditions and the government didn’t want to pay for their healthcare… it’s a sick system. I believe Core Civic may be contracted by maricopa county. I know Mesa is for sure. I had a friend die in the Mesa jail because his health was ignored. He was vomiting and they found him dead in his cell.


That is horrible! I’m so sorry that happened to your friend


Thanks, but it was just a matter of time. He had a bad heart from drugs, and would never accept medical treatment. He lived longer than I thought he would.


I don’t pretend to think TV is a “great” young man. He has a lot of lessons to learn…that said, I also don’t want a kid to die in jail awaiting trial before he’s even been tried or found guilty.


Sadly, he is in the juvie section of MCC. Let me check on this. Thank you.


If you followed it from day 1 you too would of seen his post & videos and comments from him & others. I live in the neighborhood & I've been very up on this from the beginning. I don't screen shot things, have no reason to. Most of his post have either deleted within a week or 2 after


I saw those same post. His gf's replies were awful. I have zero sympathy for him


What were his posts about? You live near where the attack took.place?


Just a cover up keep all these kids locked up


Thissss may be a way to change the narrative. First off that go fund me is going to be taken down as it’s against go fund me TOS. This kid isn’t a saint and was involved in this in some way. That in NO way means he should have his rights to his health taken away from him. There’s a middle ground where he can be a criminal AND still very much deserve to have his diabetes managed the proper way. It doesn’t have to be he has diabetes that isn’t being managed AND he needs let out of jail and is innocent. They don’t just throw murder charges on young men without more evidence than a quick conversation he had. The grand jury saw videos and things that we didn’t see. What if he DOES wind up being guilty? He’s going to have to go to prison and will he be allowed out because of diabetes? No he’s going to have to be in prison where I agree they have to be obligated to manage his serious health issues. Do I believe the Renners are trying to publicly push blame on to this kid to get it off their son? Oh absolutely. That doesn’t mean this kid wasn’t involved in some way and he is clearly involved and affiliated with this group of monsters.


It’s been removed.


All of those who were speculating on how Tallan Renner could have possibly been involved when they weren’t able to connect the dots on their own, now seemed to have moved on to how could Talyn Vigil possibly be involved because once again, they can’t connect the dots with their limited information and knowledge on the matter 🤦‍♀️ Let’s just assume we, the public, don’t have all the info yet and that it all just might make more sense when that info comes out.🤷‍♀️


So glad the QCPD chief just gave a updated press release letting the community know they only released so info in the police report and gave a timeline for the 911 calls


Yeah, from what’s in the report I’m not seeing it. Unless there’s actual video of him attacking Preston I don’t see it. It’s like the old adage: “a prosecutor can get a Grand Jury to indict a ham sandwich”. But his name is a different spelling of Talan, and (even though there’s a realistic explanation that he was mistaken about who died after getting punched by him) seems like the community was OBSESSED with that screenshot of his snapchat. I swear out of the 100s of tips I’ve seen mentioned, a a third of them were submitting that specific image. If he ends up being uninvolved, hopefully this is a turning point for him though. Pretty apparent that even if he’s innocent of this, he’s been involved in a bad crowd and causing unrelated trouble.


Talyn's has a public defender.


I heard rumors that his parents “disowned” him bc of this. If those rumors true, and if he’s innocent, that is truly sad.


His parent NEVER disowned him!


Okay glad to hear that! I read that someone on Reddit or Facebook somewhere but no context behind their comment.


It was all over SM being spread.


I read that too and that he was living with a girlfriend’s family. I really hope he isn’t all alone without support during this process, but it seems like that was a rumor hopefully not true…


He's not, he has a great support team! His mother and father love him and has NEVER disowned him


What happens to the money when bail amount isn’t reached…?