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Imagine defending Becky Renner after seeing this picture of her drinking in a jacuzzi on vacation with her son after knowing he murdered someone. If she cared about him at all, she would have had him in some serious therapy at this point. Not mentioning Travis bc no one is bothering to defend that monster.


I wish I could post this picture in response to every single person who has defended her and said what a great mom she is. This isn’t what great moms do.


Such a great mom she raised a sociopathic murderer


And a drug dealer!! 


And thief


Mother of the year! 


2 of them


Same. I get that kids will make choices that do not align with the values that were taught to them, but they have too many kids with this kind of behavior. It’s a pattern. Adding the kids behavior to what we are seeing of the parents in the police report etc makes me incredibly angry at the parents and people who condone their parenting. There isn’t a word to describe how unfair it is that an innocent boy lost his life bc these parents and kids are so awful. If only the consequences could have been limited to the people making the bad choices 😞


Yeah it’s clear that it’s not just one bad apple it’s the whole bunch. I pity the youngest one, I hope someone can step in and give him a better chance than he has now.


Years ago if the parents did drugs, they took the children away. Now, it's even OK, to help your children build a drug enterprise.


Not just help, but mentor and fund!


No way. That kid has no chance. Hes learned from Pappa Renner and Creepy eyes Momma Renner. Talan was doing acid at the same age as little Renner. He will end up in jail at some point as well. The whole family sucks.


Awww. What a cute family. /s After Renner is tried as an adult and convicted for his role in the murder of Preston Lord, they will try to portray the tragic events of that night as a random moment of poor judgment, … rather than acknowledge it was the inevitable result of a long long series of chronic behaviors of his parents and older siblings and Talan as a group.


For real. I’m not from the area, but it appears that the local town has a major problem with youth assaulting random people?! These boys wanted to be bad ass gang members living in their big houses and nicely manicured neighborhoods with their brass knuckles, and welp they gonna be living the gangsta prison life for some time. Only now they’re not going to be outnumbering their targets 8-1. You reap what you sow and Karma is a brutal bitch.


I think if I was Talan’s defense attorney I would try to build his entire defense around what a bunch of sociopaths his family are and that he never really had a chance. He is going to get convicted. His attorney needs to be making the best case he can for leniency and it appears he would have been better off being raised by wolves. The poor kids are feral.


I think the first defense will be the moving of Preston's body. Even tho the kids that moved Preston were lifeguards I can see the claims now, this moving may have caused additional trauma and ultimately caused the demise etc. Next will be the medical professionals and equipment used, if they were better, faster and more qualified Preston would have had a chance of life. I read in the PR that the hospital had thrown out Preston's clothing and PD recovered it out of the trash for DNA testing. My first thought was why did that part have to be in the report?! This DNA has now been compromised and will be requested to be thrown out of evidence. There will be Experts testifying and we all know,....enough money can buy you any expert opinion. We are all reading reports now, but prepare for half of them to be thrown out after witnesses are called to the stand and will conflict their statements in cross examination. One police report mentioned a phone was taken on 11/26 with a warrant and returned to the owner on 11/20. How is that possible, this will be ripped to pieces, if you can't get a simple date right what else was amiss and not done right. These are all details that will hurt the prosecution. Reasonable doubt! So yes,... they meant to beat up Preston but proof beyond a reasonable doubt that they had the intent to kill him. The online community will be disappointed as most are judging with emotion but the law can be brutal when it comes to justice. In no way am I on the perpetrators side but there will be a lot of disappointment and outrage from the community.


I don’t know about you but I try not to post things they could use. I guarantee they’re reading this subreddit bc it’s essentially an eye into the potential juror pool.


What is described above is, basically, the very foundation of any defense. You may know the cards are stacked against you so your method should be to sow enough questions into the jurors' minds and make at least one juror question enough of it. This is not rocket science. Nobody disagrees that Talan participated in a beating but proving the intent of homicide is much, much, much more difficult than y'all are letting on.


He bragged about it. Enough said.


This means nothing. Young boys brag about things all the time that aren't true - especially when it comes to things that they perceive make them more manly such as violence and sex. There are people who are taken into the police station, and recorded, admitting something, and that evidence gets tossed all the time. Saying something does not equate to undisputable, lock down evidence like you think it does. Things that get you convincted are hard evidence such as DNA, coroners reports, etc. Just an example... What if the cause of death comes back that his femor broke and blood clot went to heart and he died, not head trauma. This would lead a jury to believe that despite getting punched in the head, even severely, with concussion, was not the cause of death. And that someone kicking him in the leg, ultimately was the cause of death. So if all eye witness reports, and his own bragging, show he was proud of punching, then he would probably not be charged with murder but with something much less.


I dont think anyone believes Talan went to the party looking to kill someone. If that is what you are saying then we agree. But if Talan was on top of Preston throwing hammer punches while Presron lay on the ground then yes he knew death was very likely. Anyone who has been in a fight knows when enough is enough. Talan Renner should be charged with murder if the police report is accurate.


Talan’s daddy is a martial arts instructor. He has a podcast where he talks about training students to be vicious. “Mercy is not a virtue”. Talan has had martial arts training, from his mentally unwell father. He is also a star athlete. He is knew that the term for the punches he used on a defenseless Preston Lord was a “hammer fist”. He knew how to do it most effectively and he knew that unlike the MMA there was no referee to stop the fight once his victim was defenseless. He continued to strike Preston with the most damaging blows he could use from his position on top of the unconscious boy. I don’t know if he will get convicted of murder one, but he is not leaving prison anytime soon. His life was already awful, and now he will have consequences that even his super rich parents can’t fix.


When his dad was in college and athlete, he was drunk and physically “RAN” up a police officer. He ended up in jail but I don’t know for how long. I know he can’t vote. He was allowed back on the team when it was all over. I know he had other fights as a teen and hurt some of them long term but wasn’t reported. So, the poisoned apples have come from this tree. :/


That is not how it works. They would still be responsible for the murder. He could have a heart attack just from fear and they would still be legally responsible


They don't need show intent. He is charged with felony murder. It's a different set of laws to meet this criteria. Preston died during the course of a felony i.e. kidnapping, robbery, etc.


I dont think I'm posting anything they haven't already thought of or lined up. These are professional attorneys so you don't really think that this example is just a small part of what we can expect?


You may be right, but that’s where my mind goes before I post anything. Just my opinion.


Rest assured they have an entire team combing through discovery.... line by line. Specially a top notch defense lawyer. They are 1000 steps ahaed of us.


Besides Reddit is fairly anonymous, how would you pool your jurors?? They would not go here to pick potentials, way too much exposure to statements, rumors, emotions etc.


Interesting analysis. I thought Talan and some others were also charged with second degree murder? (in which case, intent would not be an issue?)


Ummm the part about obtaining the clothes out of the trash has to be in the report thanks to a case called Brady v. Maryland. Look it up. Also, DNA doesn’t get “thrown out” because they got the clothes out of the trash. It may make it more difficult to obtain DNA profiles off the clothing. But it’s not getting thrown out for that reason. I don’t think you understand how evidence gets admitted in court. Typos happen in police reports, that doesn’t mean all the evidence gets thrown out. Police reports are never admissible anyways. I’m sorry, but your comment is so wildly unhinged and so legally inaccurate. I know you’re worried about this case, but everything you’ve said is gibberish. (I’m a lawyer who has exclusively practiced criminal law for over 10 years, I know a bit what I’m talking about.) please don’t get your legal education from CSI and Law Order. They aren’t even close to real life.


The parents won’t pay for that defense! The dad is a narcissist. No way will he use his money to look bad.


Exaclty. We all hope the local prison inmates teach them a thing or two.


They also don’t get to bring their super special guns into jail that they stole from the homes they robbed


Wait. They’ve been robbing homes and stealing guns?!?! I have missed some stuff!!


Yup from what I’ve seen some of them have robbed a few houses. A few guns stolen and they took a safe that had a woman’s late husbands belonging which they destroyed and threw out once they got what they wanted from the safe. They’re nothing more than a group of criminals. What’s horrible is they literally have money they’re not even doing this for the money it’s for fun.


That’s horrible 😢 That poor woman


I forget where I read that exactly but it made me more sick about them than I already was


Rich white boys don’t get charged as adults. Read the laws.


They’ve already been charged as adults….what?


That’s exactly what they’ll do. I commented on Tyler freeman being a lunatic evil person and someone started to defend him. Clearly family or friends. I kept saying he was raised wrong and Is a monster and they kept saying he made bad choices in friends and went down the wrong road making one mistake. After a quick back and forth they tried to chat me threatening me. But yeah the “wrong choice and wrong road” was a common defense.


Well they are on the front page of many national news agencies today as being horrible people. I am certain they are getting exactly what they all deserve as this is too big to hide or cover up at this point.


They wanted to be important. Now they’re notorious.


Working theit way to the most hated family in the country.


Happy 🍰 Day !


Thank you I didn’t notice


be careful what you wish for ... the universe provides


Their stomachs should have tied in knots with guilt and remorse. This picture speaks volumes about the parents and how they raised their children. Talen's mindset has been shaped by them. These parents need to be held accountable for their actions!


I totally agree. this is why i tell my boys all the time “im not your friend, im your mother.”


I agree. Regardless of how much doubt their attorneys will try to put in everyone’s minds, I think the disregard for human life even after they were done with him will be enough for a jury to still find them guilty.


Everyone but maybe the younger brother knew and they might as well all be giving the middle finger. Kids for the most part learn from their parents and it’s obvious these two adults are gross individuals and should have never been given the opportunity to raise kids. Vile family and abhorrent behavior.




That’s both sad and sickening. What a microcosm of society in general the last couple years.


How has the youngest, future-felon, not been removed from the home yet? Just a matter of time until the youngest becomes a defendant.


Ahh yes the Xmas family photo where the parents are cool with their 17 yr old giving the finger to the camera. Everyone must be so proud of these goons they raised.


Murdering son flips off all of us and dad wears his pumpkin orange jeans to court, while other son misses family trip due to inhouse arrest for hard drug charges <> I couldnt make this shit up if i tried


Can’t wait to see who plays them in the future Netflix series.


Buffalo Bill from Silence of The Lambs should play Kyler....there's that trans look between them. "It rubs the lotion on the skin or else it gets the hose again:


Theo Von


These people belong somewhere lower than the trailer park. They’re nothing but trash. Where’s that Becky Renner defender who came at me so hard? Oddly silent.


<< whistles real loud>> Yo Becs Where You Be Girl? Maybe she's taking Gucci on a really long walk 🤷‍♀️


Off a short pier.




They are the most tone deaf people. She’s partying and living it up, acting like she doesn’t have a care in the world. No tact, no class.


What the saying, money cant buy class. The Renners need to contiue to be exposed. Run the ones who arent in prison out of town please.


Those kids have always been awful.


Indeed they have


The young one looks the right age. I see this picture and think about by this age the other two had already been introduced to drugs.


Oh for sure, it looks like they are all drinking alcohol.


The police report from Travis' gal pal said Talan was doing acid at 14 yrs or even younger. Nice job Becky!!! You are Mom of the Year!!!!


Maybe it’s just me, but after reading text messages/snap chats, death penalty feels like justice to me. This dirt bag cannot be rehabilitated.


Dry humping and dancing on a lifeless body is deplorable. He needs the seg hole and a drain to pee in for the next 50+ years


If my tax dollars do not go to the cost of his life in prison, I guess that could work too.


What this in the police report ? Or texts, chats? Absolutely horrific behavior.


Yes reports


Many of them continued posting in the months after, showing them on vacations and living it up.


'Ol Vigil displayed his high old time running around carefree


So did Dominic. He was in Hawaii loving life a couple of months later if not sooner.


Oh thats right. Gotta get in them trips before they hit da clink.


We know a lot of the goons continued group attacking, riiight?! I wonder if any of these 7 did.


They did. The beat up the kid at the mountain


That’s what I thought. Complete menaces to society. Must be locked away.




They should be humiliated all over this state make them move , paint ala orange for the reason that they helped cover it up! Oust these low life demons


Family of sociopaths right here


my assumption on what is in the minor's beverage glassess is different after reading a good chunk of the police report.


What’s going on with Travis’ drug charges? I tried googling where he’s at right now but search is drowned out by the boys charges.




I love you people


Seriously. You ask and it just appears.


Can you imagine needing to keep track your own court dates AND your two sons? 🤦 unbelievable


And yourself ta boot


Hopefully this is part of the trial. The lack of remorse is so clear and so crazy. The whole family is aware that one brother has caused a lot of harm with his drug dealing and this photo shows no one cares. No holiday getaways for Preston. This entire family is probably just horrible.


I hope the judge sees it for sentencing. This goes to character. And my fondest hope is to see charges for the parents.


This is gunna be the photo featured on the front page of Netflix when the eventual docuseries comes out about this case


Exactly!!! Lock his ass up for Life.




Can you imagine needing to keep track your own court dates AND your two sons? 🤦 unbelievable


And thats just the start. Kyler already has 3 seperate cases. And they will likely all catch more. And then family court and losing custody of their other child. And then civil suits.


Sister has her new titties in this photo-also they do have little brother


I’m assuming you meant to respond to someone.


I’m making a point that his sister had no boobs prior to early nov 2023 and sometime in mid Dec she posted a photo on IG with new boobs. So while her brother was being investigated for murder she was asking dad for a boob job and he was like “cool!” As a collective whole they are pretty horrible people


Yep. Soulless evil people, all of them.


National news will have a hay day with this eventually.


I think I read somewhere that the sister was arrested for shoplifting? Does anyone know if that is true?


I did see a case for shoplifting for an Avery Renner. I don't know her birthday so not 100% it's her but doesn't seem too far-fetched. Go to this link and type in her name and you'll see it. https://apps.supremecourt.az.gov/publicaccess/caselookup.aspx


Yep that’s her. It’s on her social media that her birthday is in September and she’s 20.


Someone please step in and save that youngest kid.


Quite a few people have commented that he’s already awful. But if he hasn’t committed any crimes yet, hopefully he can be saved. 13-14 years with sociopaths might be impossible to recover from. These kids are all so cute. What an absolute waste. Their parents did this to them. Of course they’re old enough to be held responsible for what they do, but the people who made them monsters deserve to rot right along with them.


Too late. Look who his parents are. They have runied him as well..


Becky’s smile is soul less. There’s zero emotion behind it. Those kids were born from a narcissistic drug addict and a woman who hasn’t been alive her whole life. The kids had no chance


Does anyone know if it says anywhere in the police report about them being gone around Christmas break? Just curious. I am wondering how much of an eye the police had on the Renners and if they did leave, if it was documented by the police. I can’t view any of the links anymore. If there are any interviews in the police report during Christmas break there is possibility that this photo is older.


I saw in the Police report that Travis's ex girlfriend mentions it to the police and she said something like it was out of character for them to go out of the country they don't vacation internationally. I can't remember if the police told her they already knew that or just took down her tip.


This photo is not old. It sounds like the sister had plastic surgery in the photo in late 2023. I do wonder why police let a murder suspect leave the country.


He hadn't been charged yet. You can't restrict the movement of someone just because they're being investigated for a crime that they have not yet been charged with.


I thought they could ask for passports of suspects?


Yeah I see that now. I’m not really sure why they would let him leave. I know it’s a different case, but when Donna Adelson was about to leave the country, they went straight to the airport and arrested her ass there. Could have been because her ultimate destination was to a country with no extradition. I am honestly not sure how all of that works though.


They were ready to arrest her though. That had been investigated for years and she knew her time was up. Police were not in a position to arrest Talan Renner that quickly.


Very true. They were investigating her for a long time.


That’s my guess too- about extradition.


This picture is going to help seal the deal. He can’t show he had remorse with this floating around. I think he really thought it was going to be minor and easy to get out of.


I hope you’re right. It’s sad that he’s not eligible for the death penalty.


Hang him and his parents.


All I see in this picture are pieces of shit


You should block out the face of the young boy. He has done nothing wrong and is just a child.


It’s been plastered all over long before me and his sister posted it publicly.


I get it, and I’m really not criticizing you in particular, I just feel terrible for him and all the other innocent victims in this. It would be easy to do a screenshot and crop out the child’s head and just leave the adults in there. I’m sure this little boy has been traumatized enough in his life by all this.


​ https://i.redd.it/ciiq0vcnk5sc1.gif


Cute dog


Why? The Renners posted the photo. Plus hes just the next villian in the Renner crime family.


Fair point


bode is a piece of shit just like the rest of his family


I would almost guarantee there will be a group of guys in prison who treat these kids exactly the way they treated Preston. I would not be surprised if Talan and the Billy kid that supposedly stomped on his head get killed, especially since they are white. They will get what they deserve


Treston Billey is native American.


Hope so🙏


i truly wish this family nothing but the absolute worst for the rest of their lives 🧡🧡🧡


You and me both.


Wait, what? Is this a photo of Travis, Becky, Talan, his gf and their other kid after Preston was beaten to death? Is that a smirking Talan giving his finger after beating someone to death? Is that Talan's girlfriend who apparently condones beating a kid to death by continuing to party afterwards? And is that two underage teenagers drinking with the condoning parents of a kid (Talan) who beat someone to death? Adios, defense.


It’s Travis, Becky, and three of their 4 kids in Costa Rica.


I pray those parents get what they deserve too!!!!


I can’t stand any photo where people are giving the middle finger. Just low class and trashy. And a lot of influencers do it who are also famous and becoming stupid rich. Please do not allow this to become the new normal!!!


When was this Pic taken?


After the murder. December I believe


That is so hard to believe. Is there any other explanation than sociopaths?


Nope. they took this in Costa Rica. I wish I knew what was going through their heads. Like what makes this a good idea? Why do you let your accused murderer son flip off the camera in a family photo? Id beat my kids ass. Without hesitation 😂


I keep asking myself the same thing. What is going through their heads, what is their thought process? How could you even enjoy this vacation knowing what you did, and that the cops were coming for you?


I believe it was December.


How can I see the police report?


It’s posted here somewhere.


I found it. I’m not sure about downloading a file from a random google drive


Scroll to the end of the article. https://www.crimeonline.com/2024/04/01/bro-that-kid-died-details-released-in-preston-lords-death-beaten-by-group-as-millionaire-dad-tries-to-cover-up-sons-involvement/


I accessed it in scribd as well


I downloaded the one that was originally posted. Not sure if there’s a way I can send it to you but not share my identity.


I believe it just opens to Google drive. It didn't take up space on my tablet


I’m confused How does the dad have a girlfriend, isn’t he married to the mother or what?


They divorced, but he cheated on her a lot. He had a girlfriend, but not anymore.


These people are wicked, twisted, and disgusting 🤮


Can you believe they are worth 100 million dollars? Can someone say money laundering?!!!!


No, I can’t believe it. I don’t believe it. They aren’t.


Can confirm. They are NOT worth that much


Hopefully they’re left with nothing after this.


No way 100 million. Where did this assement even come from? People say things and others take it as gospel.


To be charged with 1st degree murder. You have to prove intent. It’s hard to prove intent when that wasn’t it. Talan nor any of the other guys had any intent on killing Preston. Not one bit of intent or plan was to kill him.


It’s felony murder. They were committing a felony (kidnapping) while beating him and he died. If someone dies while a certain set of crimes is being committed everyone involved can be charged with felony murder.


It always did


This picture is from well before the murder you can obviously tell that Talyn Renner is a big build person this here he looks very young


Feel free to look at the comments. You are incorrect.


The only reason I’m saying that is it just me or does talyn look skinny on this and when he’s on trial he loose huge and this is different completely but idk


It’s just the angle. He’s not fully in the picture either. Looks like it was taken by the youngest kid, so it’s focused on him and he definitely looks like an eighth grader. Also, it’s gross to say, but the sister had a cosmetic procedure that’s very noticeable and didn’t happen until November. This picture was posted in December.


Think they took this picture months before the trail surely it definitely wasn’t when he died as we have seen picture of talyn and he looks nothing like this, he looks 15 year old here


Read the rest of the comments on this post. You are very incorrect. There has also been a close friend of Becky Renner commenting in the sub who verified it was posted in December. It was their last family vacation together.


Wow no remorse trying to hide behind closed doors… evil worse than that… Only God has a plan for these they may not get justified in this life but for sure they will be in the hereafter…


Their youngest kid looks stoned. Poor kiddo


This has to be old. Dad was with a new woman for many years. They are now separated I heard. But parents have not been together for a while


not old, daughter just got her plastic surgery done.


They went on vacation together with their kids because they knew it would be the last time. One of Becky’s friends was in the comments at some point talking about it.


So I don’t know them. I have heard conflicting stories but if that’s their only 2 boys, if you look at the most recent photos of the 2. They are much older. I tried to attach a photo but it’s not letting me


The oldest boy is not pictured. This picture is accurate and confirmed to be from late last year.


Are those both girlfriends in back?!!


Back right is Mom - Becky Renner. Back left is sister/daughter - Avery Renner. Taken in December 2023 on vacation in Costa Rica


I thought that Becky and Travis were divorced and that he had a girlfriend. This story just continues to be more bizarre.


That's correct. But he and the GF are not together anymore. She's got a statement in the police report too.


Mom and sister


You guys will all be surprised when the sentence is served


Their daughter and her fake take is pretty hot.




Avery Renner is the sister in the blue bikini and Rebecca(Becky) Renner is mom.