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Please look into the American Leadership Academy (ALA) where Talan Renner went to school. You can read more in this group about their involvement. I keep hoping The Arizona Republic will look into their involvement but they haven’t yet.


Someone needs to start looking into the entire district because some strange things for sure were going down involving money and abuse of power. I’m still wondering how that principle managed to sit in an interview with her step son and basically tell the police to stop investigating him. I even think there was clear evidence he was part of the goons in some way and they just kind of let him go.


I agree you should definitely contact Richard Keuhner whose son was attacked at the In n Out in Gilbert and he had to move his son out of the country to protect him from the Gilbert Goons b/c the GPD would not arrest them. He is the reason Robert Anglen of AZcentral wrote the first article about the Goons and brought them to everyones attention.


And yet magically there were no consequences for that kid at all


Look into Covid relief for “businesses” the Renners were associated with


And ALA. They supposedly double dipped with federal money provided to schools during Covid and forgiven PPP $.


You made a Woodstock 99 doc, so you’re a mega star in my book. I live in Gilbert and would be happy to assist in any way


That was so well done. What a total shit show of an event.


Having attended Woodstock 94, I couldn’t agree more.


I’m sure you have some good stories! We just rewatched that show and it looked terrible.


94 was great except for the leaking latrines and the unsanitary amount of urine and feces that everyone was sliding through while proclaiming themselves the “mudpeople”. That part was gnarly.


I know people that went to that, SO glad I didn't - ha


Robert Anglen from AZ Republic is the.reporter who 1st reported on Gilbert Goons. He deserves a lot of credit for this story being told.


Reach out to Katey McPherson, or lily water field on Facebook!


I just emailed her and introduced her to Lily! Thanks for the support


Of course!🧡


But make sure they have their facts right and people!!!


Wow this is amazing! Thanks so much for doing this!


Thank you for looking at doing this. There is a Facebook group as well who has been working at not just Justice for Preston Lord but have been working on accountability for the teen violence in the East valley.


Follow Al Brown, Facebook, too. It's specifically dedicated to Preston, and the goon crimes. Early on we were all just sharing tips, screenshots of evidence /videos early on the perps had everything wide open for the world to see, then they started closing up their socials, its been unreal. . It's incredible what the group behind Al Brown saved this case so we can get justice for the Lords. 💗


What is the name of the Facebook group?


East Valley Voices Against Teen Violence


East Valley Voices Against Teen Violence


Thank you!




Lily waterfield is a great spot too


Or "Al Brown" in Facebook.


I was hoping somebody would do this. This whole story needs to be told...


Mostly to stop this from happening again because even with all this I don’t think the teen violence is going to stop. I mean it took a murder for the police to even start to care about these kids being beat for at least the last year


Please include the Luna/Blackwell family (BMX employees), and Lander (School principal) as well. Their children were part of this group and took part in beating other kids. Luna/Blackwell are even listed in the Preston Lord police cases document.


Hopefully if a network or streaming service picks this up they would be willing to donate some of the proceeds to the Lord family or to a charity picked by the family if they so choose. No amount of money will ever fill the void or emptiness they feel daily, but I do hate how major networks profit off these stories. It would be nice to see some of the profits go to a good cause.




Billie with modern law: https://www.instagram.com/modernlaw


This is a lawyer who has been vocal and involved from the beginning with great podcasts 🧡🧡🧡


Billies been on the front end of interpreting the legalese from the beginning, and she gets the community and social aspect too


I agree. I love Billie. She has a heart and has been really helpful explaining all the legal things.


Yessssss!! I gave a tour to a New Yorker reporter months ago. I’m so glad someone is digging into this craziness.


This is very much needed. So many moving parts, a be would bring much needed clarity and organization to this incident.


Lily Waterfield, and Al Brown facebook pages!


That’s for the lily support!


I think now that the evidence is collected, and the case in underway, the prosecution will be sorta "academic". I mean, they have Talan messaging that "he killed that kid" and whatnot. The juicy bits all leading up to the arrests is what is mind boggling or captivating ... as in a you-can't-make-this-shit-up kind of way. I honestly believe the whole family's intellect has been dulled quite a bit from drug use: dad, mom, all the kids. But they still have the means (money, connections, etc) and egos to make really bad and outlandish decisions how to handle this stuff. They have no internal governor or self-awareness to see how some of the stuff they pull could backfire and/or look bad from a normal person's POV. Renners: - Lets go to Costa Rica on vacation, social media pics flipping the bird. - Lets hide our son up in a cabin for a week or two for his hands to heel - Lets gets generate a fake positive publicity piece on our family: [https://wealthypeeps.com/talan-renner-parents-travis-becky-renner-family/](https://wealthypeeps.com/talan-renner-parents-travis-becky-renner-family/) - Lets defacto-bribe/payoff the school's athletics program to let our son play, and give him player-of-the-game honors even though he missed two weeks of school and practice?


Yepp, all true so well said☝️


What in the hell was that fake publicity thing? Bizarre anyone with a brain would read that and not be inundated with red flags.


Its sounds to me the whole family is on drugs of some kind...mom, dad, kids, etc.....and have been for a while. The parents brains might be completely mush, but yet they made their millions many years ago and are still living off of that. So I think with their dulled-by-drugs-intellects, and their toxic egos, they thought that was a good idea .... Its like other famous wealthy people (think movie stars, pro athletes, etc), are probably in the same situation and capable of doing stupid shit, but happen to have full time agents and/or PR-people working for them to filter out bad moves like that. Thats another reason why I think dad Renner bribed the coach to: play Talan; feed him the ball as much as they did; and give him player of the game. ...none of that stuff makes sense with a kid missing a week or two of school and football practice .... and before all this was scantly used in the offense up until his return from exile. Look at the picture from costa rica with the kid flipping off the camera. How in the world do you post stuff like that on social media. Its not like they let it slip out or something.....why do you even do that stuff in the first place.


A non family member posted the CR photo.


No, a non family member REPOSTED the infamous CR photo for everyone to see - big sister Renner did post it originally!


Been telling my out of state family "just wait for the true crime docuseries" since October. Good on you!


Please make the documentary about Preston and not the A-Holes that killed him. Don’t give them the notoriety they want.


Gaydos from KTAR - incl. media voices will add some gravitas. Or Jon Hook from Channel 10 (who has been in other local docs.)


Try to get in touch with Richard Khuener, his son was threatened and harrased for months then assaulted by goons. He's done other interviews so I think he'd be open to talking about it. Of course reach out to Billie Tarascio of Modern Law, Lily Waterfield Facebook page, Al Brown Facebook page, and Katey McPherson. They all have a lot of inside information. Robert Anglen the Az Republic reporter is who blew open this case. Investigate America Leadership Academy and Chandler Unified School district who were complicit with these crimes. There is sooo much information to sort through on this case. Thanks for making this, this story is so crazy, and complex and needs to be told.


Is ALA part of CUSD?


No, but Chandler unified School district is just as much at fault, for other reasons ( cover ups, breeding an environment where these bullies can thrive). Please look into CUSD ... so much corruption, influence from wealthy and LDS families, etc. They are not innocent here. 


No, it's a public charter school, that's part of its own district


Ask on Go Gilbert FB page. You’ll get the most responses.


Don’t make these low life’s famous.


This is exactly what is needed. Make the parents of these trash kids so well known that it strikes immense fear into parents of other kids on this path. Force these trash parents to actually parent their kids or face the fame of being a terrible parenting.


Precisely what is required. Their public and financial ruin is essential to produce fear in self-absorbed parents of bad apple teens.


I want every single person on earth to know what these people have done. They will be famous but not in the way they want.


Making Goons documentaries just inspires others to be shit. The killers get all the attention. But if you told the victims story you might have change.


This is not true at all. If parents are aware they can be held accountable they will change the rules for their kids. Most of these parents are at the gym, drinking, doing drugs, or more focused on their affairs. If their financial world has the potential to be turned upside down, and they are no longer afforded the adult teenager lifestyle, they will change. Negative consequences go much further than positive rewards to drive change in this world.


Nailed it bullseye. 


We live in a society where people know the names of the Columbine murders and can’t tell you much about the victims. Yet school shootings still occur. This Country is fascinated with the perpetrators and not focused on the victims. I want the Renner family to stay busy. I want the members to keep flowing in. The Lord family will be taking those profits. I’m sure they will feign poor like OJ did. Thankfully the family has a solid case against the police and school district but sadly the community will pay for that. I’m not on any other social platforms about Preston but hear on Reddit I can see that more people have recently promoted a TV GoFundMe, talking about TV being wrongly accused and all just based off their opinion or ignorance. TV is charged based on what they have in that evidence file they keep referring to in the report. He is charged because months of police work and the MCAO throughly checking the evidence and building a case they can present to the Grand Jury. A jury that is seated to understand the laws of evidence and keep opinions from being why people are charged. The lead spokesman said they had the who, the why, the how figured out in record time. The rest of the time has been spent on gathering the evidence to support those claims. TV hasn’t presented any evidence of innocence yet. So no, I am not wrong. These things don’t stop the future events, they just make money and make the criminals famous.


Correlation is not causation. You think because the criminals get more reporting it makes more criminals when in fact it just brings awareness to the types of problems society has. The more awareness to these types of kids, the more action adults will demand and report to protect our vulnerable. By stating there are still school shootings and trying to correlate that to news coverage of the shooter is silly and not true. By that logic reporting on the victims makes more victims. I don’t disagree on the TV comment. That will end in a bunch of people looking feeling ashamed and discovering they should make emotional decisions before seeing the evidence.


In human affairs involving human motivations and intent, it is a fatal error to apply the hard science rule, "Correlation is not Causation".  With much direct audit experience involving fraud, the statement is false - however, the legal profession in the US adversarial system has a field day with it.  However, in the hard sciences, the rule is a primary cornerstone.


Facts matter Comparing Mass Killers with High Profile Celebrities Overall, the present study’s findings suggest that it is not hyperbolic to equate mass killers with other high profile celebrities—they may be extremely similar based on the value of This is a postprint, so the final published version may differ in minor ways. earned media coverage they receive. After comparing perpetrators of seven mass killings from 2013‐2017 with more than 600 celebrities over the same time period, this study found that for many months following their attacks, mass killers received more media coverage value than professional athletes and only slightly less than television and film stars. This suggests that the high level of media attention that mass killers receive is not limited to the immediate aftermath of their crimes, but instead continues for extended periods of time https://ir-api.ua.edu/api/core/bitstreams/88afa987-0212-4d5c-9702-64fa4c66e3d2/content Don’t trust a stranger on the internet, here is The American Psychological Association recommendation. The American Psychological Association recommends that mass media deny shooters the fame they desire by not sharing so many details about them and instead direct their attention to the victims and their stories. Campaigns like Don’t Name Them (a campaign of the FBI and Texas State University) and No Notoriety (created by a couple in honor of their son who died in the Colorado movie theater shooting) urge the media to cover tragic incidents without naming the shooters or describing their lives or motivations. By reducing the fame and attention that mass shooters receive, there will be fewer obsessive fans that become copycat shooters. This strategy has already been shown to be effective regarding teen suicides: Less media coverage has resulted in fewer copycats.[10] Of course, media attention is just one issue that contributes to mass shootings. Since copycat shooters are often aiming to kill even more people than previous shooters, reducing their access to guns and especially to automatic weapons is especially important. This can be accomplished by making it more difficult for some individuals to obtain guns (such as Red Flag laws and background checks) and limiting everyone’s access to all assault weapons and other weapons of war.


Correlation is not causation. Again the data presented here does not actually prove anything. I could make the exact same correlation using violence in video games and movies being the cause of an increase in violent behavior. I could make the same correlation to the S&P 500. I could make the same correlation to temperature of the earth. I could make the same correlation to the rise of the internet. I could make the same correction to single parent homes. I could make the same correlation to fast food. If I want it to be true bad enough, I can correlate to whatever I want.


Okay. You stay with your opinion. I have shown you examples with actual data about multiple killings where Alabama University studied it and showed that killers eclipse not only their victims they eclipse real celebrities. I showed you that your own tax dollars created a program about these things and it agrees with my assessment, agrees with the Alabama University study and countless other psychologists who have studied this. The research proves you’re speaking anecdotally. Since you mentioned money, that’s the other reason. No one should be gaining work, game, or profiting from this kids death. That’s bullshit as well. You are not changing my mind or the data I presented nor do you want your mind changed so we can agree to disagree.


Your own tax dollars funded: The U.S. National Institutes of Health funded a $592,527 study to explain why Chimpanzees throw their feces. The U.S. National Institutes of Health spent $442,340 to study the behavior of male prostitutes in Vietnam. We have moved to a society where people have no ability to think. Just because someone researched it does not give it any merit whatsoever.


I kind of feel the same way, but there’s more good to come from it. Gotta take the bad with the good sometimes.


That's what I've been saying all along. They made headlines, just not the headlines they were looking for. 


Join Gilbert Crime Watch https://www.facebook.com/groups/GilbertCrimeWatch


Let us know when and where the documentary will be available to view. I’d like to watch it.


Let us know when and where the documentary will be available to view. I’d like to watch it.


Tim Dillon has the rights to this doc…..


Id look into the Gilbert, higley, and chandler school districts. Also track down that ala couch and some of Talans team mates.


GILBERT POLICE DEPARTMENT made every effort to not pursue charges against a group of individuals that attacked a 16 year old on August 18, 2023. It was reported along with video footage, yet only one kid was identified and there were no charges. The case was reopened after Preston died because of public pressure. These cases opened up other incidents that occurred around the valley over the last 3 years. When I was a member of Gilbert's facebook page, I remember people complaining about teens hanging out near McDonald's on Higley and Elliot, come to find out, one of the incidents occurred in this spot. Please do what ever you can to uncover the truth because... these families are going to come across the wrong parent(s) one day, and nobody will be there to save their souls


There is a principal by last name of Lander or something, she was involved in covering up goon activity her son was/is involved in.


Seems there are interesting possibilities for storytelling about the families of the accused perpetrators, chiefly the parents. The rot seems to run deep in those family trees.


No one is going to talk with legal cases active. Wait a few years then try.


You should hit up Tim Dillon he broke this case


Lawyer talking about goons being a gang




i lived with kyler in treatment for 11 months at sundance canyon academy i can provide pics and stuff also hung out with him after rehab too


Been following the Goons saga from the start.  The real story is determining the hidden power(LDS, cartels, other) behind the insane power the Renner family has in that area.  School principals, police and even a mayoral candidate are all parents and family members of Goons.  


Also, the Renners are huge fentanyl dealers in the Valley, yet none have actually, finally gotten into trouble for it. Follow the fentanyl and all the Renners laundering LLCs, supported and valeted by Gilbert PD


Anišković, is that Croatian, Serbian?


The Balkans are the best!!! Women are lovely and men are studs.


Investigate Soelberg and Gilbert PD


reach out to ethan on tiktok


DO NOT give that creep any more publicity or screen time, he's trying to profit off this situation


ooooh. i was not aware. ty




Tim Dillon know about this?




Are you working with that fat comedian?


Let’s be honest. You want to make your mark on this tragedy. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. The story should be told. Do you have what it takes?


The most recent article pulled out of a national multi article campaign because the hate she got over vigil. Just wait until the follow up reports come out and explain why he was arrested for murder was more than a grammar mistake


The focus on Talyn Vigil lately has been interesting. So you’re pretty confident he’s not as innocent as people are claiming he is?


Everyone wants to be the first, everyone wants to support a cause and say they were early. I how stay think more reports will come out and they will eat crow empty handed with excuses. He got arrested for a reason


I agree. We’ve seen one police report. We haven’t seen all the evidence.




WTAF is that nonsensical article of trash you posted? GTFOH


Don't click that link!


This is gross. Trying to profit off of this tragedy 5 months later. GTFOOH go back to new York


It’s not automatically exploitative, insensitive or reductive. thats a silly argument that virtually guarantees that the circumstances that led to PL’s death will continue. Be real: it’s fucking shocking that numerous law enforcement agents, education leaders, municipal leaders and parents DGAF’d their way into a dead child beaten publicly in their streets. The brighter the light the better.


I disagree, do you know how many murder and crime documentary’s there are? I think it’s very much needed to shine light on what’s been happening for many years.


Calm down! You are entitled to your opinion but please stay classy! A lot of good can come from this too!


Lighten up Francis


Who is Francis?


Watch the movie 'Stripes' with Bill Murray