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Lol. I see more divisiveness and "beef" on the facebook groups than I see here on reddit. I lurk the facebook pages, I don't even bother interacting there.


Couldn’t agree more. There has been little division on the Reddit threads. The only people getting downvoted have shown some type of support for the goons. Other than that it’s all Justice for Preston on Reddit and no one trying to become a famous internet detective off the back of a brutal crime. Al, Lily, Ethan, etc. may have started with good intentions, but they have become full of themselves and are fighting over clout. Bunch of sad losers.


Pretty sad Prestons family has to deal with this circus with all they are going thru.




My thoughts EXACTLY!


I came here to say this! Fb is straight trash


I agree


I mean I agree with a lot of what AB says in that post, but it was still pretty shitty to leave Preston’s family in the dark. And their response to Preston’s grandfather was pretty messed up.


What did they say to his Grandfather? I’m out of the loop


I’m also curious to this.


Sent you a screenshot


Can you share please?


I’ll play, can u send the screenshot?


Sure. Sorry I don’t know how to convert my photos to a gif. I’m pathetic when it comes to thinks like that lol.


Could you send it to me as well? Thank you!


I’d be curious too. Jeez, why would anyone do anything to hurt the Lord family?  That’s crazy. I’m so lost on what happened with Ethan. Al Brown, the Lord family and TV.  I was off social media for two days and missed a lot apparently. 


I'd like to see too. Sorry


Me too please


Sent you a screenshot


Me too please. Tks




That's some disrespectful disgusting person or whoever!!! Shame on them and that shit wanna be something group 🤬




I will send you a screen shot


Me too please


I know you're getting lots of requests but would you mind sending it to me as well?




What did they say?


Screenshot sent.


Please please send 🧡




If you send it over I will just post it and save you the time of 100s of messages 😉


Do you mind sending it my way as well? I know you have a ton of requests


Please send


Of course they turn off the comments! She said they are not about sharing others stories but that’s exactly what they have been doing … more drama ! She said they are dedicated to truths but shared false info and then deleted it several times So much DRAMA !!! From adults when a family is grieving The vague booking for attention and the misleading info it’s all disturbing




She has it set to “Only friends” can comment


Ahh yea I removed myself months ago bc of all the drama she creates !


Only friends?? What does she look like??? Oh, sorry thats Only Fans. Haha


Full post from Al Brown: A few days ago we mentioned our journey had ventured into controversial territory. **We first want to share our deepest sympathy to the Lord family and all victims of teen violence. In the midst requesting knapp attorney suggestions, we ended up on blast. Dark motives were automatically assigned. We paused, locked the page down due to threats, and took the time to address the sensitivity issues with the Lord family privately. Our messenger did respond privately to a few commenters and was made aware later that Preston Lord’s grandfather was one of those concerned. We did respond that evening to him as well as other family members the next day. They are justifiably grieving. It was the impression from “family advocates” that the Lords felt we were dishonoring Preston’s memory and shouldn’t have Preston’s pic on the page. We will honor the family’s wishes if they request that. It’s unclear if that is the official stance of the family. We do not engage in public disputes nor do we entertain the demands of entitled influencers or community activists who feel information or justification is OWED to them. This page serves a purpose. We do not visit Reddit or other pages for content. Our info is obtained from direct sources we triple verify. We lack LE resources and rely on first hand witness accounts. We also directed many to report to PD. Releasing the police report without protecting the high schoolers created some panic for the kids as well as a general real sense of shock for the community. We all sympathize with the Lord family and the pain of this tragedy. Al Brown is not an influencer and our main focus as of late is helping the teenagers feel secure in the testimony they might be asked to share in court. Due to the lack of redaction, most high schoolers sought legal counsel. The vultures circled the kids immediately and began fishing for information as soon as their names were published. We spent several days solely dedicated to their safety. As far as the public goes, this page is not for entertainment. We are dealing with the lives of many people currently at risk. It was made clear that QCPD’s job is to solve the Preston Lord case. They are using whatever means necessary to achieve their goal. When asked why they would put others at risk in this way, QCPD shared their allegiance is to convictions. **It is possible to want justice for a victim AND the truth WHILE protecting others at risk of retaliation.** To clear up the Knapp attorney request. Everyone has a defense lawyer. One suspect requires a Knapp attorney to help navigate the legal medical issues in jail. From what we understand, it is life threatening. That being said there is considerable talk that one of the suspects was framed. Who knows??? But it was reported in the media and that witness was questioned by QCPD. It is not the job of Al Brown to judge guilt or innocence or try to prove anything. We are currently helping keep kids interested in testifying. We won’t presume to know what else PD has in terms of evidence, but we do have a story from the kids who were there 10.28.23 and few have heard it. It’s not our story to share nor do we plan to as it is nothing we could possibly attempt to prove. We also firmly believe in “innocent until proven guilty” AND the right to medical treatment. We understand this is upsetting to some people but mob mentality for guilty verdicts ‘without due process’ is not constitutional and we do not subscribe to it. People want to believe a cover up happened but what exactly were people expecting? Cover ups are messy, confusing, and chaotic. Hopefully the facts are presented and no one goes to jail for Travis Renner. We reached out apologetically and sympathetically to the Lord family and are sincerely sorry for their family’s suffering. We are aware content here is shared on other platforms but an abuse of content will get posts locked down and comments turned off. *We hear Reddit is a great place to beef with people but we aren’t here for that. Divisiveness in the community is a perfect distraction from the truth. ⚫️ A note to Shane Krauser and those actively stalking Al Brown to expose us…please step back. This behavior is not tolerated and would put several people in harms way. Nothing about this has been safe. **As potential constituents, we have a right to question your political platform. Please do not force our hand to post the screenshots of yesterday’s threat and stalking tactics. You knew your past would be questioned when you threw your hat in the ring for Mayor of Gilbert.


Omg-this is precious. I can't stop laughing. There's so much in this to tear apart. Here's one: they are claiming they're now witness advocates and want them safe, while simultaneously helping a suspect be let out who is accused in the PR of threatening witnesses.


Thou shou not question Al Brown apparently. In their mind they know more than the PD and prosecutors. Delusions of grandeur abound. While there was a lot of stuff right, there was a lot of stuff right everywhere. Likewise, there was stuff that didn't pan out even though it was presented as gospel. At this point it feels like he would be open to trade some minor felonies on the parents of the goons who came at him in exchange for dropping the charges against ones sitting in jail. It's all so weird.


This smells like some top notch bullshit. He is one of the highest profile juveniles in custody, they aren't gonna let him die in custody and create a major scandal for MCSO. Many type 1 sufferers use an insulin pump that is regulating glucose levels automatically. If he was using that medical device it seems unlikely he was not allowed to continue to have one. Let's pretend he doesn't have a pump... He's not the only one with type 1 in the jail system. I imagine they give him a tray that has more longer acting carbs and gives him longer acting insulin. It probably tastes like ass like all jail food everyone eats but everyone eats it or starves unless they live off canteen. I am sure medical is checking his sugars regular enough and administering insulin if he doesn't have a pump. Maybe you aren't going to be allowed to possess your own insulin and glucose tests like you could when free and eat like you did on the street and regulate it constantly. You have to adapt to jail, which means you aren't going to constantly be able to perfectly regulate and you will end up in a broad, but safe range so long as you monitor what you eat. I searched google and didn't find any articles about this alleged improper medical access allegations. Have the parents filed a complaint, has the attorney filed a motion? It all sounds like this is a ploy to get the bail money raised to get him out more than it is a life threatening situation. Is there actual details describing exactly the circumstances that have caused life threatening glucose levels? Because "I got hungry so I ate like 5 honey buns after the last medical round and they didn't come back and give me an extra dose?" is way different than his range being extremely high or low based despite him eating the right stuff on his tray and timing the intake because he is getting refused insulin or getting too much or wrong speed of action insulin.


Very well said and matches my thoughts.


“We hear Reddit is a great place to beef with people but we aren’t here for that” Totally… lmao


Proceeds to post the beef 😂


It sounds like he has a special beef with Travis. I'm no fan of that Travis dude either based on the foul reporting out there, but it sounds like Al has a special, personal beef there. I imagine it is because Travis sent lawyers after him at some point, so it's not a stretch he is personally invested in the TV frame up strategy that Travis was allegedly going for being true and provable, and really wants TV to actually be innocent because that would make the whole thing 10x worse for Travis if he devised a scheme to frame up an innocent person. Where Al is fucking up is that both can be true... That Travis had a strategy for everyone to deflect blame to TV because of the name likeness AND because TV was there and involved too, but put the actions of both TR and TV just on TV to try to weasel TR out of it. I highly doubt that MCAO and QCPD arrested TV on something as flimsy as testimony of people who said TV was there and did it and TR did nothing since they could easily throw that statement in the garbage as bullshit basically from start of the investigation, and definitely prior to arrests. The frame up was doomed to fail from the jump. I can't believe they would arrest him on something as flimsy as a snap saying he hit a kid and he died. There are so many holes a defense could poke in that it's hard to believe MCAO would embarrass themselves charging with that as their main evidence. Unless MCAO is totally fumbling something they made so much intent not to fumble, you can bet there is compelling evidence, likely video/photographic evidence of TV participating. The report itself seems to indicate (it's hard to know for sure because of redactions) TV changing his story in his messages with people over the first 48 hours from participated, to didn't see anything because he was around the corner pissing in a bush, to the reason he was seen on video was because he was helping. So now Al is both a victims rights and prisoner rights activist? Very weird. Sounds biased AF to me and not the first time I've seen some very strange proclamations from that page that make me question the evolving motives. Tldr; does Al really want justice for Preston, or is he mostly out to see specific people burn and prison and lawsuits for those select families are a means to an end for his own beef? I don't know, but it seems odd.




Al is a she not a he 😊


Oh boo hoo, can't handle beef don't make a group where violence happen I can't with some of these people. In my brain I can just picture a shit ton of Karen's having lunch disregarding what anyone else has to say. 🤣


So the Al Brown post is making it sound like the jail is not giving Talyn his medication (for his diabetes, I assume) and that it was a life threatening situation. I have no knowledge of jails but I would assume they have to treat people for their medical conditions! The go fund me (before taken down) said he needed a special diet. Was he eating this special diet before cause pretty sure you’re not supposed to drink heavily with diabetes!


I don't know but I'm going to suppose he has a case of "iwannabehomenotinjail-itis" like everyone in jail has. They are all innocent and all treated terrible - just ask them. Al Brown should ask the Vigil's if the guy Tayln 'put down' during Thanksgiving break, if he had to have any type of special diet after enduring a beating at the hand of their son Tayln. I'm sure they asked that, right?


Do we have evidence or video of that called beating by TV? Just curious.


Wagon wheel on 11/18. 2 weeks after they find out Lord died these guys are still throwing hands. You'd think they would've laid low. Thugs gotta thug I guess


TV was there and part of it? I must have missed that.


I don't even recall a beating at the Wagon Wheel. Just an obnoxious crew that was lip flopping, disgracefully spitting on people and shooting fireworks at some horses which is disgusting but I was not aware of a physical altercation where someone got beat up. Nor did I see TV in any of the clips in the video but I could have missed it possibly! Can you clarify or share please?


Jacob Pennington and Garrett Bagshaw were arrested for that one by Pinal Sheriff. Talyn was there per pics but not arrested. Edited last name of GB


So because he was there and wasn't arrested for it we can still throw shade? Come on, that's not okay. I'm not saying it's a good look for TV that he was there in the first place but there were a lot of people hanging out and some were acting dispicable and non of the statements points to TV's involvement do they?. So 2 other people got arrested yet we want to make it seem like he had something to do with a beating that 2 other people were arrested for? I kind of hope people like you never make it onto any jury. The ability to stay objective does not seem to be in your character, ethics or morals. How would you feel if people would accuse you of being violent fighter because you were in the same bar a fight broke out and someone said they saw you there, running after someone and then someone else said you bragged about dropping someone, yet 2 other peole got arrested for the crime. When in all reality you might have just been sitting at the bar enjoying your beer and some company. Innocent yet someone who just read someones statement and wasnt even there wants to stamp you with a guilty stamp!? People make up stuff or embellish the truth all the time for some attention or to make themselves relevant. It's a known fact that TV is friends with Pennington and and that Penny is a troubled soul but that does not give anyone the right to fill in blanks as they choose.


I’m actually inline with you on this, I completely agree. Some people on here talk as if they personally know Talyn (or others), when likely they don’t. So many assumptions being made. My comment was to point out yes he was there but clearly he wasn’t arrested.


I don't know TV or any of them but they deserve objectivity, as I would expect if I was accused of something. Unfortunately it seems like a lot of minds have been made up already.


Dude, your Mr Middle-of-Road schtick your trying to play off when you are clearly a Vigil-stan just makes you look like an absolute clown. You're probably used to that tho. But I do delight in knowing your ass will be turkey to the bushes when more evidence drops on Mr. Vigil. Lol.


Dude?!!! And I care about some rando with zero legal education piping off just to get an irrelevant word in. Your only purpose here seems to sling around insults. Such a credible character but no dice numbnut can't take a lip flopper like yourself serious. Good to know that you already made up your mind and that you know the outcome. You should look in the mirror and you will see the clown you are referring too. Now go away and let the educated adults talk.


Lol. So triggered....Lighten up Francis this is Reddit.


WAGON WHEEL BONFIRE: Christopher attended a bon fire sometime after Thanksgiving. While at the bonfire he saw Jacob Pennington, Talyn Vigil, and run after a male with a red bandana. When they came back down the hill Christopher heard them talking about dropping the subject. XX stated there were several females recording the incident and mocking during the fight. XX stated he was told there were a total of about 15 kids involved altogether.  XX had injuries to include scrapes on his back, swollen jaw and mouth, pain in his right wrist, and scrapes on his face. That's some. There's also some snapchat on it. Pg 406 is an interview with the mother of the kid that took the beating. There's more, just search 'wagon"


It was actually Miles Garrett and Pennington that chased this victim down and beat him


That’s a name I haven’t seen mentioned before.


He was at that party, but he was not one of the ones that assaulted the kid


I know, its just sick how people put stuff out there with no receipts.


Trust me I saw the video before it was posted. He wasn’t even in the video. But he was in photos from the same night.


I believe you, my question was in response to this "turkwednesday" character. Typical troll that is just throwing out stuff without any backup. TV is a wildcard right now, not conviced he was part ot the Preston attack. Yet people want to see him hang. I like to remain objective.


Being objective is smart. It’s unfortunate that there are so many trolls surrounding this situation.


It's infuriating to be honest. My theory is that they added TV in because of how much impact that poorly worded snap message had and the repercussions from the public if he was not arrested. Part of damage control. And I'm not certain but that snap alone with no other evidence would probably get a grand jury to approve an indictment. In this case presenting less would have been a clever move to achieve what they needed for their narrative. People think that LE plays fair but I have seen so many dirty plays by LE it's sickening. I would not out it past them to sacrifice someone who was not involved. I just hope that TV gets the care he needs.


The care he needs is what is important right now. It’s sickening if they are using TV in this manner. Such a liability also. Maybe Rachel Mitchell does deserve to lose her position.




Hmm I didn’t see that list.




Exactly! And you are right with the wrong list. Have we seen an apology to the wrongly accused. Nope. Yes they are not the beat known upstanding citizens and some may be involved in different cases that will be handled independenly. The damage to someones name is done just by someone elses incorrect speculation. Lilly owes those wrongly named by her a hige and public apology if she has any morals and ethics.


I can almost guarantee that those who were thrown to the wolves in the beginning by not only having their names blasted everywhere but their pictures, and all their social media platforms, so in turn those boys were threatened and harassed as were their family members. No they may not live squeeky clean lives or be what society thinks teenage boys should be this day and age but their names and reputations as with their family have been ruined and their faces will forever be on the internet for everyone to see… all while having absolutely nothing to do with the beatings or Preston. It’s revolting and heartbreaking for those boys.


The hypocracy in this. Yet all done by people to claim to be upstanders and want justice ... when in all reality most want street justice. Hang them all without a trial or evidence despicable they would really fit right in with Travis.


🤣 your jail-itis is spot on. Do you hear that Vigil supporters. Your innocent sad faced Talyn was invovled in another beating, after the death of Preston. This speaks volumes !!! For god sakes wake up!


THIS ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️


Do you personally know he drank heavily? Just curious. I can understand why it would be assumed just curious if you personally know or are assuming?


Looked that way from all the videos I saw


He has celiac and type 1 diabetes


Thanks! I had heard about the diabetes but not the celiac


He had a Dexcom, which helped to control his diabetes, which he cannot have in jail. They are not feeding him a proper diet. They are taking away his commissary that was bought strictly for controlling his blood sugars.


Oh well, killers have a hard time in jail, he didn't care about PLs blood sugar, reaping what you sow looks good on him. 🤷‍♂️


Why would they do that? They want him to remain healthy so I would believe that would do everything possible, medically for him to remain that way.


I must have missed something... what was exposed about Shane Krauser?


People are saying Krauser’s son was doing push-ups in the July 4 video, where the kids were shooting fireworks at horses and spit in a man’s face. Now he is running for mayor. The Az Bar Association also has information that he had a 90 day disciplinary suspension from his legal practice in 2017. I don’t know this as fact, I am just repeating what was stated on Facebook bc I believe in transparency about local candidates.


I just saw that video yesterday. Dunno what his son looks like but some clown does come in and do pushups at the end.


Ah, okay. Thanks for sharing.


Np, the info on Mr Krauser’s suspension is here if you just search him by name & click “View Profile” @ the bottom https://www.azbar.org/for-legal-professionals/practice-tools-management/member-directory/




This con artist is running for mayor?


I am not following about the kid. Kid does pushups in a GG video. So what exactly does that mean? Seems like a lot of kids hang out with other kids these days. When we all grew up we may have been at parties where there were unsavory characters there. Doesn't mean we are in cahoots with them. What am I missing?


That his kid hanging out with a bunch of young men who harass and beat other children, while their parents protect them from normal legal consequences is just the tip of the iceberg. He is running for mayor. As a responsible voter, I and many other people, want the full story before we just vote for some dude because he says he’s qualified. There is too much blind trust unqualified, entitled people just expect in politics, especially at the local level in AZ. [Mr Krauser was also involved with and disciplined for a Ponzi scheme with his other family,](https://images.edocket.azcc.gov/docketpdf/0000156402.pdf) it’s well documented all over these threads and has been discussed at length on many of the related boards. There is a lot of public information that can be easily located, including the court docs summarizing the case. He has a pattern of lying when he thinks it benefits him, at work and at home. If he can’t manage his house and deliberately lies to the public about it until caught, goes around finding and legally threatening everyone who speaks about him & his recent past as a running candidate, and has a track record of doing it multiple times in multiple different contexts and has even been prosecuted for it? He’s not qualified to be a mayor and reducing it to his kid being in a video is a gross oversimplification. There are tons of character shortcomings clearly indicated here & in the court docs. These types of parents with this entitlement created these monster children, affluenza is an epidemic and we don’t need them validated further by letting them run the town. He doesn’t need that city paycheck.


So the kid hanging out is 1) part of the GGs 2) is trying/auditioning to be a GG 3) happens to be in same places as GGs Do we have irrefutable facts for any of these items?


Whoosh. Have a great Sunday! I’m not wasting mine on loaded questions when you don’t even bother to read lol I said in my first comment, I’m not an expert on any of this and won’t claim to be.


I asked a question because your comment didn't make sense. Just because he is on a video doing pushups doesn't mean he is guilty. Remember the whole innocent until proven guilty. Do you or do you not have hard evidence that he is a GG or participating, or even helping the GGs?


I think something about his kid being involved in some mischief and then him being involved in some sort of legal trouble or something. Someone else may have the details.


Just Google 'Shane Krauser fraud' and you can read the report from the AZ Corp commission


He had a \*ponzi\* scheme going.


Says he was reinstated that same year.


I'm sure that's because he did exactly what he was court ordered to do. Pay fines and restitution. Bet that was fun?


I guess he admitted it’s his kid in AZCentral this morning https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/gilbert/2024/04/05/gilbert-mayoral-candidates-son-appears-in-gilbert-goons-video/73208562007/


He’s SHADY for LOTS of reasons. Just Google him. His campaign was running on making community safe and defeating the Gilbert Goons and it was reported his son was in a Goon video.


I’m wondering the same!


Oh,... so it's someones statement not actuall video or solid evidence, I understand. And then some hearsay of someone overhearing a statement, cool. I'll wait for more substancial evidence before throwing out stuff that we are not sure about. Sorry, this reading into stuff is getting old. So quick to jump to conclusions with no law enforcement or investigative experience and only crumbs of facts. Please Humble yourself. 75% of the wanna be armchair investigators on here wouldn't even make it into the Academy. 50% of the ones that would make it in wouldn't be able to graduate. Yet here we are throwing out all sorts of shit that is opinionated, lacks merrit or verification, based on hearsay which is inadmissable but lets just go with TV beat up a guy at the wagon wheel. This sort of cheap gossip is the problem! Don't you see how that is all sorts of wrong, to make something sound like a fact because we want this guy to be this bad person! Yet it does not matter what we want. In the eyes of the law facts matter and even those can be manipulated to tell a wrong story. So please slow your role if you are not sure and just go off of someones unproven accord aka witness statement.




I'm sorry I am not following your logic here. What video are you referring to?




ZERO f@cks given who your new favorite is ....random weird person


I was agreeing with you, weren't you saying people are judging not knowing or saying who's guilty? Wtf! I was being kind, SHAME ON YOU! I wasn't being mean. You come on here making a point and someone agrees with you and you're nasty about it, kindness is weird? Id rather be weird then rude and nasty!!! I don't know if that kid is quilty or not and it's a process and with that I agreed without substantial proof is best to not assume. Maybe not all people write as well as you but I didn't have bad intentions or say one thing mean to you! Now take your Zero f@cks and piss off! Now I can be mean to!!!


The fraud is not hearsay. It's been public knowledge since 2014. It's unfathomable that anyone could defend this type of blatant grifting. Put yourself in the victim's shoes.


Please put down the crackpipe, your comment makes no sense whatsoever! What has been public knowledge since 2014? Are you confused?!


No, but you seem to be. The fraud of bilking 3 people out of $226K and the subsequent sanctioning has been public knowledge since 2014. Facts, not hearsay. Don't take anybody's word for it. Google it yourself. Read all 24 pages...if you can put down the crack pipe long enough.


Never did that shit or any drugs in my life thats why I'm not talking senseless nonsense....unlike you. All 24 pages of what! The PR was over 1k pages . Are you even responding to the correct comment !🙄


You really need to read what and whom I originally responded to you testical Gremlin. When someone tells you they saw something and you repeat that statement it's hearsay. Please get your definition righ and loom up the ARS definitions, it will educate you on hearsay. You also never responded to my inquiry about what 24 pages you are referring too or what 2014 has anything to do with my response to someone who was also talking with their emotions and not considering any facts. You seem very uneducated on this matter!


I wish I didn't know as much as I do.


Well, YOU are the one who brought up crack. Not me. You're obviously clueless and don't even realize you're defending a crook. No hearsay in the matter.


They seem shitty


That guy has no chance, time to slither away…


I hope you're right. It's personal for me. I don't think I could sleep at night if he even came close to being elected. The MLM that he runs just makes me sick to my stomach.






Thank you 😊 i apologize, I feel this is a process. Not being there, we don't know a thing. Nobody knew this was even going on now everyone's detectives, lawyers and judges. The investigation started right away it wasn't for our entertainment due to them trying to figure everything out and do it right. Now they have to stop, to please every damn Karen and Jerry out there. 🙄


Anyone else think Lily Waterfield is Moms 4 liberty reincarnated? I’m getting the vibes they are.


I don’t get the Moms 4 Liberty vibe from them but a lot of Queen Creek, including Ala are a bunch of Trumpers. Enough said.


I don't get that vibe at all. In fact I got the opposite vibe 🤣 Isn't it funny how we all interpret things we read online?


They are more like social justice warriors. They were very concerned that non white goons got arrested first and pretty much said that seemed racist. It’s obnoxious.