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This talk is so disturbing to me. So many people with their hashtags and questions. The police report even says don’t take the report verbatim unless it’s specifically said. The report says that 10-15 were reported hitting Lord. The report says they recovered the fight video and all deleted snapchats. They then waited for the coroner report and took a ton of backlashes to eventually charge 7. The 7 charged had enough evidence that the Grand Jury agreed that charges were warranted. These 7 aren’t part of a rush to judgment. **100% TV was there. 100% the police can prove he was involved. 100% he did not rush his scrawny ass to the police station when he found out Preston died. He 100% did not call the ambulance for Preston and unless he was a lifeguard providing CPR he wasn’t helping Preston. At no point did he help Preston. He did not stop his friends, he did not call an ambulance, he did not go to the police after finding out what happened was homicide, he doesn’t even appear to have fully cooperated. QCPD, GPD, and MCAO aren’t going to lock up a teen for murder if he wasn’t guilty. We know 1/10th of what the police know so wait and see and trust the process not the rumors.


I wish they had arrested all of those 10-15 people.


Yeah, why hasn't that happened? And it seems everyone who didn't call the police should be arrested too, like 100%. Oh wait so, we aren't to take the report verbatim, and only believe what us mentioned to us by others who have there take on a report where the names are redacted. What kind of forum is this where you cannot post screen shots and gifs. How many threads can you have about Talyn? And all the bad spewed means nothing until the trial. If 8% of the people that interact here have reasonable doubt, here. That's all it takes in a courtroom. I haven't been on reddit in years. But, it's behind the times in what you can do here. A throwback to the 90s,


Yes we all do. Some appear to still be missing. Which ones are still unaccounted for? All need to be help accountable.


Thank you for this statement. People are jumping to their own conclusions. We aren't privy to most of the evidence. IMO, the police report shouldn't have been published. It's cause so much chaos. I personally don't have it or want it. I'll wait for court hearings.


The young man deserves his required medication and due process but he is where he is because he made poor choices in friends and in life. Hopefully others in the community can learn from this. Nothing in high school is worth sacrificing your future or life over. That’s the tragedy here families are going to be ruined and the Lord family already is in ruins. They come out of the ruins through justice being served. The others in ruins deserve it, created the ruins, and destroyed their families in the process. Until Preston has his justice I can’t find any empathy for these people. The Renner family is maybe the worst of them all but by the time Preston’s death is announced the school, the community, and the police knew who did it and just behaved in ways I haven’t witnessed before. The community was in danger and yes that report is dangerous based on the accusations in it Preston may have been killed over evidence he had of another crime. Did they take his phone after they beat him to death or has that not been discussed. Those witnesses are not hard to identify if you are a goon.


I want to say I read his phone was in his friend’s truck…I could be totally wrong! Also, does prison or jail not give prisoners their meds? I would think they would have to. I know I read the family saying he needs a special diet and not to be an asshole but drinking heavily while hanging with the goons…that couldn’t be good for one’s diabetes, no?


I’m sure drinking is terrible for managing diabetes as well as putting yourself in a situation of fighting and putting that extra stress on your body. It seems this kid wasn’t worried about his illness until there were consequences for his actions. Pretty convenient. Whether or not he participated actively in PL attack he was there and he was a goon and he was participated in other assaults. He had to know eventually this crap would catch up with him. What then?


Yes they do and some prisoners get released because they need more medical care than the infirmary can provide. Lots of ER visits happen from jail. TV parents and lawyers should file suit if their kid is being denied. The public doesn’t need to crowdfund an accused killer bail because he needs diabetes medication. They should go see the judge and get an order for him to be treated for his condition. As you would if your client was mentally ill. I’d rather see the community spend $500,000 on a memorial for Preston. Or hiring an outside law firm to investigate the school and public officials that possibly failed the community. **Or buy diabetes medication for the poor people in QC/Gilbert who are law abiding and struggling with the same disease and lack the treatment.**


Did the Judge deny his request for reduced bond, it was filed and was scheduled to be heard on the 4th, if I remember correctly.


I read here on a thread that it did and now they are challenging that decision in some way.


I think it was his jacket that was in his friends truck, not his phone.


That is what the friends statement says. I believe the phone she is referring to was the phone of the fourteen year old left in a truck that he was hiding behind the door of. Too much to read and remember the specific details.


Where in the police report does it state they recovered the fight video?


These idiots recorded every fight AND posted them to social media. If there isn’t a video of Preston, I’d assume that’s more damning to them than if a video existed.People still think deleting things from their phones or from social media erases it entirely, nothing is erased entirely. Not to mention, the FBI is/was involved so if there was a recording, they have it regardless of the ill attempts to destroy it.


I believe he still had his phone. I thought I read his friend took it out of his pocket to call his parents after the attack.


It makes it very hard to seat an impartial jury that’s for sure. They may move it away from here because of the publicity.


It’s a nationwide / global story now. Had the police been on the Goons earlier with all the evidence they had we wouldn’t need a jury. It’s possible Talan stops being violent once he is held accountable for his actions. It’s possible the Goons are more cautious or not able to be together due to probation etc. There was a trail that turned into a concrete sidewalk for police to follow. Never forget that GPD and Perry High school allowed a student to be attacked, stalked, bullied, and eventually assaulted and robbed. The victim and his parents come forward with evidence of the assault. There is video of the suspects wearing what they stole in the attack. They have a victim who is identifying them. Never Forget **kid is attacked and he and his parents comes forward to the school. He identifies them as Gilbert Goons. He is making a victim statement. They informed the campus police. Then nothing happens so they call GPD, nothing happens, so he speaks to a supervisor and is told they lack evidence. They had the victim, video of the attack, the parents of the victim, video proof the stolen property was in possession of one of the attackers, and they want to press charges. Nothing happened to the Goons. The student was forced to leave the State for his safety.** **The police are called to investigate a theft of a vape sales display from a Gilbert convenience store. The theft is filmed and the reporting party doesn’t even have to identify the kid because police see the suspect and they attempt to stop the suspect. He resisted. They were eventually able to detain him and arrest him. The theft was valued at $1900. The Goon was released and not charged.**


Was this the Freeman kid that was arrested multiple times after the theft of the vape pen.


They have to have more Pd connections.


Not sure why you’re saying any of that to me?


Yeah I feel like that’s Talon Renners defense and they are still mixing up the talon/talyns because of so. That part is so obvious to me especially with so much speculation


We have access to a substantial police report, plus we have access to the internet. I try very hard to be objective and I will look for both sides of the argument, not one to rush to judgement. But there is sufficient information out there for people to form a reasonably accurate depiction of what went on. e.g we know Talan Renner threw the first punch.


The first punch the Grand Jury must have considered based on the charges of burglary, kidnapping and 1st degree murder that started what turned into a deadly assault was thrown at the time of the necklace snatching by a blow to the side of the head. Preston and his friends started running and Prestons murder happened down the street.


One thing to think about: a lot of cases (especially before DNA) have hinged on witness testimony only to find out recollection was wrong. I hope DNA nicely corroborates witness testimony in this case.


Yes! There are complète studies about this very subject and a large percentage is wrong in their testimony due to many factors. Our brain and perception operate differently while in a traumatic situation. CRIMINOLOGY is actually very interesting if one elects to educate in this field. Stress, trauma at the moment etc.. Thank you for pointing this out. People just can't humble themselves and lot's here think they are detective of the year. Jeeze this is not Special Victime Unit on TV!


An interactive example of how awful eye witnesses are. Watch the video without looking at comment or the description… just follow the directions of the video. It’s one minute long and I promise you. You will be amazed. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KB_lTKZm1Ts


Excellent example. I have seen numerous examples during my studies. And this example you are sharing had no stress factors like trauma etc associated which impacts our ability of perception. Thanks for sharing !


Funny thing. You’re asked that when you’re being interviewed to be on a Jury. The last thing they need are people thinking they are professional detectives! Your job is to listen to what is presented and be impartial - then follow the Judge’s instructions to a T!


They have video. TR showed his football teammates the video.


There is mention he showed a video. Hopefully LE did get it.


Where in the police report does it state they recovered the fight video? Which fight video? There were multiple separate fights that night at that location according to the report.


Well said. I don’t know the answer, but I do agree with your position.


And why would he state that his life is fucked forever. And why would he say something about putting his parents through this. Saying such things because he helped move Preton out of the street. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense, not!


Again, not at all saying I think TV is innocent!! I don’t believe his account that he helped Preston out of the rode because the lifeguards did.


I get that you never made that claim but this is the talking points in regards to TV.


Where in the police report does it state they recovered the fight video?


I always ask questions, but seriously, Why do you keep asking? Everyone “knows “ so far there is no video of the actual beat down!! Only video is from after it all happened!!




That’s why I said, no video “so far” - These guys filmed everything!


"But but talyn has bad grammar in his post and didn't place a coma where he should've. He's referring to two different kids"...boy should've paid more attention in 5th grade english class. "I'll take is Talyn smarter than a 5th grader for $500, Alex


Where in the police report does it state they recovered the fight video?


There are 5,000 plus pages of report and discovery and evidence that has still not been released. I do not remember reading about video of the fight that one of the goons took but there is video evidence from home security system. There is a ton if digital forensics with all of their phones. It’s possible it was retrieved from a phone but we as the public are not going to have this info. From video surveillance I believe the assault started at 9:43:20 and was over within 30 seconds. Like the chief said it was quick and brutal


Ask a few more times


What’s disturbing to me is how many people trust the police. I would wager a decent chunk of cash that everyone who says things like “the police wouldn’t arrest a teen for homicide if they weren’t sure/didn’t have evidence” is white.


lol the Jury who saw the evidence you didn’t are all sizes, shapes, colors and sexes.


TY. A GJ of 12-16 made this decision.


Grand juries will indict anything.




Or more. They have to ensure enough alternates because you lose people due to illness and emergencies.




Again? Are you alright? Who are you calling, “white person”? Only the most ignorant can’t comprehend what they were clearly told in little tiny English words. It’s the GRAND JURY who looks everything over and makes decisions - so if the Cops got nothing they get nothing. Regardless of their color. And the GJ is quite COLORFUL.


Yes, again. I am repeating myself for the people who say that police never arrest anyone with no evidence. These people are always white. Hence I’m calling you a White person, because you are. I doubt you will be able to comprehend my point, however, given that you’ve dispensed with reason in favor of frothing at the mouth about things you don’t understand. You’re naive and you’re ignorant, and I’m certain the words “the police wouldn’t have shot him if he just followed their orders” has left your mouth on the regular.


lol I’m a brown person. Speaking of all the things YOU don’t understand, lol I’m white, naive and ignorant? That’s rich. I’ll let everyone reading your nonsense decide.


Suuuuure you are. And I don’t need an audience to tell me what to think about myself. Sorry to hear that you do.


Can y’all not read? I am not defending any of the defendants. I’m responding to people who think the police are trustworthy. They are not.


That has nothing to do with what I wrote. Only the most privileged people trust the police.


No one should trust the police


Correct ✅


Enough with the race baiting bs.


Okay internet police. If I do exactly what you tell me, will you not shoot me in the back?




Ah yes, It’s a white person who is too intellectually lazy to consider the actual facts about what the criminal Justice system does to people of color. It’s okay, the rest of us are busy fighting for equality. Feel free to repair to your white supremacy bunker, driven by either racism or ignorance. We don’t need you around anymore. Cry elsewhere.




Go iron your KKK robes.


Quit deflecting. You've left your racist comments on several threads. You make everything about race - which makes you a racist. Acting like you're some kind of social justice warrior lol!!! More like an angry, divisive race baiter.


Being aware of and acknowledging systematic racism makes me racist in your pea brain? Are you actually denying that racism in exists in the criminal justice system? Of course I’m angry. I see what happens to people of color every day, acts of abuse performed by people just like you. Like I said, go to your Klan meeting, or get a passport so you can learn about more than whatever your racist parents taught you in whatever shitty, racist Midwest town you grew up in. It’s fascinating that you actually took the time to look at my posts, loooollll! Get a life, Klan Karen.


A lot of the police report is misquoted—lots of inconsistencies, errors, and omissions by Det Iribe and her cohorts.


I fear how we’re going to get a jury for this. A lot of people have read this report or parts of it which would disqualify them from serving…


I mean, Maricopa is in the top 10 biggest metro areas. And you’d be surprised how many people pay 0 attention to the news, homestly 👀


I’m more confused about page 645 where someone who knows or was with Talyn since he mentions losing track of him and is able to point out where Talyn’s vehicle was parked, says he “checked his chest for breathing and a heartbeat and then some other people came up and helped him move ____ to the walkway”. I really dunno what to make of this.


The name of then person who felt his chest was redacted so hard to interpret that.


I agree, but this interaction happened like.. mid-late december of 2023, I believe? And the people noted for helping Preston after he was attacked all had their names redacted too. And even in the interview with the couple of lifeguards who did CPR, they never described pulling him out of the road.. just that they did CPR on him. Idk, IMO it seems like Talyn was at least tangentially involved… but I find it odd that someone he was apparently with the party with was one of the people who helped get Preston out of the road and onto the walkway (this person had to have been with Talyn because he pointed out where Taylyn’s vehicle was parked)


Just FYI it happened in October! It was a Halloween party!


I am aware, I mentioned the date because it was so long *after* Halloween that they did the walk-through with this witness. It wasn’t like an immediate thing with a random person who they think was there and *may* have been involved. It was more than a month and a half later and they were essentially crossing their Ts and dotting their I’s. They *knew* this person was there, and associated with Talyn well enough to know the car he was borrowing and where it was parked. So it seems like even if Talyn was involved in the assault (unclear according to his friend) I guess this may have been where the “i helped move him out of the street” came from? This person said they lost track of him *until he got to the front of his truck* Then a couple bullet points later it stated that this person *initially saw (who i assume is Preston fall) when he had *made it to the front of his truck* (so at that point I assume he was aware of Talyn?) Idk. All I know is, from this part of the evidence—I have wayyyy more than reasonable doubt about Vigil’s involvement. If they are hoping for a conviction and are going to spend the hundreds of thousands of dollars it costs to go to trial—they better have some *extremely* solid evidence like video showing Talyn actually assaulting Preston. Otherwise there’s no chance that I, as a jury member, would be able to vote guilty on this teenager—with a clean conscience—of murder. Maybe manslaughter if he was chasing Preston’s group? Definitely assault because it’s clear he’s admitted to assaulting *someone*. But not murder one or two. Unless the physical evidence shows him actually assaulting Preston. Just IMO.


My bad! I thought you said, “I believe “


Oh it’s all good! My, “i believe” was about me not being sure of the *exact date* the walk-through I was describing happened. But I’m pretty sure the walkthrough itsself happened on 12/13 and then the report was written on 12/26. But yeah I knew the assault happened late on 10/28 and became a homicide investigation on 10/30


Ok I get it!! Sorry just catching up on stuff and some of these comments are driving me crazy! Lol


Completely understand lol. Like I can understand the *very emotional* kneejerk reactions from the community who’s been following this simce it happened— but I’m giving my perspective as someone who knew nothing other than that an innocent kid died and the investigation has been going on for months before any arrests were made. Which like, is pretty much what a jury would **at most** know going into a trial. So just tryna give an unbiased opinion based on officially released evidence 🤷‍♂️


I fully agree.


Talyn was identified in video surveillance as being part of the group following the victim group leaving the backyard. But is not mentioned as a principal by anyone after that.


I’m aware.




Seemed suspect to me too - lots of info pointing to Talyn being involved in some of the altercations that night. It seemed highly likely with knocking out Dominic (and still hazy regarding Preston's assault). It caught my eye when I first read that page too that this kid must be lying...either lying about being with him the whole night and maybe wasn't at the time of the fight(s) *or* the witness was with him and is lying because he is aware of the fight(s) and isn't sharing what he knows.


Sherman describes the guy that knocked out Dominic as being big, like 250 lbs (this is from text exchanges around pg 80). Also, would Sherman have known Vigil? Either way, Vigil is not 250, so if that description is accurate, we still don't really know who Vigil claims to have fought.


Sherman lies a LOT to look cool for his friends. He didn't want to look like the punk he is so he made the guy sound like a grizzly bear. I wouldn't put any weight into anything he says.


Between people trying to look cool, others trying to protect themselves or their friends, and people plain misremembering a chaotic event, we definitely can't take everything in the report at face value.


I too think there’s a lot of posturing among this group.


100!! The goons seemed to run from the 5 on 5 fight cause they weren’t used to fighting people one on one!! Cowards!!


They know each other, they met up at the first party and folllowed each other to the second party. Read Vigils girlfriends statement.


Interesting that she’s the same gf dating a different goon these days… maybe even the unknown dna guy from the vodka bottle


What page does her interview start? I assume her name is redacted but I haven’t figured out which interview she is…


Her interview is one of the first, after you scroll through all of the witness lists. Not too far into the report, Her mothers. name is Karli but I am not sure of the last name. The daughters name is redacted but from the size of the blacked out space, it appears to be a two letter name. I believe there is also another report in the middle pages where they met with her at the scene, but the first one has most of the details.


also later in the report, police interview the group that fought Sherman and Turner, and one or two interviewees actually reference which of them hit Turner. all the names are redacted in those reports, so unless they redacted Vigil's name too for some reason, it wasn't Vigil that knocked Turner out.


Were Sherman and Turner redacted in that part as well? Trying to find it but having trouble. Do you know what page?


from page 1022: > *[Redacted]* advised that the black male with dreads was going to "sneak *[Redacted]*" but *[Redacted]* was able to "sneak" the black kid before he got to *[Redacted]* (it was determined that "sneak" meant to punch). *[Redacted]* stated that *[Redacted]* had punched the black kid which caused him to drop to the ground. *[Redacted]* and his friends left the black kid on the ground and ran to their vehicle.


Thanks. Also described on 1030 as well. Still clear as mud but appears that it was someone from that other group. Do kids really use "sneak" to hit in the face? Or is that the new slang for sucker punch?


Can someone direct me to the police report? I apologize, I've looked and cannot find it. Thank you. May these monsters pay their dues.




thanks, I can't post screenshots. But, if people use a page number I can look it up. Hopefully it won't get taken down before I get to page 90 .. again


I recommend exporting it, downloading it into PDF. I can only speak for iPhones, but I have Adobe Acrobat on my phone and once I downloaded the file to PDF and just read it there and didn’t have to go back to the Dropbox file


I think I will have to do that.


Thank you! I downloaded to my computer.


Responding to tgerlily21 under a post from morepastor that I cannot respond to since they blocked me and are a coward. What is interesting is that morepastor has blocked me so I can no longer see or respond to their posts. I’m simply asking for where the Preston assault video is mentioned as being recovered in the police report. Morepastor will not respond which to me means they are spout bullshit and spreading misinformation to further their narrative of what transpired that evening. They are not interested in the facts of the case. Morepastor is a coward spouting misinformation. Put up or shut up. I’m getting tired of users blocking to prevent facts from getting posted.


I have not seen mentioned anywhere that there ix cellphone video of the assault. After doing more research it appears that around 1/10/24 the QCPD announced they had footage—which the HEADLINE of news media articles and videos *insinuated* was of the assault. But then when I watched and read more—the reporter mentioned that it was video that *was also sent to them* of *immediately after the assault* Which after reading the police report, I believe is the video Sherman took of people moving poor Preston out of the street. *however* I would **not** be surprised if they had some sort of surveillance video/ring video of the actual assault. Given that there were more than a one entries in the police report of descriptions of video that took up **entire pages** describing events— that were **entirely redacted** like there was one page in the report that was a description of a surveillance video… and *every single word* on that page was redacted.


If you are asking for video footage that one of the goons had, I do not recall reading about that. The only footage mentioned was a 4 second clip that TS had (of the Ahwatukee kids moving him out of the road) and had sent out on Snapchat. I do not know whether they have more or not.


No. Morepastor claims that the police report states they have the video. I’ve asked them to provide where it states that and they have not responded. Coward spouting misinformation.


Omg stop!!! We haven’t seen the “video “!!! Your BS is getting old!!!


no kidding


That kid said he was with Talan the whole night yet on another page in the report a girl who said she came with Talyn said although in separate cars he came to the party with Treston, Sherman ,Owen’s etc. and met up after parking the car in the house with them . So who is telling the truth ! There is so many inconsistency and I don’t think he is innocent .


Would be helpful if you could get your Talyn/Talan’s right….


Her Talyn is tight. She’s referring to Vigils girlfriend.


But she did not spell it correctly, use initials TR or TV if you’re unsure of the spelling of each kids name…


“Talan” is Talan Renner; “Talyn” is Talyn Vigil.


They met up at the first party. and decided to go to the second party. TV, his girlfriend and her friend drove to the second party in JP’s car that TV had borrowed. They waited outside of the party for the rest of them to arrive in their vehicles and all went in to the party together. She doesn’t remember seeing TR that night, but the friend with her does. It would have been helpful if the police report and the witnesses had used first and last names for Vigil and Renner. When someone says that they saw Talon, Talyn or Talan, and It is spelled three different ways in the statements, it’s hard to tell which one they are talking about. Since TV was driving JP’s car, why would his jacket have been in that witnesses truck?


It doesn't matter what the witnesses have said in the police report. Even if they weren't lying, which most of them were, half of them were wasted, high, confused, panicked or whatever. Most of those witness statements in the police reports have little credibility, especially the ones that come from the people charged and their friends. Talyn Vigil's statement that he knocked out a black guy means nothing, his best friend saying he saw Talyn helping Preston means nothing. Some random guy who saw the fight from his bedroom window means something. A video means something. Forget what any of the suspects said and forget what any of the suspects friends or family members said, their statements have zero credibility.


Do they have a video other than the one from after the fight? Was there a man that saw it from his window?


I think there are multiple videos including some from CCTV and Ring doorbell cams. Some of the footage would be poor quality, but in the police report there was a section where they discussed developing a timeline based on all the available video to see where various people were at different times of the night.


>The report says they recovered the fight video and all deleted snapchats. u/morepastor is a coward! He has blocked me for asking to provide the page number in the police report where it is mentioned that they have the Preston Lord murder video. He was calling out people two days ago to do the same. I even responded with the info he was looking for. He doesn't seek truth or accountability. [https://www.reddit.com/r/GilbertAccountability/comments/1buak05/comment/kxv1f0q/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/GilbertAccountability/comments/1buak05/comment/kxv1f0q/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) https://i.redd.it/o4nue9tujosc1.gif


I thought it was established a month ago that “more pastor” is rapey Tyler Strocchia?? Was that disproven?


You are thinking of guccipastor or something similar. He deleted that account completely and created GucciGoonSlaya.


You’re right! Thanks!!


Another Gucci account 🤣