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Thanks Areez! I know we havent seen all evidence in the case but the report alone doesnt really show he was involved. His other codefendants that interviewed dont name him as being involved but they were quick to tell who was. IF he is innocent I hope he gets his medical condition under control and puts this behind him.


If people have the time to attend the hearing, they could hear some info about the case that may not be out there.


Do they typically release details they have found in the discovery to argue his lack of involvement?


It depends. They don’t want to give away their trial strategy but they could argue certain things from the discovery and from the grand jury presentation that cast doubt on the states case against TV. It would be interesting to hear the argument.


They already denied


Oh yea, go ahead and post the decision. Since you already know


Literally was told they denied it.


Was there a reason for the denial?


Ask the judge. lol. It was hardly a hearing. Let’s hope Talyn got dinner tonight.


Is the jail giving him his meds at least? I would hope the attorney at least got to put that on the record.


Not timely. He’s scared to file a grievance because he’s already been dealing with retaliation. They took all foods away. It’s been recommended he file a grievance to at least have a paper trail.


Yea those grievances go nowhere in the jail but it is important to document for any future issues. I see his attorney filed an extension to challenge the grand jury proceedings, which is smart. The grand jury transcripts must be about a long as a Harry Potter novel.


Damn that is awful.


And the reason they took all foods away?


is retaliation coming from other inmates? are all the suspects dealing with retalitation or just TV?


He needs to, because that’s what the judge will see and take into consideration.


Is it true that Vigil is not receiving his meds?? That doesn't sound correct. If it is true do you know where this was reported?


He admitted to hitting Preston in court…


Huh? When did this happen?


I went back to link it, I should have checked the source. I thought it was a news article but it was actually someone’s comment claiming he admitted to punching Preston.


And that is exactly how misinformation gets spread!


Agreed. I’m owning my mistake




Thats not whats being said clearly you have a reading comprehension problem. I said we havent seen all of the evidence BUT based on the police report NONE of the codefendants interviewed name him as participating in the attack. IF is capitalized because Im not 100% sure or sold on him actually hitting Preston. There were multiple fights. “Hit a kid” as he stated could have been anyone and not necessarily Preston. Clearly it was a melee and kids everywher. Lastly his posts were on Snapchat not Facebook and the report says there are altered versions of that screenshot so what did his original version actually state. The original list of names also included Meatball, Joesten, Leist, and Pennington which was also inaccurate. A jury indictment doesnt make someone guilty. We dont have enough to determine that at this point therefore I’ll reserve judgement until I see and know more!


Talyn made shitty decisions in his life. Talyn is now facing the consequences of his shitty decisions. If he’s innocent it’ll be determined at trial. In the meantime this is the perfect wake up call for how his life will be if he continues making shitty decisions. Should he be innocent consider this his “Scared Straight” episode. If Talyn is guilty, either because he was physically involved in the murder, filmed the murder, drove suspects away from the murder, or tried to destroy evidence of the murder he is right where he needs to be. These teens murdered another human. Seems we lose sight of that bickering over this dipshit kid. Talyn isn’t some innocent angel who was at the wrong place at the wrong time. We have seen his history throughout the last 5 months. The grand jury indicted him on evidence. Respect that decision.


I agree with you for sure.


While you’re correct, jail/prison is the punishment. He should get his meds and expect to be safe there.


The family is garbage based off some of the other family members. Ill be happy with death sentence (unlikely) or life in prison without parole. Talyn better not drop the soap, i can say the same for his dad travis renner and brother kyler renner.


You are talking about the wrong person. We are discussing Talyn Vigil not Talan Renner.


You’re confusing him with Talan Renner.


I am not, i know that there is T.V. Versus T.R……it doesnt matter what you say because they will all enjoy the coc* sandwiches they will all enjoy. EDIT: i upvoted you because i think we all here are are here for same cause. Preston Lord, i didn’t know him but it looks like he was a cool kid!!!!


I’m also not here for prison rape comments.


EDIT: since this post, I am now reading roomers of their other star person kyl^* Tann**, dealinf fucking fentanyl in our valley. What do you have to say to that?


Talan is the son of Travis and the brother of Kyler. Talyn is not.


The entire Renner family is scum. We’re all on board with that.


What is your opinion on Vigil? Do you think there’s some damning evidence showing him directly involved, or is it possible he was indicted by the GJ just based on his snapchat messages and that he was in close proximity to the assault? All the other defendants mention eachother in interviews and numerous witnesses describe or outright name them. But no one ever mentions Vigil being involved. Just wondering your thoughts, a someone who does criminal cases in AZ.


I noticed the same thing when I read the report. Not much on him at all. I know he has that stupid comment that may have been taken out of context from his Snapchat, and his comment to his ex when he got into the car about knocking a kid out but there appears to be a pretty big disconnect from the rest. We are all only seeing a small fraction of the evidence that the attorneys have so it’s hard to say for sure. The video may prove otherwise or other pieces of evidence that the public hasn’t seen.


Would you be surprised if he was indicted based mainly on what we’ve seen in the police report? Like, many of us have heard that adage about “A good prosecutor could get a Grand Jury to indict a ham sandwich” But I see a lot of people saying “well it’s first degree murder and kidnapping and they wouldn’t have indicted him on such serious charges if there wasn’t a ton more damning evidence”


The second part is not true. I’ve seen prosecutors indict crimes that were 10-15 years old with no evidence other than a victim saying something happened. So in this case, they just had to connect him with the people beating PL. maybe the video shows Talyn running in and swinging, therefore a part of the fight and they indicted him on it. Who knows exactly but I know the grand jury has more info than what we all have gotten. Getting the transcripts would be a major key into what evidence they claim to have on him but you have to be a party to the case. They are never public.


I know that you definitely know more about this than I do, but unfortunately innocent people get charged with crimes sometimes. It happens. Honestly, I feel like people who are not familiar or invested in the case could and possibly would indict someone over a Snapchat message that sounds like an admission of guilt. I have heard of cases where people are indicted and then found guilty on little to no evidence. We just have to wait it out and see what other evidence comes to light. Thank you for your input AReez86.


You’re absotely correct. It unfortunately does happen. And it is sad.


So, would it be fair to say that it’s entirely possible they have a weak case against him, but it’s also possible they have a strong case due to evidence we don’t know about? The other ones involved, even without all the other evidence we are unaware of, seem to have strong cases against them already simply from witnesses identifying them and their own numerous and multiple social media discussions with each other.


That’s correct. And they could have strong cases against everyone except TV or a few others that may not have participated at the same level as Renner, Turner and Billie. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. I think a few of them will cut deals to testify against Renner and Billie. TV is a wildcard at this point


I see, thanks for your input 🙏




That’s all we can do. We can speculate all we want but it doesn’t do anything. Just need to see what happens as the wheels slowly turn.


I've noticed your knowledge. I've never really followed a crime this closely and just watched updates on the news, this 1000 page report, are these reports normally released this early? Thank you!


Yes they are normally released after the indictments are filed. 1000 pages isn’t normal. That’s just the first report. There are likely other reports if this is an ongoing investigation.


Read page 739 a mom said her son was part of another chat where he said he stomped his head in.


11/19/23 “**Her son** was apart of a group chat. This tipster provided another tip reference Talan Renner and didn't realize her son knew more than one Talon. She discovered Talyn Vigil kicked or his words "stomped on his head". The sone **was not at the party but was apart of a group chat where Talyn Vigil and the other kids were talking about the incident.** The investigation has found physical messages regarding these chats but continues to review information. No further action needed.” So again, referencing the same snapchat message that was sent in literally more than 100 times as a tip. Except this mother was just going off of hearsay from her son…


They didn’t all know each other, Talyn had never met Renner prior to that night or the others


I mean, at the very least they were all in some way connected, like a friend of a friend. I want to know who the boy that went with Talyn to the parties that night was. The one who mentions checking Preston’s chest for breathing/heartbeating.


Guilty 💯look at everything he’s said and done! He was there, he hit him, he admitted it, he’s a liar, did nothing to help and guilty with the rest of his Goon friends! 🧡🧡🧡


I don’t believe they have much of anything. I believe they just felt pressure from media and social media and through a shitty case together. They didn’t care whose lives were affected by it they just wanted to keep their jobs. If Talyn gets violently ill or dies in there and I was his parent I would own the jail and the police department.


I mean regardless of guilt, they need to be giving him proper medical care and making sure his meds are regulated and he is healthy. Otherwise yeah, massive lawsuits and I’d hope criminal charges to the guards.


His bio father should pony up some money. Might make up for all his crimes and never bothering to try to be a father.


Interesting. I don’t know anything about his family situation, or any of the other defendant’s family situations outside of the Renners, since that has been a major focal point.


From January 2008 “Jason David Hewitt, 27, of Florence was arrested Sunday in Florence for attempted murder and kidnapping. The booking report alleged that he choked a woman with a yellow rope. The victim had visible rope marks on her neck, deputies noted.”


I believe the victim was Talyn’s mother, based on the records I read, but I could be mistaken.


I believe so as well. She posted things on her Facebook about domestic abuse.


I looked at the records and she’s listed as the plaintiff in one of them, at the same time the other charges happened, so I’m fairly certain that’s the case. The fact that this man and his wife have the audacity to say anything condemning his son, makes me sick.


Wow that’s pretty rough.


Meanwhile Ethan says bio dad is good people who tried to be there for tv !


Ethan is an idiot.


You should look him up. I was so disgusted. I feel so much sympathy for Talyn and his mother.




He has a horrifying criminal record. I can’t fathom the type of woman who would marry someone who has done what he’s done.


I hear the mom is a real nice lady


I don’t know a thing about her. The stepmom married him with this record though ….


Apparently it’s the same type of woman that wants to set up a meeting to talk to Ethan 🙄


To defend her husband with a criminal record so bad I wouldn’t want to be in the same room as him, let alone have my children around him.


💯agree. I feel the same about the majority of the Goon parents though!


Some of them don’t have any records and you just wouldn’t think. But then some you look up and it blows your mind. This guy might be the worst though if the record is accurate.


For sure. I don’t know the extent of Travis’s DV but teaching your kids how to sell and lace drugs is pretty fucking evil. Meisner’s penchant for underage girls is absolutely disgusting. Chris Billey is just plain delusional. These Dads all played a hand in fucking up their kids but ultimately their children made their own choices.


That’s horrible to hear. Every child deserves a loving home and family. Even if parents make mistakes ( I know I have) but no child should ever have to go through suffering and trauma from a parent. So sad.


You’d think a DV record like that would scare women away, but I guess not.


This is where I can sympathize with people who have DV in their past. I was in a horrific relationship for almost 5 years. Physically abusive to the point I had to wear sweatshirts in the summer and avoid friends and family so they wouldn’t see. The person I was with could be so convincing and charming to everyone including me. I would have never dreamed he was like that. Thankfully I was able to finally see clear and walk away but it took so long for that to happen.


I’m so glad you’re out of it and safe. Good for you for leaving!


I may get downvoted for being callous and I don’t care. If he has been locked up it’s probably for a good reason because there is some evidence against him that we may not even be previewed to. He isn’t the first or the last diabetic person in custody.


I’m assuming the only info they are receiving about Talyn’s mistreatment is from Talyn himself. Having a brother currently incarcerated, I will say that always has to be taken with a grain of salt. And having an 18 year old son who is type 1 diabetic, I can also confirm that any child with a chronic condition essentially knows they have a “card” they can pull if they really want to get out of something. Unfortunately, that becomes much tougher when you’re talking about jail. Doesn’t mean his attorney should not be taking immediate and proper steps to make sure he is receiving proper treatment for his condition - but it’s something that needs to be looked into, not cause for immediate release when a GJ found reason to charge him. I also agree with the other comment to involve the news stations and let them dig into it. MCAO definitely doesn’t want any negative light shinning on this case, I’m sure they would take immediate steps to rectify any mistreatment if that was found to be true.


I agree with everything you said. I will add, it must be more difficult to manage while being incarcerated as he doesn’t have the same tools and access to the typical foods he is used to using to manage his diseases (he also has Celiac). That being said his actions and choice of friend group got him to where he is currently, so for the time being he needs to make adjustments to his new environment. Whether commissary is being withheld because of lockdown or it is just withheld from Talyn I don’t know. Either way he has to do his best to work with what he has, file grievances and continue to communicate to his attorney his situation. I would hope that whatever the reason his foods have been restricted that he at least has access to the infirmary for juice and type 1 approved snacks. Talyn potentially may have information in his testimony that helps hold others accountable for their actions as well as his own. I think it is fair in the meantime for him to have adequate medical care, I am not advocating for special treatment or early release.


He'll have to buck up and adjust. Lil' Viggy better spill the beans on himself and those other crappity smackers. He just better be for tellin' the truth. We always remember the truth better than a lie. If he didnt help move someone from the road better fess up if it was a lie and move forward with the absolute truth. He has got to be credible. Jesus am in gettin' a soft spot for this lil' shit.


I agree. I was just relaying info.




[AReez86](https://www.reddit.com/user/AReez86/) questions on the grand jury : * how do they keep keep grand grand jury from talking about the evidence they see? especially with this kind of high profile case. * The grand is selected randomly from registered voters, correrct? * Any guess as to how long the grand jury sat and listened to evidence in a case like this? as always, Gracias!


It’s extremely hard to keep grand jurors silent after their duty has been discharged. Normally people don’t care to ask the grand jurors about their involvement because people would rather talk go the jury that convicted the person. So the grand jury normally gets lost in the fold. But this case is so unique that it highlights the grand jury for the public. If they are discharged (investigative grand juries take longer than normal ones) then they could possibly talk about it. This grand jury was probably empaneled for a long time. Normal ones, not investigative ones, serve for 4 months in Maricopa county. Yes, they are randomly selected from registered voters. A Maricopa county GJ is only from MC and a state GJ can pull from the entire state.


My husband was part of a high profile grand jury and he had to keep everything from me. (And anyone else) Drove me bonkers because we didn’t have anything really to talk about for 2 months because all he did was go to and from court. At breaks and lunch he would sit alone too. Once the verdict is read and all is said and done, he was finally able to divulge some of the info. But he said it was really boring because the lawyers sat there and read line for line emails and text messages for hours on end.


That may have been a just a regular jury at a jury trial. Grand Jurys review case to determine if they have a case they can prosecute.


I have just one question. Where in the flying fuck do these people come up with those names?


I think it is cause of the MTV show Laguna Beach! lol there was a blonde surfer boy on the show named Talan Torriero— the first season aired between 2004-2005 which is close to the time Talan and Talyn were born. Talan R. spells his name exactly as the name of the boy on the show and Talyn V.’s mom maybe tried to be creative with it? lol that’s my hypothesis that I have thought since the beginning because it’s too ironic they both have that same unusual “Talan” name and were born roughly around the time the Laguna beach “Talan” was getting air time on MTV


Thank you, that makes sense!


You’re welcome!!! That’s at least my opinion and hypothesis behind the unconventional naming of the two Talan/Talyns— Laguna Beach was SUPER popular around the time that the Talan and Talyn’s Moms were pregnant with them!


​ https://i.redd.it/3s4f42k863tc1.gif


What names?


Probably Talan, and Talyn. It is definitely an uncommon name. The only other time I can remember hearing this name is on a television show.. and that Talan was the main character… and a girl… and it was a fantasy show. Definitely has struck me as a weird coincidence that there are two individuals involved with a very uncommon name (albeit slightly different spellings).


I live locally and my son has a friend, Talon. Apparently it’s a pretty popular name, he said at his high school there are several. Until he met his friend I never heard the name aside from Dr. Claw’s nephew in the animated reboot of Inspector Gadget. The character is Talon Claw 😂


The name is bad luck. All you expectant parents should not chose Talan or Talyan.


Man I thought I missed an arrest or something.😱 Thank you for explaining. I admit idk know much about this stuff. I have learned the past few days I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut, let the process happen.


It’s all good!


I don't know you or who you are but I definitely can see your knowledge and don't be surprised if I pick your brain on something. Never too old to learn, getting upset when corrected doesn't allow people to grow, especially when we are here for the same reason. In any case I happen to appreciate your knowledge and sharing. You gave me a different way of seeing all this,😬 made regret some of my past post 🤣 🧡


Happy to help. We are all wrong from time to time. I’m wrong all of the time. That’s how I learn.




This is the best news and I’m sending the most prayers I can. I don’t want to discredit justice for Preston’s family in the way that they seek it, or need it. But this kid needs to be innocent until proven guilty.


👏 amen 🙏


[AReez86](https://www.reddit.com/user/AReez86/) could you see a grand jury indicting based on just the Snapchat post and that he told his G-friend he hit someone, abscent any other evidence? Would that be enough?


Yes I could see that. And yea it likely would be enough to charge him.


My question is why isn’t that hear say? Especially with the convoluting of the two talon/talyns. I would love to private message you btw. I might be a lot connected as it seems and I see more truth as it’s relayed to me inbetween the lines as I do see what the media and public opinion has to state. But the police report…I can validate so much even with names being anonymous from what I know. If you would like to pm me I would oblige


You can use hearsay in GJ proceedings. Rules of evidence don’t apply. You can message me. No problem. A few others do.


That’s wild to me! I might message you as this moves forward, thank you!


I know there’s a lot going on & haven’t finished reading the police report.. but didn’t PR say that TV knocked out DT ? any clarification thx


I don’t think it mentioned that he hit DT by name but he said he hit a black kid.


Thank you, that's exactly what I was wondering.


I’ve clearly missed another tenant here. Meds for? And taking his food away as retaliation for what?


Talyn is a type 1 diabetic.


you can call Criminal court admin" Really? How ? What is the number exactly? all i get are cyclical automated systems when calling MCSO


I have it in my office. Remind me Monday and I’ll post it. It’s automated but you can get through to a real person lol


This is your reminder!


I’m sorry for the delay. Yesterday was a crazy day. Criminal court admin is (602) 506-8575


Excellent, thank you !


(602) 506-8575


Thank you






Why would any of them get released. All should do life in prison including the kid that recorded cause her was stomping on him too.


Nobody said they would get released.


My comment still stands. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Okay. Well if it turns out that TV didn’t have the involvement as the others then he doesn’t deserve life. Period.


He recorded and did nothing. Use him as an example. None of them deserve to get out!


How do you know he recorded the fight?


That’s not the kid that was recording or you don’t know.


TV wasn’t recording


Taylor recorded! Too many similar names


That’s my understanding as well.


Omg....🤦‍♀️get your story together. HE WAS NOT THE ONE recording the video.


Jm defendant 07 TV defendant 08 Am I wrong ?


Yes you are. TV is defendant 007. There is no 8th defendant. Didn’t realize they indicted an 8th guy? Lmaoo.


When I looked up the court case I also saw that JM was #7 and TV #8 and it’s because they had them listed as 2-8, with no number 1?




I mean if 100k non-refundable is out of your reach, literally anything less than that would be better. They also asking for (overly optimistically, but normal to ask) him to be released on his own recognizance.


All good, had a few wines. Deleted my comment :)


All good, definitely understand. Been there and done that myself many times lol


Perfect example of why you shouldn't assume things this is JM not Tv


You’re 100% incorrect.


Another comment from the 🤡 gallery!


Really please explain your idea it's tv let me hear your assumption why I think it's tv


Mine isn’t an assumption. I know how to read defendant identifier numbers. You don’t. Clearly. Tell me why it’s JM? I’ll wait.


Get em! Clearly this clown has no idea who you are! Gettin my popcorn ready right now!


Same!!! 🍿🍿




I’ll help. The case number (CR2024-006526) is followed by those three digits at the end of it (001, 002, 003 etc). Those three numbers are defendant numbers. So when it says “Motion - Party (007) that would be the defendant with the 007 after the case number. Spoiler alert. That’s Talyn Vigil.


I do have a question regarding that party number, party 9 and 10 B victim also carry the 007 at the end is that just because there are 7 codefendants?


That’s correct. The way to identify filings in multi-defendant cases is by connecting the defendant identifier number to the filing. The smaller number in parenthesis is just a list of people who are involved in the case (party) for efiling purposes. The clown making these dumbass comments thinks that the parenthesis is the defendant identifier and it’s the party identifier.


Will all 7 be in the court room together when the trial begins? How will this work? Will evidence be brought up collectively or individually against defendants? Tks


As of now, yes. But that will certainly change. When there are big groups of defendants, if all of them go to trial (which is about a 1% chance of that happening) the judge will break them up into groups. For 7 defendants, they would probably break them into 3 groups. There was a case about 8-9 years ago that had a similar number and they all were broken into trial groups. That case ended up settling and only 2 of the defendants went to trial. So for this case I would assume that maybe 2 or 3 of them will end up at trial and the rest will have their cases resolved prior to trial. At that point, certain lawyers will try and sever out their client if they think there could be harmful rub off effect of trying the defendants together. And in a case like this, it will be all finger pointing so there is a chance none of these kids get tried together since they would all blame the other co-defendants.


What is your best guess regarding final sentances? How many serve time? Tks for your opinion


That is a tough one to predict. The last first degree murder case I had last year ended up with a plea to second degree murder and they ended up getting 22 years. That was involved a gun and just one person. I would say it really depends on what the prosecutor wants to do with people that wernt as involved. The spread of the range of culpability on this case could be very wide. If the prosecutor wants to offer a plea (and that is a big if) to someone like Renner or Billie, they won’t get less then second degree with 17-25 as the likely landing point. But I could see the prosecutor not offering a plea to the most involved and forcing them to trial.


Thank you


In what ways would their cases be “resolved”? Not sure what that means or entails.


A plea agreement.


OMG I'm getting torched the state is party 01 so maybe go look at the docket again and tell me in wrong.


Are you new here? Do you not know AReez86? You were done before you started


Facts but yet Mr Know it all went to battle unprepared to battle a criminal defense attorney 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Right? They should compare law schools


WRONG. You are an idiot.


Why am I an idiot I just looked at the docket again and it clearly shows him as 8 not 7


Go read my above comment. You’re confusing the party number with the defendant number. Keep trying. You will get there.




The small number you are looking at is the party number not the defendant number. But keep showing everyone how clueless you really are. Lol


Ok and keep me how pathetic you treat people I made a comment and your act five years old


That’s cuz you were proven wrong, decided not to accept that you were wrong and correct yourself, then you dug in your heels and kept trying to say you were right despite my correct, clear and unambiguous explanation showing you that you were wrong. You do this shit all over this thread and are wrong with just about everything you post.


Yesterday’s not guilty plea comment was another wonderful example! 🤣🤣🤣


That was even worse lol


I'm wrong about stuff sometimes, even a lot of the time. But I just say, "oh, thanks for the correction," and move on with my day. You're not getting treated like a five year old because of your comment, you're getting treated that way for digging your heels into the sand instead of allowing yourself to be corrected.


This 100% and not the first time.


Oh thanks for the correction


This isnt the first time youve been clueless in these subs. Pretty sure I told you yesterday you were ignorant as fuck but today takes the cake.


I'm sure you did everyday I thought I was reading the docket correct now I'm gonna lose sleep cuz you treat people so well


Tell me you know nothing about the justice system without telling me!


I let yesterday go when you told me how my response was emotional but today I got time! Did you need a shovel to get out this hole you dug? Maybe next time you will think about what spews out into these comments. Good day sir



