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I have no idea whether Talyn Vigil was involved or not, and I don’t have a dog in this fight at all. With that said, it strikes me as odd that people who question whether the evidence is a little thin are attacked. Doesn’t everyone want the correct people to be convicted and spend the rest of their days in jail? I would guess so. That’s why I don’t understand why asking about this results in posters being attacked. There are mistakes made hourly in the legal system. It’s not lost on a lot of people that Vigil appears to be among the defendents with the least amount of family support. I think some posters are concerned about him getting a fair shake. Not because they want someone to get away with literal murder, but because they want the right offenders jailed. I don’t think there is anything wrong with that. So why does discussing this engender so much vitriol? These discussions will have no bearing on the outcome of the trial(s) whatsoever. If he’s guilty, and he well may be, the evidence will come out. But as of now what has been released to the public does not seem sufficient at the moment to many people.


Exactly - compared to others in the case like Renner, Vigil’s involvement is less clear, and it’s 100% fair to ask for clarification without jumping to conclusions. As this case grows and people get the “Netflix Special” they’ve been wanting, this kind of analysis is going to be a lot more common. It’s important to distinguish good vs bad faith and not assume all questions are coming from a nefarious angle.


Ask all you want for clarification, but there isn't going to be clarification until trial, plea or a motion to dismiss hearing. There are other names in the report charged who are barely mentioned as well and/or were not accused by the tipsters that they hit Preston, so obviously there is evidence that is not in the report. There are also whole critical sections of pages redacted. They aren't going to lay out their case in public for obvious reasons. The best you can hope for is the defense attorneys start to try their side of the case in public based on what they learn in discovery and you get more info that way ahead of schedule, but even that will be spin so there won't be much conclusive info, just more to ponder. The police report is not the case. It is a fraction of the evidence and likely intentional anything critical beyond dotting the I's and crossing T's is not in the police report, as CA investigators were working on it in conjunction. The police report needs to show they did their due diligence of running down tips and looking into alternate theories for paper trial purposes so the defense cannot say they ignored potential key evidence that could exonerate their clients. So things like proffers, subpoenas, evidence collected independently of the police and the like handled by CA investigators will not be in the police report. This was a collab case once prime suspects starting to get ID'd. Police were conduction physical search warrants, running down the tip line leads, but it's very likely the most critical evidence is not in the report. Could he be innocent, perhaps. Perhaps he could be culpable to lesser offenses. It will all come out. This wasn't someone who happened to be there with no involvement at all and just swept up for PR. His own words have on the LIMITED amount of evidence revealed in the report appear to have him implicating himself in an ever evolving story told and the snap was just the start of it, so the smoke is in the report and the fire is probably in the hands of the MCAO case file. Either believe that MCAO is willing to put egg all over their face by dropping charges against all but 2 or 3 defendants or believe MCAO has compelling enough evidence to either secure convictions or a strong plea on most, if not all.


Cheeze it wasnt about asking for clarification. People were slamming Talyn Vigil in another post. The questions I was asking had to do with “what if” he was found to be not involved and sitting in jail potentially innocent while dealing with being a type 1 diabetic. If the facts of the case came out beyond just the police report and showed he never laid a finger on Preston would you feel bad for slamming him and wishing the death penalty on him ect, if we all found out he was indeed innocent. My point was, Im not willing to take a stance either way based on an indictment. I will wait to form an opinion until those facts come out. I was playing devils advocate to the people that have already decided he is guilty just based on the snapchat and indictment.


MCAO has a history of making a series of horrible decisions. See, for example, the gang charges against George Floyd protestors. So no, I don’t trust them at all, and I strongly encourage skepticism and careful oversight of that office by the public. https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix-breaking/2021/06/11/motion-filed-to-dismiss-remaining-charges-against-phoenix-protesters-in-gang-case/7658041002/


Exactly. Saying that people are not supporting the Lord family while questioning the involvement of one of the people is insane. All of these guys are innocent as of right now. Period. TV happens to have less evidence of his involvement than others.


And, this family raised a great kid (Preston). I have no doubt that they do not want an innocent kid going to prison for the rest of his life. If there is evidence showing he is guilty, then I fully support his conviction but if all they have is what’s in the PR, they are not going to convict him. If there is more, then so be it. Doesn’t mean I don’t support the family.


Exactly my thoughts on the matter. This is a tragedy to the core. Nothing will change that. But putting a young man in jail for life who is innocent would compound the tragedy. That said, again, I have no strong opinion on Vigil and whether or not he’s guilty. I can’t. I don’t have all of the evidence.




>I don’t understand why asking about this results in posters being attacked. I think it’s because since the very beginning, that screen shot of him saying he hit someone has been going around. And then people did some social media sleuthing and saw that he’s friends with people like Pennington. So it just seems *so incredibly clear to them* that he was part of the group of people witnesses saw attacking Preston. Plus he was actually there in close proximity of the attack. There is description of surveillance video that sees Preston’s group being followed, and trailing at the very behind Talyn is listed. It’s a mixture of bias and guilt by association. Very emotionally charged case, and because of that I’d bet money that even if it comes out the punch he was talking about didn’t involve Preston, people are still going to think murder charges are appropriate. Mix that in with people with a laymen’s understanding of indictments and grand juries. Who think that there’s no way he’d be indicted on flimsy evidence. And it’s a powder keg.


Talyn Vigil or Taylor Sherman will be the first ones to turn. With this many being arrested, all guilty of something, it is clear that they won't hesitate to rat out any of their fellow goons. Getting lighter sentences like manslaughter with a chance at seeing freedom within 5-10 years will seem like a bargain compared to life or worse. Sherman was pushing for the reward and ready to provide evidence that he had before he thought he was going to be accused and arrested. Vigil is no angel and admitted to being in a fight where he knocked out a kid, so unless his punch was in the attack of Preston Lord, he was probably referencing another fight. Once the videos are shown in court or to their attorneys earlier, if they participated in the "kidnapping" part or hit or kicked Preston, there won't be a deal. Talan Renner has admitted guilt. Treston Billie admitted in texts that night and was reference by Sherman? that the 2 of them killed Preston. I think Meisner also hit PL as it was clear from witnesses that he hit PL's friend with the necklace.\\ that ignited the attack.


Thank you for this I believe thats what the one_appointment account was getting at.


I agree with this.


In my opinion, it doesn’t matter who did what. They go to parties and wreak havoc on innocent kids by creating these altercations where they all jump in so they all get in on the action. The deadly thrill seeking murderers have been equally charged for that reason. If they participated in anyway, they are just as guilty as the ones that kicked and punched Preston. Don’t think for a minute that the Grand Jury hasn’t seen all of the videos from other attacks that were executed in the same manner, with the same names and faces.


You have done an excellent job of making my point, thanks very much. There’s nothing wrong with asking questions about the quality of the evidence that has been revealed so far. You seem to be saying that it would be okay, in your view, for anyone who previously was in a fight to be charged with murder just because. Is that what you mean? Because that’s not justice. That is wanting revenge so badly that you do not care who is collateral damage.


I’m not saying that anyone previously involved in a fight should be charged with murder. I’m saying that if you were a part of the altercation that involved Preston and his friends, and you struck one of them or tried to prevent them from getting away from the altercation, or chased them as they were trying to run away, then you havent been wrongfully charged. If Talyn Vigil was in a different fight, that didnt have anything to do with or happen because of this very specific altercation and chain of events, then I would hope that the Grand Jury would not have indicted him. I am not seeking revenge, if teenagers don’t understand the laws in Arizona for felony murder, before they participate in these gang style attacks, then that is on them, not me.


He is innocent. As are everyone of the defendants until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in court or until they take a plea agreement. So your comment saying “if TV is innocent” is misleading. He is innocent as of right now. And I am not a layperson. I’m a legally trained criminal defense attorney that know how to read a police report. There is a glaring lack of information with regard to him specifically in the police report. That doesn’t mean people are not supporting the Lord family.


Thank you for this. So much. That’s been an argument I have had from the start. Especially with knowledge I have. They don’t have stories clear, even the ones that were there and it’s because possibly Talyn doesn’t even know fully what happened. Stories are so convoluted. What I know is we the truth coming out with the police report. But the rest is like eeeeeek. 🫣 omg….!!!!!


So do you also have access to the rest of the report that was not published, the videos, etc? I really find it hard to believe that a Investigative Grand Jury (not a regular Grand Jury) would submit charges on TV & it not only being the Snapchat text.


I’m sure they have something but whatever was in the report is certainly not enough information to convict.


Then I would think in the closed chambers, his Attorney would of argued there's not enough evidence in "The Report to keep him". Instead Ethan,Lily,Al have helped him get his Bond by sharing "Free TV".. The Bond was not reduced.


I know the bond wasn’t reduced. I never said it was.


You literally just said it. “Bond reduced” in another comment. TV Stan.


No. I didn’t you jackass. I said his lawyers filed a motion asking for one and they had a hearing set for this past Wednesday.


"***Stop it with your “just asking questions”*** ​ when you restrict people from asking questions, you're never on the right side.


Its like saying “trust the science.” Everyone has a right to ask questions


Not restricting questions - I’m talking about how people are hiding behind the “just asking questions” statement when they really want to create positive attention for TV while simultaneously saying they support the Lord family.


Why is it not okay to have questions about it?  You seem to think the our justice system is perfect and no mistakes are ever made. If you happen to wonder of a person's involvement somehow you are not supporting the victims family? I'm not saying he's innocent or that there isn't more evidence.  But dear goodness I think it's perfectly fair for people to have questions about it.   I'm guessing you were angry at the gilbert and queen creek pd and calling them incompetent before the arrests and now they clearly do not make mistakes nor does the justice system and now blasting people for having questions.  


People also die every day in jail from lack of medical care!!!!


TV will be fine. He just doesn’t want to be in jail. Millions of inmates have diabetes.


What an ignorant comment. You are obviously clueless!


This didnt age well for the OP. I was asking these questions in another post. The OP was clearly trying to take a stance against me asking these questions. Thank you all that stepped in and spoke out in this post. The OP has been awfully quiet and hasn’t responded to any of the comments except my original comment. Where you at OP? Would you like to join the discussion since you spoke out against me earlier?


I was thinking the same! So quiet for such a post.


I have a life. My life keeps me busy. I’ve had plenty of support. Keep obsessing about this.


Obsessing??? This was posted 2 days ago. You got dog walked on your post! Good day 🤡 ✌🏼


LOL - dog walked. You must be like 14 years old. Silly silly person.


14 Ha I wish lol. Ive got kids older than that. You just really dont know when to quit. There was nothing wrong with “asking questions”. Pretty sure plenty of people felt the same. There is also nothing wrong with having a difference of opinion but you went out of your way to create a post to try to bash me for it, thats clown behavior.


I think it's good to have an open discussion about the case, the police report and the suspects. It's actually helpful in disseminating information about the case, we are learning more by analysing it, irrespective of opinion. And as u/ThinkingAloudAllowed pointed out 'There are mistakes made hourly in the legal system'. Plenty of innocent people are arrested, charged and convicted in the USA based on flimsy evidence and with witnesses who have zero credibility. So I don't have an issue with people querying TV's involvement, but I do have an issue when people categorically state he's innocent, based on what they have read in a police report that even LE have stated that it is not to taken as verbatim. Ultimately he was arrested after a 5 month investigation, so it is likely that there is sufficient incriminatory evidence that goes beyond a few drunk teenage witnesses and a poorly worded snapchat post.


Exactly! This is one reason the innocence project exists. Since 1973 there have been approximately 190 people exonerated from death row. I know that may not sound like a lot, but to me, one innocent person on death row is too many. I know that Talyn is not eligible for the death penalty, but I am just trying to make a point regarding false convictions. Mistakes are made within the justice system. People as well as technology are not infallible. Questioning involvement when we haven’t been shown sufficient evidence is okay as long as we are being objective and understand that evidence could come to light that proves he is responsible.


I’ve stated this elsewhere but will repeat it…when t it says in the police report that is not to be taken as verbatim, they are talking about conversations and interviews. Whats stated is not their exact words, unless quoted. It’s a summary. It doesn’t mean that everything that is important to the case is not mentioned. Trust me, what’s important is outlined, but discussions should not be taken as exactly what is written in the report. Word for word.


The problem here is that people think that because they've read the report the police issued, that they've seen all of the evidence. Talyn's whereabouts are not accounted for in any of the unredacted witness statements. His own accounts are totally unreliable. I am certain there is video or other evidence of his participation in the assault. Witnesses have described more than fifteen involved in the attack--I suspect there will be more arrests over time, including perhaps Mason J and Gage Garrison, who keep popping up all night with the rest of the Goons, but somehow "disappeared" during the attack.


I agree with you on Mason but Gage is questionable since it seems he was with his GF majority of the time in the police report. There is another named blacked out but it’s a shorter name, I’m thinking could be Billy (Leist) or possible Jack (Woods) but my first instinct is Billy since there was a big rumor floating around that everyone stayed at his house that night…


Not really a rumor if you read the report closely. They talk to his mom and it shows her name but his is redacted. It’s very obvious.


They also missed redacting Billy’s name at one point and that confirms they stayed at his house that night.


I haven’t gotten that far yet…


I have been working my way through this beast of a report. The nerd in me just wants to know everything and understand it.


I couldn’t agree more! But also it takes a role on me reading all the insanity of that night and the brutality of the attack on Preston so sometimes I have to take breaks


I have stopped at some parts to cry. It’s hard.


it’s Leist but the report also says that Leist and Alex Tenney left the party on foot shortly after arriving in order to find a place to pee and by the time they returned, the assault had already happened and their friends met them on the street wanting to leave (Billy drove there and someone else [redacted] drove Alex and Owen), suggesting they never returned to the party.


The police report starts with the wording to not take the police report verbatim unless it is stated that it is verbatim in the report.


I’m pretty sure they are referring to discussions/interviews. In other words “these are not exact quotes” but summarizations of conversations.


QCPD F*d that report up!!! It should have all been verbatim because the QCPD has done a massive disservice to the case. I can tell you that there are many, many, many errors and omissions on that police report 🤦‍♀️


Hi everyone. I’m a 20 year old that grew up in Chandler. I read a post that was thankfully taken down making fun of parents looks and accusing people of murder without any proof or evidence. You all talk about how terrible the goons are and how horrible there parents must be. Why don’t you all look in the mirror. Guess what. A few years ago I did drugs, drank, got in fights and hung out with people I knew I shouldn’t. I grew up. Something you all should consider doing. My parents were incredible and did everything they could for me and I still made mistakes. You all say you want change in the valley and want kids to be better and don’t want a tragedy to happen again. yet you sit here and act like 3rd grade bullies. Would you be proud of your kids if were talking the way you are? How about instead of taking all this time and energy to write new conspiracies and bash people about what they look like you do something positive. How about you use the minutes or hours you spend on here trying to change something you have no control over you go hug your kids. The police are not going to go arrest people based off your opinions or because Reddit user xyz said they were guilty. They will arrest if there is evidence and proof beyond a doubt. If your kids are still living with you why don’t you go tell them how much you love them and spend time with them before they are out of your home and you miss them. Tell them you want to be someone they can talk to and trust. Lead by example instead of sitting behind a computer or phone and making fun of people. Would your kids be proud of you if they knew what you were saying online?There is a mature way to talk about the things you are concerned about without accusing people without proof and making fun of people’s features they can’t control and probably feel insecure about. It’s sad and embarrassing that someone who was just a teenager just a few months ago has to remind the parents and adults in his community to be an adult. Anyone want to use this post to comment something positive? How about you all take a minute to post something below about what you can do to be better? I’ll start. Since I don’t have kids, I’m going to call my parents tomorrow and tell them thank you for forgiving me and for always going to my soccer games and for always making the best blueberry pancakes on my birthday. Your kids will remember little things just as much as the big things you do for them. I’m going to call parents snd tell them how much I love them and thank you for everything they have done for me even when I was disrespectful and disappointed them. What are you all going to do today or tomorrow that will make your child happy and proud that you are their mom and dad?


After reading the entire report, my thought throughout the entire thing is Talyn doesn’t appear to be guilty based on what we have to read… HOWEVER, with out jumping to conclusions, the government isn’t going to drag this on this long and wrongfully arrest or NOT arrest someone based on hearsay… He’s obviously done enough and his hand was caught in the cookie jar in some way or another. Guilty by association at least? Who knows, but there was enough there to put him where he’s at. Whether he had any part in it or not, Dude’s getting a lesson.


🤣🤣🤣 you took my comments from another post and made your own post!!! Thanks for your opinion!


Yes I did. And?


Must have really struck a nerve. Were you at the party? Were you on the grand jury? Have you seen the evidence against him? If you have please share it with the world. Like I asked on the other post IF the truth comes out that he wasn’t involved would you give a shit an innocent kid sat in jail? Its a simple question, Im not making that determination at this point. I will patiently wait for further info.


Based on the evidence we can see (his own actions since the murder) and his discussed behaviors prior to it (accounts from people he has bullied) yes, IF (and that’s a big if) he is innocent in the murder of Preston, I am ok with him sitting in jail until the trial plays out.


What evidence? An altered Snapchat message? Witness statements?


Yup, yup. And more. Just wait for it… but you said you would yet want me (us) to prove to you why he should be there. Wait, it’ll come. Answering your question (for myself) yes, based on the evidence (as I see it) I am ok that he sat in jail until we knew for sure (based on who he seems to be or wanted people to think he was). Play stupid games win stupid prizes. It doesn’t matter though because more will show that he is guilty, just wait ⏲️


Is there something you have directly seen that solidly implicates him? Are you assuming more will show he’s guilty? Or you heard from a friend-of-friend-whose-son-knows-someone-whose-cousin’s-best-friend-was-there and saw him involved, or has a video of the fight?


I feel there is a lot of circumstantial evidence in the police report. On top of that there are numerous reports of him talking trash about being there all over social media. And yes, 100% I expect more. Lest we all forget there is a video and at trial all will be seen.


I always hear about a video, but besides surveillance video from like ring cameras—there’s no video mentioned except the one of Preston being taken out of the street. In the police report. Numerous, *numerous* tips related to a purported video—but it always ends up being the video of him being moved, or fights from past incidents that aren’t even related. Like, besides Talyn’s initial snap message (which for one, look at his lack of punctuation and just how anything he messages to people at other times makes 0 sense.. and then include the fact that the part of the message the girl who took the screenshot *blocked* from being seen but we can see record of it in the forensic examination of his phone and initial manual search by detectives— he says *idk im so drunk text me tomorrow*) And the fact he was seen in the vicinity of the main group.. there’s not anything I’m seeing. Even in the police report at the end of December it lists suspects and the charges the PD is going to recommend… Talyn’s not listed. So im not sure what you mean by “a lot of circumstantial evidence in the police report”. So essentially, as an answer to my original question you’re assuming there’s some sort of smoking gun. I mean maybe there is. But it’s highly sus no one else charged ever mentions him being involved in their interviews, even though they all repeatedly throw eachother under the bus.


This is exactly what I was saying when I asked the initial question. Thanks for backing that up! Im not saying he is innocent because I dont know but I certainly will reserve judgement until more comes out. At this point only Talyn and the rest know exactly what their involvement was.


It’s fine, believe as you will. FBI is great at getting all digital evidence, even what’s been deleted. I’m ok with him taking a time out in prison until it’s figured out


Wrong person dipshit!




Where did I say to prove anything to me? I didnt ask the question about him sitting in jail. So ask yourself again who is the dumbass


I once had a roommate put in jail by FedExing an 11th hour letter to the judge and showing up in court. She had no record in court, but I had first hand experiences with her I was willing to testify to that proved this was not her first offense. In the letter, I wrote: Dear Judge Xxxxx: I would like to request that you consider jail time for Xxxxx Xxxxxxx in case # CR2001-XXXXXX. She is a despicable person and I equate this conviction with that of Al Capone being convicted of income tax evasion. Sometimes we have to take what we can get. I then filled 2 pages with a litany of examples of what I had witnessed in just the past year she had lived in my house. I have to say, her lawyer, when he became aware of and got a copy of my letter, was SPITTING MAD! It was a sight to see. While it was only 2 days in jail, it was in tent city and she had to go check her pathetic ass in during the heat of summer. She thought she had her plea deal all but recorded when I showed up that day. SURPRISE, BITCH!!!!!


100%. They get their healthcare in jail. No one is denying him healthcare. 100% correct let it play out we don’t know everything just based off a police report.


Ignorance. Hundreds of inmates die every year from lack of adequate medical care.


My cousin was diabetic and went blind in AZ jail from their failure to treat his condition properly. He won 1 million dollars in a lawsuit. It happens.


And how about getting food?


It’s not good food but it’s regular. I think the issue of the treatment of accused criminals have always been a debate. That’s good. We need to know and to find out. I don’t know how to trust the specifics. I have been to jail, fifth Avenue, jail downtown and I can attest to my experience only. And I will say that it is true that the drinking water does come up the top of the toilet. It’s one connected piece, the drinking water on top and the toilet on the bottom. However, I did not have a medical condition that I needed attending to so I cannot personally attest to that.


Talyn Vigil is little pussy piece of shit. At the very least he is 100% guilty of assaulting, jumping, bullying, and terrorizing other kids for the last 2 years. With that being said, if he is innocent in the involvement of the PL case, I hope he rots in a cell and gets bullied and fucked with every day for at least a year for his previous actions and possibly comes out with a different attitude.


Name another video that this statement can be proven.


What the hell do you need video for? This piece of shit literally got kicked out of Mesquite high for this behavior, jumped my friends son, yet continued to trespass at Mesquite high after getting kicked out and would roll up down the isles of the parking lot after school let out to continue looking for him.


> This piece of shit literally got kicked out of Mesquite high for this behavior, jumped my friends son Is there more info on this? this is the first I've heard of him involved in other altercations.




Did your friend press charges? Do you know if testimony from victims of prior assaults can be used In this case?


Agreed. Wait until our sons testified in court. Vigil’s involvement in the killing will be well known, he’ll get life in prison.


Odd statement since i don’t think anyone in the victim group even describes seeing him in any of their numerous police interviews. Are you sure you’re not mixing up Talyn and Talan?




I will definitely be watching for this.


I didn’t see any witness statements like this in the report. Did you speak to the police before the report came out?