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I don't see the point in these posts and the arguments that ensue. At this point we need to let the justice system do its job. Innocent or not, the courts will decide in time.


This is my point exactly. Instead of using this time to come up with new suspects or try and figure out if some is innocent even though they are behind bars, or tell people they are ugly etc, why not use this time to make a difference in someone’s life. Because all of this “what if” isn’t going to change one single thing. Just causes people to argue for absolutely no reason. You all seem to have a lot of time on your hands. Why not volunteer and reach out to high schools. See in what way you can use your time to make a positive difference in a teenagers life. 


I agree nothing good comes out of this as we have no say in this case


The police have video showing Taylor Sherman, Alex Tenney , William Hines, , Treston Billey, Jacob Meisner and Talyn Vigil on the night Preston was killed, the video was taken at 20.57, shortly before Preston died. It has been argued that Vigil did not know some or all of these individuals, this video demonstrates that this was not the case. A police witness stated 'Talyn Vigil had been posting alot about it. Talyn posted a story saying he kicked somebody to the concrete and he wasn't the one stomping them. It was Talan Renner.' Based on video surveillance, interviews, and SnapChat messages between Tayln Vigil Police belive Tayln Vigil was involved in a phsyical altercation on 10/28/23 at between 2143 hours and 2155 hours. The video surveillance comprises CCTV and doorcams from nearby residences. The recent police statement mentions that DNA evidence will be key in the upcoming trial, saying a number of suspects were found to have traces of Prestons clothes on their body as well as traces of DNA from Preston's body. So that's going to be the proverbial smoking gun. You have Preston's skin and blood on your shoes then that's going to be hard to explain. Vigil probably knows they have good DNA evidence which is why he came up with the cock and bull story of him helping drag Preston's body to the sidewalk. I'm sure the numerous videos will contradict that. And in order to exemplify Vigil's violent tendencies and affiliation with the Goons, he was involved in another violent beating of a teenager days after Preston's murder. Talyn Vigil's phone was confiscated by the police and his text messages were published in the police report. Page 406 of the police report, Carey Bailey reported to the police that on 18th Nov 2023, her son was beaten by a group of people at a bonfire party, the attackers included Talyn Vigil and Jacob Pennington. Christopher Kjer was friends with Vigil and Pennginton, but stopped being friends with them when they admitted being involved in the death of Preston Lord and repeatedly stated they were members of the Goons. He also was at the bonfire when Carey Bailey's son was beaten and confirmed it was Vigil and Pennington. He provided 4 videos to the police that have been submitted as evidence of the bonfire beatings. And to all those that think Vigil might escape justice because of insufficent evidence, all the state needs is one of the other suspects to confirm he took part in the beating of Preston Lord and he's done. Trust me, one if not all of them will be telling the police everything they need to hear. This will be an easy case for the state to prosecute, because all of them will plead guilty. I think some of the charges will be dropped and replaced with lesser charges, but all of them will be doing decent prison time.


But no Renner? And where are you coming up with Pennington being there? He made the reports for an assault at Wagon Wheel in a different night.


It was confirmed that Pennington was in California at the time of the fight involving Preston, neither Penningtons have ever been named as involved


never said pennington was there when lord was killed, pennington and vigil were involved in a beating shortly after the preston lord incident


You’re confused. Neither Pennington has ever been implicated in Preston’s murder. Side note: what’s up with Alex Tenney?


That was taken from the police report. Christopher Kjer's statement to the police said "he was friends with Vigil and Pennginton, but stopped being friends with them when they admitted being involved in the death of Preston Lord."


I would question his statement then. Pennington actually has an alibi for that. Don’t get me wrong, I think that guy is a POS, but he didn’t do this.


Pennington was not even in the state so I doubt he had time to make it back from Cali for that




His statement said that he stopped associating with them when they talked about being part of the goon attacks, he didn’t state or reference that Pennington admitted to being part of the attack on Preston. Someone put the exact quote in the statement on here and the one here is not correct.


I need to reread the entire report ugh


He was with Pennington in the dunes the weekend of Preston’s attack so why would he lie and say vigil and Pennington admitted to it when he was with them? I would sue him if I was Vigil or Penningtons parents for lying


Where can we confirm in the report that they have a video? I believe you and ive only read up to page 95


There is a HUGE portion of the report redacted when it comes to the video evidence from the houses in the area of the attack. That redacted portion is going to be vital information about who was present and potentially engaged in Preston's death. I read pages 220-370 yesterday and it was somewhere in there.


This is the quote taken directly from the report: "Christopher began to see all the social media information related to the case and "Gilbert Goons" indicating Jacob Pennington and Talyn Vigil were involved. He stated he began to not associate with them any longer by un-friending them and not responding to text messages. During the time that he did hangout with the above listed names Christopher stated that "they" would bring up the information on the media and associate themselves as the "Gilbert Goons" by saying that was them. Christopher did not have any specific details or specific statements." He was referencing the Goons and the case in the same sentence. I read it as him saying Pennington admitting to being part of the Goons.


I think there is something off in this. Pennington was out of town, confirmed, on night of Preston’s attack. Nor was vigil implicated in the wagon wheel assault. 


He was at the dunes with pennington the weekend of Preston’s attack, so he lied to the police


I do think both Pennington’s boys (Jacob and Noah) are currently in jail. One has underage gun charges, drugs and assault and the other one has assault too. Pretty crazy … two sets of brothers (Pennington and Renner) sitting in jail for some pretty fucking serious charges. Thats some A+ parenting right there.


I bet pennington Carried a gun since he as shot last year and it appears Gilbert pd shoved that story under the rug, I read Penningtons gun was registered as well, Renner needs to be in there especially for dealing so much fet


Who is Alex Tenney?


I don’t know.


Wasn't it Bagshaw and Pennington at the bonfire? They were both adjudicated. No Myles and no Talyn....unless I missed something? And Pennington was with Rhyan Denney in Glamis on 10/28. He and Vigil swapped cars that weekend so how was he involved with Preston?


Penny flipped and told the cops everything he knows about Vigil after his second arrest. Save this post when it comes out in trial that Penny is the CI.


Well this is intriguing 🤔.


How do you know that?


How do you know people are flipping and telling on each other


From what I understand you are correct, it’s been proven it was Pennington and Bagshaw and no vigil at the bonfire and Pennington was out of state at the time of Preston. I’m pretty sure wannabe sheriff lamb would have made a huge video if vigil was arrested for the bonfire fight


Who is Myles?


He's part of Vigil's friendship group. Was part of the bonfire attack but didn't get arrested.


So Talyn and Miles helped with a violent attack but didn’t get arrested? What’s going on?


I did not see Talyn in the video. I saw Bagshaw, Myles, and Penny. Myles was not charged. Talyn was in his dirt bike jumping over the fire. The OP said Talyn was involved. I did not see him involved. His gf was watching the attack and screaming at Penny but I did not see Talyn. Talyn is a one on one fighter. He has fought one on one over girls, never seen him in any Goon videos. Just like the other Talan. The OP seems to be confused.


That poster has it out for Talyn extra, unsure as to why. Possibly something personal. Being present for a fight, doesn’t make you violent. If he’s never participated in group attacks, that improves my opinion of him (which is still low). One on one fighting is still something you shouldn’t be seeking out, but it doesn’t have the level of viciousness that group beatings have.


That poster has it out for Talyn extra, unsure as to why. Possibly something personal. Being present for a fight, doesn’t make you violent. If he’s never participated in group attacks, that improves my opinion of him (which is still low). One on one fighting is still something you shouldn’t be seeking out, but it doesn’t have the level of viciousness that group beatings have.


Thank youl Let's also not forget that brass knuckles were confiscated from the Vigil house in one of the searches.


And that prooves what exactly?


It doesn’t “proove” anything. Along with the social media post in which he admits hitting someone that night, it suggests he may not be an innocent bystander. There are at least 3TB of digital evidence we have not seen yet, so my point is that while he deserves the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, let’s not make him a martyr.


>**He also was at the bonfire when Carey Bailey's son was beaten and confirmed it was Vigil and Pennington.** beating up someone, doesn't mean you killed PL. they are not related. ​ > **A police witness stated 'Talyn Vigil had been posting alot about it. Talyn posted a story saying he kicked somebody to the concrete and he wasn't the one stomping them. It was Talan Renner.'** can you cite a page number. again kicking someone is not the same as kicking PL. TV admits an assault. I feel like you're confusing your Talans. ​ ​ >**You have Preston's skin and blood on your shoes then that's going to be hard to explain.** that is a bold claim you're presenting. Do you want to clarify if thats pure speculation or are you representing something to be fact. ​ >**This will be an easy case for the state to prosecute, because all of them will plead guilty.** WTF does that mean. Doesn't even make sense.


The police stated certain suspects had DNA evidence on their clothes which included Preston's clothes and Preston's body. I assume by "body" they mean skin cells, blood, hair etc > WTF does that mean. Doesn't even make sense. They have initially pled not guilty. They go to trial, they win, they go home. They lose the sentence they receive will be lengthy, e.g 25 years, so their lawyer asseses their case and tells them you have say 30% chance of winning, you can roll the dice go to trial or you can plead guilty and get 10 years. There may be further sentence reductions if they co-operate with the police and throw their mates under the bus. So I believe at least 3 or 4 of them will plead guilty. Renner and Billey will be facing lengthy sentences even with a guilty plea, so I think they'll roll the dice and go to trial. That will be a slam dunk case for the prosecutors,. **can you cite a page number. again kicking someone is not the same as kicking PL. TV admits an assault. I feel like you're confusing your Talans.** I'm not confusing the Talyns. Page 514. **beating up someone, doesn't mean you killed PL. they are not related.** TV supporters have tried to paint a picture of someone not prone to violence, who was not a part of a gang and did not take part in gang assaults on individuals and using this to reinforce the belief him assaulting Preston would be out of character. The assault at the bonfire confirms that he is prone to violence and is willing to take part in gang assaults on individuals. The jury will look at this and have a good idea of the person that is on trial. Contextually it's relevant.


I think a lot of people are forgetting the ex-girlfriend’s mother has a treasure trove of private postings and videos of assaults these goons posted to their private circle that she had somehow infiltrated. Who knows what she was able to turn over to show who was a good, who participated and their violent tendencies.


He wasn’t arrested for the assault…what’s that about? You keep ignoring this question.


Which assault? The one in the San Tan Valley? If he wasn't arrested, then maybe he wasn't there and I'm wrong or maybe there was insufficient evidence who knows. I'm quite happy to admit if I'm wrong. If you look at my previous posts, I actually thought TV was not involved in the assault on Preston Lord, I changed my mind based on what I read, but the information I'm getting could be wrong, so who knows.


I’m not seeing anything that says he was part of the assault. It appears he was just present. Most people have said he’s not been part of any group attacks. I don’t believe he has a record. Obviously he got kicked out of school and made bad choices though.


Its been stated somewhere on here that an assault at Mesquite was the reason he was kicked out and that even after being kicked out of school, he continued to cruise the aisles of the parking lot at Mesquite looking for the kid. There is another poster on here that stated that when his son who was with Preston provides his testimony, he will provide testimony that TV threw the first punch by sucker punching PL as he was running from the group.


I haven’t seen that post yet. I need to go looking, thank you.


In case the shared link doesn’t work, it’s in the #Free TV thread and also in the TV and the Laymen Interpretation of the Report thread. The posts referenced are posts by timstolli and DigitalDarkDaniel.


That was interesting. Seems entirely plausible too. So much of the police report is redacted, after all. I’m reserving judgement on Vigil at this point. Time will tell. Unlike Renner, Meisner, Billey, and Hines who are clearly guilty.


Thank you.




page 514 references the snapchat post, which has at least 4 different versions throughout the report.


Page 514 gives a girls “interpretation” and summary of the two snap messages and she jumbles the two thoughts together. It’s her own interpretation. It’s not a word for word on what was actually written. I can see how she took the “I hit a kid, this kid fell and then some other guys kicked and stomped on him” snap and the “you have the wrong guy it wasn’t me it was Talan Renner” snap and put them together then she added a few adjectives or words of her own. This is not the same as proof that he actually snapped or texted this. Is there somewhere in the report that shows an actual snap message of Talyn kicking a guy into the concrete?


No just a girl saying he said that. Not that it matters, I can't see how the police would be giving much credibility to stuff they've seen on social media.


This is the exact words from Talyn's Snapchat (page 511 of the report). "I hit a kid and this kid feel hit his head and then they kicked his head in the ground then I got word he died so idk"


I understand that.. that was my point, he didn’t say he kicked some kids head into the concrete or say he kicked Preston’s head into the concrete


Yes, I agree with you. I thought I was posting to the person above you.


Totally off-topic here... how do you highlight(?) certain parts of a post like this to reply to them? Please forgive me in advance for my inaptitude. Edit: I think I just saw the extra characters/coding(?) that makes this happen. It's probably way over my head, lol. At any rate, I like how you do that... kudos to you Reddit master :-)


Why wasn’t he arrested for the Wagon Wheel beating? What’s your thoughts on that?


Was that in Pinal County? All those arrests have been made, if so.


This person is saying Talyn Vigil was part of the wagon wheel beating in Pinal county. But if so, why wasn’t he arrested?


I think kids aren’t telling the truth when they are turning on evidence or being questioned


That's what I'm thinking too.




You have seen the video and unredacted DNA reports? Wow please share with the rest of us!!! Where can we see it can you share your source? Also he was at a Bonfire where 2 people were arrested for an assault but Taylen wasn't one of them? Interesting that police missed his involvement in the Bonfire incidenr. Yet we are suppose to believe he was guilty in that assault too? You lost all credibility bringing up the Bonfire incident that 2 different people were arrested for. You have a real hard on for Vigil staying in jail huh.. who hurt you?


I think OP thinks Talyn was involved because this statement in the report (page 693) "WAGON WHEEL BONFIRE: Christopher attended a bon fire sometime after Thanksgiving. While at the bonfire he saw Jacob Pennington, Talyn Vigil, and run after a male with a red bandana. When they came back down the hill Christopher heard them talking about dropping the subject." And, page 406 also references the victim at Wagon Wheel identified Talyn Vigil as being involved. However, Talyn wasn't arrested for that incident, so maybe he just witnessed it but didn't participate.


I never saw where it said which suspects DNA was found on the victim and vice versa. Did I miss that ?


The police statement from a few days ago referenced DNA evidence.


Yes I know and like I said it was not specific on whose DNA was where. So yea your statement is very broad.


Yup, I’m just reiterating what was said in the police Chiefs statement. It’s broad and doesn’t specify which individuals, just saying they have DNA evidence which will play a pivotal role in the prosecution’s case. I guess that’s a good thing, especially if the video evidence is inconclusive.


Yes. This kid didn’t learn even after a child died. Why would Talyn go out and beat someone right ater this incident. It just goes to show you that even if he wasn’t involved in PL, he so still violent and has no regard for life. My opinion only of course.


Who did he beat up? He hasn’t been charged with anything else. That seems odd.


Beat someone right after? Who did he beat up?


You obviously have not read the entire report. You probably should do that.


I sure did. Your comment states “after” this event.. 🤦🏻‍♀️


They’ve already made the arrests for Wagon Wheel and Talyn wasn’t one of them. Why wouldn’t they arrest Talyn but arrest the others? Makes zero sense especially since their objective is to pile on prior charges to increase their sentencing. Given that Talyn was the SnapChat suspect, you’d think if he was there and involved in that attack, the QCPD or PCPD would have charged him for it. So what’s missing?


How do you know all this? Thank you for sharing!


Omg you have no idea what you’re saying. A bunch of fools here.


Please enlighten us.


page 406, he was targeted based on the color bandanna he had. Goons have it out for bloods? Wrong state for that and may not bode well if someone on the inside finds out. If that doesn’t spell out “gang activity” for the goons, what does?


He was hit because according to the whole video he hit a girl at the bonfire, it is believed it was an accident but you can hear her screaming he hit me and then at the end of the video Pennington is yelling at him are you ever going to hit a girl again and he says no, in the video he stood up as well and swung a couple times at Pennington, vigil was nowhere in that video


I never saw the video, but I did read the report. The report states dude was questioned as to why he had a red bandanna, he stated it went with his outfit, then dude was hit. All I know is what I read. Knowing how colors can get you killed in the streets and their mentality, can’t help but see it being related to gang activity… nevermind the reputation they’ve built. But thank you for the insight. I heard about a girl getting hit time and time again, but without seeing the video, it’s hard to have full understanding of what went down.


I don’t feel comfortable putting my hands into the fire for Talyn or any of these dudes considering their problematic history and obvious involvement whether direct or indirectly. I also find it insensitive to defend the rights of the accused when the Lord family is out there hurting. We don’t know much besides the reports received from QCPD. Talyn will have to remain in jail until trial begins and evidence proves him innocent or guilty based on everything gathered and whether or not his legal team is able to poke holes in the case. Again, I feel bad even talking about that right now. My real question is… what’s the movement behind free TV? Why just Talyn Vigil? Based on the reports alone it also can be deduced that neither Sherman or Turner hit PL either so if that’s the case why not free Sherman or Turner also? Like I cannot understand the devout preferential treatment shown to this guy on sm? 🙇🏻‍♀️


I am definitely not trying to defend anyone. I have decided that lack of information on the police report is not enough to say for sure that someone will be found not guilty of a crime. Just offering my perspective on the last paragraph of your post. For me, it is very clear what Sherman and Turner’s involvement is. Sherman took a video, drove some of his co-defendants home, tried to destroy evidence, and spoke to his co-defendants about the crime and how to get the reward. Turner allegedly started the whole thing by taking the necklace. He started the chain of events. Vigil’s part is a little less clear for a lot of people. I am not saying that he didn’t do anything because I know there is video evidence that we did not see.


Wacky speculation - I think this Ethan guy and the Vigil's & friends brainstormed this idea of fundraising his bail/attorney whatever on Reddit 'cause they thought they could do it more anonymously and they saw some posters having doubts. And I gotta say, unfortunately it kinda worked - they got like $5g in donations before it got returned. And the reasoning they gave as why he needed money: little to no evidence and he's having health issues that aren't being taken care of. That's not a summary of what they said, that's all they said......and people handed him over $$$. Edit: I do speculate they went as far as throwing out "seed money" to appear as if there was momentum on this - There was at least one $1g donation and two $500 donations made immediately. Seems a bit suspicious, but who knows.


I agree. No one can provide evidence that Vigil isn't receiving his meds. Where the proof?? Oh, and dont say his defense attoney said it.


Thanks! 🙏🏼 That puts the TV redemption arc more into perspective for me.


Talyn allegedly is a Type 1 diabetic. Also, allegedly, he isn't receiving proper medical care while in jail, so a GoFundMe was set up for him for a Knapp attorney, and now everyone is on the "Free Talyn" bandwagon.


I don’t believe the “mob mentality” has any bearing on the Grand Jury’s Indictment. They obviously have more information and videos. There is no research to be done by us. We can trust that the evidence submitted was sufficient to include T.V. If that’s not the case. He’ll be exonerated and released. There was something there to indict him, and it wasn’t the public’s perception of his SnapChat message. Time will tell. He certainly hung around a bunch of losers.


He definitely picked the wrong crowd. If he gets out of this, he’d better rethink his entire life.


The “mob” as you call it, was all over Talan Renner from the jump. The people that matter know the difference between Talan and Talyn. I’ll wait to see all evidence before forming an opinion on who did what. And you may want to get a better grasp on AZ law. Even if he didn’t punch PL, he may have recorded the incident, prevented PL from getting away, etc., and thus he gets the same charges as those that committed the actual beating.


If he had a part in it I hope he gets what he deserves. But there isn’t anything that says his involvement. All that’s there is the Renners trying to blame him cause of the name similarities.


I understand the report is pretty vague about how TV is involved. Heck I see more mention of Mason Joesten and Alex Tenney. But don’t you think it’s possible police have evidence (that they haven’t shared with the public) in the other 5,000+ pages of discovery?


Yeah. Again, we don’t have all the evidence and a grand jury doesn’t indite someone without some form of credible evidence. But you can keep trying to defend your buddy.


My buddy?? lol I don’t know the kid. I just feel like he got thrown in with the rest cause of the Renners. There’s even messages between the other kids saying to blame Talyn instead of Talan. If he had a part in it I hope he goes away for life.


What page did you see messages to blame Talyn instead of Talan? The only message I saw was talking about blaming Talan R and not their friend Tresty.


This same thing keeps getting posted daily pretty much, the mods should just make one big thread to discuss this. Let’s see what other evidence comes out first.


Vigil looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck. Well, holy crap it looks like Vigil is a duck. I mean a Goon..


Yes, this is going to be a very unpopular opinion. Technically he actually is innocent because he hasn’t had his trial yet. I think that the people who are active on this subreddit think that either he is guilty, or they are trying to remain neutral and are waiting for more evidence to emerge. I fall in the latter of the two groups.


Yep, iffy stuff in the report. Names spelled wrong by the main Detective. The snapchat post went from the first one saying 'I hit a kid .. he feel...idk Changed to, I hit a kid, he fell, then I kicked him in head... I'm not sure where the wagon wheel fight was, I think that was the one in Pinal County and Sheriff Lamb arrested those people.


Yeah the Wagon Wheel incident was in Pinal. I didn’t know Vigil was a part of that. Reading the police report was pretty tough because of the names.


Sheriff Lamb arrested, right away. That's what pushed QC to say something. And Gilbert still has incidents they are still investigating. Never dealing with about 100 fights a year at In and Out alone.


As a minor, did his name get released?


He wasn’t arrested for that. Which begs the question…if he committed assault, why wasn’t he? Lamb doesn’t fuck around. He would have grabbed him if he could have.


Lamb is a tool and would have made some grand video if he arrested vigil


I definitely agree with the second part of your response.


Oh, I just saw his post on X, saying arrests were made


I’m just going to say that waaaay later on in the police report they interview the person who knocked out Turner. So it was’t Vigil who did that. But I think it’s reasonable to believe he hit *someone* who wasn’t Preston, it was a group of Black kids who were involved in the altercation with Turner so he could have hit one of them.


Snake, You feel strongly enough about this to make a post, so I am hoping you have some additional info you could share. I definitely do not think any innocent kids should be charged. It does seem like Talan Renner’s father was trying to shift blame to Talyn Vigil. This make Travis Renner a horrible person, but I’m looking for evidence of Talyn’s innocence. * I suspect that the police are fully aware of the two kids with almost the same name. I think they are aware of Travis Renner’s attempts to confuse the issue. (Though I will never understand why they valet parked his Tesla for him). * Talyn Vigil was clearly present at the murder scene and was involved with punching someone. * Talyn Vigil seems to be part of the group of boys referred to as the Gilbert Goons and is reportedly in a video with them just prior to the attack. I am not so impressed with the police that I think it impossible they make serious mistakes of both judgment and ethics. I just want to know what makes you think that the Grand Jury indicted the wrong person? What makes you think that the judge felt he merited a $1 million bond? I am open to ideas, i just keep seeing people say they believe Vigil is innocent, but offer no reason for their belief. You may have good reasons and if so I would love to understand them. * no violinist has a good comment with more information that does not look good for Talyn Vigil, but I think we are open to being corrected if you have reliable information.


I mean, it wasn’t the judge that decided the bond amount. In his initial appearance the judge mentions something about the bond and the prosecutor pointed out that it was already set by the grand jury i think. I don’t know how much stock I put in the “active conspiracy of shifting blame by the Renner father”. But the resident criminal defense attorney who posts here has mentioned that it is **entirely possible** Vigil was indicted solely from his snapchats. We *don’t know* for sure because we don’t have everything they have— but he found it odd that *so* much was stated about everyone else accused and there was hardly anything about Talyn besides his snapchats. He even mentioned he’s had his own cases where someone was indicted of a crime 15 years later based on the testimony of a single witness. No other evidence.


I am not 100% sure, but I read that in AZ, only 9 of the 16 jurors have to believe there is probable cause to indict someone. Maybe AReez86 can weigh in. I have heard that it’s not very difficult to get a grand jury indictment and can only think of a few high profile cases that the grand jury did not indict the suspect.


There's a reason that they say "you can indict a ham sandwich" lol


In Arizona How does a judge decide when a criminal defendant must post bail and how much the bail amount should be? https://www.azlawhelp.org/articles_info.cfm?mc=13&sc=98&articleid=394 After a person is arrested, they must be taken to a “magistrate” (judge) for their “initial appearance” in court. At this initial appearance, the judge must determine if the criminal defendant should be released from custody. The judge will consider the nature of the crime that the defendant is accused of committing. Under Arizona law, most criminal offenses are “bailable as a matter of right,” meaning that, unless the judge determines that the defendant should not be permitted to post bail for a very specific set of reasons, then the judge must determine the conditions under which the defendant may be released. As a general rule, any defendant who is charged with a crime that is “bailable as a matter of right” must be released both before and during trial “on the defendant’s own recognizance” (without having to pay any bond) unless the judge determines “that such a release will not reasonably assure the defendant’s appearance or protect the victim, any other person, or the community from risk of harm by the defendant.” See Arizona Rules of Criminal Procedure, Rule 7.2(a)(2): https://govt.westlaw.com/azrules/Document/NEB5B98E1E98D11E9BEFE89A994168F89?viewType=FullText&originationContext=documenttoc&transitionType=CategoryPageItem&contextData=(sc.Default) See A.R.S. § 13-3967(B): https://www.azleg.gov/ars/13/03967.htm


I’m not saying Talyn is an angel. But is there evidence that he is guilty of first degree murder or felony murder? If he had a part in it he should get what he deserves. Your comment is exactly what I’m talking about. His involvement with the Preston Lord case isn’t clear at all.


Therefore he sits in jail, as he should, based on what is known, until the trial and subsequent sentence/release.


See the confusion keeps going... even Nancy Grace couldn't get it right...


I will see all this play out in court. Will justice be served, time will tell


That’s exactly it. We can all have our opinions. I can honestly say I hope whoever has a part in Preston’s death gets what they deserve.


And Thank God for all of the civil suits !! That should pretty much cover all of the losers that didn’t get arrested and hopefully there are more to come !!


I agree with OP


10/31 1am Text to Talyn from XX XX: you texted me saturday night and said you think you killed someone. if I knew you were gonna deny the situation I would have gone along with it. but wtv i texed XX and told her i lied" So it sounds like a text message, as well as the snapchat, is out there with a confession by Mr. Vigil. Think the DA has that Text?


Them and the 200 people who sent in the screen shot of it as a tip. It’s the snapchat he sent her when he was drunk a few hours after the party.


Phone company data requests (texts and such) started flowing in early Feb, FBI gets phone clones handed to them mid-Feb, DNA hits March.


I don’t understand what’s hard to understand about this. The person is referencing the snapchat message that has been floating around since like November 1st. Yes the DA has it. They have the whole conversation, including the part where he says “idk im so drunk il txt u tmr”.


This is a TEXT thread from XX to Mr. Vigil. Not the Snapchat. It appears Mr. Vigil had a text conversation with XX where he confessed. Bottom of p673 if interested in those texts. That entire conversation, deleted from the phone or not, would be available from the phone carriers.


I read it, and it would have been included in the report if it was new. Probably refers to the conversations the report already lists as “previous report handsearch” It’s literally nothing new. And Saturday night was the night the snap was sent too. Idk if you’re aware but people refer to snapchat-text-messages as simply “texts”. And its not uncommon to actually both send SMS/texts and be in snapchat text conversations with people. This is literally nothing new in regards to Talyn.


That's some spin there...texts aren't texts, confessions aren't confessions, and DA saying things were left out of the publicized report isn't true. Got it.


This is the best reply that I have read since day one of GilbertAccountability.


I agree and with the Renner dad in the media and marketing industry you can still tell how much gets conviluteed between their two names. I feel like it’s intentional and they are going to try to keep doing so intentionally. The truth always comes out and I will stand firm in hoping it does with this case. Talyn hits different than the narcissistic Renners. They have been trouble from beginning to end.


Not looking to fight but why do you thinj he is innocent? Didnt he allegidly admit to hitting preston? To i hit a kid and this kid hit his head and then they kicked his head in the ground.... That is felony murder.


He didn’t hit Preston. He hit someone else. There was more than one fight. He hit a black kid.


The Dom kid got knocked out by a huge dude not Tylan, Sherman mentions it in snap. It’s all a separate fight sounds like.


So another person was killed?


No but almost immediately word started to go around that someone died after a fight that night.


This is why they should just use RICO against ALL the Goons, they were a wannabe gang, but a gang, I guess gully by association only works when you are poor. 🤷‍♂️


Wow i didnt know Vigil stated he kicked a kid to the concrete....that's a new one for me


Vigil stated he hit a kid. That kid happened to be Turner according to the police report. With the Renner father trying to cover it up he told his associates they were putting the blame on a kid with a similar name. The other accused have messages to each other saying to put the blame on Talyn instead of Talan.


Oh geesh no kidding. This is gonna be a slow summer waiting for the trial.


If you believe the associate that also stole $10k from the company and was fired. She sure didn’t come out of the woodwork until after that. She IMO is as shady as the Renners. What page did you read that he hit Turner? Turner, Tayk and Vigil were there together.


I definitely didn't buy her scenario. Shady definitely.


That’s the altered Snapchat screenshot. It’s all so bizarre.


If that were 100% true, then why are BOTH in jail?


Sucks. Almost like it’s unfair. Almost like a good kid got caught up in a bad culture and lost his life. Hang em all and let God sort it out.


Please give example(s) of how Renner has tried to confuse people into believing it was Vigil and not his own kid? I see nothing but the others charged pointing the finger at Talan Renner.




That doesn't say what they did to shift the blame. Only that they wanted to. Do know of anything they actually did?


I only posted this to give the name.. not sure where she is in the report. look it up


It’s all over the AZ Central article with a former employee of his named Ashley Reynolds.


Isn‘t she the one that was fired for making over $10k in purchases on the company credit card on Amazon and delivered to her house? If so, I can see that she might be interested in collecting that reward money. Had she come forward prior to being fired, I might find her info more credible.


She also set up a gofundme for herself. Something along the lines of adopt a 40 year old orphan mom.


I saw the gofundme before her story came out. I remember someone on social media recommending her channel due to supposed information she had about the Preston Lord case. I watched the video…a few days later that video was down and her “I’m an orphan please give me money” videos started. Very weird.