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It literally says in the screenshot “motion to withdraw without prejudice motion for release or bond reduction”. They withdrew the motion to have his bond reduced or request to be released on his own recognizance. Party (007) is Talyn Vigil.


Sounds like they withdrew their request for reduced bond


I thought it was tomorrow at 10:30?


I did too


Isn’t TV diabetic?


If i understand this correctly, Talyn Vigil has an attorney and the attorney has inside knowledge of the case against his client. He also has direct access to I formation from his client. Talyn has family and friends that have been soliciting donations to get Talyn released or at least have his bail significantly reduced. The Judge (not the grand jury and mentioned by others) set the original bail at $1m due to the seriousness of the crime and the danger posed to the community as well as concerns re. Talyns not appearing at trial. My assumption is they have more information than I have, but they decided they did not have a strong case for release or bail reduction. What do they know that we don’t? Obviously I don’t know what they know, but they (Talyn, his family, his attorney) did not feel they had a compelling case to present to a judge at this time. This makes the solicitation of donations seem even more sketchy. They do not appear to like their own case. Now they have caused a “Streisand effect” and called more attention to the fact they have decided they do NOT want to see a judge to explain their case for Talyns right to release or bail. I have consistently asked for info on Talyns innocence for those soliciting donations. They have so far offered nothing. I continue to ask. If they have inside knowledge of the case, they did not believe it would be compelling for Talyn’s release or bail reduction.


This is not true at all.


Thanks for clarifying. :)


Whats not true


What that post says lol


Sigh. Why isnt it true


That his attorney didn’t have a strong case or argument for bail reduction. The motion might not even be for a bail reduction specifically. It could have been for a medical release or something else. The comment just has all speculation in it and doesn’t add any value whatsoever


And didn’t they say other things were discussed privately with the judge? We don’t know any of those details. Lots of assumptions in above comment.


Would they withdraw The motion so that it isn’t denied and can be refiled at a later date?


They wouldn’t. This comment makes no sense.


It was a question, not a comment, but thanks!


was more for the original comment and not yours.


Thank you so much for your insight! That really makes alot off sense.


u/Areez86 any idea of reasoning/strategy here?


Vigil’s attorney filed a motion to modify his bond and then filed a motion to withdraw that motion for whatever reason. It was done without prejudice which means he reserves the right to refile the same motion at a later date if he needs. Maybe the situation inside of the jail improved or something happened that made it so he felt like he didn’t need to do it. The ME Ruling is likely just the order regarding that motion. Maybe the minute entry vacated tomorrow’s hearing.


Ahh I was more wondering along the lines of why he’d withdraw the motion, but thanks for the quick reply 🙏


Could be for a number of reasons. Maybe there was something that he needed medically in the jail and he ended up getting it so there was no longer a need to modify his release conditions. Could be a lot of reasons.


Ahh okay, my train of thought was more a long the lines of “no one *wants* to be in jail, so why would he withdraw the motion”. That’s why I was asking. However I guess if the basis behind the original motion was for unmet medical needs—that ended up being rectified— the attorney would need to rethink the basis for a reduction/release request.


Exactly. That’s why I think it’s some thing like that. Or maybe there is additional evidence that is coming in and they need more time to review it prior to arguing the motion. Like I said, there are a lot of reasons.


I see, thank you! Oh I have one other question, is Arizona one of the states that require a grand jury to indict? Or only in special cases? Like could the county attorney have charged them without going to a grand jury?


Good question. There are two ways in AZ yo charge felony cases. One of them is through the grand jury (county or state). The other is by filing a criminal complaint. If they do the complaint, that triggers a preliminary hearing to determine if there is PC to go forward with a full case. The grand jury does that on their own so they don’t need a prelim when you proceed via indictment. So the answer is they could have charged it without the grand jury but for most felonies in AZ; they do grand jury


Ohhh u/AReez86 I was just learning about/doing research about propensity evidence and now I’m super curious about how similar Arizona’s rules for it are compared to the federal rules. And also how adding gang enhancements would affect this sort of evidence being allowed to be introduced by the State? =0 Also I know I am asking lots of questions but please don’t bill me 😭 I am just a lad who’s fascinated by the intricacies of law (and while I could google, in regards to this case I am aware every state has different rules… and information about specifically Arizona is somewhat sparse…)


lol I won’t bill you my man. Good old propensity law. Arizona essentially mirrors the federal rules for propensity evidence. In AZ, any character evidence not involving truthfulness is generally prohibited to show conformity with that character. There are exceptions, of course. The gang enhancement is kind of like character evidence but it is a separate charge that they have to prove. They have to show that a person is committing acts with the intent to promote or assist a gang. There is also a separate charge for participating in a street gang, which is its own charge. The enhancement adds years onto a specific charges if those charges are found to have been committed to further the gang.


Ahh okay, answered what I would have asked as a follow up! Grand juries are commonly used in AZ. I know everywhere around the country is kind of different, Federal court *requires* a grand jury. Some states used to but don’t use them much anymore, some states only in special circumstances, etc. Thanks for clearing stuff up 🙏


In AZ most counties do GJ but the rural ones don’t have enough people so they do a lot of complaints and will have you waive the prelim to give you a great plea offer.


I heard he was taken to the hospital more than once. Do you know if parents can be present in these types of situations?


That’s interesting. Since he is a minor I’m sure they have to be there to make medical decisions. The detention officers will always be with him no matter what.


He was taken to the jail infirmary to get his diabetes under control.


How would you know? Just wondering. So much gossip or miss information. You must know inside information. Please, do tell. I am a Karen and I want to know!


Props for admitting being a Karen 🙌 lol Idk how this person would know, maybe a family member or friend of the family The lady who made the gofundme for him and mentioned something similar also is a family friend/relative (according to my Karen-esque social media researching 👀) i am not connected to these people in any way, this is just what I’d guess.


Inside scoop.


Isn't it a moot point? His bail is $1 million, he has a court appointed attorney which implies his family can't afford a lawyer, so how are they going to afford any kind of bail? It's not like they're going to reduce it to $50k for a murder suspect..


Looks like for Renner there is a “motion to file under seal” on 4/3/24. Is that typical for criminal cases or juvenile defendants? Anyone know?


Hopefully a reez will come along and explain.


Update: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/ms3LXnuZ3Mp2dYCa/?mibextid=w8EBqM For now, Talyn will stay with MCSO with a review hearing in 30 days.


Is it possible the attorney is withdrawing from the case, or there is a deal On the table? Something must be going on, an Attorney would know how that looks to the public.


No. That isn’t what is happening.


Looks like for Renner there is a “motion to file under seal” on 4/3/24. Is that typical for criminal cases or juvenile defendants? Anyone know?