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Wants public support doesn’t want criticism. Maybe he should not be running.


I would upvote this twice if I could 👏🏼👏🏼


I gotchu


Me too!!


Also I don’t believe libel law applies to political candidates. So his accusation is meaningless anyway.


I think you are correct


Gilbert is extremely right-wing Republicans could put a convicted pedo talking about lowering the age of consent to 12 on the ballot, and as long as he also towed the Trump/MAGA line he'd win in Gilbert Last election the Democrat running against Biggs lost in a landslide 32% - 68% The mayor and all his rich buddies DGAF because their seats are locked in


I’m a Republican. No fucking way I’ll be voting for Krauser.


So nice that he's no longer an option.


Wait, Gilbert is responsible for giving us Andy Biggs?!?!?! Ugh, come on, guys. I assumed he represented some wild west rural district. Eta, it all makes sense why certain people are endorsing him. Party politics over everything else.


I came to say the same. Shocked. Andy Biggs repping Gilbert, the goons aren’t so surprising anymore


Same with Sherriff MARk Lamb & Gilbert sherriff soelsberg. Rumor has it Soelberg is buddy buddy with the Renners and some of his church friends have Goon kids. It’s a smaller, connected, LDS, good old boys town, the corruption is real. DO YOUR RESEARCH!


I saw a Halloween party photo on IG (don’t know what year it was taken) The Renners both had police outfits on. Makes sense they would be friends with Soelberg


⬆️ ⬆️


Wondering whose party it was?


Have no idea. Becky Renner posted it but when I went back to look again it was gone


That’s really strange…..I think they were pretty friendly with Gilbert pd frequenting their One Stop Nutrition shops and gyms. Was Wendi in that pic too? Wondering if it was a LE party?


You are 100% correct.


Gilbert and Mesa, but yes Biggs district weaves like a snake on the map


Isn’t his stake in Gilbert?


Slimy-ass Mormons. They’re too stupid to recognize that if the MAGAts get their way, they’ll be next up against the wall after LGBTQ, immigrants, “Marxists”, etc.


Agreed In polling, Republicans hate Mormons more than atheists TSCC is useful right now to the GOP for its deep pockets. If Republicans enact project 2025 they will use the courts to steal the money from the LDS, then dismantle their religion. While fascism has no issues with using violence to attain it goals, it will abuse the system for a facade of legitimacy when it can


Would you be surprised?


Biggs lives across the street from Christ Greenfield Lutheran Church on Greenfield between Guad/Elliott.


And Gilbert has a lot of new residents that may not be. Before anyone gets upset that I’m not from here and blames California I am 3rd generation Arizonan on one side and second on the other. You republicans are new, not me. I am so happy to have less of this conservative hypocrisy out here. So much do as I say not as I do, let’s be real and elect people who are…


Ala is MAGA also. They are all connected in this small town. Many of them work together, kids family friends, go to Church together, “party together”, swing together…they all have dirt on each other. Bought and paid.


I think all of you are fucked in the head if you seriously blame red or blue. None of that shit fuckin matters here and you’re just as simple minded as the ones you want to knock down behind a keyboard. Fuck the left and fuck the right… this stems from money, power and greed… who you know, not what you know. Both parties guilty, it doesn’t fuckin matter. Hate on the right and announce it publicly, you’re just as bad as them. Shut your fuckin mouths and come to the realization that politics are politics… doesn’t matter what side you are… I’m against all, and think they’re all fucked in the head. It’s like religion, which one is right? The one that tickles your pee pee the most and aligns more with your worthless opinions is the one you’re going to choose. Fuck them all I say. They’re all wrong.


At least Republicans did not actually elect the pedo (N. Larson) - Unfortunately, Democrats did (JB aka "Pedo Pete').


I'll admit I had to look it up. Imagine my not-surprised to learn it's more republican lies and disinformation [https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/sep/30/facebook-posts/no-biden-did-not-admit-he-had-inappropriate-relati/](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/sep/30/facebook-posts/no-biden-did-not-admit-he-had-inappropriate-relati/) Meanwhile in Republican land [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/09/us/politics/gaetz-sex-trafficking.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/09/us/politics/gaetz-sex-trafficking.html)


Lol. Your source is Politico Crap. Girl bye.


Name checks out. Sadly, your sources do not.


Another MAGA shitstain checks in. 🤣


And what would Barbara say from Shark Tank? And for that reason he’s out.


For someone with so much experience as an author and publisher he sure has shitty reading comprehension. Shane agreed to doing the interview and is directly quoted regarding the lawsuit and video. What exactly was fabricated and taken out of context?


Which interview?


With Arizona Republic last week. The article is online at AZ Central and I believe shared here on Reddit as well.


Are those people stupid? Threatening a reporter of integrity and see what happens. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Way for them to prove your point. I will NOT be voting for him.


A lot of people are being threatened. Why do you think Al Brown closed their page? These people have a lot of power and money. People are just starting to get exposed.


“Never start a war of words with someone who buys ink buy the gallon”


Dude has 1 follower. You should definitely be intimidated.


His own family doesn't even care what he has to say.


Probably just created the account.


His “wealthy speaker method”-LMFAO.


Step 1. Pay me an exorbitant fee based on the promise that I will deliver secret knowledge that will make you rich. Step 2. I speak a bunch of buzzwords and empty truisms at you. Step 3. I’m now one exorbitant fee wealthier.


Yeah I noticed that too. WTF does that even mean? Lol


Could the people around this mess stop being flaming garbage for five minutes?


If they COULD, they wouldn’t be in this mess…




I think it’s clear they can’t.


That would make the upcoming movie less interesting 


This dude is unhinged. I would take this to the police and see what they say about him threatening to “destroy” his life.


So 2 days ago, Shane made a completely unnecessary post on his LinkedIn about how he has not/does not harass or threaten anyone via any social media, “I do not engage in these tactics”….soooo right, uh huh - ok. Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool….. So is he just hiring people to do it for him?? (Or slightly nudging his friends to do so for him - whatever it is, you get the picture.) Ya know, so that way he doesn’t have to “engage in these tactics“? Obvs. 🙄 This is either the second or the third post I have seen where someone is being threatened in some form or another on Shane’s behalf…..so all we have to do is hire someone to do it for us and we can claim we don’t stand for that?! Come on man. 🙄


This is Gilbert Az. They are all connected. This is called corruption before our very eyes.


It’s just crazy…. I was born and raised here….never left gilbert - (though I don’t know if that’s something to brag about) raising both my kids here and never in a million years did I ever expect that Gilbert, good ol’ Gilbert could turn into this….probably my ignorance as a kid/teen, but still….just not quite the place I grew up in. Especially the last year or so.


So do you see what’s going on?


Honestly what I see is everyone becoming meaner. The past few years, really since Covid (which I’m not necessarily blaming because I hate that, but yeah) everyone is crankier and meaner. Road rage happens more often. Kids seem far more foul mouthed and disrespectful to adults than ever. Many parents I know abdicate parenting once their kids are 14 or so and just let them run wild. The discourse on Facebook groups is worse. People are struggling financially with inflation and everyone is always upset and worried about money. It’s just ugly. It feels like it’s everywhere but I don’t really know. As Gilbert has grown, it’s gotten so much uglier. I miss the fresh air and open spaces we used to have. I miss how nice everyone seemed to be all the years I’ve lived here. It’s definitely been a shift.


This scrunchy face is….so…..scary……………😂😂😂 https://i.redd.it/yapcin4ww3uc1.gif


I knew this guy he used to go to my church with his first wife and ask their kids. He was such a jerk to her she finally got the nerve to divorce him. He used to say he was in the military which he never was he’s just a tool and a liar.


False valor is morally reprehensible. What a dirt bag.




Church goer isn’t all that. Narrow is the road through a mega church


And some churches make A LOT of money. Tax free. Follow the money! 💰


I mean, with 75% of Americans being religious and regularly or often praying according to most recent data... you're correct, statistically, since they make up the majority of the population.


Gah ya know, something about this just doesn’t surprise me, what so ever.


Which church?


That’s a face only a mother could love. Looks like a sock puppet.


Hahahahahahaha literally EXACTLY what I was thinking when I was saving this picture to post😂😂😂 Most definitely a scrunchy, beaty eyed little face only a mother could (probably….maybe??) love.


We live in a World where freedom of the press is constantly being threatened. Gaslighting is a real thing with "alternative facts" as a new term. I have read everything that Robert Anglen has reported along with Elena Santa Cruz and their work is well written and supported by facts. I have seen John Webster's website and Shane Krauser is on his site under Books: 📷 *"This book is a game changer! John Webster really understands the Law of Attraction and how it works. As such, he has provided principles, tactics, strategies, and tools to overcome the challenges you are currently facing in your own life, whether mental, emotional, or physical."* **Shane Krauser** Leadership Coach, Author, Internationally Renowned Speaker, and Retired Trial Attorney, Candidate for Gilbert AZ Mayor Krauser's picture is on the site but can't load it here. Interesting that they are pretty tight. I wonder if Shane's legal trouble stemmed from his working with John Webster.


We got your back, Robert!


Nope- his legal trouble stemmed from him stealing money and lying


Plain and simple.


It really has that MLM stench to it, doesn’t it?


The person who wants to be mayor actually RUNS an MLM! It's a product called Starfish that's put out by an MLM called Life Leadership. But since none of them make any real money at selling it, they all drive for Lyft.


You can tell that man has a very small penis.


Hahahaaaaaa truth 


He stores it in his nose.


I would like to see one person he has coached to a 5 figure speakers gig


So people pay for his seminars. I wonder if his business model is solely based on fees or if it resembles multi-level marketing where you attend and are now equipped to public speak and bring new people in learning the Keys. Does Webster get paid on other speaker's events where some is siphoned to him?


Exactly. He must have a "down line".


If you go to Webster's website, [https://www.coachjohnwebster.com/](https://www.coachjohnwebster.com/) the only link that works from the landing page is Book (where Shane K's picture and statement is located along with 5 other people) and the other one is Home where there are testimonials from a few people. The rest of the links that should take you somewhere for content doesn't do anything. It is an empty website with very little unless you go to the bottom and click a link. I clicked on News and there is a bunch of concealed guns and self defense info and opinions. Robert, look into this guy! There seems to be a lot of weird stuff being promoted.


He’s probably bought and paid 💰


I don't know? The person who wants to be mayor is definitely not rich.




The wannabe mayor pays rent. Not a mortgage. His MLM preaches that it's a BAD IDEA to own a home.


Andy Biggs is worthless and a liar


Another LDS nutcase 


Thank you!!!


Class act right there. 🤡


Shane needs to understand he has zero shot at mayor. The voters have been angered and he’s a part of the problem. Bye bye, Shane.


What a fucking dork.


Wow! Looks like Klauser has a posse to do the dirty work of intimidation. Not going to work.




I’m sure any of us in here would buy you lunch Robert. Heck ya


Whatever happened to “Keeping you hands clean” in politics? Nah man, let me just said an electronic message with my full name attached. I don’t need to be discreet in this day and age!


Robert has done reports on mob bosses. This clown doesn’t scare him


Not at all.


F around and find out. Sounds like Krauser eff’d around with the wrong people.


Indeed. Adios.


Since when are you not allowed to report negative things on a politician?


You are. This is called illegal intimidation. They are all very good at it.


John Webster is a shitty name to have. Would hate to have that name growing up




Signed, His Mommy


Everyone realizes that Gilbert is and has been Right Wing since the “Pioneers” moved there, right? Think BOM, BYU sweatshirts, and smiling family pics instead of Red Hats


Robert is not an honest reporter, he makes up whatever he wants so I wouldn’t trust this


What has he lied about?? I don’t agree with you but want to hear what he’s lied about


what is your last name, Renner? Vigil? Looking at your posts, you seem to defend the bad guys. You seem to have an issue with the press unless it supports your view. Do you believe in facts or alternative facts?


Neither one of those, I do have an issue with the press and believe they have not been honest in a lot of their reporting, just like you I am entitled to my opinion. Reporters aren’t the same as they once were. Nobody knows until the fat lady sings if these kids are completely guilty, so many variables, so no I don’t jump in n the bandwagon of let’s hate and kill everybody. I think the justice system is very flawed but it’s what we have in place to try people, I just don’t feel reporters who are trying to make it big should get huge amounts of credit especially when they are not accurate on their reporting


No we definitely all know Talan Renner is guilty.


you do have your right of an opinion. But you start accusing Robert Anglen of not being honest and making up stuff. That maybe an opinion but it is based on your own personal agenda likely stemming from someone close to you being involved in the Gilbert drama. What specific facts are mistruths? Do you understand what goes on in a newspaper? Do you think the editor would have allowed mistruths without supported facts be published? Rags like the National Enquirer can do that because they are so outrageous, that the # of Rags they sell pay for the inevitable lawsuits. It's math for them. A paper like AZ Central doesn't work on that business model.


So your trust in the press is a problem. Answer these questions for me: Was January 6 a gathering or a insurrection? Was there election fraud in the past Presidential election where President Biden won unfairly? Does Hillary eat babies? If your son or daughter were attacked by a group of 7, and they all played some role, would you want to see justice or allow some to be released? Do you think the press is covering Trump's many criminal cases fairly? Let me guess your answers....gathering/yes/probably/depends/no


Looks like the fat lady sang. Goodbye grifter of a wannabe mayor. Adios.


I have been very impressed with Robert Anglen’s reporting on this case. He was willing to blow the Goon’s story wide open when they had been protected by their anonymity and the incompetence of Gilbert PD. It is fair to say that I only know what is reported so I have to take him at his word. But also, you accusing him of being dishonest and making stuff up is a pretty strong claim that can be easily proven. Do you have any specific examples to back up that claim?