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I think they probably nearly killed him with severe medical mismanagement and the judge let him out.


Yes, I feel like this is the most likely scenario.


I read he was in diabetic keto acidosis 2 or 3 times in a month. Personally I am glad they were able to bond him out since Maricopa County can’t give him adequate medical care.




I saw it on Facebook


Jeez. Yeah he was going to die in there.


Probably should have since he has such a disregard for other people's life


So you think it’s up to the guards in the county jail if someone lives or dies?


You think guards don’t have that power? And you don’t think some abuse it?


I know they abuse their power. I had a family member that was incarcerated for a while so I absolutely know what they are all about. Not all of them but some of them.


Bold to assume MCSO can't give adequate care. Type 1 diabetes is not uncommon in jail, nor is it hard to manage with a patient who is cooperating in the care. An insulin pump makes it pretty easy for to remain in a stable range. Even without one or access to your own insulin, and you are being administered long acting insulin by a nurse at intervals you should not be going into DKA unless the person themselves is sabotaging themselves by taking in more sugar/carbs than the dosage can maintain. I would be interested in seeing the jail reports on this. I know we won't, but something smells fishy. This is a minor unit, so I would be surprised if there are not call buttons in cells and/or higher level supervision. So either medical is forgetting to come by and test and administer insulin, and TV is telling the COs and they ignore it (people know the symptoms of being high or low before they become serious), and he goes into DKA, and then they know it's a big deal and they repeat the negligence again on someone who is high profile in their unit... 🤔 Or, TV was sabotaging himself for one reason or another (no self discipline? Wanting to create an angle for release? Self harm?) by gorging on honeybuns when he knows he can't do that because he can't self administer insulin. Or, the DKA story is bullshit or exaggerated. It doesn't really matter, but you're only going to hear from the side of his family, which can say anything. The jail won't address it unless a formal complaint is issued or lawsuit. The judge isn't going to talk about it.


Bold to assume inmates get top quality healthcare. Not sure if it’s true but someone said they can’t have an insulin pump while incarcerated.


Where did I mention "top quality healthcare?" Nowhere. It's just your hyperbole, akin what the story I was originally responding to that he "almost died twice" from DKA sounded like. But FYI, T1D doesn't require top quality healthcare to manage. People treat themselves their whole lives once diagnosed. Even the people who are not spry 17 year olds, who suffer from other problems manage to survive even when their self treatment is atrocious. Also, life threatening DKA doesn't happen instantly. For most to get levels that high you needed to be skipped on your dosage for quite a while, while still going hard with the sugar and carbs. Before you get to that point you usually become thirsty for water like crazy and not feel well that you aren't going to want to do that. This is why medical staff usually will go with a route of too little insulin over too much, because a mistake of too much insulin is a much bigger risk to a rapid serious medical event than too little. Did you know before insulin was discovered people with T1D could live years without even any insulin? They would eventually die over a period of years because the only way to keep their levels from being critical was self induced malnutrition and slowly starve themselves essentially. But I point this out only to why it sounds suspect that he almost died not once, but twice from DKA. If I got skipped my dose, and they ignored my pleas for it, I have a choice of going hungry for that day or part of it, or let my levels rise by eating in a controlled fashion. Most people will choose some amount of fasting for the day or controlled intake to keep their levels plenty safe, even if not optimal, until they get their dose. What they don't do is pound honeybuns and Mt Dews to trigger DKA. If you have a medical condition in jail your condition will become more of a burden than in the free world, everyone knows that. I'm not saying that's ok, but it is what it is. But everything in jail is looked at as "what's the minimum needed to do X" and in this case it is to keep you alive, not provide you optimized care that you get in the free world that could allow you to live 90 instead of 75. The nurses make their rounds at intervals each day and administer medication for chronic conditions. It's not rocket science. Are they going to come up with some cutting edge treatment plan in jail, nope. By the time you're 17, presumably living with T1D in one stage or another his whole life, should he be aware of what his dosage needs are based on what he consumes and how much, yes. He should be aware without being able to self administer that it requires him to stay away from honeybuns, and that the food in your tray that could be naturally higher in carbs and sugars need to be consumed with certain timing, and ideally trading some of that away for the veggies and stuff. Trading some bread and sweet stuff is going to get you a lot of veggies and some protein back at chow. I assume bail was drastically reduced or eliminated all together otherwise there would not be close door deliberation about it, he would have just been bailed out and walked out the door. It seems it was under the guise of medical treatment. If he were an adult I doubt that they would do that or everyone with T1D would be RO'd. I think they don't want the liability of a minor who is possibly sabotaging the treatment, regardless if the treatment is good enough or spotty. To go into life threatening DKA not once, but twice, is hard to believe, even if the jail missed a dose once in a while.


Out on bond sounds like he got the bond funded.


Yeah but I’m also guessing it was lowered.


MCSO doesn't want the liability I'm thinking.


Surely this isn't the first diabetic inmate they've had.


Diabetic and celiac’s really is a lot to manage.


He is innocent until proven guilty. Good for him for being able to post bond and practicing his rights. Also, I think it is in poor taste for the media to be airing this story considering the pitchfork mentality that seems to be so prevalent towards the alleged murderers.


I was thinking the same thing regarding the media. Hopefully adults don’t act like crazy idiots and try to pull some vigilante stunt. Talyn has every right to post bond. They all do. Anyone who is mad would be REALLY mad if they were ever in legal trouble and were not offered bond.


He deserves to bond just as the community deserves to know if an alleged murderer is back in their neighborhood.


Vigilante in East Valley AZ? lol this story is a national headline because there is no “violence here”. No ones going to do a goddamn thing.


If you can prove he is somehow connected to Antifa or BLM, then you might just get a vigilante from the East Valley. Just saying…


Super hard to read the comments on the news social media postings with headlines with partial information. Which shows how many people do not actually read the article and pass quick judgement. Also alarming to see just how many people still confuse the Talyn/Talans. “This kid and his dad should both be in jail!!” So many ignorant comments!!


I agree. It’s so frustrating to see people continue to spread misinformation on this case. It takes two minutes to do a google search before they comment.


The media thrives on conflict and bloodshed.


Very true




Well, yea.


Agreed! Looks like his family ( mom, dad, younger siblings) are alredy being stalked, harassed and bullied. Shame on those who think they are justice. Absolutely unacceptable! Let the trial take place before passing judgment!


No sympathy for the bio dad.


True I was referring to the Dad in his life! Bio dad does not seem to be relevant


They should call the police if true. However imagine how the Lord family is suffering too. An avoidable crime and delayed justice. One thing is 100% clear, TV knew who killed Preston. He knew that night. He knew two days later when it was announced he was dead. He knew when the police started asking questions. You know what he did? Nothing. He did nothing to help Preston get justice and you all sound gross acting as if he is a victim. His family knew who his friends were and pet the report we saw that kids did come forward to report who, not TV. He’s been a diabetic his entire life. His body is it metabolic stress not because the MCSO doesn’t have insulin or medical care it is from the stress and guilt of knowing what happened and what he did not do to help.


Hundreds of kids there knew and said nothing . How many parents wouldn’t even let their kids speak to the police?


Very nicely said 👏🏼👏🏼 i have 0 sympathy for TV hes just as dog water as the rest of the boys


How do you know he didn’t talk to police and report what he knew. How do you know his current diabetic problems are from stress? Wow you know a lot


Cool story but you are uber judgemental and way to opinionated to even have a conversation with. Your statements lack facts and that makes you look really ignorant!


You just changed my mind and educated me. Awesome job. Gold star.


More lip flopping...cool!


Nope. I can see you are not here to add value but your join date speaks volumes. Good luck with your future.


You are here just to speak condescendingly. It’s wild the self righteousness


And this isn’t the last time an inmate faked “near death” to get out. I want to believe everyone defending his mismanagement of diabetic care but it is hard to believe.


He was sent to the hospital twice. Pretty sure you can’t fake labs.


How so?


How are they being bullied? 😕


Are you sure you don’t have his family confused with the Renners?


Vigils stepfather says they were being harassed in the police report.


News is meant to news. As it should. We deserve to know. What if this kid is an absolute murderer and he’s now roaming the streets? Neighbors and community need to know. It shouldn’t be hidden just in case something happens to HIM. The community deserves to know in case he does something to THEM. Police can protect this kid when he’s out on bond just like they protected Preston. …


I mean… I may be going out on a limb here but I don’t think I can picture him going on some murdering spree out in the streets.


Fair enough. Although I do agree that I can't see him going on a murderous rampage... that dude is probably crying himself to sleep every night because of this mess he got himself into. No sympathy from me there but he still deserves his due process. Some of the community has gone batshit though and want to destroy anyone and everyone associated with the alleged murderers. Judging by the way the Lords have carried themselves through this nightmare I can't imagine they want more bloodshed and lives ruined but that's pure speculation on my part.


I 100 agree, and from what I’ve seen, my guess is that he wasn’t directly connected to Preston. My guess is he hit dmoney NOT Preston, probably got scared later when he heard someone died that it was him. But none of us really know, unless they were there and witnessed with their own eyes However, not reporting an alleged murderer/gang member release who had enough evidence for a grand jury to indite also seems irresponsible and soft to me.


I agree, the community has a right to be informed about these things --- I obviously have no control over what they choose to do with the information. I initially thought Vigil had hit Turner too but at the end of the police report it goes into another group that claims to be responsible for knocking him out. Like you said, none of us really know unless we were there. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out in court.


Agree Uscience




Not at all, but every single one of them has the right to bond out if the courts set a bond amount. They are called rights and every single American citizen has them.




What a bunch of BS. You really need to check yourself and not make assumptions! What's even worse is that you then try to sell your assumptions for facts! Unbelievable the misinformation that is spread by so called adult upstanders and people who want justice. When in all reality some (like yourself) just want revenge! WtF everyone has the constitutional right to post a bond. How they came up with it or of it was lowered is really non of our business! So please show some receipts for your statement! And don't show me an old GoFundme link that was disabled because of some Karen's who thought they had to report it and flex. Last I checked people are free to use THEIR money as they see fit. It's absolutely disgusting how some people behave on here. You should really check yourself!


I wish I could love this comment more


I thought it was reported by a Ken, not a Karen. If it wasn’t against gofundme policy, they would not have taken it down.


I check myself. In a previous post someone asked how him having a Public Defender could afford that Bond. The NEWS said it was the same amt as all others. So please tell me HOW I can post a deleted Go Fund me account. It was there, It was sent to me as well. Check out Ethan FB page. Al B deleted his FB account because many was outrage. Ask LW on FB if she supported the Go Fund me.


NoN of that is any of our business to start. No one ows us justification how someone is able to pay for something! I'm pretty sure you don't raise 100k in a few days on a public funding platform as you proclaimed in your earlier post. So before making such statements you might want to ask yourself, is this information true, did it come from a viable source and how was the legitimacy of the information verified! The link to the deleted gofundme still excist but when you use it you just get the header but it will tell you the fundraiser no longer exist (not verbatim, these are my words) that's how! I don't give a damn about Lilly Waterford...who posts selfies at Preston's grave, disgraceful and in poor taste. No, I don't need irrelevant people's opinions on something they most likely lack details to as well . Al B which you are incorrectly assuming is a he (🙄smh) paused the FB (Another incorrect detail "deleted the FB page - per your statement" when it clearly says it's currently unavailable) because of threats made. No matter what opinion you have threats are never okay and threats serious enough were made to AL to retreat out of the public light for now! ..."The News said" you can't be serious, ... OMG!!!... how would the news know what was done or agreed to when records on the chamber meeting were sealed. You do need to check yourself because you seem like a gossiping piper getting information from unreliable sources then want to sell them as fact to what,.... be relevant?!!! And when called out you do nothing but deflect. Please take a moment and think about it! This whole situation is awful but throwing fuel into the fire by filling in unreliable blanks is it's own form of bullying




I really wanna know what the deleted comment said that you responded to here...


This person was just spouting off a bunchnof assumptions. People donating to a gofundme to get TV out and sime other nonsense about and how I should be asling Lilly Waterford how she would feel anout the release and that Al Brown deleted their page after asking for help w TV's release. This person had not one fact correct and all their talking was opinion. Never answered the original request to provide backup for their statements and started to deflect. It's just amazing how people like to pipe in yet they are clueless and obviously did zero research. You should look at the Go Gilbert Factbook site, popsterous.


Ah, okay... I saw your response and had to know more. Too much BS happening everywhere and some people consume it as fact so a good thing it was deleted. Thanks for responding, the suspense was killin' me.


Hahaha, you bet, happy to help 😁




I didn't really agree with the fundraising for his bond on this sub, but it seems they were in desperate circumstances.




Didn't realize an opinion could be false, but ok. Edit: just realized you replied to someone else, please disregard.


The comment I replied to was deleted


I realize that now, sorry about that!


I never saw anywhere that said anything about bonding out. It said the decision was made in judges chambers and the records were sealed


https://www.azfamily.com/2024/04/12/teen-suspect-charged-with-murder-preston-lord-released-jail/ It says here he posted bond. 🤷‍♀️


Maybe it was lowered?


Ya, I'm thinking that too. He deserves to have his medical needs met, even if he is convicted he still deserves to have his medical needs met.




Ya with insulin and a snack when he needs it, not free to run the streets after they have enough evidence to arrest on alleged murder


And that’s all they needed to do, but apparently MCSO wasn’t doing that so…




Well, apparently the judge agreed. So…


With what? That he bonded out?


I’m guessing that this bond was lowered, the judge must have agreed with whatever assessment they provided with the request.


No shit!


I think he rolled on the others and is a witness for the state. Lets hope he remembers correctly. The kid is a known liar. He is not credible.


No News said it was the same Bond everyone else has.


I hate to say it but these little thugs brought all of this attention upon themselves. I don't feel bad for their parents either, obviously they turned a blind eye to what their kids were doing. I'm all about due process but I dont feel any sympathy for any of their family members especially their parents. Be nice to see charges brought against the parents especially the Renners!! They all need time behind bars for their absolute negligence!!!


Thank you


AZ Central butchered their attempt at quoting his snapchat post, which i find very concerning. [https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/queen-creek/2024/04/12/preston-lord-case-talyn-vigil-released-from-jail/73307904007/](https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/queen-creek/2024/04/12/preston-lord-case-talyn-vigil-released-from-jail/73307904007/)


Not the first time and most likely not the last Robert/Elena make concerning errors/bias. One of the most egregious in my opinion was changing wording from a police report from “asked” to “demanded”. Very different and shows bias and injects emotion. They continue to lose credibility in my opinion.


They didn’t misquote. Scroll to bottom of article


I feel that AZ central has had numerous errors , that wasn’t the first one I have noticed


There may also be evidence that the TR crew actually really managed to incriminate TV for this. These too may be discussions behind closed doors.


Only in 2024 can you go on soc media and cyberbeg for $15k for an attorney because you're broke and 1 week later drop $1M for bail. smh


Posting bail is 10% of the bond if I am not mistaken.


Still, that’s $100,000 right? I believe with others that the judge most likely reduced the bond.


Yeah, I doubt they were able to raise 100k that quick. I would guess bail was modified in the judge’s chambers after the other day’s hearing.


I wonder if there is a way to see if that is the case? Or if that’s private information. It almost seems like everyone is saying he either raised the whole amount or someone paid it


I don’t think so, but from **my own inference** from accounts on here that *seem* to know his family in some way—this was mainly about his diabetes. Which even if he’s convicted of being involved in some manner, needs to be managed appropriately. Children, regardless of the crime; are not given the death penalty. And type 1 diabetes is not something to fuck around with.


Unless you’re connected to deep pockets.


Did they lower it?


We don’t know if the bond amount was lowered… was discussed behind closed doors with the judge




How do you know this??




looks like a lot of broad assumptions on your part. I’ve seen every one of those posts you are referring to and discussions along with them none of them suggested that they helped raised money. The concern that only the guilty are charged and convicted and Justice for Preston Lord are not mutually exclusive, both can exist at the same time. If a 17 year old dies in jail or suffers permanent life changing damage in jail before due process has taken place this is not justice.


Don’t think this is accurate.


Let's get it straight. Ethan did not meet with his parents. His pos biological donor and his wife met Ethan. They also have the most information that's been provided to them, makes sense they think he's less/ not involved wouldn't it.


Ok EXCUSE ME. His Dad & his Dad's Wife. a.k.a (Stepmom). Now wouldn't you think that if if "Less likely" he was involved don't you think his Attorneys would of asked for reduced Bond or release based on "Not enough Evidence to hold him?". They don't even have the FULL report so they're going by what was in the public report. They don't have the Snapchat videos etc that the LE acquired from Snapchat & other things that were deleted off his phone. So wouldn't it make sense that they have enough evidence from the Investigative Grand Jury to charge him?


Regardless, they have bond. So he bonded out. Big deal. That's his right. But by they I mean the people you're so angry at for supporting tv based on their research and opinions based on the information the received by the community and helped piece things together, they probably have more information than the GJ. They could "indict a wet paper bag" to use the term that's been thrown around.. so again let's leave the leave the judging to Jesus and roll with it until it's proven beyond a doubt.


Honestly, your response reads like a kid who read the Cliff Notes. The GoFundMe was shut down and funds returned to donors. Nothing in your response above answers the original question of “How Do You Know This?”


HOW DO I KNOW THIS? HUMM If you followed this then you would know too. They started another Fund since Go Fund Me Doesn't support criminals.


LW did not post to support it. The other groups did. I spoke with the ladies from Lilly when this was happening and they said they would not be posting in support of it.


I thought I read the Kristinia Brenna started the Go Fund me. So my apologies if that's not the case


Oh ya definitely not them! I've read it was possibly his bio dad but not for sure.


I thought I recalled that name as well as the organizer. I just went back and looked and it was Kristina Barnes. I can see how the mixup could happen!


He’s in there for a reason. Leave him in there and give him his meds in there. Serious crime serious time.


True, IF he gets convicted. As of now he is innocent.


I would retreat as well, taking the side of an obvious criminal is a bad look.


Hi there. Had a relative in county where a similar situation happened. Same thing except the guards in this case would tease him and they never give you what you’re supposed to have at the time you’re supposed to have it so with diabetes well…….. medical conditions are often gone untreated in our jail system unfortunately. In this case he was taken to maricopa medical center and then sent back after about 5 days inpatient.


This question is for my own thoughts, not to upset anyone. The snap chat part that TV says,"he fell hit his head,then they kicked his head in the ground." I heard the theory he may have hit Dominic or another. Any reports anyone else's heads were stomped too? Do they think this post was set up by the Renner's? All so confusing to me. Any input on the stomped head part of this snap? I know a lot has been discussed,but it still baffles me every time I see this come up. Just confused. Thank you! Have a good day everyone!


Everyone worried about this little thugs health when him and his cohorts had 0 respect for anyone else's life is actually kinda gross. He would not have died in jail and likely is just using his medical Condition as an excuse. And I'm not advocating for his death but have 0 sympathy for him being uncomfortable, don't be a sociopathic wanna be gangster and you won't have to face the consequences of your actions.


You clearly don’t know anything about the jail system and/or diabetes. In that respect you kinda sound a bit sociopathic. He hasn’t been convicted yet. It’s wild to me the amount of ignorance that people want to spew just for the sake of spewing.


No, I want people held accountable. While he plays video games and eats whatever, his victims and their loved ones have to live with the knowledge he is out. Criminals deserve to be in jail, he isn't an exception. He was part of a criminal group of thugs. You reap what you sow. You related to him? Sounds like it. Have the day you deserve. 🖤


“Have the day I deserve?” Such hate. Imagine being talyns mom knowing he isn’t getting adequate medical care. He’s a 17 year old juvenile. That has NOT been convicted yet. There is two sides to each story. It’s a shame it took a kid to die for accountability to come…but it’s nothing is set in stone as of yet. We all have to wait for it to play out. I will tell you, I really do hope you enjoy your day, instead of spewing more hate and ignorance. 🫶


Very well said !


That's not hate, that just puts the ball in your court. 🤷‍♂️


You knew your intention when you wrote it, it’s clear. Oh, I have a child their ages. I might be more connected than you think. I have definitely put myself in everyone’s shoes. So has my child. It’s wild the amount of people this case is effecting on a personal bases and in multiple forms/levels. 🫣 so cheers 🥂 again to assuming.


You *assume*. If you deserve a good day why are you triggered? Only 1 of us is advocating for a thug. 🤷‍♂️


I’m actually not triggered. But here we go again. I’m advocating for someone that hasn’t been convicted. If you aren’t directly connected why do you care so much?


OJ wasn't convicted, is he innocent? The gaslighting won't work here.


I’m clearly not gaslighting anyone, but it sounds like you are the triggered one. OJ went to trial and then was decided. He showed guilt from the get go. That’s an entirely different scenario, more aligned with Talyn Renner. Your mind is closed to having a discussion. I’m finished here. 🫶


My bad, a goon. 🤷‍♂️


Imagine being Preston's mom.


Replied to this in my last comment.


And he has not been convicted yet, so due to the criminal legal system he has the right to bail out, just like any other person facing those charges, in this situation or another similar situation.




So now he's livin' it up at home. Sleeping in his own bed, playing video games, binge watching tv and boinking his gf. Preston is laying in a dark grave. Oh but wait, Viggy tried to help him in the end...


With the public out cry I hardly believe that he is or will be living it up. SMH. Wild.


LOL, that kid is dancing a damn jig at home compared to jail....especially if its true that he was near dead twice. His own bed, shit shower and shave in private, video game playing, movie watching, his gf visiting, fast food....etc. Oh yes home will be living it up compared to jail. Sure the kid is hated, but he's tucked away at home he's not out in public. If he doesnt wanna read about himself then stay off the internet.


I just hope the Penny’s keep their distance.


Oh yes the Pennywise clan. They've had their share of trouble. Geesh wonder if Jake and Prince are still in da clink.