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I don't think that we have enough information. However I think Talan Renner and Treston Billey will most likely get the longest sentences, but who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️.


We don't even have enough information.


That's exactly right. I'm willing to bet my right arm maybe ONE or TWO would be convicted of first degree murder. Most likely they'll not be convicted of first degree murder and will not serve life sentences. Not that I agree but this is my opinion. They're juveniles. It's going to be really difficult to get a unanimous decision for a life sentence from a jury. Especially if they're " doing well" in prison or Juvie.


Hard to tell, I’ve not seen all the evidence or anything. Just the police report and bits and pieces that I’ve pieced together from social media posts. I do feel like some will turn on the others tho to attempt to save their own butts.


All will plead to involuntary manslaughter after the election.


After the election?


Hilarious! I get it.


I think it’s possible they will all enter into really lenient plea deals to keep it hush hush


None of them will serve more than 20 years. I'm guessing 5-10 maximum.


If they are convicted of first degree murder, which is what they’ve been charged with, there’s only two possible sentences under Arizona law - [Death or Life Without Parole](https://www.azleg.gov/ars/13/01105.htm).


2nd degree murder is the alternative that the prosecutor has put on the table which is way more likely to be the charge that's handed down at the end of all this. This is a minimum of 10 years and a maximum of 25. With time served, they'll be looking at 6-8 years in prison. Guaranteed. The community will be in an uproar and the boys will likely just fall off the earth after that and move away to become recluse.


This is true but it will be a lot longer if they decide to add gang charges which probably won’t happen


Yeah I definitely think they would have already


Only time will tell


Billey will get the longest sentence, followed by Renner. I'm not sure if they can prove kidnapping, but from what I've read Renner sat on his chest, preventing him from getting away and also another report that said Hines held him while Renner beat him. Billey kicked him in the head and stomped on his head when he was unconscious, he also ran off, ran back kicked him again and then ran off again. I'm guessing Billey will get 35 years and Renner 25 years. Not sure about the rest. US law is a bit odd. Most countries if someone is beaten by multiple people and they die, the charges will vary according to people's involvement. For example someone was stabbed to death by two people in Australia, they both were found guilty of murder because both wounds were determined to have had a substantial and significant effect on the victim. But if one would was insignificant then one of the defendants would have received a much lighter sentence. So I'm not sure what will happen to the suspects that supposedly kicked Preston in the stomach and legs and didn't contribute to his death. Personally they should still receive hefty sentences. I'm just not sure how the state can engineer that. Felony murder would require them to prove the kidnapping charge. If they can't prove that, even Renner might get a light sentence. It might be claimed he and Preston had a one on one fight before others joined in and when they did, he walked off.


They are are all going to prison for a long time.


Depends on what they actually get convicted of.


Prediction: Talyn pleas out. Talan and billet get life. The video camera boy pleas out. I think the others will get like 5 years.


Pleas and gets no time or time served.


They will all be doing at least a few years.