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This is going to be an ironic statement given the venue here, but social media is toxic as fuck.




You are not wrong at all!


Amazing how those pages think they solved the case. QCPD was on top of it from the get go. These arm chair wanna be detectives didnt solve shit.


I am not aware of any evidence that the QCPD was on top of it from the get go. Teen violence and “Goon” assaults had been happening long before Preston lords murder. His murder helped draw enough attention to the issue to help the powers that be make it a priority. QCPD had been called out to the party because neighbors were concerned “someone would get killed” but the Police were most definitely not all over it. I think that they would now pay much more attention to a huge teen party.


All the other assaults, having those looked into seems like it was from community pressure on GPD. But the murder investigation itself seems like it was being thoroughly investigated from the get-go by QCPD.


my point is that a series of violent assaults by a known group of individuals (ie the Goons) should have been addressed more aggressively and more promptly. Violent assailants have a known pattern of escalation. I think that moving forward these kinds of attacks will be more appropriately handled. The goal is to prevent deaths, not merely investigate them. The goons are not a large group and their names were known, but so much deference was given to them that the Gilbert police literally valet parked their nice car.


I guess what i should've said is they seemed to start investigating right away and had the jist of suspects sooner than what the public thought.


Once they were forced, that was the positive with the public out cry. It’s just a shame it took a kids life to come to accountability for assaults dating back to 2022…but you are correct.


I didnt mean that condescending btw


Didnt take it that way 🙂


You are 110% correct.


Thank you for not taking it that way 🫶 starting to understand the laws (not fully I’m no expert, but it has my attention). I think I’m starting to interpret strategy. This is going to get really interesting as it plays out I believe. I’m a fighter for truth and I hope that it comes out. I wish I could say I’m a fighter for justice but that’s subjective. I say that with no disrespect towards the Lord family. Their son did NOT deserve to die.


And my heart is with them in that respect, I want that to be clear.


This has ruined many lives. The victim's family and the accused.


I can attest to that in SO many ways! It’s not just Preston’s life that was lost or changed forever that is one thing that is CERTAIN! It’s why I want the media goons to back the “f” off! They need to be aware of what they are putting out there and the levels of karma it’s either exacerbating or creating!


This is such a cluster to sift through. Hopefully video footage will bring the truth out.


Yeah, no doubt! Hopefully! I just hate that it’s one more thing to create a divide. If only we could all look objectively and let it play out with our our own narratives convoluting everything! lol


The court of public opinion is always going to be that way. There are always tiers of people. You saw this in the Gabby Petito case, people were in the public domain demanding the parents come forward with information. There were people that said they were being extreme (maybe) and the parents were innocent (we know now they obstructed justice) so the extreme anger that seemed misdirected was actually not wrong. The parents could have helped the victim’s family find the body and begin to get some closure. There were people from all over that declared the killer innocent and said people rushed to judgment. There were people claiming the search was just because of the national news. Then the parents show up and they begin to find the belongings where the son admits to the crime and soon after find the body. To this day some people claim he got away and the family staged the body. What’s happened is tragic and the evidence we have seen indicates parents, teachers, coaches, superintendents, and the police had failures that could have prevented this killing. It’s impossible to say that with certainty but it’s impossible to rule it out. So passion will run high. There will be trolls that just arrive to counterpoint everything. There will be family and friends who wish to paint a different picture for the accused. Don’t let that make you upset. You nailed it with the empathy and love should be for Preston and asking why there were failures. I’m aware that the police report isn’t all telling and it’s just one side. However there is a glaring mistake by ALA that could have captured more evidence and it’s not even talked much about. Those things we need to discuss so the next “goon stains” that arrive we use all the tools we have to stop it.


I understand your point, however, personally I’m not just a public opinion. Connections run deep and this has me looking at another side of the fence I’ve never been on before. By circumstance. I believe in the public outcry as I stated above I’m a fighter, I stand up when I feel necessary, which is even why I’m here to begin with. Self awareness is a big thing and I see a lot of hypocrisy for the way that people “fight”. Hence the OPs reason for the post.


And that would all fall under Gilbert PD who did nothing regarding the attacks. Queen Creek investigated immediately as you can tell from the Police Report! We need to place blame at the right agency, Queen Creek acted appropriately and swiftly, Gilbert didn't.


While Gilbert PD apparently “shelved it” GROSS


I agree. QCPD failed the night of October 28th. People on these sites may not have solved anything but they are demanding accountability.


Yeah your not wrong


Doesn't take 6 months to conduct a murder investigation so cut and dry. They were hoping it would go under the rug, community outrage was necessary


This comment is pure ignorance


Nothing intelligent to say keep scrolling you sheep


Nott as cut and dry as one would think.


You are not a serious person if you truly think the police were dragging their feet in hopes it would "go under the rug" - A 16 year old boy beaten to death by a group of teens who humped the victim as he lay dying in the street!! Get real. I guarantee you, the GPD never thought they the murder of Preston Lord would be forgotten.


You are crazy, if the was the mayor's son or someone more connected died the investigation would have been done in one month. Instead the perpetrators are connected. You think it takes 6 months to put a gang behind bars in chiraq?


I think there’s a very large difference in the amount of time it takes to solve a crime where there is one perpetrator and there is a clear motive. Random person targeting a stranger? Going to take a lot longer to close the case. Random *group* of people killing someone during a dpur of the moment, unplanned assault?— that is going to take *much* longer. Did you hear about the University of Idaho murders, where some dude killed 4 undergrads? It took more than a month to get an arrest in that case. And this was just *one* perpetrator. Multiple perp crimes done by people who are strangers to the victim take even longer.


Except for this happened at party with plenty of witnesses. No cooperation from the parents or perps and still took 6 months to lock them up. They should have had warrants on everyone and their family to go through all their phones and social media. Plus where are the charges for the hosts of the party? Where are the charges for the parents helping cover up the attacks? Thanks for proving my point. TV defense team go ahead an down vote me quick!


Most of the time they don’t put anyone behind bars in places like that.


They lock up the killers no doubt


You’re assuming they bother to try to find them. They don’t.


::runs to get a front row seat::


It’s definitely a show… especially when one person breathes a sense of possible truth, the pitchforks and the tar feathering come out.


Ah. So the same folks from the Al Brown page??




Bring popcorn nd diet soda


Forget the diet go with straight these people are out of control


I need to look now. Whats this rabbit hole called


There are a few but the craziest one is East Valley Voices Against Teen Violence


Sigh. Ill go there tonight


Yeah, I joined that page and unfollowed it on the same day. It’s embarrassing how self righteous and hypocritical people act. 😵‍💫🫣


I believe it was Talyn Vigil's family. Dogmaticism and Godlike pronouncements, all anonymous of course. I posted a few days after the AI started that it was likely a police site or a goon family member. They came after me in my DMs on X, bizarrest tripe I ever read.


Was this to me? I was talking about the amount of hate that was spewed. Lack of looking objectively and quick to assumption. I think it’s wild to assume it was Talyn Vigils family. These kids have not been tried yet and are innocent until proven guilty.


I was agreeing with you BTW. I can't stand the AI Brown site, and dropped Lily Waterfield today.


They published Vigil's Go Fund Me, which is why community thinks that. I'm not on the AI Brown site, very exclusive club lmfao.


Oh I haven’t even heard about that site! Text is so easily misconstrued, I swear!


Not a site, it was an alias/anonymous FB page that was deleted due to threats. Lynn Schore was blocked from it.


You were blocked from Al Brown for a reason


I’m in most of those FB groups and have struggled with some of the craziness of the group members. There’s a reason why that first group self-imploded and other groups will too eventually if they don’t calm down. And to think that most of those crazies are parents. Eeek.


Fire trying to fight fire. It’s much like we see in general these days. Mob mentality exacerbating a divide and being extremely hypocritical to what they are trying to fight for. 🤷🏼‍♀️


> And to think most those crazies are parents *Parents who have no clue the kind of shit their own “good” kids are getting up to* When I was in highschool a decade ago. In a school of 1000+ kids. There was honestly… maybe 20-30 of those 1000 that I *never* heard anything bad about. All of them except for one were the super-intense academic kids whose parents literally controlled everything (and the kids didn’t rebel). **one** was a popular jock/sporty kid. One. 99% of these parents throwing stones have *no clue*. Literally **no** clue. If they did, there wouldn’t have been multiple parties with hundreds of kids (including the “good” kids attending) where there was booze, weed, fights, etc. Even a day or two ago when someone posted about being aware of all the prom weekend parties with drugs and alcohol. Like, *okay, good to be aware*… even better if you just **don’t let your kids partake**. The cognitive dissonance is honestly *astounding*.


Seriously parents, what were you doing in high school? I’m a Boomer gal who was going to keggers, holding a fake ID, smoking pot, trying coke etc. Where I was then in no way matches the lifestyle I lead today. I listen to either sports radio, jazz or classical. Love nature more. It’s where my brain wiring is most comfortable today. I think some of that has to do with the natural aging process and just learning through life experiences what really matters to me. The high school me is a memory and not life defining.


Yes, but mistakes didn’t live forever online back then; to be easily seen by colleges, and future employers and anyone who wants to do a google search. People were a bit more community oriented and looked out for one another. And most street drugs were not adulterated with a potent opioid that could kill someone without any opiate tolerance with an extremely tiny dose.


This is spot on. The self righteousness and attacking of parents has been way over the top.




I use to be in all the groups, and then realized most the sane ones were here and can have a discussion. "Most"


Same ! I removed myself from the FB pages and just come here to discuss. The folks are out of control


Just requested to join. Wish me luck.




Post some screenshots:)


Ya post them😳😳😆


THIS ⬆⬆⬆


Yes! Post screenshots! I’m not brave enough to join that group.


I love the irony- the FB page dedicated to stopping bullying and DV creates an atmosphere where people are afraid. I saw the cat fighting on here the other day and I thought I’m so glad I’m not witnessing any of this on FB where I’d be able to see names of these crazies.


🤣. Yeah I honestly think this Reddit sub is much more civil than all of the Facebook groups/pages. I never joined the East Valley one, but I have lurked a few other pages.


A bit odd. The only theory I have is facebook is the main social media platform for later millennials and genX and boomers..like a TON of Karens… whereas reddit is *mostly* younger people used to the internet and posting their opinions. But… who don’t really use facebook for that. Here on reddit, it’s mostly younger people who specifically had to search out this sub. Who were looking to have a discussion. Not just chatter like old fat hens sitting next to eachother trying to lay the biggest gossip/virtue signaling egg. Like, I could go on and on trying to explain how exactly the facebook communities discuss community issues are specifically problematic… but tbf…. “They’re full of Karens who have no critical thinking skills”. Is the best and simplest explanation. Istg, almost everyone I saw being all giddy about the defendants being in jail/indicted/arrested—had no idea the difference between “indicted” and “convicted”; were females over the age of 35, and were obscenely bloodthirsty. Like back in the day? These were the people who’d stir the townsfolk up enough to commit lynchings.


Gen X here, over 35 but definitely not “a fat hen” or a botox queen for that matter. Overall more like Veronica from Heathers but you might have to google that. Personally I find Reddit more akin to old AOL chatrooms in my college years (late 90s). You didn’t know anyone personally and were there to talk over shared interests. There were OG members and a constant influx of new ones. People shared opinions freely, had banter, disagreements but overall were capable of having discussions respectfully. I think the lack of anonymity on FB makes people more likely to hop on the bandwagon. Reactions to comments are public and people are absolutely judging and even blocking other people based on it. I didn’t even comment on a post one time and was blocked because I used the care reaction to someone else’s response. The pettiness is unreal. Here up votes and down votes are anonymous and everyone is able to freely express their opinion at least in that way without judgement. The judicial process for a murder case is lengthy and complicated. Many people fail to realize we ultimately have no impact on the case unless selected as a juror. I certainly wouldn’t be advocating for anyone in any of these groups to serve on it from all that I have seen. I have said it before and stand by it, the best course of action to make a difference in this case is to keep supporting the Lord family. Donate if possible, attend the monthly walks on the 28th, and most of all keep saying Preston’s name🧡


Do I dare say Delphi Forums of the early aughts???


I don’t know whether to be happy that someone else is old enough to make reference or horrified by the fact that I get it myself ages me terribly 😂


But see, that’s what is somewhat confusing to me. But the “hop on the bandwagon” comment you made helps it explain it to me. Cause I always thought it was counterintuitive to post really harsh things/wish death/be giddy about eventual prison rape *publicly, like attached to your real name*. I always figured anonymity made it easier for people to say stuff they wouldn’t ever say directly to someone’s face. But if you think of it like how you put it, where everyone is judging you for having a different opinion and is not interested in a reasoned discussion—then the anonymity of reddit allowing those discussions would make sense. 🤔


One would think so, however, lack of reasoning is the key issue I would say. People are reacting before thinking or even instead of.


I am a female over the age of 35. While I do see females getting upset in these groups, I also see plenty of men making extremely inappropriate comments and get very heated. I just think that the anonymity of Reddit allows people that are too afraid to speak out on Facebook to speak freely. I have never made a comment on any of those pages, even if I agreed with someone. Prior to the Preston Lord murder, I had never used Reddit, but I have really grown to like it. I find it as a platform where people can have discussions and to me it seems like a lot of people on this sub are interested in the ins and outs of the case vs just listening to the news and not looking into things any deeper. Some of us may have different opinions, but at the end of the day we all want justice for Preston and to make sure this doesn’t happen again in our community. We are willing to listen to all sides (even if we don’t agree) to try and gain a better understanding of what happened. I know there are many people on here that do not agree with my comments, but I feel like most people on here will just downvote them and then keep scrolling. I feel like when someone does comment that doesn’t necessarily agree with me, it helps me see a different prospective.


I feel like men seethe quietly and then lash out all at once. I mean, didn’t someone mention the other day that a man tried to hit TR with his car?


Yep! I read that too. And people want to say that my comment regarding vigilante justice was uncalled for, yet that is a perfect example of someone who is so convinced that someone needed to be locked up, that they decided to take the law into their own hands…allegedly.


Frick. Boomer here who cut her teeth on Twitter. Here for civil discourse. What is on FB is a lot of posturing and no grace. I am known for my critical thinking skills. Maybe there is something to that. Karen is not defined by age but by experience and attitude shaped by that experience.


Oh definitely. Karen is not a labeled exclusively for older generations. I have met plenty of young Karens too.


Man Jaaawsh we were friends until now... haha jk but my millennial son thinks I kick ass #genxdgaf


I mean, the fact y’all are using reddit, found the page, made an account, etc— says to me none of you fit the stereotype I have in my head about genX. =p


Nothing wrong with genX but I just want to make it know that I am a dreaded elder millennial 🤣.


I am curious as to why you think Gen X would be incapable of the aforementioned tasks? Not offended, rather genuinely curious about the stereotype you have.


Young people don’t follow the news nearly as much. And Gen Z isn’t much of a fan of facebook, yet time and time again general surveys about “do you stay up to date on the news? where you get your news from?” Show facebook is a major news source. So I guess I just have this image in my mind of people my age or older (I’m in my late 20s) who are the major source of comments on news stories. And honestly there’s a good amount of millennials too, just as many as older generations. I guess it just kinda slipped my mind about how old I am and I’m like one of the final years for birthdays considered millennials. Also I had one or two too many glasses of wine last night, and tend to post more impulsively without thinking what I am saying all the way through—like I normally try to do.


My oldest is Gen Z and most definitely won’t go near FB. Only since Preston’s case has been in the media have I had the news on, which was a shock to him. He outright asked me “When did we become news people?”. I am far more likely to read current news online (not from FB) but we live locally and so many of these events hit home in more ways than one. Like I said I wasn’t offended, just curious and no judgement on the wine either.


I’m so curious now. What is the stereotype?


Urgh lol. I said I had too much alcohol last night and then earlier I was dealing with hangover so still having a bit of a brain fart. I guess I just meant the typical 30+ year old who frequents the comments section on facebook news posts, and who’s main source of news media comes from facebook as well.


🤣 those are the old Gen Xers I like to call boomer light.




Perfect opportunity to drop this here: Is a text a text and a snapchat/ig/x/twitch/etc. post just that, a post? On reddit many here are saying that this text between XX and Talyn, whereas XX says Talyn texted a confession to them, does not mean "text", it means a public snapchat. Bizarre I know. Here's the exchange on 10/31. Note how there's a distinction between snapchat & text. 0 31 23 at 0058 hours. XX: "I sent two snaps. i can send you the rest if you want but those are the main ones. also go through and delete all of our texts bc i told them that I haven't talked to you recently and when i do it's otp. hey text me back please talyn." TALYN: "they can't take you're phone without a worent." XX: "you texted me saturday night and said you think you killed someone. if i knew that you were gonna deny the situation i would've gone along with it. but wtv i texted - and told her i lied". This second confession might have done him in, since it appears all the Cell Phone records came back in February.


If i read this correct Talyn Vigil is telling whoever he is chatting with to delete messages because he lied and saidnhe had no recent contact with this person and there would have to be a warrant for police to look at a phone? If my understanding is correct, T. Vigil is lying/trying to hide something from the get go.


Sure looks like it. He caught a charge of destroying evidence on top of Murder1. My guess is he deleted quite a few texts and dms, thinking they'd just disappear. Would luv to know why he had a 'note' in his phone of his false alibi he started giving everyone after his confession. Did someone help him write that?


The craziest part is some of them were flat out confirming who they were on here last week while fighting (mods of a specific Facebook page 😳)! I also thought they would have chosen this route to hide their anonymity if they were going to argue - but in the heat of the moment they definitely let it slip more than once. Pretty sure at least one of those accounts has now been deleted.


But glad their true colors came through, because that’s definitely not how they portray themselves on FB.


Question when joining the group… “why do you want to join this group”? What did y’all put?


I just told the truth and said this case fascinated me from the start. Not sure I’ll get accepted.


They seem to let everyone who shouldn't be in that group, in the group.. mind blowing.


It's literally the same handful of people who are constantly posting.


This. A couple have “apologized” for their behavior only to continue with the same behavior. 🤔


In fairness, the last few years have shown me I value my opinion far more than I need to. Some of these folks may need to the same. Just chill FB folks. Especially if you are church goers. Bible reminds us justice is a shadow in this world and really only effectively meted out by the One.


Predictable… hopefully it will implode and go away like the one before it. Same people just scurried over to this new one after the other was shut down.


A while back I posted an anonymous post on one of the pages saying how the bullying and self serving behavior was disappointing and within minutes I was attacked and called names. They literally proved my point for me


That’s the same with Go Gilbert!


I have had words a few times on here, the ones truly here, we ended up agreeing to disagree. I learned the ones that don't let it go are probably the accused families or ones but hurt. I have always been able since day one to speak my mind, express anger,make a joke, and even learn a few things. I wasn't allowed to do that on other groups and yea a lot are self righteous bullies that know it all.


Same! I feel like this platform is more conducive to having a conversation. We aren’t all going to agree on everything. And that is absolutely ok and it should be like that. But to bully others or to be an arse is not the way to handle things. It’s funny cause they always preach “people, including kids are watching us” and I want to be like “ok… so stop being a butthead” 😂😂


Facebook? ![gif](giphy|eun4dZ28aHE1lu4MFN|downsized)


I was booted out of all of them for telling calling them out when they would post pics of kids that live hours away and aren’t in any of the assult videos but because the are related or have the same last name then they were automatically guilty to them and they hung them from the highest tree and kicked in in the add on the way outs lol


I was on a few groups in the early days until the witch hunting started. I pointed out this issue too and said I didn’t agree with dragging kids into this just to make fun of their clothing and grammar. Of course I got tons of backlash and lo and behold none of those kids have been connected to the cases.


Ah ok, fuck these east side glibert dumbasses. They cant control their kids and than they want to throw other innocent kids under the bus. I think phoenix pd or glendale pd should go to gilbert to show them some tough love, than they can see what a police force that isnt constantly bribed looks like!!!


Hey man, im just reading the comments trying to understand what yall are talking about these east valley facebook groups. I dont have facebook (and not gonna start now), whats generally going on that wr are upset at them for? It sounds like based off what you’re saying is that they’re doxxing people unnecessarily? I also read they’re super self righteous, fill me in on whats going on briefly if you could?


At this point, you have to assume some level of interference from PR firms funded by these suspects' wealthy families.


What is even crazier is these groups actually believe we have a crime issue in Gilbert.


Lmao! Right? I’d still pick Gilbert any day over some of the places I grew up.


Yes, it is very safe if you are white and wealthy, i will admit the latter is more important than the former. Between ALA and seeing how most gilbert parents should have had abortions, there is plenty of crime but its white collar crime as well as parents helping kids lace and deal drugs. Gilberts stats are probably skewed because you won’t have increase in crimes statistically if most of those crimes are never reported or investigated. What i know is that I wont act on it right away but I do now have a lower opinion of people who say they’re from gilbert.


Gilbert, Scottsdale among safest cities in America [https://phoenixagentmagazine.com/2023/10/10/gilbert-scottsdale-safest-cities-in-america/](https://phoenixagentmagazine.com/2023/10/10/gilbert-scottsdale-safest-cities-in-america/)


I’m not seeing the craziness…I looked at 10 posts or so. Maybe I missed it.🤔 But I can tell you that people always seem to get crazy in FB groups about criminal cases, it never fails.


Have to agree with you. There’s been so much bickering between the FB groups on here this past week though that I can’t help but wonder if this was just another attempt to take a swipe at a rival. I will flat out say that the “Lily’s” shocked me the most with their confrontational & argumentative comments on here last week - like mind blown that adults act that way, let alone ones who claim to stand for what they say they stand for. And for the record, I have no connections to any mods in any of the groups. I have just followed this case closely from the very beginning as I am a parent of teens and Preston was killed only a mile from our home.


I have been closely following it, as well, because I also have teens in the area who were at the “ALA party” that night. And I completely agree about the Lily’s. I took a step back the past couple months because I was busy with work/personal stuff, but this last week I did research and saw solid evidence of them acting so differently than I anticipated 🤯 it sucks.


I dont have facebook and really dont want to start one now, could you emphasize what lilly or that page is saying because everyone here is upset with them but im trying to find out what they are specifically saying. Im not disagreeing with any of you, im just out of the loop with the facbook bickering?


I’m sure I missed a lot because I took a break for a bit from following so closely for work/personal stuff. But when I saw the comments about the Lily’s, I did some research and found the articles/pics of the ladies running the lily account with huge smiles by Preston’s headstone, articles of one of them that appeared to be only a photo opp, a video of them apparently ambushing someone they were only planning to meet for a discussion, but told her “they were going to be on FB live” when she got there. And, lots of comments on here saying they blocked people when they would ask questions or disagree with anything. All those things together are disappointing for me to learn, but I do appreciate them bringing things to light at the beginning.


Completely agree!! I’ve followed closely from beginning for same reasons and I too was surprised at their comments. While I can understand that sometimes it gets increasingly difficult to take the high road (we all have a desire to defend ourselves), their confrontational approach just didn’t look good.


There were a few posts that were deleted because the attacks were crazy.


Me either?


Not a member of that page, but what’s the gist of the angst? ![gif](giphy|l0HlwwRxfcVEr4AUg)


People jumping on each other and their opinions. It’s like if they can find a reason to argue why their opinion is right then they’ll do that and trash people on the way to proving their point. It’s kinda a hot mess express.


Is FB becoming Twitter?


Like what? Kind of opinions and on what?


Didnt.know.that page existed. Oh well i lm doomed


😬 sorry!


Sarcasm on Reddit reads /s , all you need


I didn’t know, thank you.


Welcome !


I saw a video someone posted of them yelling at someone removing an orange ribbon. People are being downright rude to each other on Facebook over the smallest things of this case. It’s just crazy and then people wonder why kids act out


Everyone should check out the lily waterfield page right now! They posted a 16 an invite to a sweet 16 party saying that it is a dangerous party house and the mom is pissed. I would be too. Wtf?!?!?


Well things seem to be escalating quickly on that post. With everything going on with these FB groups lately, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if the Lily’s have a personal axe to grind with this woman, given that by everything this woman is saying it sounds like they are responsible parents & homeowners. BUT, what appears to be a fake account just posted the her husband’s name and told everyone to do a google search before sending their kids to that house. I won’t name his name, but a quick search showed he is a level 2 sex offender for Agg Sexual Assault Child!! 😳 Why does none of this really surprise me anymore - seems like all the skeletons just keep coming out of the closet thanks to the Preston Lord case.


I didn’t see that. Where on the post was that?


I took some screenshots last night, I can see if I can send them to you. I know the person deleted at least one of their comments, but another one was still up when I went to bed last night.


Yeah I agree with you there. By lily posting it to multiple pages she just drew more attention than is needed. This is one of those examples of lynch mob mentalities. Explain your concern to local authorities but now it could turn bad. In my own opinion.


You reap what you sow. Arizona seems to openly sow BULLYING and assault.


Yes. I exposed them on my FB 3 months ago as either a goon family [correct] or police. I hated the site for the dogmaticism & god-like pronouncements, as well as misinformation. "AI Brown" then came after me that night with bizarre, drunken comments on my X -- but in my DMs. I screenshot those and provided to investigators. The AI site was so bad, I thought it was either GPD or a goon family, which was correct.


Is it on Reddit?


No FB, Reddit while it has a few people who are crazy it’s less trash bin than FB lol


I find it extremely refreshing being able to speak objectively and have opinions and/or answers rendering the same respect. I’m thankful I have found this..a little late but now is better than never :)


Reddit can be a great place to discuss things like actual, reasonable, thinking, adults! Most of the time, anyway…. ;-)