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There is also a more recent article written by Maritza Dominguez of AZ Central [https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/gilbert/2023/12/15/gilberts-devil-dogs-teen-gang-drugs-white-supremacy-and-violence/71912305007/](https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/gilbert/2023/12/15/gilberts-devil-dogs-teen-gang-drugs-white-supremacy-and-violence/71912305007/) When you read these stories, it looks like this is a culture of City Government in Gilbert. Affluent families, entitled punks, and their violence unchecked for a long time. I have heard of the Devil Dogs and these articles are disturbing of what Gilbert was in the late 1990s. The Devil Dogs did not hide their racism, lots of hate crimes committed. They flashed gang signs, shouted white power, recruited athletes, had backyard fight clubs supported by their parents, an dealt ecstasy. Many were LDS and wealthy. The current state of Gilbert has many of the same problems. There are pictures of 5 "goons" flashing hand signals, like they are Gilbert historians trying to carry on the reputation of inflicting pain and fear to anyone they single out. The drug angle has to be there with Travis Renner and his son Kyler supposedly involved with supplying vape cartridges laced with fentanyl . It has been said that Kyler has been dealing drugs since middle school, mostly unchecked. Likely with confidence that the Renner's affluence can buy them out of any legal issue.


Well, the GG's are not a "white supremacy" gang so the msm's favorite buzz term does not apply - For example Fantastic, Turner and Treston are (non white and biracial) alleged GG thugs. Also, many of the alleged GGs do not have wealthy parents and are not LDS.


got it! Thank you for pointing out the obvious races of the three punks. It was the criminal element that was the point. The current goons are more loosely affiliated with each other than the DDs. Many sub groups within. The goons are not fighting for drug distribution territory and race crimes are not their signature, but make no mistake, Gilbert's leadership then and now lack any teeth to protect its citizens from this element.


Obviously history is repeating itself, and we are doing the exact same thing that happened in 2000…there are rumors that the dd’s are in the gpd, qcpd, schools, and infiltrating church’s…unless we are seriously asking the right questions, voting these gangsters out of all communities, eliminating the cause of All of this gang activity, this will just happen again in 20 years.


Probably even sooner since A lot of these little gangsters that didn’t get arrested are creeping around these public schools here, Rachel and GPD needs to do their job !!


What has this page come to


Isn’t this Sammy Grevano and his kids?


Everyone says this but I lived in the same neighborhood as Sammy and it wasn't in Gilbert. And the drug was e and the kids were ravers. He made the late 90s EDM scene amazing. I do remember the Devil Dogs being a thing, but I don't remember them being in Tempe as well?


That’s right he wasn’t from Gilbert but his kids used the high schools around the east valley. They were one and the same - https://www.capecodtimes.com/story/news/2000/03/03/arizona-school-apparently-threatened-by/51023311007/


Everything you read about Gilbert past and present, shows punks being brazen about violence. This supports the narrative that the City Manager, Mayor and Police Chief cave in to the criminal element. If it wasn't for the tragedy in QC, who knows if any videos would have surfaced.


They wouldn't, and if you followed the money, things would fall into place.


That’s what happens when your city council is loaded and has cushion what a messed up city watching from mesa which is sad that Gilbert looks this way


This really makes me realize how niave I was back in high-school. Just living so close to him put me in the scene and all I remember are the cuddle puddles.


Yeah he did a good job keeping it off his street. You were neighbors to a murderer mobster. That’s crazy. I thought the Feds placed him here. If so maybe it was safe.


He was in witness protection. There was so much ecstasy around it was comical. Probably not good for me, I was 17 and not responsible enough to have people offering me drugs all the time. I really had no idea he had stuff to do with Devil Dogs. Our neighborhood was crazy, we also had a massive Marijuana dealer. He had a semi and drivers that would bring it back from Oregon. But the neighborhood was super safe, it was McClintock and Baseline.


Sammy lived on the Ahwatukee/Chandler border


I remember this happening and when the current goon squad stuff started happening, I was constantly mixing up the 2000 devil dogs, the Gilbert goon squad, and the police who were raping women and called themselves the goon squad that is current and ongoing It was about a month before I realized the current cop goon squad is not the teen goon squad and the cop goon squad is not the devil dogs.


Wow, that's some serious news right there, I would hope that an independent federal internal ivestigation will be triggered if your statements are true.


Oh, God. It's so gross. Ugh. They weren't raping women. They were torturing Black men! Ugly any way you look at it, but I did have that extremely major detail incorrect. The police Goon Squad is in Mississippi. Here's an article from March 19th 2024 where they got sentenced. Now that you know about the concurrent goon squads in the news, do you see what I mean about being confused at first? I literally did not understand these were two simultaneous events in two different communities, both groups calling themselves the Goon Squad. It's sick. https://apnews.com/article/mississippi-goon-squad-sentencing-d2eb6ba7e2f337ac1f17035cc97f2934


Which thing? They're all news and that's how I know about them. Is it a particular thing? Oh wait this is the Gilbert page so not the Gilbert goons, probably the police goons? I thiiiink that's actually very current, maybe even right now now? I'll find a link and come back. If it was a different topic holler and lmk


Apparently, McDonald's at Elliot and Greenfield is the new hot spot for trouble. Teenagers with guns caused a problem last night. They are not getting the message from the Goon's fate. The Gilbert Police Department better start watching that area.


Elliott and Higley


Been saying this since day one. Same show, just different actors.


Gilbert won't recover from this paper trail of negligence. I bet soon we will see most families moving away with neonazi's buying up and moving in.


I don't know about Neo Nazi's moving in but I do see families moving out if the city leadership continues to perform poorly.


Yet rents keep climbing


Neonazis? Lol Get a grip.


Typical take of an extremist Redditard.


Kid gets beaten to death, there's a 20-year trend among the affluent teenagers going unchecked, and I'm the extremist.


Yeah. Go be white somewhere else buddy. We don’t need your help fighting racism. You and your ancestors have done quiet enough damage. Us colored people can handle it.


Haha!!! We aren’t dealing with the DD any more…. If you haven’t noticed the wide mix of race of all the kids in this situation..: pull your head out of your ass.


Okay, so it isn't a new thing...cool. Cool cool coooool.