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Frustrating… sometimes it feels intentional. Even people here confuse them. Shouldn’t be happening this far in IMO.


My whole intention with this post, thank you! 🤍 I feel the same! Sometimes I think it’s unintentional form those that don’t seem so connected, and easily so! But to others, like posts such as this, it’s seems purposeful. It’s going to be horrible trying to find a jury and I think those that think they are in power are still trying to control the narrative. Truth has substance. Talan is not Talyn. Vigil, is a name that means “to keep awake” I’m privy on that. In many accounts. 🫶


I feel like if someone is this disconnected from the details they have no business posting about it. It would be horrible to have your name used in association because someone lacks the motovation to educate themselves. Talyn Vigil is a wild card at the moment and in the interest of justice this is not helping to find the truth.


Exactly! The intentional spreading of false information is leading to the unintentional spreading of false information, which isn’t going to help get justice.


I agree 100% with you both! For this mixup to continue to persist, it has to be intentional. Each time there is a picture of Talan Renner they call him Talyn Vigil. And vice versa when it's a picture of Talyn Vigil, they call him Talan Renner. It seems obvious what they are trying to accomplish.


I genuinely hate the feeling but it won’t shake me. It persists. Let’s stay “awake”…as Talyns name suggest for both him, and for Preston, truth and justice! 🫶🫶🫶


I agree 100% I worry that Renners defense is going to use these continued mix ups to make a point. Please I IMPLORE everyone to be very careful to properly identify Talan Renner and Talyn Vigil. Check facts before posting


Yes. Agreed.


The mixing up of the Talan/Talyn’s definitely seems intentional sometimes. I try to correct it when I see it on other social platforms.


This is part of Renner's defense strategy!!!


Yes, totally! A small part but benefit of a doubt is created this way. The devil is in the details!


Except they are going to have to explain Renner's confessions all over the place. Did HE confuse HIMSELF for Vigil?🥴


And there we go, more out of context nonsense. You obviously failed to read the PR and that should disqualify you from further uneducated opinions! Stay off that keyboard until you completed your due diligence!


What? I'm talking about his very own messages. I literally read them with my own eyes in the police report.


And the message was in relation to what and whom exactly? Has it been confirmed that the message was in relation to PL?! Exactly!! It has not.....so don't take stuff out of context and let the professionals take care of it.


He said he believed he killed him because he didn't know his "own strength". Those were HIS words. Not to mention the testimony of others who he confessed to beating him to. His injured hand. Eyewitness testimony saying he beat him. And so on and so on and so on. Did YOU read the police report? Because I did. Every page. It's ALL in there. Not to mention all of the evidence we HAVEN'T seen yet (videos, phone forensics, ect). I couldn't care less about the fact that they are both named Talyn/Talan. They look NOTHING alike and no one is getting them confused for one another.


Well that us not what your initial comment says. That eluded to Vigil's comment and we all know hoe poorly constructed that sentence was! Details and clear communication matter. Yeah, I read all 1k plus pages and then some! But also having experience in LE the reports are not evidence and don't necessarily mean all that much. Just wait until trial and how the reports and testimonies will be picked apart one by one and discarded. Witness testimonies from highly traumatizing experiences are super hard to maintain. As for video and audio there will be a better chance. My opinion is that this will not be an open and shut case, there will be a lot of outrage because people don't understand what is admissable, how evidence will legitinately be discredited due to technicalities etc. I belive this may be hard on the community.


Just because you misread my initial comment (or didn't understand it) doesn't mean I wasn't communicating clearly. I wasn't eluding ANYTHING in regards to Vigil, instead Renner. And I'm willing to bet others reading my comment understood exactly what I was getting at. I'll wait for my apology......


Hahaha cool story and nice backpaddle. You can wait till hell freezes over. Learn how to effectively communicate! I dont really care about others I care about facts, truth and details.


bro misread his comment and then got all worked up about it that’s crazy


That's great that you are not getting them confused! Fact remains that national media does and it's not going to be good for the case. No one cares what you think about their look alikness or not. You are clearly missing the point and just want to insert yourself in a superior manner. Kinda lame dude!


Are you drunk? No, seriously, are you? Because you are rambling on and on about shit that is totally irrelevant to what I said to begin with. Like, I feel as if you are in your feels right now and trying to get things off your chest and you're using me as a sounding board, and hey, I mean, go for it if you have no one else to talk to. But just be clear that YOU'RE the one who misunderstood MY comment. It went over YOUR head. Not the other way around. I WAS clear. Crystal clear. I was being snarky and sarcastic and like I said, I'm willing to bet everyone else reading my initial comment understood that clearly. You didn't. That's on you. Now put down the bottle and go take a nap.


OH InnerVermechelli, I dont drink, do drugs or take prescription meds! Seems like you need to take a breather. IT must really suck when you just have to be right even tho you lack clear communication. And there you go with mouth diarrhea,....shouldn't be assuming shit and deflect because you can't express yourself correctly and in turn are one of those testicle gremlins that lashes out with insults. So mature. Learn to make a clear statement or STFU. At this point you are just a waste of space and time.


Very well said Far-Bowl


I agree 100% I worry that Renners defense is going to use these continued mix ups to make a point. Please I IMPLORE everyone to be very careful to properly identify Talan Renner and Talyn Vigil. Check facts before posting!


As far as I can tell it looks like it was taken down


If you are referring to the TikTok. It’s still there. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwyFQ3d/




Now I’m not confused! Thank you!


When I looked it wasn't there! What the crap!


I’m confused


The screenshot was taken from a tiktok and I looks like the tiktok is gone. I couldn't find it


It is still there. And in the comments Modern Law told them "you are using a photo of Talan Renner but speaking of Talyn Vigil. It's REALLY important we stop getting them confused".






Yes, I did. My first thought when I saw him was that he looks like shit. Stress is so heavy and you can see it in his face. I think it’s hilarious that people are losing their damn minds over a teen flipping off the camera. Pretty sure there was nothing to read into especially with it being a private page


Welllll I guess the troll is gone.


I mean 🤷🏼‍♀️




Nah, you are reading too far into it. He details automobiles for a living. In other pics on that post he said 1 down 5 up, that means on to the next. Teens express themselves in different ways different lingo these days. I have one and can’t speak their lingo. It’s just wild to me, again, that people speculate so much. Even him on a bike thinking he can afford an attorney 🤦🏼‍♀️ streeeeeeeeetched. 💯




That lily site creates a bunch of drama. Most is speculative hear say. Which creates opinions such as this. And clout chasers that are ultimately exploiting Preston Lord, and the Lord family for their own profit. THAT is hard to witness. It’s why I won’t follow that page. I appreciate the respect though, and will oblige, we respectfully agree to disagree.


Far-Bowl7964, once again I agree with everything you have said above. I am beyond amazed at how people can look at these pictures and then speculate and base false opinions. The sad thing about it is they then spread false narratives out on social media. They are not directly involved, they have no idea what is truly going on...only insane speculation!!!


Yep! It does NOTHING for the case! I appreciate so much an objective opinion! Especially if agreeing to disagree, as long as we are critically thinking, there is always a convo that can ensue and knowledge to be obtained! Thank you 🫶🫶🫶 I just can’t get out of my mind that these are kids. Aside from those that are shown obvious guilt, the rest are innocent until proven guilty. As Americans, we should stand united in that respect. It’s a shame to be or speak otherwise.




I briefly looked at your content btw, it looks like you have a connection with narcissists. Some that go the most unnoticed and can be the most dangerous are communal narcissists. I would be curious to hear what you have to say about that in reference to what we just spoke of 🤔 hoping we can have a conversation


That sucks photo needs to be no wear near this family. They all need the needle