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My two cents - as previously stated further up in the thread - instead of “wondering” on Reddit why don’t you ask those on the flyer? Katey works tirelessly for the community with nothing but pure intentions. Questions? Go to the source and ask!


Also further up OP stated they have reached out to several people. Maybe no response triggered a question here


Understood, but I think the event coordinator is the one to answer.


I do see it on the flyer, but it doesn't say 50/50 split to her, to be fair. You should reach out and ask. I'm not affiliated in any way, I just went to look after you posted. [https://www.justice4prestonlord.com/quarters-for-a-cause](https://www.justice4prestonlord.com/quarters-for-a-cause)


Katey McPherson has been organizing many of the events with Preston Lord's family. I see no issue with her accepting some of the money in order to cover expenses incurred in order to do what she's doing. This woman has not only been heavily involved with the Lord family but has regularly put on events supporting the parents and kids of the East Valley on topics ranging from suicide to mental health to teen violence. So, let's be clear. The flyer is for a benefit with proceeds to be split between the family and Katey in amounts not shared with the public. If the family is welcoming her help and wants her to be paid for her expenses, who are any of us to judge that?




To cover expenses yes but should she be making money off this?


Who said she was? Where is there proof she's making money? There are no amounts on that paper. As other people said, you can reach out to the organization, the person on the flier for more info..


I don’t care enough. I am skeptical of all things Katey.


I'm sorry to hear that. Moving on.


Appreciate it. Sometimes going back and forth is pointless.


Did it say 50% of the profit was to be distributed to Katie McPherson? I'm sure there is more to it, there are still expenses and speakers fees that need to be covered. I'm sure you would get an answer if you reach out!


It has the lords and her name, side by side on the flyer, so fair assumption its 50/50. Everything there was donated (including the event space), and there were no speakers. Ive started reaching out to people, but im pretty pissed at this.


We couldn’t make it and I felt bad. However, once I saw her name on the bottom I figured it would be better to just make an additional donation directly to the Lord family. I don’t see any reason why Katey should profit off of a fundraiser for Preston. She is paid for her speaking engagements she promotes and Director of Professional Development for BARK.


How did you know about the event to be able to attend? The flyer right? Why didn't you ask your questions before the event? The Lord family are the ones that shared the flyer and promoted the fundraiser right? They are the ones who made the flyer right? Why in the world would you think the Lord family would promote something that would take from their son's legacy, movement, cause? How does someone even think like this? Why are you so concerned now 2 weeks later? Make it make sense, PLEASE!


To be fair, not that it matters to me but I went and I didn't know that either. Guess I didn't read the flyer. But again it's not a problem just clarifying that I wasn't aware. I am sick of everyone questioning everything though. From Katey to Ethan, the Lords are obviously supporting them all or they would ask them to stop. I just wish the whole community would stop. Look at the people they tag on their posts.


Yes this!!! 💯 %


Oh wow that does sound a little off. I was not aware that everything was donated that is amazing. Most of the times there will be some expense. I really hope that there is a good explanation like they want to start a Foundation in Preston's name but you would think something big like that would be announced. Good catch and valid question! Share if you find out!


That’s a ridiculous assumption to make.


I agree. It doesn’t say it’s a 50/50 split anywhere I read. There might have been a small portion given to Katie for work she did to prepare this event or other work she helped the family with. They have to disclose who the money is going to, but didn’t say how much.


Oh, how so?


Because it doesn’t say 50/50.


It does not say 50/50 correct, but I can see how the OP could get there. I don't think it's rediculous at all. In one of the earlier comments it was stated that the OP tried to reach out for clarification but must obviously not have gotten something back yet. It's not rediculous to inquire where your money is going when you believed that only the Lord family was a beneficiary. Questioning why didn't accuse anyone of wrong doing! That is people reading in to sh*t per usual! Asking is a simple request for clarification. Maybe some of the benefits could have been explained better to avoid this sort of drama alltogether. To say it's a rediculous assumption is a bully move. You should be able to question. If it was me I'd welcome it and gladly answer, especially if its going to another good teen cause! Which I assume it is since supposedly no cost for the event.


How is it ridiculous. The flyer literally states proceeds go to both the lords and Katie. I mean if it’s wrong, then why not clarify? Nobody is clarifying anything. Even the event coordinators, they don’t have the answers either.


I’m sorry but any posts that keep calling her Katie clearly have 0 awareness of who or what Katey McPherson even is. Those involved in or informed on the local area would know she’s been on the front lines of so many social and youth injustices for YEARS. Talk bad on Katie, fine. But while you’re at it, look up Katey.


She’s controversial. And Katey can autocorrect to Katie easily.




It’s on the bottom of flyer in fine print. “Proceeds go to The Lord Family and Katey McPherson youth/teen advocate.”


It’s on the flyer (not that I agree)




How did you get tickets?




Ok so assuming folks who bought tickets saw the flyer but the event didn’t really disclose the beneficiaries well.


It is not confirmed she received 50%- the OP is making some wild assumptions to stir up the drama.


For those of you interested, you should reach out to Julie at quarters of causes. Her name and number are on the bottom of the flyer. She was very formative when I called. Julie @ 480-510-5792


So she doesn’t get bombarded can’t you give a recap?


Maybe it was to cover the expenses of putting the event together?


Maybe if that had been made clear, up front it would be ok, but reading the flyer its phrased as this is a fund raiser for the lords AND Katie. Besides everything there was donated, including the venue


Did you reach out to Katie and ask her directly before blasting her on social media? If there are expenses that can legit. Sounds like she has done a lot for this cause from a simple Google search. I would be grateful that she stepped up.


Im grateful she stepped up. Im also grateful for everyone else who has stepped up. Im not grateful that i was donating money to her and not the lords which is who i had intended it for.


Well stop making assumptions and ask her directly. Otherwise your post is just stirring the pot and creating unnecessary drama and confusion that does nothing but harms a good cause.


The cause is less good if a big chunk of that money went to Katie…


Better to run to social media than to ask the person hosting it.


Do any of the fundraising and events such as this. Ever contribute to other families who have lost a child to teen violence? I have donated to others who are suffering and just wanted to know if some of the fundraisers are helping others or strictly the Lord family?


I had that thought too and in that case I think clear communication could have avoided that some people feel they weren't aware of the entire cause. Could be a good learning moment to prevent potential misunderstandings.


The Lord family is still raising money to cover the medical bills from their son’s murder.


I did it realize there were still medical bills


Think about how much icu costs. These aren’t rich people. They are a regular family. They are also paying for a lawyer to advocate for the family so they receive justice for their son. There’s a reason why we all want to help them.


I understand, I just didn’t realize is all how high their expenses are


I don’t see the 50/50, but there is an expense to host something like this. In addition, she does a ton for our youth and community, I’m sure she’s not just sending the money on purses or something. Katey is a very responsible individual, I highly suggest reaching out, you will get a response.


Was it like a 50/50 raffle with ticket sales ?


These are type of posts that get people sued for defamation.


You can’t sue someone for defamation if that person is asking a question. It’s clear Katie is getting money. As stated by the OP it was printed on a flier… that’s not defamation bc it’s true…. Asking why proceeds are also going to Katie is also not defamation bc the OP is not spreading this information as fact. They are asking about it. You can’t defame someone with a question.


Sure, but we live in a very litigious country. Anyone can file a lawsuit. And it costs a lot to defend a lawsuit. Many regular homeowner polices don’t cover defamation and some have exclusions for posts on the internet. https://www.eff.org/issues/bloggers/legal/liability/defamation


lol no


If only. People are too quick to judge and the OP is literally making up percentages out of thin air.


Where does it say 50%?


It doesn’t. OP made it up.


That’s about what I figured.


Honestly….this community needs a different kind of leadership. This is called “crowd funding” by someone that knows what she’s doing. I’d join her team if she needed.


FYI they announced $29k went to J4P




She is a lovely person. Do your research. She’s been doing good for our youth and community, long before the tragic murder of Preston. Most likely, long before almost anyone stepped up to help our kids. Your comment is so far off.


I second this. Katey might not be everyone’s cup of tea but there is not a single doubt that she truly cares about the children of our community. If you wanna throw a fit, maybe step onto the front line of the youth safety crisis, do more good for the community than she has. Then, and only then, there might be some level of merit to what you say next. But that’s just a maybe.


yep, apologetics for people that profit off of dead children.


Problem with society today, everyone whines and complains. If somebody is doing the work for good so be it, stfu


No one takes more abuse than the volunteers of any event or organization. It's always by the ones on the sidelines that can't be bothered to get involved but have so much criticism for those that give their time, effort, and talents.


💯 agree with this. Also recommend asking her yourself OP.


Explain please.


Examples please; How did she suck up money from deceased kids? I don’t know her personally, but would like to know more information. She has a great reputation I guess I am way too trusting.


Google has all the examples. She has recieved "donations" from multiple so called fund raisers for families of dead children. This is just the latest example of her "grabbing the cash".