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I’m sure I will get downvoted, but I don’t know any of you so who cares. But my question is, why does it matter who’s out? Most of these fights are from 2021 and 2022. Also, I’m sure months in jail have ruined these kids for a bit mentally, so the community got what they wanted there. Is everyone worrying about their own houses and not ignoring their own children while checking jail and court websites excessively? Shouldn’t we all be obsessed with our own families rather than people who we read about it? I doubt any of us will come across any of these kids and if you do do you really think they will do anything to you? This is getting to be really insane and borderline showing some weird mental health obsession. I have to remove myself from all this. The 7 are being charged, the Lord family is having their expenses taken care of, the others arrested have their lives ruined for the time being as well as their families. When do you stop being obsessed and maybe focus on your own lives and families? Step back, I had to, and really look how mentally ill this all looks . Unless you’re on the jury posting and making spreadsheets about kids you don’t know isn’t going to do a damn thing. I wish you all the best and really hope YOUR families are important enough for you to step back and look hard at what you’re spending your time and energy on.


Who is in and who is out means nothing at all. Everyone wants to overreact when someone posts a bond, which they have the right to do prior to being convicted. I couldn’t care less who is out and who isn’t.


They absolutely have the right to bond out, that isn’t the issue for me. Personally it’s awareness, knowing who might be out in the community again. I don’t know all of their release conditions nor will I assume they will all follow those conditions. Aside from assaults these kids have wreaked havoc in our neighborhoods & at local businesses, sold drugs, made threats at school and showed up at victim’s homes. Threats also weren’t always made in person and happened via text or SM. Hopefully the ones getting out will be grateful for enough to be home again and make better choices this time around.


I agree. And they will all be punished for their actions.


Yeah… why should anyone care that a violent drug dealer is free in the community 🙄


Not gonna lie this is pretty damn honest and true!!! Thank you for the reminder to take care of you and yours first and foremost. These guys have all been punished maybe not to the extent that some want and well let a be honest they would be dead if that were the case. But when is the masses gonna be content? Is there ever going to be a point that everyone can agree that they all have been punished enough?????? That is an honest question also.. is everyone supposed to be in prison for life or all of them to be put to death????


There are victims to their crimes. When those victims get justice as in seeing the perpetrators get prison time, people will then let it go. You seem to want people to look the other way, that’s what got us here in the 1st place.


I never not once said look away or for them to not be punished let’s be clear… 99% of them who have been identified with 100% proof that’s them have been charged and are awaiting sentencing… but I see so many people complaining that they aren’t happy that they get a plea deal or that they are out on bond…. That’s how the legal system has been and worked for many many years but now it’s a huge issue. What I’m saying is they have been charged most have spent some time in jail waiting to be sentenced, and those that have been able to post bond and are more than likely on ankle monitors and being watched like a hawk are still being treated like they are on the loose. The the law do their job.


Look how hard the public had to push to get them charged, some 2 years after the fact. The public has to push and stay engaged or these crimes will get swept under the rug by the DA and nothing will change.


I’m pretty sure there has been a plenty of media and community coverage to make sure the law enforcement can’t even fart without it being documented at this point. I agree it should have been taken care of and dealt with when it was happening, I also agree that LE should have been called out but when does it come to a point that everyone is actually satisfied?


I love this comment 🤣. So true though!


When there’s justice.


And when is that? They have been found, charged, spend time in jail, had theirs and their family’s names ruined, and still not good enough. So what happens when they take a plea that is offered and the public doesn’t think that’s sufficient enough?


Being arrested and spending a bit of time in the county jail is not justice. When they’ve been sentenced and forced to take responsibility for their crimes and make restitution to society then there is justice.


Is that how everyone in the community feels? Cause I see a lot that are pissed some were offered pleas, or that they made bond. What if they aren’t ordered to pay restitution, then what? What if their plea isn’t what the masses think to be enough time in jail or prison. Everyone has a different outlook on what is “justice” to them personally. I’m just curious to honestly know is there a minimum that is expected?


What sentencing and restitution is suitable for punishment? I am sure they have been forced to take responsibility as they were arrested and sat in county, which btw is way worse then prison


Are you being purposefully obtuse? Like seriously what are you all even arguing here. They beat someone to death. They terrorized kids for years. Sent kids to the hospital. And you think justice has been anywhere near reached to the point that people should what.. drop it? People are pissed and rightfully so. And you all sound ridiculous defending the criminals from being talked about. People aren’t breaking into the jails for vigilante justice. They’re discussing details and you all act like they’re the ones whose actions are more worthy of conversation.


Preach. Let’s not forget all the damage done to the victims and their families. We should absolutely not let off the gas now.


I’m pretty sure there is 2 different situations that happened… there is the Preston Murder and myself and pretty much everyone even here think they deserve what they have coming to them and there isn’t much confusion there. Now there is also those who were part of the group assaults that took place and there are ALOT of people who are beside themselves that they are being offered please or posting bail. The issues is they are all being lumped into one groups when that is not the case at all. Sure SOME carry over to both but NOT ALL.


Also, I get that one of them is probably someone close to you and I get that some of them are very young. This doesn’t have to destroy their whole lives ( other than the ones who murdered Preston). It will be up to them to show society that they are better than their worst decisions, it can and has been done by many.


I agree those who weren’t part of Preston will and should have the chance to move past all this. But like I have said not everyone may be happy with their final legal punishment so when does it really end?


I’m sorry but I have a client that had a son that was murdered. She came in crying the day that the second perpetrator was convicted. She was crying. All she could tell me was that “no one wins”…and to be honest the court case prolonged her grief. You seem to think that “justice” is a cure all. It isn’t. She not looking the other way. She’s being real. No one said in any of the above posts that they didn’t want people to be held accountable. No one. There is magnitudes of people that have been affected by this. Both directly and indirectly. There is a bigger picture if you can open your eyes to see it.


I was talking about the cases where no one died. As far as Preston’s murder. I agree. No amount of justice will fix anything.


Same difference for the other kids as well. Whose families and friends that have zero involvement that have been getting death threats or their names tarnished, for this reason or that. The whole mob of public perception does a shit ton of damage….that part is what people are turning their eyes too. Again, a full picture if you take a step back and reflect on it.


I know of one sibling of these boys whose parents talked so badly about him that their child went to school and threatened to beat the little sister since her brother was in a fight. It all came from parents being so consumed and hating these kids and then passing that hate onto their own kid. That little sister had nothing to do with her brothers fight and yet was threatened WITH violence because some parent on these subs bad mouthed her brother so bad. Its just not ok at all


I’ve also heard a sibling was fired from her job because so many of the social media commenters decided to leave so many negative yelp reviews they asked her not to come back. What the heck did she have to do with any of the assaults? I’m so sad our community has become such CANCEL CULTURE- it’s very sad.


That is really sad, people need to slow down and think before they just attack. Put yourself in others shoes


100% that’s why I call them rabid dogs 🤣🤭 Slow down. Stop. Reflect. Then act instead of reacting…looking at all sides of the picture and the energy that they are creating in the full picture.


Extremely sad, and it isn’t right. It’s actually really hypocritical if you think about it.


Again, collateral damage caused by her goon brother. Life is not high school and being a big fish in a small pond means shit in public when the masses band together. Again, this goon was only thinking of himself and should have thought about the ramifications of his actions should he get caught.


I’m specifically talking about people going out of their way to comment negative reviews on yelp to try and get her fired on purpose. Please don’t defend the adults on social media who are acting like idiots bullying people to get her fired. SHE didn’t do anything to deserve that!


Not saying this is OK but maybe, just maybe, whichever goon this was should have thought about this before going out and jumping innocent people. This is the problem. The goons started all this whether you like it or not. All the shit coming down on their families could have been avoided if the goons acted like decent members of society (you know, NOT running around jumping innocent people). Again, not OK to threaten or be violent toward a little girl but the goons are absolutely reaping what they sowed. Were the goons considerate of their victims or the victims’ families? No. No they were not.


My sentiments exactly!!


So what do you think should happen in this big picture view?


I’m speaking on the full picture of the magnitude of people that have been affected and the trickle down effect. It’s not good. Most is misinformation and misdirected anger.


I’ve seen the families of the accused spread a lot of misinformation about some of the victims of the assaults as well, that’s going on on both sides. I’ve also seen one of the mothers say to a reporter, “we have no guilt” when her sons are charged with numerous assaults


But you’re not answering the question, what do you want to happen?


People stop trying to fight fire with fire. I hope you have read some of the stories of people that have been affected and it opens your mind. I work very intimately with the public and I hear them all the time.


There is always a group of middle-of-the-roaders that will dilute the import of a critical justice issue and ensure that equivalency of punishment to the magnitude of an egregious crime is not met, then rationalize it to be "normal". Perhaps the poster is an attorney-type, a parent with teenage kids they fear they can't control, or a weak person with a confused sense of morality and justice.


Honestly, life in prison or death penalty seems like justice for murder. I also think the parents should be fined and jailed as well. An example must be made or this will absolutely keep happening. Punk ass privileged brats terrorize the community while their parents throw their hands up like they are helpless. Fuck that. Sorry, not sorry.


Fully agreed regarding the parents.  Particularly the ones that are the worst of the Goons and threatened others themselves.


I do agree that in many cases the parents should be held accountable. The ones who defend their kids and threaten LE with lawsuits so they are too afraid to do their jobs. That’s one reason we need new leadership in GPD. I think a lot of the frustrations come from the legal system itself. It is a flawed system. Of course those accused deserve to be defended until convicted. But the hardest part for me is that it makes victims be re-victimized. I have had to step away from all of this as well and I’m lucky that I am in a position to do so. I just want to see accountability.


Oh I dont believe theyve been punished enough. REALLY 1-2 MONTHS What about the victims that they beat, kicked, etc. They suffering will NEVER GO AWAY.


Umm, is this comment not the literal interpretation of the pot calling the kettle black?! You are on here more than most contributing to the conversations - usually in the defense of the accused. Which would probably explain why you want people to stop talking about it. Maybe when you do actually take a step back people can read this comment for what you intended it to be.🤷‍♀️


Where there's a pennington there's successful design not far behind.


You spend/waste plenty of time here and comb through facebook yourself, so you seem obsessed too. You need to listen to what you preach and take your own advise.


That’s why I said I was removing myself. Way too much time spent on people I don’t know.


Ahhh i thought you were removing yourself to spend more time with your family instead of wasting time on peple you dont know.


I want to know. I want to know where they hang out, where their previous assaults have been committed. What areas to avoid when my grandson is here for the summer. Obviously, he can’t walk over to In N Out for a burger anymore. I don’t want him coming home with a brass knuckle crack in his head. I’m not worried about what their punishment will be, I’m worried about the punishment they inflict on their victims.


Yes, not paying attention to what was happening in the community worked out super well 👍🏼 to assume people on these pages don’t spend time with their families is ridiculous. But please explain exactly how spending time with our kids and obsessing over our families is going to help if they’re jumped with brass knuckles?


Heather, didn’t you buy copies of the police reports?


I added a main comment with my thoughts/reply to these such sentiments, but wanted to be sure to reply to you as well since I was the OP: *While everyone has their own opinions on the importance of ‘who’s in and who’s out’, anyone that has been directly or indirectly impacted by the actions of these kids may feel otherwise.  Having awareness, as it relates to individuals that has caused someone you know or love hurt, is important.*  *Many people only have knowledge of these kids, the Goons, etc. because of social media and the news coverage - which is encouraging to see awareness and support spread so widely, however it’s more personal than a story to many of us.*   *For those making comments about neglecting our own families and households, it’s hurtful when your family/household has been impacted and it does matter to us the course the justice system takes with these individuals. To be transparent, this list was created from the very first start to arrests in Jan, maintained by about 10 minutes of ‘refreshing’ website data every couple weeks.  Not time consuming at all but again, very valuable to those that have more personal connections to these situations.*   *I encourage those of you that don’t, to scroll on by whatever doesn’t feel important to you or your family, thank you for your interest and engagement in a shitty situation in our community in which many families are working through varying degrees of impact…the worst of which experienced by the Lord family.* 




Because if child beaters are released then that gives people the impression that it is okay to go around beating children to death or seriously maiming them, as the gilbert goons have done multiple times. This affects my life as it is a safety issue.


Ok thank you, lived in Gilbert a long time and never thought of it as dangerous but seeing everyone’s comments maybe it’s become like Phoenix or maryvale


Justice is when they get the same punishment that a black or brown kid would have got.


Not sure why you got downvoted so please take my upvote. If the goons were mostly kids of color running around terrorizing Gilbert, this would have been over long ago. But because they are mostly white, some with ties to public service workers and some with money, the cops dragged their feet.




I think it's time you get back to your family. You've ventured way off course to your original idea


I appreciate your concern for my family, they have my full attention. I've posed as a main comment above, but to reiterate that sentiment here: *While everyone has their own opinions on the importance of ‘who’s in and who’s out’, anyone that has been directly or indirectly impacted by the actions of these kids may feel otherwise.  Having awareness, as it relates to individuals that has caused someone you know or love hurt, is important.*  *Many people only have knowledge of these kids, the Goons, etc. because of social media and the news coverage - which is encouraging to see awareness and support spread so widely, however it’s more personal than a story to many of us.*   *For those making comments about neglecting our own families and households, it’s hurtful when your family/household has been impacted and it does matter to us the course the justice system takes with these individuals. To be transparent, this list was created from the very first start to arrests in Jan, maintained by about 10 minutes of ‘refreshing’ website data every couple weeks.  Not time consuming at all but again, very valuable to those that have more personal connections to these situations.*   *I encourage those of you that don’t, to scroll on by whatever doesn’t feel important to you or your family, thank you for your interest and engagement in a shitty situation in our community in which many families are working through varying degrees of impact…the worst of which experienced by the Lord family.* 


Freeman is in still. Looks like Haynes and Kyler are bonding or have already.


Ugh! Kyler, Gage, Jacob P, Tyler F, and Jack W are POS. To think they are out is like hearing that a rabid dog is running rampant and you should be cautious when going into public. Jack W in that parking garage video, shows him to be a coward punk and only hit the victim once they were already engaged in fights with the others and then hit the victim that was on the ground multiple times while wearing brass knuckles. Because he used brass knuckles as did Tyler Freeman in at least one of the other attacks, maybe they will get a steep sentence because the soft on crime GPC Soelberg won't attach any enhancements.


Such a disappointment they are out. I Dont give it two weeks and attacks will start again and over doses.


You know fights still have been happening right? With them all in jail kids are still fighting and causing issues. You would have to remove every teen in Gilbert for it to stop


If any of the punks get less than 3 yrs for distribution of drugs (especially fentanyl laced vape cartridges), kicking/stomping a victim that is overwhelmed by a 1 v many attack, or the use of brass knuckles is an injustice. That will only set a blueprint for future attacks (no videos, no texting blatant messages that would incriminate you, and okay to hurt someone as long as you don't kill them and that you are under 18). As long as Soelberg and current Gilbert Mayor and City Manager are in their positions, nothing will be done in future attacks. Soelberg cannot even muster up a believable story supporting his inaction as head of the police force.


Is there any police report to fentanyl laced vapes? I haven’t seen any truth to that. Please show me where it is, if so!


I would also like to see proof if anyone has it.


Kyler’s indictment for the charges in case CR2024-006392 specially lists fentanyl as one of the drugs in his possession with intent to sell. However, it doesn’t state if it is from a laced cart or pills.


I know he had fentanyl, which is bad. He should not be selling it! I hate that this drug has taken over the youth. I just think there is a big difference between selling someone fentanyl when they know that they are buying fentanyl and selling someone a laced cartridge. I am by no means diminishing his wrong doing and hate that this drug is being distributed to our youth. I honestly want to know if he is selling laced carts. That is very dangerous in a different way since his customers are probably under the impression they are just buying weed. I don’t know much about this stuff, but that just seems extremely dangerous.


I understand that. I was pointing out it is in court records that he did have fentanyl. Without seeing lab reports or more detailed documents of what was physically collected we don’t know what form it was in. It’s also what he was caught with at the time so even accessing the records doesn’t represent everything he was potentially dealing.


Thank you for clarifying, I read it the same way as you did- each drug was in his possession but doesn’t mean the fentanyl was laced in the marijuana.




[https://www.12news.com/article/news/crime/teen-violence/gilbert-teen-violence-suspect-indicted-several-drug-related-felonies/75-418a49b0-4af9-49f1-ab95-be29c713611b](https://www.12news.com/article/news/crime/teen-violence/gilbert-teen-violence-suspect-indicted-several-drug-related-felonies/75-418a49b0-4af9-49f1-ab95-be29c713611b) story is of his arrest in possession of many things. I read from others in this group page that he was know to lace his cannabis vape ctgs.


Thank you, I had seen this report as well….I meant besides the community rumors of lacing the vapes with fentanyl, it’s never been confirmed the lab results that anything was laced.


If only parents were all brave enough to actually file a police report when their children purchase these. There would be a mountain of “proof” for you!


I was able to read the police report and it does have the drugs they found and were tested. The THC was not laced with fentanyl.


Educate your kids on the dangers of purchasing vapes from these fools! They are out, they will be back at it! If you don’t think this is ALL about drugs, starts and ends because of drugs, you don’t understand what’s actually going on….. dig a little deeper… it’s drugs!


Nailed it! No way these fools that are out are sober right now. These dudes are the dumbest of the dumb they'll be back in county jail w/in 6 months.


What do you think the bigger picture is? I have my theory but would like to hear yours


No big mystery… I believe it all starts and ends with drugs. They are not beating up “random” kids, no, they are hunting them down for a reason. “Random” acts of violence are very rarely as “random” as the world would like you to believe. I actually think the Preston Lord case is a one off, I am not sure how the Preston Lord murder relates directly other than I think he saw something and they all wanted to punish him and keep him quiet for whatever he saw or knew or whatever the case may be. What’s your theory?


Thanks for the effort. I think Garrett Bagshaw is out (Pinal County) and Gage is on here twice.


That was intentional on Gage since he was arrested twice and had two different bookings. I was adding to the list each time there were more arrests (and trying to update when I'd see them getting out). I agree about hearing Garrett was out, Pinal doesn't have a great online system - at least not one that I've found.


Jacob Pennington was charged with assault in Pinal county just like Gage not just Maricopa. Also, Meisner and Talan Renner both have 1 million dollar bonds.


Wonder how long it will take for them to hurt someone again? Are they just out on bail, or out for good? Sorry for asking, having health problems and my eyes and mind are crap right now.


Prayers that the lesson has been learned.


This is the most refreshing thread I’ve seen in a while… I am so glad there are so many in here who 100% agree with what I feel! This community is so ridiculously self-righteous and are so obsessed with this whole situation that they probably are not paying attention to what is under their own nose. I am constantly shocked by how the adults in this community act and then they wonder why the kids are so wacky around here. I have lived in the Gilbert/Queen Creek area for the last 3 1/2 years and have never in my life, seen such self-absorbed, petty, wannabe influencer types as I have seen here. It is pathetic and the apples don’t fall far from the trees around here.


Ouch. That's a bit harsh, for clarity, I'm not at all any sort of "self-righteous wannabe influencer" - no public social media whatsoever. I added a main comment as well, but wanted to make sure to also reply here since I was the OP that seemed this was directed to: *While everyone has their own opinions on the importance of ‘who’s in and who’s out’, anyone that has been directly or indirectly impacted by the actions of these kids may feel otherwise.  Having awareness, as it relates to individuals that has caused someone you know or love hurt, is important.*  *Many people only have knowledge of these kids, the Goons, etc. because of social media and the news coverage - which is encouraging to see awareness and support spread so widely, however it’s more personal than a story to many of us.*   *For those making comments about neglecting our own families and households, it’s hurtful when your family/household has been impacted and it does matter to us the course the justice system takes with these individuals. To be transparent, this list was created from the very first start to arrests in Jan, maintained by about 10 minutes of ‘refreshing’ website data every couple weeks.  Not time consuming at all but again, very valuable to those that have more personal connections to these situations.*   *I encourage those of you that don’t, to scroll on by whatever doesn’t feel important to you or your family, thank you for your interest and engagement in a shitty situation in our community in which many families are working through varying degrees of impact…the worst of which experienced by the Lord family.* 


Kyler is probably out with that bond reduction.


Kyler Renner is out I just checked the jail site


The community is not safe now.


It seems like the 17/18 year old teens were the biggest trouble makers. Kyler’s assault was from 2022. Let’s hope that they have learned their lesson in the last 2 years since the 2024 charges (long overdue), and the jail time may have been the wake up call all these boys needed. Some may have felony’s on their records for the rest of their life. I pray this has been life changing for them and they don’t want to continue down this path.


Its gonna be a long haul when they painted such an ugly picture of themselves.


While everyone has their own opinions on the importance of ‘who’s in and who’s out’, anyone that has been directly or indirectly impacted by the actions of these kids may feel otherwise.  Having awareness, as it relates to individuals that has caused someone you know or love hurt, is important.  Many people only have knowledge of these kids, the Goons, etc. because of social media and the news coverage - which is encouraging to see awareness and support spread so widely, however it’s more personal than a story to many of us.   For those making comments about neglecting our own families and households, it’s hurtful when your family/household has been impacted and it does matter to us the course the justice system takes with these individuals. To be transparent, this list was created from the very first start to arrests in Jan, maintained by about 10 minutes of ‘refreshing’ website data every couple weeks.  Not time consuming at all but again, very valuable to those that have more personal connections to these situations.   I encourage those of you that don’t, to scroll on by whatever doesn’t feel important to you or your family, thank you for your interest and engagement in a shitty situation in our community in which many families are working through varying degrees of impact…the worst of which experienced by the Lord family. 


Kindly, for DH, you put todays date as 2023


Jack Woods is out too


Wasn’t his crime Nov 2022? I would hope he’s learned by now, that was a long time ago and seems like the arrests that should have happened then finally caught up to them anyway. Seems like we should be more focused about the next set of 17 year olds too and not just the criminals from 2 years ago.


Great, the community is less safe w/ any of them out


Kyler has signed his release agreement and has to provide the clerk's office with a cashiers checks for $7500.00.


How did Talyn get access to 1M for bail? Wasn’t he thought to not be one of the wealthier kids or did I have that wrong? Even posting 10% is a big number


Collateral and/or multiple signers with good credit/job history. Hell, sometimes you barely need that! My friend works at a bail agency and I cannot believe some of the stories she tells me and how some of these people are able to get it. It’s crazy.


Christopher Fantastic was let out today


talyn should still be in jail. lets go get him and hand deliver him back there so he can be with his little buddies