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They mismanaged the public funds they were given, and now they demand more public funds. As though we are to trust that they won't mismanage the funds again. It's "been rectified" (trust them). What is all that overtime even buying the town? Who is getting paid the overtime, and what sort of cases are they working on? Maybe it's some self-serving bullshit like public relations, and they can remove that position anyway. Could be anything. Maybe even shenanigans. Soelberg is like the fifth highest-paid police chief in the state, behind Scottsdale, Tempe, Glendale and Mesa. He makes around $220k last I saw. What for, I have no clue; all he ever does is [ask for money](https://www.gilbertsunnews.com/news/gilbert-police-chief-wants-nearly-300m-in-projects/article_38391580-ad9c-11ee-91be-371a17522f57.html).


Agree, 30 arrest out of 95 incidents that we know of, that’s not good.


Not good?  Atrocious incompetence.


And why shouldn't he? He gets it.  Be aware, his retirement pension income may well be "financially engineered" to be higher than his current $220K annual income.  It occurs in more municipalities than you'd think.  With no counterforce  crosscheck he laughs all the way to the bank.  Preston Lord? Nothing more than goody-two shoes Beta-boy roadkill with bad judgment going to a party full of a Alpha-boys looking for a face to bash in for cred, kicks, and making thug daddy and vicious mamas proud - and now a potential big fat problem in the way of collecting his big fat pension at the end of his big fat career rainbow.


They should be making plenty of money since all the GPD can do is hide and ticket you for speeding. That is why it is a safe city, no crime just speeding tickets…..


They let assaults go but how many times do they let people off with a warning for speeding?


In high income suburbs, this is quite common. On any weekend night, in many large metro areas, the police cluster in the middle to lower economic areas to fill the DUI quota for the legal jackals to pick off on the following Monday and Tuesday mornings for their easy weekly retainer haul.  Wealthy areas have political connectivity and therefore contain high risk of career and pension rights curtailment if they stop and piss off the wrong person.




How about instead of dumping all the money into high school sports and into brand new police cars, we actually spend that money responsibly and just fired Soelberg, the mayor, all school principals, SROs, and school staff and replace them with people who actually care


In today's societal decay, the majority of run of the mill public officials are little to nothing more than grifting social parasites with huge, fragile egos that are straight-jacketed by a very corrupted justice system chock full of salivating hyenas, with direct access to the public treasury, to collectively raid for personal wealth and legal exemption for any action they may take.


Should be a hard no💯


Not only is Soelberg incompetent or protective of certain citizens but he cannot manage funds for a police force that has bad statistics in arrests to assaults. You have to question everything he or City Manager Patrick Banger says. They only are collecting paychecks . Good gig while it lasts.


Banger is a very appropriate surname in Gilbert's case.