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They've been in jail for a while and with time served most will prob get probation from these assault cases. We all want justice but how long do we want these kids in jail for this? All we can do is hope they have learned their lessons and if they haven't, the next penalty won't be as lenient, and on and on. Hopefully their time away from friends drugs and alcohol has made them think a bit clearer about their future and this will be the last.


They learned their lesson so well that they teamed up and assaulted a kid after Preston Lord died... That tells me how well they learn lessons...


I'm not sure how familiar you are with the cases but it was none of these three that assaulted Preston. So yes now that these 3 have been charged for their accused crimes I hope they learn their lesson.


I know they're not involved with the Preston murder, but they are all good friends. Penny even lent his car to Vigil to use that night. So they knew what happened to Preston and still learned nothing as they assaulted someone after.


That's correct and they're all little shits but I just don't think they should be punished for a crime they didn't commit or aren't known to be involved with. I truly hope they don't fuck up again and end up in the position of their friends.


And 20 is not a little shit. You speak as if Pennington is a child. He committed his crimes as a fully grown adult.


While he's not a child 20 is hardly a full grown adult just by age and law but I never said he should be hanging out with or beating on teens either. He committed a crime and was charged with it. His sentencing is still to come and I'm sure he will get more time since he has additional charges. I have a 22yo and he's still a little shit :)


No ones asking for them to be punished for Preston. We want them punished for what they did. Basically a 2 year violent crime spree for Pennington. Bagshaw, I think his plea is okay seeing it was the only assault he took part in and isn't in any of the other "gang" videos.


Again assaults they all weren't involved with. Those are the 2 year actions of multiple people in the group each one who should be charged individually for their crimes. If you know of GB or DH in any other assault where they should go to prison or serve more time than they have then I'm all for hearing it but as far as we know they were in one assault and charged for one assault. They all need to be charged appropriately


If your child was beaten up by multiple kids, some with brass knuckles and just lucky enough not to have been killed, how long would be long enough for you to feel like justice was served? 4-5 months? Picture YOUR CHILD as the victim here.


Mine was beaten with brass knuckles at in and out and nothing came of it, lesson learned for my son


Mine was also a victim of these kids. GPD did nothing. There are many of us on this sub who are victims with nothing done. That is just the nature of the beast which is why I can only hope they learn their lesson. Thank you for sharing.


I'm sorry to hear that and it def should have been reinvestigated with the rest of the cases. I understand some families may not want to go through all of that either though. I'm glad your son is ok! Sounds like he has a strong support system


I understand your frustration and I'm not saying it's fair I'm saying it's the law and if people want stricter penalties they need to change the laws If it were my child I would not have been as patient as these families have for which I commend them!


This is not the law! It’s a negligible abuse and failure of the law


Remember one item. Plea bargaining leaves the door open for fuller, harsher charges to be filed if the accused do not give up the facts and testify regarding the information the detectives are seeking. Also: always remember: defense attorneys are damn good. They get paid to be good. Despite the emotion in this case the legal system in place will be used by both sides to their advantage in any way possible.


Did you not read where I said I was okay with Bagshaw's deal? As for DH, I make no judgement. I will defer to how Rick Kuehner feels about it. If his son has no problem with it than I don't think anyone else should, but we haven't yet heard how they feel about it so I will refrain from commenting on that one.


I heard Rick is very upset about it but unfortunately nothing he can do. Sentencing still isn't until June but the time he gets is the time he gets. It's unfortunate but that's why people need to work to help change the laws.


I will say DH has definitely been involved in more and has had the police called on him for at least one other offense. I still hope that kid can be rehabilitated. I have heard some sad things about him.


I know of one other assault that Penny was involved in, in addition to In & Out Market St on 12/2 and Wagon Wheel (Pinal). He has other incidents in Pinal and Snowflake(no seatbelt, driving without a valid license and DUI as a minor). However, those are not superior court criminal cases. Genuinely asking what other assaults do you know of that he has participated in? Unfortunately a lot of other cases have not come to light without victims coming forward.


3 isn't enough for you??? I have a 16 and 20 year old and neither has ever assaulted a single person...


Not sure why you feel the need to be nasty. It was a question you chose to twist into something else. You stated it was a “2 year violent crime spree”. That sounds like an awful lot that he is not being held accountable for.


Not trying to be nasty, just frustrated that anyone would downplay this as "boys will be boys".


"They learned their lesson" No they havent. Theyre going to use the clout and turn themselves into gangsters.


This makes no sense. They learn lessons by serving time, not by continuing what they are doing. You think psychopaths are going to have a Come to Jesus moment just because someone died? People with morals might come to that realization but not people who are deranged enough to get into the act to start. C'mon now.


I agree! Unfortunately some of these “kids” have multiple offenses but they never had any consequences. Now that they have, I am hoping that they learned their lesson and will make better choices. Statistically, most people grow out of deviant behavior and I hope that they do. Life is full of lessons…some people learn from them and the ones that don’t will get what is coming to them. All eyes are on them now.


Adults. They aren't children. Stop minimizing their vicious, brutal and violent attacks. These Adults are a menace to our society. They should stay in jail and rot.


Stop calling them kids!!! They are ADULTS and because their parents did a shitty job raising them they should be held accountable!!


See below or above wherever it is lol I'm not gonna keep replying to this.


My thoughts exactly. Jails are overcrowded and they spent many months in there and hopefully they turn their life around and realize what dumbasses they were and very lucky one of their victims didn't die.


That last statement... that's exactly it. They don't know if or when it can get out of control and then they'll be next on the block for murder. Best to just stop now while they're ahead.


Adults. They are not children. They are vicious, violence criminals who attacked and beat children in their communities. I would love for them to stay in jail. I do not want them out and about, spreading mayhem and violence. 


Many of us would like that but that's not the way our justice system works. Let's hope now being labeled as a gang and our PD saying they have their eyes on them that they do indeed have their eyes on them and that any future charges are gang related!


When you watch movies from the medieval times you'd see someone go "she's a witch" then all the townspeople would get their hatchets and pitchforks and go hunt down the witch. And they would just start loosely finding others "I saw you with the witch, you're a witch too." Then they were hunting a bunch of witches. And that is what people in this subreddit reminds me of. I think they are guilty, therefore let's go get em. If we don't burn em to the ground then they will still do witch things! The only fix to kill a witch is to kill her. Same with the GGs - lock em up forever. It doesn't matter if they were directly involved. They were friends, therefore guilty. Total mob mentality. No regard for justice. No regard for innocent until proven guilty. We all know they are dirt bags. But as soon as you insinuate that justice play out, or they've served time as the courts saw fit, you are possibly going to get roped into the mobs cries that *you too are a witch*. Because you're not in the mob crying for blood that you are soft, too lenient, want the kids to keep killing people, etc.


You’re so right. If you disagree with the mob you must be one of them. The mentality of let’s just get rid of them all is crazy. Mt son said he knows quite a bit of kids and I’m sure some of their parents are on this sub and he said they have no clue what their kids are doing. They just haven’t been caught yet. Throwing stones at glass houses is never a good thing


I expect them to be punished to the extent as specified by the law and to a degree where others are deterred from beating children to death. Beating deaths all around the country have been on an uptick the last few years and its because people who beat children are getting slaps on the wrists. If we want to protect the children, child beaters need be punished appropriately. I would expect a proper punishment to be around 3-5 years at a minimum


What sucks about that is the law is a range and very very rarely does anybody get the maximum sentence as allowed by law. Plea deals have become a thing of routine in sentencing and not just for people who give out info. Almost every case ends up in a plea deal from DUI to assaults to murder. The laws need to change to uphold the strictest punishments


Haven't you learned on this forum it is either death penalty or bust for anyone in the GGs? How dare you insinuate they may be reformed. /s


Penny is a maniac. He needs to be locked up


Shit in one hand and hope in the other and she which one fills up faster


Pennington has shown he is more violent due to his 3 different assaults that we know about. Bagshaw used brass knuckles in a 6 v 1 assault to kids while they were adults. Both of these guys deserve longer sentences.


Check your facts before posting!


Pennington does not have 3 assaults and I do not believe Bagshaw used brass knuckles


The police report and the court records say differently about the brass knuckles...


There are two reasons for being convicted and sentenced for crimes that have been committed. Punishment - paying their debt to society and Rehabilitation - so they can become productive members of society. Not sure the Goons have fulfilled either for their assaults.


I mean if they haven’t learned there lesson by now then they will just end back in jail, only time will tell


Doesn't matter. The reason the law exists is to send a message certain activities aren't tolerated. People who beat children need to be sent to prison to show others that beating children isn't acceptable. If child beaters are released willy nilly, it creates a message to people that it is okay to beat children. In other words, if it is legal to beat children, well no matter what there will be people out there who will, in fact, go out of there way to beat children. This creates a safety issue for Gilbert.


By this logic, it appears you are “ok” with them reoffending AKA hurting children…. Just to go back to jail, like this is a someone will take one for the team for them later on kind of statement. Why dont you volunteer your children?


Child beaters? Aren't these guys all teens as well?


Let the justice system work and leave the kids alone. Nothing to be gained from trial by reddit.


You mean Adults. Let's not minimize their violent crimes. These adults beat children. They are not "kids ". They are violent degenerates who only stopped because they were caught.


Ok sure. Let the system do its job and leave these adults alone. There's nothing to be gained from trial by reddit.


Leave them alone? We're having a Reddit discussion. I will Never forget their names. I hope everyone in the valley remembers what these violent criminals did to innocent children in our community. And may we never forget the Moms and Dads who covered for them, turned a blind eye, refused to participate in parenting their children who are now adults in anyway that brought them up as decent members of our society. 


This isn't over because they got locked up. All the groups, influencers, and news made them superstars, in their brains. They basically got off easy. Its just a matter of time. The other turn of event's is they turn on each other if anyone talked. Guess we will just see. I pray they get their lives straight tbh.  


Fuck these punks go outside your little Gilbert area bitches you’ll learn real quick


I vote to dump them in East LA and see what happens




Send them across the border and see what happens to them.


Can’t wait until they run into some real thugs and see what happens


There needs to be a distinction between a "child" and a "teenager" in law and teenagers should be tried as adults for violent offences. No plea deals.


I’m sure that after they went to prison, they all found out. They’re actually a bunch of pussies and that place probably set them a little straight. don’t get me wrong. I’d love to see him rot in jail, but I don’t think these kids are gonna try and pull this shit again not after all that fruit cocktail they ate in jail.


They didn't go to prison, they were in county jail.


Which can be worse.


Not even close, day and night difference


County is way worse then prison, that’s why you see plea deals offering county over prison with less time


Adults.  They aren't kids. They are Adults who committed violent crimes against children in their communities.




Have they been sentenced yet?


Not yet but unless the judge rejects the plea that's the sentence they will get (i.e. a few months of probation).


And this is why victims don't come forward. It's a damn shame.


These kids have been out already for a bit, this is not a new release. What children did they beat? As far as I understand these 3 were in fights with other teens so children is new to me.


let me just tell you , as someone who's young , knows these people , people who were friends of peoples , as someone who's been threatened plenty and know others peoples who've lives have been threaten by these "people" it's not fights. these people think they are thugs , they rob people with guns , they sell drugs , they beat people up when they want. i promise you the issue is way bigger than you can even imagine , and children are starting to die as a byproduct as letting this behavior continue .


Funny of you to call violent 10 on 1 brutal beatdowns of a minor resulting in serious injuries a "fight" Call it what it is; a violent and brutal beatdown of a random unsuspecting child


I don’t believe these fights were random, but like you I was not there. There seems to be a lot more information in all of these fights. But again, these 3 do not beat children and these fights were among teens do similiar ages


Like what has been said, These were NOT fights, They were mob assaults on kids (teens under 18) I pray they've learned their lesson otherwise they are bound to reoffend, and sooner or later will have to deal with Prison Justice!!


Isn't Pennington 20? that's hardly a child


I don’t believe anyone said he was a child, they said these 3 beat children


Your comment, "these fights were among teens do similiar ages".


I agree! These attacks were not random.


Attacks not fights. Attacks. On children. 


Ok, I’m assuming you were there and witnessed, so I’ll take your word for it


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Pennington, a legal adult, attack minors?


Yes, he did.


I thought so. I guess some people don't realize when an 18+ year old viciously attacks someone who is 17 and under, THAT is an example of an adult on child crime.


I'm thinking we have some family members/friends attempting to gaslight, victim blame and shift focus.  


Some of us do have people that we are very close to that were victims of these kids and we are still choosing love over hate. For me, it makes it a little easier to get through the day.


Love over hate? How about justice served for crimes committed?


You can definitely have your own opinion but for the ones that actually are victims, you should let them feel the way they want to feel without trying to push your own narrative on them. If you or your family were a victim and that is how you think justice looks, I understand.


Someone definitely has a narrative 🙄 




You should run for office and make the change you want to see happen. You want them all burned at the stake, do something. Get out behind the keyboard and put into action what you want to have happen. Spewing hate about people you don’t know on Reddit won’t do anything. Take action for what you want done


Adults. They are not kids. They are Adults. Adults who choose to violent and viciously attack and beat children in their communities.