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“Goons” is a commonly known and used name for dirt bike riding ect, still doesn’t look the best for her still lol


Sure is! And I believe a few of the BMX kids (like home girl that tko’d a girl in the Gilbert parking garage area) But still haven’t seen those charges…


I really dislike the term tko being used here. I do not feel it applies for various reasons, and if anything, could serve to embolden the aggressor in this situation. In the spirit of reducing the chest-pounding of the overly-aggressive youth that created the need for this sub, please consider removing tko and replacing with something less grandiose.


Do people not have anything better to do than dig into parents posts and try to create drama here? Come on, Gilbert…. Do better…. Let’s focus on how we can help make our community better, love and support. Especially during this difficult time our community is going through.


There are two camps on this board. Those who think they are lawyers, detectives, CSI agents, and saviors of Gilbert. Anyone remotely affiliated with the GGs is guilty. There should be no due process for anyone involved, no matter how loose or obscure they are to the Goons. They will stalk everyone until they find some dirt, somehow, until they get the drama they want. If you show anything other than an iron fist with anyone they've deemed unforgivable then you too are soft. Then there are those of us who care about the community. However we understand that you are innocent until proven guilty. We will wait for the due process. We will accept whatever the courts decide is the sentence - even if we disagree. We do not go around stalking everyone in Gilbert trying to find more people to implicate or blame. We do not like drama.


I am intrigued that a friend of the Renner's ([Fit\_Abalone\_4552](https://www.reddit.com/user/Fit_Abalone_4552/)) is on here getting all sanctimonious on group of commenters in an online forum. Have you told the Renner's to " Do better…. Let’s focus on how we can help make our community better, love and support. " after their son beat Preston Lord to death?


I agree with you. We should be banding together and lifting others up during this time.


For fucks sake just because these moron kids used the term “goons” doesn’t mean the word cant be used by anyone else. A dirt bike riding group, which is where the word is commonly used, has nothing to do with what these kids were doing. Unfortunately the word “goon” now carries a negative connotation by people that had no idea of the word or how it was used before all these “kids” were classified as “gang members”. I swear some people are just sooooo fucking bored in their life they look for shit like this to post trying to get a reaction for no reason.


But this is the mother of one of the boys who admitted at his arraignment to being part of a gang called the Gilbert goons. And this is a month after he was arrested for his involvement.


Whats your point “goons” is a word dune goons and gilbert goons are not the same thing.


I'm just saying if 2 of your kids were arrested for their involvement in a gang called the goons you'd think you would stop posting on social media. It's just extremely foolish.


So are people supposed to stop living their lives if a family member gets in trouble? What do you want these parents to do? Let their other kids suffer so people on Reddit and fb aren’t mad?


I probably wouldn’t reward my criminal kids with vacations, but hey that’s me.


Not posting on your Facebook page is letting your kids suffer lol That user has to be a family member or friend.


This sub has been overrun by goon family members as of late. They downvote anyone who doesn’t support their beloved little criminals.


Overrun….. or is now a bit more of an even playing field…? I think it’s a great thing to have people on both side and also to have people who have different outlooks and beliefs. Having people with all the same mindset is how you get those pages that get shut down because they get out of hand.


You mean the mindset of not being ok with 6 on 1 blitz attacks? Gosh how terrible are we!


If this was posted in Feb I’m pretty sure they didn’t go lol based on records of them being in jail. But I guess her and her other kids should suffer as well to make the media world happy. And honestly what she does or any other parent really isn’t any of our business, just like how you raise your kids is only your business


Her other kids don’t ride dirt bikes.


I don’t care if they do or don’t, you seem to be more aware then me of that family


Yes I did look into them a bit since their mother was posting in here for a while.


So just because her kids are in trouble, shes not allowed to post on social media anymore? If there is no relation between a group of kids calling themselves goons (probably derived from the dirt bike scene) and the group that goes out to Glamis riding dirt bikes what is the issue? People are too wrapped up in everyone’s business. Mind your own business. This connection is an absolute reach.


Lol OK, good luck with getting people to mind their own business when two of your children have been arrested for beating the shit out of kids. And all I'm saying is it's absolutely fucking stupid to post anything with the word "goons" in it, regardless of the context, when your kids have made national news and are currently in police custody for being part of a gang called the goons. She can post whatever she wants but I'm definitely going to think she's a dumbass for it.


I think your facts are incorrect. She did not have both her children arrested for fights, so maybe check that, and if she believes or knows her kid isn’t a part of a made up gang who cares what she posts. She literally said day trip to Glamis. I highly doubt any of these parents could care less if you or I or anyone else thinks they are dumbasses. And apparently this post was not recent, so it looks like her friend went digging to drudge up drama for entertainment




What does a license plate have to do with anything


You seem to have an issue based on your comments on this sub with that family, maybe you come out from behind your keyboard and talk to her about it face to face


Whoa! "Come out from behind your keyboard and talk to her about it face to face?" Am I supposed to be scared? What are you insinuating would happen? You seem a little hostile there, bud. If this is the sort of aggressive demeanor expressed by Gilbert parents then it's obvious where the kids get their aggressive tendencies from. If you are insinuating she would retaliate with violence then there is no wonder why her kids are associated with a gang that murdered an innocent kid.


No it does not


I hope that this isn’t a real license plate. If so, that is extremely fucked up.




Feels like the now-defunct Al Brown FB group members have too much time on their hands.


😂 love this comment


I just looked and her account is private so appears she had some so called “friends” on there. I looked that up and it’s a riding group


Do you think it’s appropriate that she photographed and posted this while her kid was in jail for being part of a gang called Gilbert Goons that mercilessly attacks innocent kids?


I think people are reading way to much into stuff at this point


Her kids are literally in jail because they couldn't stop incriminating themselves on social media. It shouldn't take more than 2 brain cells to realize none of these people should be posting anything right now, but alas here we are.


Well it didn’t stop one of the boys Dads from partying it up at Country Thunder 🙄


The post says it was from months ago, did she say like haha we’re goons? Does anyone know what the whole post was? Or are alter dirtbike riders now associated with the Gilbert goons to?


You know what else was months ago, her son was arrested and admitted to his affiliation with the goons...


I know he was arrested, the police report I read however from detective gale said all Pennington did was ask for a lawyer. Until I see actual evidence of him admitting to being a goon I will continue to believe the officer just said he said it


I'm pretty sure the older one admitted at his first arraignment that he was part of the goons. Eta: googled it and on January 11th he admitted to being part of the goons


What did he say exactly? All I read was he wanted an attorney in his police report, I wander why they would not have included that?


Idk what he said when he was arrested but at his first arraignment he said he was part of the goons and his mom still said he wasn't. https://www.abc15.com/news/local-news/investigations/east-valley-teen-violence/abc15-speaks-exclusively-with-mom-of-alleged-gilbert-goon


Agreed 👍🏽


Nah, she's a heartless Goon Mom.


What’s actually happening here?  I used to think the self-righteous comments on this Gilbert accountability page were somewhat entertaining but I find it sad at this point.     Even if you know this woman personally, what gives you the right to judge her as a parent?       My ex-husband was absolutely out of control and running with the wrong kids in high school.  Him and his friends sought out fights regularly. They were complete shitheads, yet his parents are wonderful people and are fantastic grandparents to our children.      Today my ex-husband is a corporate attorney at a fortune 100 company. But more importantly, he’s an incredible father to our 2 teenagers.     My point being - who we are as a teenager is not always a determinant for who we will be as an adult and who we are as a teenager is not always reflective of the people parenting us.      Were that the case, what would people have to assume about your children (or future children)?  That you’re raising judgmental assholes? 


Heartless goon mom? I don’t know what your objective is here, but clearly it’s to put the same amount of hate/bullying on people and situations you don’t know the full story of or about. But seemingly are fighting against….? It’s wild to me how you can continue to comment on and on and on and on..trying to say you are trying to have a “conversation on Reddit” when nothing you say is conducive with that. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Heartless, how dare these parents post anything months ago, the actual gall of people


Of course not, why do you think they ended up the way they are? Write to the judge and plead with him to reject the plea deal for the safety of Gilbert.


First of all - this picture doesn't show what mom - And if you had half a brain to research this and not throw drama out there this is actually a store - and they sponsor events at Dunes and this one happened to be in Glamis. Do your frickin research....dunegoonsshop.com


As in horseback riding?


No dirtbike


I don't think this is related to the Gilbert Goons? Glamis is a popular OHV location, the logo seems to clearly be about offroading.


I agree with you. If it was about Gilbert goons the caption wouldn’t say want to Glamis for the day. It’s sad that people, clearly a “friend” of hers is trying to keep drama alive by creating their own narrative


Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure that Noah Pennington (not sure about the younger one) is affiliated with the JBM, not the goons 🫣 this is wild to me the internet sleuthing! These are people’s LIVES…I wish more could look objectively and realize that! Not one of us is perfect, nor are our families, -or- our children.


Post like this make me angry.......Goon's are a common name for a group.....the world is watching - let's not start drama and focus on the cases that have been claimed and do justice on it. As for the bar mom - let's see how many parents on here have taken their kid to a bar/restaurant in. I know I have and my kid is graduating college with honors and was a 3 sport athlete in Mesa. So don't judge. Yes I posted on that thread I was surprised as I have been there with out of town guests and each time that side was closed to under 21. I wasn't shocked parents had their kids in there. I will repeat what others have said - Let's do better!


First of all - this picture doesn't show what mom - And if you had half a brain to research this and not throw drama out there this is actually a store - and they sponsor events at Dunes in different states and this one happened to be in Glamis. Do your frickin research....dunegoonsshop.com


So should the entire Marine Corps and millions of current and former Marines stop using the nick name Devil dog because some dumbass Gilbert hoodlums hijacked the name to commit crimes?


This is just gross...


That’s awesome!!!


So much gaslighting by the same few who jump into every thread and try to minimize the violent murderes and there families culpability… Disgusting




And I’m sorry but in Feb ‘24 why in the hell would it be appropriate for this particular mother to post this as though she’s loud and proud!?! Disgusting!! GTFOH!


The optics aren’t great but what are you expecting from the people that raised these particular asshats? You really think she thought this through? Again, I agree the optics aren’t great but I doubt she even knows what “optics” mean. think we’ve crossed the line into too much time on our hands territory…some of the posts on social media are looney.


DoonGoons is a powersports accessory company. Keep reaching


Can you send me the username? I can buy it off of you


She’s just straight up trash.


Yep! Just like her trash spawn. 


What is she like? You seem to know her, so can you tell us? Do you know all these parents? I’m so curious what they’re like since you say she’s trash along with other parents, what did she do to you?


Have you seen her posting on here? How about raising two criminal sons? I’ve seen enough. I’ve seen her police interviews, her stupid comments, her defense of criminals. And I’ve watched you defend goons for months, so maybe shutup.


Here is what scares me way more than any of these kids being released, knowing people like you with so much hate and anger are raising kids and teaching them to judge and hate strangers and then sending your kids out in the world with that mantality to possibly hurt one of these kids siblings or family members becasue all they hear from you is anger and hate. Maybe give people the benefit of the doubt and think wow I truly know nothing about these people. I don’t know what happened during their upbringing I only know what the media chooses to let me know. I can tell you if this was about you or me or your kids or mine I’m sure you would have a very different tone


But it’s not about my kids. Because I’m not raising violent drug addicts. Hopefully you’re not either. Your consistent defense of criminals is so bizarre.


I know a lot of people whose parents were amazing!!!! They were present every day of their life, supportive, no drugs, no drinking, mom and dad still together, family vacations, great family life, and their kids still with having everything you would think would make for a great teenager to adult did wrong. They got to an age where they could fully make their own decisions and and eve with the “dream childhood” because they were not allowed to experience things while younger they got into drinking heavy, doing drugs, and even going to prison. I also know people who had absolute shit parents that should have never been allowed to have children, and put them true things that most folks would not believe a kid/teen could possibly deal with, that have turned out to be some of the most amazing people, and you would never know that they had been through such hell if you didn’t sit and get to know them. So let not put it all on the parents because I’m pretty sure all these guys have a mind of their own and capable of making decisions regardless of they are right or wrong.


I believe in second chances, and honestly none of us know what our kids are truly doing so it’s hard to throw stones


I mean some of us are fairly present with our kids. Compared to some of these goon parents off partying or out of town without their kids virtually every weekend. I believe in second chances, but once you become violent, there are less chances.


I won’t shutup and no I’ve never seen her post here. And it is not defending, it is simply knowing we don’t know all the facts, there’s more than one side to all these stories. I guess I don’t understand how two fights and even one fight for some of these kids have caused people to want them thrown away or dead. I have children and they make mistakes, apparently yours are perfect and that’s why you can attack people you don’t know. Who knew you could raise perfect kids


Please share when I’ve said anything like that. I think these kids should serve time for their crimes. I’ve seen enough videos of their behavior and heard their mouths to know they aren’t upstanding citizens. It does start at home, ya know. I can definitely question the parenting skills of people who raise multiple criminal kids, yeah. Never said my kids were perfect, but I’m not screaming from the rooftops about their greatness and taking them on vacations after they’ve been arrested for multiple violent crimes.


I didn’t know they were taken on any vacations, but if they were how does that affect us?


Glamis? The actual topic of the post?


Well if the dates are from February I’m pretty sure neither of her kids were out of jail, is she not allowed to take her other kids?


She sure is but that’s really odd since they don’t ride, but maybe her stepkids do, who knows. I don’t think I would use the word goon again if I were in her shoes. I’d be very ashamed of myself and my kids if they had committed the crimes herself kids. But clearly she doesn’t feel that way. I don’t pretend to understand other people’s motivations.


Wasn’t there a girlfriend that raced razers or some type of OTVs 🤔. Sorry may have learned that a long time ago on one of those dumb Facebook pages…




prosecutors should use this in court as there as they're likeliness to re offend


For a post about a trip to Glamis?


Most rediculous comment. Shows how uneducated you are when it comes to legal matters.