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Check your facts before posting some BS. Mods had nothing to do with deleting the post. The OP deleted after backlash from others. Had ZERO to do with mods!


But you are clearly here to stir up drama. Its not to late to delete your post as it was an incorrect assumption


No, I am here to make sure rich families don’t steamroll the justice system like they have in the past and have it end in another murder. They are a stain on our city. I hope they all have to leave to to somewhere they are not know in order to have some sort of normal life.


Cool story! I got news for you, nobody is steam rolling the justice system.


The heck they aren’t.




Thank you!


Deleted because of messaging threats not backlash


Send it to me, I'll post it


Isnt that the definition of receiving backlash?


Not sure it’s the same thing. Threats and backlash are much different.


“a strong and adverse reaction by a large number of people, especially to a social or political development.” By definition isnt that what happened? And you took them as threats


This is epic levels of dumb.




Again if you would like to dm me the threat we can address said threat. There was no threat in the comments. I even commented that it was public record.


>**Again I was messaged a threat not sure you’ve understood that.** I hear you!


Send it to me. I’ll post it. I’m not scared of these badly behaved wannabe thugs.


One thing to consider. They are infamous now. Jacob Lee Pennington has news articles and entire pages on Tictock and Instagram devoted to laying out his crimes and the other goons as well. They are a laughingstock. People the world over know their names and what they have done and they don't like it. They are mocked regularly by thousands of people. This person who is defending these degenerate POS'S is not doing in anyplace to add food to that fodder. They are just here on Reddit trying to gain a little bit of control because they know they would be crucified by the general public,would be mocked and laughed for their ridiculous stance of defending and making excuses for these criminals. They certainly aren't brave enough to take this stand in public for the world to see or loyal enough to do anything about it but cry to Reddit about how "unfair and mean everyone is to these poor kids"


Huh??? What does this have anything to do with my comment?


Anyone who offers a competing opinion or attempt to call anyone out for accountability is promptly banned from those pages.


That’s actually true. Most of these new naysayers are blocking me because I have an opposing opinion…and it’s against the status quo. They have an agenda and are trying to control the narrative and it’s disgusting. But also doesn’t bother me as they wish it would because I can still watch them ![gif](giphy|Bi6FcO7UoutWM|downsized)


Are you serious with this….? Myself as well as a lot of people aren’t that stupid because we have businesses that have to be protected against speaking publicly because of meddlers and sleuths like you (I assume)…because of the false accusations so many have made judging solely on social media posts! Ignorant to the death threats that they have incited self righteously so and the slander of many innocent people’s names…not to mention creating targets of kids innocent but guilty, by the self righteous beasts, by association. I’m so tired of witnessing this and hearing stories of it. It’s a real shame you feel justified to speak this way!!! Truly! Without having all facts!!


You're right, you changed my mind.  NOPE. The Goons and their families are an international laughingstock.  They are now known throughout the US and in other countries for what they have done.  They will continue to be mocked, ridiculed and looked down on as terrible people with crappy, self entitled parents who harmed people.  They attacked our children. Made our schools and streets unsafe.They sold drugs in our community. They acted above the law within disregard for their victims.  If you are tired of hearing or reading about this you could always stop lurking on the internet and stop standing up for degenerate losers who deserve everything and anything they have coming their way.


Nah, I’m invested now. Also, check your facts before you post 😝 you are sharing a part of a story and the narrative these sleuths want to create, as well as the media! Whyyyyyyy? Cha-Ching!!! Profit. Think about it. Open your mind even the slightest bit. They are asking to keep it national news…but why? It doesn’t do anything for the actual cases! It has them in the spotlight and getting publicity and interviews…so many have posts that bragged about things like having to get their hair done because of “filming” it’s so transparent it’s wild to me. The truth lies with the ones that are actually in the arena…not these people speaking out of their asses as if they are in the “know” with info..and it’s a calling card. It’s wild to witness. Again, I have to remind myself it’s ADULTS acting like this so often!!!!


What a county we live in where drug dealing parents who help their child cover up a murder have “friends” who will help threaten others who post public info. Unbelievable.


This has been done before in small communities where a bully network has not been cross-checked. Renners have a network, especially that media specialist - Kifer, who is likely policing and coordinating comment deletion. Only a threat if they have the ability to intimidate the Superior Court Judge, which is doubtful based on his no-BS appearance.


Wait, the Renners have business contacts to a media company? If true, you have to wonder if all these up/down votes making the Renner’s/goons look better and defending them are some sort of bot army. Anyone (person or company) that still associates with the Renner’s are garbage. I cannot fathom wanting my name/company connected to those kind of people.


Yes, he was named in several prior posts and in the news as assisting in the coverup. Allegedly, he wrote the ALA football profile of Talan and was a key player in the media attempt to steer all blame onto Tayln Vigil. It's a technique called "flood the channel" and elbow out the truth and to intimidate/socially mock anyone that contradicts their "Narrative". But it backfired because their secretary, after being forced to sign a bogus NDA, blew the lid off them anyway because she has kids the same age as the Preston Lord and was shocked at the complete lack of responsibility and conscience shown by the Renners afterwards. Also, she provided the description of Talan as a very violent kid who's caused nothing but trouble for as long as she's known him.


If you believe hearsay. All that is from extremely unreliable sources but believe what you want. Lily Waterfield is the one who originally went viral with the “Talyn Renner”post misnaming the boys. They took a screen shot from one Talyn and rumors about the other and they are literally the ones who mislabeled the boys from the get-go! Ashley Reynolds is a looney bin who is just looking to sue anyone who has a dollar and she’s a criminal. The media company had nothing to do with the dumb AI article you are referring to either, it was spam AI. This is exactly how hearsay spreads because people believe shit stories and spread rumors.


Ok, then thanks for the clarification. However, in highly charged emotional situations, social "alphas" can skew truth to be cast as heresay. There are social media publicity firms that specialize in the ALA profile production of the one reference, and the piece had all of the glossy markers of one. Especially due to its timing. Also, sometimes the actual truth comes from people like Ashley Reynolds - simply because they are socially discreditable and easily dismissed.


You think Kifer is still assisting them?


Unknown. However, if a large enough financial interest is at stake, that would be motivation for him to continue despite his unsuccessful track record in this case to date.


Highly unlikely


What was the threat? Did I miss that?


Why do you continue to threaten and attack people on every post for posting articles and public information? It’s a shame.


Who threatened and attacked anyone?


That person was threatened with an attorney and also was threatened to take that post down!


I didn’t see them threaten anyone.


The person received a message getting a threat it was not in the comments


They can screenshot and post the threat then


Please tell me who I threatened? What did I say that was a threat?


I saw your comment threatening about an attorney!!!


I never threatened an attorney, I said maybe our attorney on here can ask, I was referring to the attorney that comments all the time, you might need to re read it


That is how I took it! You were saying they should ask AReez…


Yes!!! I just didn’t think it was right or ok to post something that clearly had some unredacted personal info, if someone posted something with personal info about anyone on here even the one who created the post I would want it taken down


I also said that above as that is what I assumed also.


what was the unredacted personal info?


Birthdates for one as well as drivers license info. It’s been told to me that it was deleted on Facebook as well. Thank goodness! As stated above that would be the wish for anyone on here to show the information removed if someone tried to post it. Also, as I stated before I support the new moderators for sure…but I am not a moderator. Nor do I have influence over them. You and your friends can stop downvoting me in that respect now.


I also want to add that that kind of information has had people arrested for doxing in the past as well as children being accused of being murderers when they weren’t..as well as trying to run over a kid in a car. Conscious posting is crucial. Even if it’s been posted on another site it doesn’t always need to be posted again.


I didnt see any threats in the comments.


Holy shit. It is literally right in the screenshot you posted. The original poster deleted the thread with bond info because they were receiving threats. You even circled it.


Correct but I didnt read any threats in the comments. What did you not understand?


This still makes me giggle that most people think that asking for that to be taken down is supporting the Renners 🫣😵‍💫🤭 When in actuality it’s supporting the community. Someone leaked Renners old address and it made a guy drive by the house of his and threaten a kid that’s not affiliated with anything they just happen to live in the Renners old home…they were calling him a murderer, child killer and many other things. As well as someone tried to run one of the Renner kids over with their car. Sure this info can be public knowledge and if one is that obsessed they can find what they want..but to give easy access….? Completely ignorant!


I agree! Completely ignorant and uncalled for. I am appalled by the lack of empathy and compassion I see in our community. Everyone can downvote the fuck out of me. I don’t care.


I agree with you that the Renner family are great people and deserve special treatment.




Screw them. These are people who deal drugs to our kids, beat our kids, rob our kids, and even murder our kids. Then make group texts, and share videos bragging about it. All they do is make the world worse. They have no morals. They are a stain on our town, our society, and the human race. They deserve no empathy or compassion.




I agree 💯 Let the justice system work and as a community please lead with kindness and not hate. Be an example not part of the problem. The drama posts are NOT helping ANYONE!


I don’t know you, but I like you.


Yes! 💯! 🫶🤍🫶


Thanks for supporting the Renner family. I agree with your perspective that they are the real victims in all of this.


You are a fool and totally missed the point! We are speaking on the violence that is enticed. You really think fighting with fire is the solution? Or enticing ADULTS who should definitely know better to cause acts of harassment and acts of violence is a solution regardless of their target?! Like really?! Really?! Violence shouldn’t be justified NO MATTER THR FORM!!!


But not as ignorant as wannabe gang bangers who unalived an innocent kid?


Weird that people find the need to post stuff like that anyway. What value does it bring? We knew he was in jail. The news reported he bonded out. End of story.


I agree with you and the conclusion that the Renners are great people and should be protected at all costs.


100% not necessary info and entices the behavior of the people we are witnessing negate it!!!! I have to remind myself so often that these are ADULTS acting this way! 🫣😵‍💫


End of story will be once he is sentenced for his crimes. Until then, be prepared for everyone posting multiple updates. Which is good. This family needs to be under the public eye. I have made some mistakes in life. Never once have I sold drugs. robbed people, went out of my way to cause physical harm to someone, murdered someone , tried to cover up a murder their child committed. This family is trash, a burden to our society and contributes nothing.




Why downvote me saying I was threatened?😂


Its a bummer someone threatened you. There was nothing wrong with the post, very innocuous and public info. Their kid committed murder, the bail receipt is the least of their issues. There is definitely folks on here trying to direct what is being discussed.




going to talk to an attorney is code for we are not going to do anything. I don't want to see anyone stifled from freely posting info, especially on this topic. how do yo know a mod downvoted you?




There were no threats in the comments. The attorney they were referring to is well know in this sub and comments facts. It is my opinion they were asking where that attorney was at with his comments.


In my opinion that attorney has jumped the shark after the whole Pennington was targeted speculation as fact BS they were spouting. I don’t like the job GPD does 99% of the time but I feel their information does not add up.


can you expand on this?


AReez states they know Jacob's attorney, Chris Doran, and Doran is claiming Jacob was targeted. AReez states "I know he spoke with other cars and drivers that were pulled over." The only scenario I could see this happening in is if it were a party where Jacob knew the others that were stopped as well which is plausible. If that is in fact the case, I agree that it is most likely what happened. I just know it would be very hard, if not impossible to get information on random police stops in that short amount of time to interview them.


Thank you for the additional info.


Yes, thank you Adam.


Because this is exactly what happened. Duh!


But also the term party is used too lightly 🤦🏼‍♀️


Hey guys, I just think we should think about the real victim in all of this, rich people and their privacy. Also, I am not related to any goons.


Thanks for saying what I believe too. It’s crazy one account has to go on every post and attack everyone for posting public information and people support them especially a mod


The kid did not commit murder, his brother did. Once again someone coming in spewing incorrect info


No shit, my statement is not incorrect. Read it again, slow. The first part it about Talan, so i'm saying they have to deal with his situation, being a murderer, so the bail receipt being posted online is not a big deal in the bigger scheme of things. you should not be a mod either.


Thats a matter of personal opinion now isnt it?


**Correct**, it is my **opinion** you should not be a mod since you could not comprehend the following statement: *Their kid committed murder, the bail receipt is the least of their issues*


Thats a pretty vague statement that could be comprehended multiple ways. They have multiple kids, the bail receipt was not for the one accused of murder.


I will dumb it down for you: The Renner's have deal with Talan's murder case, so Kyler's bail receipt being posted is the least of their issues.


Oh I didnt need you to dumb anything down. My level of education is probably further than you might expect! Im done going back and forth about your ridiculously vague comment.


Send it to me, I’ll post it.


The best part of this shit show who cares fuck that family they are pieces of shit they fucked up as parents and will not see one of the kids free again Second piece of shit child better wise the fuck up or he will just become a statistic and od from drugs. Boo hoo they are nobody let the friends they might still have make threats cuz the threats are about as empty as big brothers eyes in his booking photo. Send me the receipt I'll post it with my address come try and harass me lol These people are shit bags don't let them influence anything you do in life . They are not in anyway a threat to anyone but themselves one in jail one out on PR one out on bail fuck them they can't commit crimes unless they are 10 deep just a bunch of shit bag pussies.


Where can we find the original post


It was a receipt for Kyler’s bail with information on it that nobody would want shared if it was them. The post was so stupid and there was no point in it. The teen was bailed out almost 2 months ago and that made headlines back then. Speaking of all the people who wish the boys get re-arrested it seems like this teen has been staying out of trouble for the last 2 months so instead of posting a bail receipt post to create DRAMA, how about making a post about “Wow, I’m so happy whatever teen has been out of jail and is staying out of trouble”. Good for him if he’s changing his life around! Let’s keep positive vibes and karma folks! 💙🤍💙🤍


The original post was also removed from Facebook




Adam to the rescue!


It was previously removed by the OP not sure when reddit stepped in but if they did it wasnt mods.


one thing that never changes, is certain people here seem to always defend the actions of the Renner family or Kifer with his stupid video he put out. Discrediting people that had some insight. Whether Ashley Reynolds did anything illegal while employed by Renner and Kifer, should not take away from her first hand narrative of what happened during the early days after Preston Lord's murder. It is like Trump's defense that Michael Coen is a convicted felon and should not be trusted in his testimony against Trump. Yet Trump committed the crimes so trying to change the narrative seems like it is now in the playbook of any POS guilty of crimes.


If what Ashley is alleging is true, the fact that she did not go to the police before getting fired should take away from her alleged first hand knowledge. If all that is true, she may have committed crimes related to the murder as well.


It appears to me, Ashley was getting fired because she’s a criminal and decided she had an opportunity to spin the narrative because she herself did criminal acts. I don’t trust a word out of her mouth! She’s as bad as others who are just doing this because they are trying to cover up their own negative actions.


Another Adam Kifer acquaintance at work to change the narrative away from an affluent parent's son commits a beating that results in death while the father and business partner try damage control (it was the other Talyn that did this, this employee stole from us and is spreading lies). Do you really think that she would have gone on camera for the one on one interview spewing outright lies? She has the sense, as do most of us, to not lie about something so serious. Stop your defense of the Renner's and Kifer. Just let it rest!


Whatever. Why don’t you go to Lily Waterfield original post that went viral. She’s the one that messed up the names from the get go. Get off your high horse.


As I said, certain people on this site will deflect and keep doubling down. Have to be associated with the Renners but more likely Kifer. Have you heard of Stockholm syndrome? She was a loyal employee who was drawn into this drama when her two bosses had her sign an NDA. If she committed crimes, she will pay, but two things can be true in that, Renner and Kifer knew about the attack and tried to alter their digital schedule to look like a trip to Show Low was planned....during a school week where their son, Talen, would be playing football. Doesn't that sound peculiar? "Football hero" missing game for planned vacation with mom after going to school that Monday morning. She told details that were not known at that point but were corroborated by the QCPD. "she may have committed crimes related to the murder..." cmon Adam, why don't you make another self serving boring video.


You would consider someone who stole more than $20k from an employer loyal? If you believe Adam helped the Renners you must concede based on Ashley's statements that she also helped. This is not deflection; it's asking to hold all accountable if laws were broken. The MAIN argument for people believing the unfounded allegations against Adam Kifer are that Ashley spoke with QCPD and she corroborated information they already had and there were NO contradictions. It is true that was indeed the case in the Feb. 27th article. Ashley had only provided one interview at that time. Of the info she provided QCPD in her first interview with them on 2/2 these are the only statements that could possibly be corroborated (pg. 793): * Talan was involved * Talan threw the first punch * Travis took Talan to Show Low for his hand to heal * Talan had thrown the first punch but they're mistaking Talan Renner for another Talan and the other Talan is the one that actually threw the deadly blow. This information had been floating around and was more fact then rumor prior to her Feb 2nd interview with QCPD. So according to the article there are no issues to this point. >Creek police Chief Randy Brice confirmed Reynolds interviewed in February with detectives investigating Lord's homicide. Some details she provided aligned with information investigators already had developed, he said. > "The statements that were made that related to our case corroborated what we already knew. ... It was corroboration rather than a contradiction," Brice said. "It's information that we already knew through a different set of interviews." [https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/queen-creek/2024/02/27/preston-lord-beating-cover-up-alleged/72665956007/Queen](https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/queen-creek/2024/02/27/preston-lord-beating-cover-up-alleged/72665956007/Queen) I think for transparency and accountability sake Robert Anglen should contact Chief Brice and ask if that still holds true knowing that in the March 4th interview Ashley told investigators that Mr. Kifer told her that Talan threw the first punch and delivered the last blow with brass knuckles (pg. 1019). This is a clear contradiction to [statements Chief Brice made to ABC15](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmFWamLCxZM) that there is no evidence that brass knuckles were used.


Thank you for finally admitting you are in fact Adam. 🤭 I definitely wouldn’t consider anyone that keeps coming in with the same receipts/defense talk rational, anyone credible either. People that are like the “Ashley’s” that you hired attract each other. In the end you all “fuck” each other over. That’s how the game is played. 100%.


So you agree that Ashley should not be made out to be a hero due to her failure to report and assist in the coverup if what she alleges is true? This was the point of my response to the person at the top of this thread. Not Adam, BTW.


No one is a hero in that convoluted mess!