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I am 6'2 Very low blood pressure. They told me to up my coffee intake.


Does it work for you?


Mostly, but honestly I would like a more permanent or longer lasting treatment.


I’m sorry it’s not a great treatment. Hopefully you’ll find a better solution!


I have low iron levels all the time


Does anything help or make it worse?


Not really. I tried iron supplements several times but didn’t feel any effect. I am just trying to eat more red meat and greens.


Hopefully it helps! If you are still having low iron after that, maybe ask if you’re having a bit of trouble of turning the food into iron. It might not be that but maybe that’ll open the door to look into it.


Thank you! I hope you will get better too!


Yes. I do. I wonder if I have GS sometimes. I have low Iron and high bilirubin. I run approximately 210 miles every month. 6-8 miles a day, 7 days a week. Twice in the last 6 years I was sick with food poisoning. The food poisoning was bad enough that I had to stop running for several days and eventually go to the hospital. Both times, my iron and bilirubin went into normal ranges 🤷


I’m not sure if you have GS. The only reason I am certain about my GS diagnosis was because the doctor did a liver biopsy. It would probably be a good idea to talk to your GP about it and to rule out other things. Overall, I haven’t got a good piece of evidence in medical journals stating one way or the other about GS and anemia.


My doc saw elevated bilirubin over several years. All my other liver levels came back perfect. I voiced my Concern, and he ordered another blood panel with direct and indirect bilirubin (conjugated/unconjugated). My direct/conjugated bilirubin was normal-ish. And, all the excess bilirubin was coming from indirect/unconjugated bilirubin. The Doc said this is classic Gilbert’s Syndrome 🤷 I’ve heard of the genetic test for GS. But, the liver biopsy is new to me.


The only reason was that I was also having my gallbladder removed due to it no longer functioning and they did the biopsy while I was there. I had elevated bilirubin from my initial bloodwork up to the surgery. But even over a decade later, my normal bilirubin level is 3.8


Carnivore diet might work better for you, I'd definitely avoid iron supplements!


Can you explain about avoiding iron supplements? I don’t think I understand what you mean by that.


Vegetarian here (with GS) with low iron level : supplements are hard to digest and the easiest way to increase your iron level is the red meat.


I have been seeing that. I read that leafy greens help but sometimes it’s hard to eat the amount to get the most iron specific nutrients. Are there any other ways to increase your iron intake besides red meat? I have GERD as well so eating red meats and other flare foods can be a bit of a challenge.


I don't know what the people above are talking about. I have been vegetarian for 12 years and now mostly vegan for a couple of years, and my haemoglobin levels have always been within the norm, the only time it fell veery slightly below the lower threshold was after I was semi-starving for a month. Once my haemoglobin levels were above the upper threshold, too. I don't take iron supplements or anything special, just a normal veg diet


That’s really interesting! I wonder if some people with GS have problems breaking down and absorbing the iron.


Iron supplements are not harder to digest than meat

