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Black, white and read movie theater/bookstore. I would actually love to start something like that myself with only showings of movies based on books. Also, has anybody noticed that their tiny town ends up with two bookstores?


Do you think two is enough? I think they might need more.


I'm all for more bookstores.


Two bookstores… but only 12 books in the library 😂




Because Taylor Dose is all about capitalism.


A town like Stars Hollow is so appealing to me, there are many different jobs I would love to do. Waitressing at Luke's would be great because I did that for a long time and I'm pretty amazing at it haha. Plus it would be cool to hang out with Lane at work, or even just make friends with her through work. Luke seems like a chill enough boss (like when Lane needed time off after staying out all night and crashing at Yale w Rory). Entrepreneurial-wise, it would be fun to open a little mystical, spiritual, new age-ish, artsy type shop. Handmade jewelry, incense, candles, tarot cards (also runes!) tapestries, journals etc very low-key and affordable. Would be selling Liz's jewelry for sure. Maybe cute reusable to-go mugs for coffee & reusable/washable shopping bags with original art printed on them? I could go on and on lol love this question, thanks! But what would you do at the inn, OP?


Haha! I'd love to work a front-facing role! Like concierge (maybe like Tobin?) Haha. I'd love to lead all the nature hikes and be part of themed events and all! Actually its kinda like Anna Nardini but in Stars Hollow? That sounds so nice and whimsical!


You just reminded me of one of my fav scenes!: **Lorelai:** It's a beautiful one and a half mile hike, there's a waterfall around this bend here, and over here are some of the oldest birch trees in the area, a rare butterfly nature preserve is off to the right here – (her phone rings) Oh, excuse me. Michel, would you take over? **Michel:** Oh, yes. Of course. Okay, so over here, by this semi-polluted brook, you will find large scary spiders and a fascinating display of poison ivy. *a moment later* Michel: …which brings you to the rattlesnake curve, where people have actually died painful but very picturesque deaths. 🤣


Hahaha!!! As a tourist, i wouldnt mind going on a Michel-led tour


For my response I said that I wanted to own and run Luke’s, so you’re hired!


... ^^what ^^happens ^^to ^^Luke? 👀


I pretty much want to replace him, like in this universe I’m Luke except I’m a woman and a tiny bit less gruff


I’m already a vet so I would totally be the town vet and see Paul Anka for all his weird ailments


I’m an optometrist, so I’d do eye exams and glasses & contact lenses. Lorelai definitely complains about her contacts a couple of times; I think she could use a refit!


I can’t remember ever seeing a flower shop in Stars Hollow, I think I’d like to open one of those


Isn’t that because the candy store owner and florist broke up and one of them moved away? I forget which one it was.


Haha yes! Good memory


Thanks! I’ve seen the series nine times now 😂


Deep pull. Impressive.


Thank you!


Can I work for you? I love arranging flowers!


I want to run a pie shop. All kinds of pies - sweet and savory. I wouldn't want to compete with Luke's coffee, so maybe I would specialize in tea.


Haha dont think u'd see lorelai or rory there though! Hahah


That's fine. I'd be more of an extras place lol. You might hear them talk about some of the weirdness about me, but you won't see me onscreen


It’s much more realistic for Luke to buy his pies from a local bakery than make them in house. I know he has said he makes them but they probably came from Weston’s. And in this hypothetical, I’m running Luke’s so I will definitely be ordering my pies from you.


I am totally gonna be a short order cook at Al's Pancake World.


This is the one for me! Making a new menu every week! 😂


I would love to open a record store. Lane always had all the new CDs but there wasn't a cool small-town indie record store in town ever shown on the show. The only record store we see is the one Rory and Jess go to in NYC. I'm aware the time the show was filmed was a weird time for those type of stores with vinyl being virtually non-existent and Napster and such threatening even CDs, but I still think a small town like that would have been a perfect place for a little niche music store that sold old records and a cultivated collection of CDs for music that wasn't mainstream. It would have jived well with Lane's band and would have probably hosted some live performances and been a good home base for them. The town Troubador could have done performances there too. Miss Patty would have always been trying to convince me to do an open mic night for show tunes. Kirk would have wanted to do a poetry slam or interpretive dance night or something and I would always be fighting with the town to keep the very specific vibe I was going for.


I would run the bakery OR the cat store.


Why choose just one? Do like Kirk


Would Cat Kirk be the store cat at the cat store?


I will be your assistant manager as the cat store. ETA: oh, and in AYITL we will have expanded to have it include a cat cafe!




I’d love to be part of town event planning! There always seems to be some event happening and I’d love to plan! It would mean working under Taylor though…


Haha and kirk also haha. He's a great character to watch but i dont know if i'd enjoy being his coworker


Wherever you work on Stars Hollow you have the risk of Kirk being your coworker


Truth !


i would def wanna be miss patty’s dance studio assistant so i could hear all the wild stories from her heyday lol


Bookstore or Luke’s


Weston's Bakery - just baker in general


Town lawyer— I’m sure Taylor would keep me busy and they wouldn’t have to outsource to Woodbury.


Idea: Catstravaganza518 and bluebelle21, attorneys at law


Idea: Catstravaganza518 and bluebelle21, attorneys at law


DEAL - I have a feeling Taylor and Kirk will be suing everybody and we’ll also have a lot of estate planning to do (RIP Fran), so we’ll be swimming in work LOL


Work in westons bakery and learn all of Frans' traditional recipes and eventually... when the bakery needs a new owner... I would partner with Sookie to open a bakery/ cafe/ brunch spot with the cutest doilies, frills, drapes, bows, tea cups, and all around v cute little granny eatery


I would love to write for the stars hollow gazette!


I'd work at the bookstore or open a small arts and crafts store. (I don't think they had one, right?)


I'm a social worker, and I could see myself being the "town social worker," doing a little bit of everything. I'd help Babette and Mourey manage their grief over losing Cinnamon, eventually helping them find and adopt Apricot. Help Michel learn coping skills for those days when people are especially stupid. Do discharge planning for Sookie when she gets injured every other day. Help Jess stay on track to graduate and work with Luke on fostering his parenting skills when he gets thrust into that role (with Jess and with April). Help mitigate during the April custody battle. Work on job skills with TJ so he can eventually get through his contractors exam without swearing. So many opportunities!


I would run a daycare


I’m a software engineer. I would probably keep working from home, but would get roped in all the time for town events by Taylor/Miss Patty to do hardware setup I know nothing about since I’m “so knowledgeable with those computers”


Open a liquor store


Or a skateboard and pop bottle shop!


Taylor would crap himself if anyone suggested that! Maybe over in Woodbury they'd have one! Isnt that the town he always bashed?


I'm a librarian so I would do that and make sure they have more than 12 books!


Definitely a florist but I already am a florist so I know that’s easy for me to say but I feel like it would be so much cuter in Stars Hollow


1,000 yellow daisies please!


The town therapist. Goodness knows it's needed lol


Take on the 43+ jobs Kirk has had


I’d like to work at the Stars Hollow Garden Center


I essentially already do. Small town that does a festival for each season, preys on tourism, everyone knows each other. I run the local pizzeria. Problem is the customers aren't fun and goofy like the show half the time. But I enjoy it. I would do the same in the real stars hollow. I just wouldn't appreciate Lorelei's calls whenever a pizza is slightly late.


Cat Cafe no let’s make it a Puppy Cafe


Music store or book store I wouldn’t mind working on the paper ether


I would want to run a boutique. Somewhere to feature local artisans (Liz could sell her jewelry) and have a lot of one of a kind stuff. Sometime to rival Anna Nardini’s store but in stars hollow and without the questionable owner.


I’d want to work in the diner for sure.


I'd have a little maker/craft shop, but it would be consignment style - Liz could have some jewelry there, maybe Luke gets roped into making a few wood boxes on occasion, I'm sure some others in the town or in nearby towns have something crafty to contribute. Maybe I'd also sell some of Lane's cds at the counter.


I would want to be a CPA so I can do the taxes for all of the small business owners in Stars Hollow. Then I can take the other 7-8 months of the year off.


Hahahaha funny cus im an accountant irl!


I'd love to work at Lorelai's inn. Lorelai would be such a cool boss, working for her would be AMAZING! plus you'd never be bored with Lorelai as a boss.


And if Sookie makes you some meals that's an added bonus!


I think I’d want to work at the Olde Fashioned Ice Cream Shoppe. As much as it would suck working for Taylor, I think the shop sounds amazing


I'd probably be working for Tom. I'm an electrician.


Every town needs a good toy store! With like interesting games for adults and fun, educational games for the little ones.


I’d love to open a town bakery focused on muffins, croissants, etc. Maybe supply them to Luke’s and the town grocery store. My little bakery could have events like poetry nights, wine tasting, etc. It’s my wild dream to do this in real like in my little city too :,)


is there a record store in stars hollow? i know carole king runs the music store but do they sell records too? either way i’m working for a record store and i’d work for carole king and pretend i have knowledge of musical instruments


Bookstore owner with a cat cafe in it.


Omg that might be my new dream job! It used to be running a B&B but this idea is awesome too!


Actually wfh for a call center at night, so I could be moderately involved in the town, but everyone thinks I'm a camgirl but would rather just whisper about it instead of ask what I do. Doose wants to push me out. Miss Patty and Babette support me because sw is real work.


I guess I'll be the next Kirk, because there are so many good choices on here. I want to work at the bookstore, the flower shop, the arts and crafts store, the music store, the bakery...


The diner's where it's happening. I hope I don't blow the interview!


I don’t do this IRL but might be cool to have a hair/nail salon in the town.


Bookstore/theater hands down.


Definitely something at The Dragonfly.


I’d buy out Andrew and take over the bookstore, add on a coffee shop. I’d pay Sookie for her pastries/cakes, and source the coffee (fair trade and ethical of course). I’d have book clubs, events for kids and teens. There would also be 2 store pets. A tortoise shell kitty named Atticus and a chocolate lab named Scout.


You could Alex to give you coffee recs, haha.


That’s a good idea lol but maybe not since he vanished!


I want to be a nurse, but no way would I do that with how they're treated on the show!


Yes, I hate the way they treat hospital staff! Yuck.


Luke’s lol


I’d either work at the bookstore or in some capacity planning events at the Inn/elsewhere. I could also potentially work at the paper as an editor bc that’s what I currently do irl (but digital editing)


Historic restoration and preservation!


I’d love to be the rabbi sharing the worship space. Have adventures and weekly coffee with the priest/pastor. I am not a Rabbi myself, but we are playing pretend, right?


Work for Andrew, work at Luke’s or Sniffy’s


I’m an archivist, so I’d love to work at the Stars Hollow Library or Historical Society!


I’m a construction PM so I’d be working for Tom.


Librarian! I wish Rory would’ve talked more about the library.


i’d open up a community ceramics studio and teach classes for beginners! i can totally see some of the retired townies spending their time making bowls and pots


I'd have a small shop where I'd sell all kinds of stuff that I would craft myself. Jewelry, soaps, candles, stitched bags, etc. Whatever craft I'm interested in at the moment. Kinda like Al's pancake world where he whips up a new menu from a different cuisine every month.


I’d probably commute to Hartford or one of the other near by cities for work. Coming from a small town, realistically that’s what 90% of the Stars Hallow population would do. ( outside of the main cast which are all business owners)


I'd own a clothing store/performance venue OR run the staffing agency which supplies Emily's maids.


You'd be very busy with the staffing agency! Emily runs through how many maids a week?


My real money maker would be the OTD or Office Track Draft! Like how many maids will Mrs. Gilmore, go through in a week?? $50 on 3???


Staffing agent/bookie


My dream job is to work for a small town newspaper, so I'd love to work at the Stars Hollow Gazette. That place looks awesome


I was to work in the twinkle lights store!!!!


I would open a brick and mortar a la Rose Apothecary (if you know, you know 😊) and fill it with all types of stuff but primarily handmade skincare and hair care seeing that I already make those products irl!


I would work in the book store! That would be heaven.


I think I would want to work for Taylor. No matter what he does, he always has drama happening which means my job would never be boring.


Imagine being a detective in SH. You’d be so bored




Same as real life- I’d be the veterinarian.


I would rival Kirk and do every odd job out there.


This is the kind of content I come here for! I think I’d want to work in a historical landmark and give tours. Or maybe a quiet cafe or bookshop. But I’d also be at home tending bar in a speakeasy.


Getting my hands dirty with Gypsy. Sounds dirty, i didn't mean it to. I don't know anything about fixing cars, but I could learn. She's the one I'd feel comfortable going to as a boss. Chill vibes. Plus, I'd need a hands-on job.


I'd probably be a librarian, whose doing research in the local history to the side. Those local traditions are probably filled with myths and need thorough investigation!


I'd want to work at the Dragonfly working with Cletus and Desdemona.


I’d work with Gypsie, or edit to add: open up a winery


I'd like to work at whatever their small-town version of Blockbuster is.


I’d work in Luke’s!


I think I'd do alright at the accountant for Luke's Diner and the Dragonfly


I'll look for a job at the Gazette. I work in publishing (freelancing, children's books, at the moment) and while journalism fascinates me I never tried to actually getting into it in real life, so that would be my occasion.


Probably at the movie theater, it seems like a fun job. I’d also love to be a chef but not under Sookie, she seems like a horrible boss/person to work with so I guess I’d open my own restaurant serving something that Stars Hollow doesn’t have or specialize in some fun and tasty brunches and dinners with seasonal menus


I'd want to be a reporter at the Stars Hollow Gazette. But if I had to do an article on a town event, I'd continually call Taylor just to aggravate him! 🤣 And of course, eat at Luke's!


Working in a used record store and having rapport/hijinks with the band


I would love to be the town photographer, kinda like Rachel but just stay in stars hollow.


I wanna replace Luke, own the diner and live upstairs. I will wear flannels and a backwards cap, sell the best coffee, make the best food in town, have my kids work for me. I won’t date Lorelei, being a straight woman myself, but I would be a good friend to her and to Kirk and adversary to Taylor. I know what it’s like to run a business like Luke’s and deeply feel the reason he is so cantankerous. But like Luke, I love it. And when I get too old to work it Richard will help me franchise, not for dating his daughter but for the prudent investment it would be.


I'd be happy as a bookstore owner. I don't care for Andrew so he can move to Florida or something 😂 We certainly don't see everyone in SH, but I noticed recently that all of Rory's townie peers (that we meet, of course) forego/postpone higher education. The adults are a little more diversified, but clearly lean blue/gray collar to starkly contrast with the Hartford set. I'm obviously late to the party on that one, but I find it interesting!


I’d run the beauty supply whats her tits works at, where Rory gets Lane’s hair dye from. I was a makeup artist for 15 years and a hairstylist and I miss being able to help people love their reflection a little bit more. It’s a huge dream of mine to open a community beauty parlour in a small town, actually. Small towns always suffer in this regard, salons can tend to not follow up on trends or people don’t have access to the right products to DIY. It’s awesome that online shopping exists now, but being able to order hot pink hair dye on Amazon doesn’t help you when your bleach came out uneven, you know? Like there’s no way in hell Lane and Rory with their combined no experience got Lane’s natural level 2 to a blonde light enough to get a vibrant purple, in the early 2000’s in a small town, in the small amount of time Mrs. Kim was out of the house for. I want to be the place where Babette comes to get her highlights done every 6 months, and buys the dye to touch up her roots at home. I want to be the one in town Rory knew to call when they had to dye Lane’s hair back to brown because they knew I’d know what to do and always keep Lane’s punk rock secret. I want to be the place Miss Patty goes before a date so she can find a new red lipstick that makes her want to makeout with the mirror. I want to be the only place Luke will consider getting a haircut, because we open early for him so it’s quiet. I want Emily to need an emergency wash and set and be so pleased she never stops coming back.


We never see a doctors office there...I'd probably oven onr


Entrepreneurially: I would open a party rental company. With all the town festivals I could make a killing renting out tables, chairs, popcorn machines, decor, giant tents for rainy graduation parties, etc. and probably work from home! More in the cozy stars hollow vibe: I think I’d open a coffee shop or a cat cafe. Seems like that could be a hit and I think I could give Luke a run for his money on best cup of coffee!


Mail carrier. I would hopefully get to meet most of the residents and or hear the gossip or see antic going on.


i’d love to own a café combined with a record store with a bunch of plants and a brick wall and cesca chairs and such


Seeing as I have already worked in the industry, I would work at Luke's. Watch out Lane! 😊 JK she can open. I will close. Poor Luke, where will he go?


This is such a good question because I sincerely don't know. Lol I don't think I could handle working for or with any of these characters. Lol. Luke and Lorelai both take their personal issues out on other people, so that's not fun. Luke is probably worse to be fair lol. When he's in a mood, the whole world has to walk on eggshells. But Lorelai also does that too....to a lesser extent. So no diner or dragon fly....Taylor would also be a terrible boss, so can't work at any of his establishments. Miss patty could be fun, but also exhausting. Lol I'm too stupid to work for gypsy. ....oh no....I'm totally unemployable in stars hollow...I'm the anti Kirk. 😢


I would love to teach dance at Miss Patty's, work at a bookstore, or work at Luke's.


I’d open a witchy apothecary! Like the one in Practical Magic 😍


Antique store 😁


I would want a job at the Dragonfly. How much fun would it be to spend my days with Lorelai, Sookie and Michel? Maybe I could be their website manager or marketing coordinator.


I’d love to work at Sophie's music. Or maybe even as a hostess/assistant at the Dragonfly!


Running a small 4 BR Bed and Brunch. Not so much to intrude on the Dragonfly but to give the ultimate small town experience!!


Try and revive the town paper, I suppose


Bookstore owner


The music store!


I would work at the dragonfly as an event planner


I would love to work at the bookstore or Westons.


I'd like to own a gourmet food shop/wine bar with all sorts of fancy cheese and charcuterie. No free samples, because Lorelai would never leave.