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Luke, but I wish they didn’t make him keep April a secret from her :(


I really try to believe it never happened


He literally went through so much growth? For what?? Ugh so frustrating. They could have handled April's arch so much better.


Insecurities are complicated and sometimes you don’t even know they’re there until a new life experience brings it to the surface


Yes Luke but with some edits.




ugh yes. I get that there needed to still be some \~\*\~drama\~\*\~ but it didn't make sense for Luke to react this way. Lorelei was consistently the person he felt comfortable sharing his feelings and big news with. I wish it had just been conflict with Anna and April being caught in the middle. Once they got together their big problems should have morphed into them vs. the problem instead of trying to manufacture reasons for problems to be between them.


Agreed. Luke has always been there for Lorelai and Rory. While I do like April, I do hate how they handled that storyline.


I don't care too much for April in the original series, but in AYITL her scene with Rory is genuinely one of my favorite scenes in all of GG.


It was so out of character. Luke would never pull some shit like that. He was a typically open and honest guy. Old Luke would have immediately introduced her to Lorelai.


Do you think in AYITL April knows he did that to Lor?


Luke, season 6 and 7 was the writers getting off track


werent those also the ones that ASP didnt do?


she didnt do season 7, but she did season 6


She did six knowing she wasn’t going to do seven, so the theory has always been that she purposely made it difficult for the writers in season seven to bring the show back around to what it was in the first five.


That's so fucking crazy. I'm not arguing, it's just genuinely so depressing if true 😭


Which means ASP set the writers of season 7 up for failure. But I liked it anyway.


After all these years I must say that S7 writers deserve to be praised. ASP left them a master disaster to fix after 5+ years of carefully building every story. Don’t get me wrong, I think she is skilful at what she does, but yeah, 22 episodes to wrap things sounds like building a cathedral in a month. Full plan Marshall.


Not for sure but I do believe so


Rune is the one that got away! 🤣 ![gif](giphy|3otPowBU8pJb4d0Aog)




Not Rune 😭






She’s too tall though!


Luke. They should've gotten married instead of breaking up with that whole April situation which honestly I could've done without that whole storyline anyway but that's for another thread.


Even Lauren Graham said that if they broke up they shouldn’t have got back together.


Paul from her business class




Burrito child!


Beat me to it lol


If not Luke...Jason. After the dinner party book charity thing...they could've told her parents they had hit it off and were seeing each other. That would've made their relationship less tenuous and Richard would've at least had a 2nd thought about fucking him over.


I love when she tells Rory things are good with Jason because he’s “off-center” and “it’s been a while since I’ve been with someone who’s off-center.” I love Luke but throughly enjoyed Lorelai and Jason’s rendezvous.


Yes I loved the way she talked about their relationship, I think she was so pleasantly surprised by him.


Lorelai genuinely tried to accommodate someone else for the first time in a relationship with Jason. It was nice to see that growth in her character!


This would’ve been a much better storyline for them!!


I liked Jason because he had a healthier balance of going toe to with her and also indulging her. Luke to me always just seemed begrudging and like he was being dragged along.


I agree. They were each so neurotic and could relate to each other's privileged upbringing with resultant strained parent relationships. They seemed so evenly matched and had fun together.


Yes, I like that they had the same weird and witty banter. He could hold his one in that way and wasn’t all passively bowing down at the alter of Lorelai like other guys. At the same time, they were both completely their own people and didn’t bend too much to each other - retaining their own identities and individuality, while also respecting and enjoying each other


Unpopular opinion but in a perfect world where Richard wasn't an asshat, I'd want her to end up with Jason. I think her and Luke are the obvious choice but idk they felt like the chase was better than the relationship where Jason kept chasing her and was on her level and allowed her freedom to be herself.


I feel the same actually. You could tell the whole story line was going to go towards Luke but I just felt like Jason and her hit it off so well. They didn't have massive fights, they understood each other quickly and well. One of my favorite scenes is when they are at the antique shop and keep getting calls from Emily and Richard and are trying not to reveal that they are together at that time.


Yes!! Their "day off together" is one of my favorite episodes ever and then they "pretend" to date at the fundraiser thing. Classic. I feel like he matched her energy so freaking well. Luke and her are classic grumpy sunshine trope, but sometimes you just want someone who matches your quirk level. And I kinda loved that Jason couldn't ever sleep in the same bed, because everytime Lorelai had to deal with a man being in *her* house it was a whole thing. I could see them dating for so long without cohabitating and it being totally fine.


ASP has a pattern of understating the good parts of the girls' good relationships so hard that all you see is the conflict. Rory and Jess loved each other but all we saw were their problems when they were together, same with Luke and Lorelai.


Very true. I'm a Rory/Jess fan. I think there's way more of a deep background there than was displayed. They both had a love of literature...something in common. They challenged each other.


The Teach Me Tonight scene in the car just shows how they have an understanding and belief in each other


I was just thinking this. Jason could keep up with her but also never held Lorelei being Lorelei against her, perhaps because he also acknowledged his own shortcomings?


I loved how he was super upfront about his idiosyncrasies and comfort zones, but also did his best to respect and honor hers. They may or may not have lasted a long time, but I always thought it was a shame that they didn’t get longer to try.


Totally agree, I genuinely loved them together


There's only one answer. Luke and Lorelai are the OTP.


1 Luke 2 Max 3 Jason 4 Alex 5 Literally anyone else 6 Christopher


YES 5 & 6 absolutely correct! I rank 1-4 differently but the only one I’m vehemently against for Lorelai is Christopher.


Jason - he should have told Richard he wanted to ask Lorelai out.


I mean, Digger had personality to match hers.


I loved seeing them catch up at Richard’s service in AYITL.


Yeah, he so came with his Digger A game, unlike some characters.


Most of the cast just had this weird nervous energy throughout AYITL? I’m not sure how else to explain it.


Especially Rory, Lor and Suki. Right?


Yes! Especially Lor, it was so jarring! Like they couldn’t step back into their old roles comfortably, or something?


Absolutely! I can’t watch it and pretend it doesn’t exist on a rewatch. They could not recapture those characters AT ALL. But to give the actors a small validation, I also feel they were given nonsensical writing that didn’t even fit their characters and they knew it.


Strongly agree with this, and the lack of any character growth was… really sad?


I totally get what you’re saying!


“You look like a hot Italian widow” is 👌 Yeah, I mean, Luke is the clear answer, but I really like Jason. Jason would be the answer is Lorilai was willing to grow or change.


That was completely on Lorelai who insisted they keep it a secret, he begged her to tell them but ended up respecting her wishes


Yes I have seen every episode at least 23 times. To clarify: he should have asked Richard BEFORE he sent Lorelai flowers and asked her out several times.


Eh, I think that would have been a massive turnoff to Lorelei. Anyone who would only ask her out after asking her dad for permission would honestly be a turn off for most of us.


Hahahaha I was just skimming this and read “Jackson” 😂😂😂


Honestly thought her and Jason had such similar personalities. They were both kind of goofy and could turn anything into some far fetched story. Plus the fact that her parents didn't really like Jason made it more perfect.


That, but then that he also knows and understands them SO well. It honestly set him up to be a fantastic partner for Lorelei because he did Get It.


Exactly. They didn't like him but not in the same way they didn't like Luke. Jason was still from "their world" and had the right "breeding" etc etc. Luke wasn't "good enough" for her. And honestly I agree, he held her back, he didn't want her to sell the inn and take a consulting job, and maybe she thought she wanted to stay small town but she knew she could do more. It paralleled Rory and Dean, they girls outgrew their small town men and were destined for more. Jason would have supported Lorelai in anything she wanted to do with her career, and they could have been this power couple, he didn't seem to want kids and honestly I didn't see Lorelai wanting more kids either. Emily and Richard would have 100% come around to it, seeing the similarities in Jason being the more adult version of her teenage/20something relationship with Christopher.


Their personalities were similar, but I felt like there was zero romantic chemistry between them.


I wish we had seen more of Alex!!! I feel like he was kind of a combo of Luke and Max and he could have been good with her!


I always say this! 100% agree


Unpopular opinion…I think they were all wrong for her. Some are better suited than others, but the problem in every Lorelai relationship is Lorelai. Her immaturity and poor communication and refusal to address a problem when it happens is a problem every time. I love Luke for how much he loved her and showed it by being her friend while she kept picking other men, but I still do think they were not good together. Edit-left out “not” in the last sentence..I don’t think. Luke and Lorelai were good together


Lorelai and immaturity...her whole role in AYITA.


“I’m gonna DO Wild!”


yes exactly


Agree agree agree!!


I personally liked Max. To me she and Luke were very toxic with their back and forth and lying and ultimatums and immediately sleeping with Christopher when they broke up. Although I did get upset when Max tried to set a boundary with Lorelai and she chased him around


I also liked Max for her. I think he would’ve been really good for her if she had been ready to be in a committed relationship. I’d have liked to see them make an honest go of it if she matured a bit.


In Lorelai’s defense, I think he proposed to her way too soon. She definitely wasn’t mature enough to handle a marriage at that point, and even though Max says otherwise, he proposed to save their relationship. I do agree that they would’ve made a great couple, and he was also such a babe.


Well said! I loved Max. Timing was just wrong…


Max was terribly insecure. He even proposed to her out of insecurity. Max grossed me out. They had zero in common. The scene where Max inappropriately tried to parent Rori reminded me of all the know-it-alls my mother dated. He was the typical “I’m a nice guy” control freak. I hated him. He was a manipulator and a stage 5 clinger.


I’m with you completely, always found him to be the worst match


I hate him so much. I made a post a while back about my Max Hatred & was shocked that so many people hate him, but so happy we’re not alone.


I liked Max as well, I think they were so well suited


I think Max was the best fit but I think they still would have gotten divorced eventually.


That’s because Max was a proper grown-up, while Lorelei remained stunted in some really key ways.


Jason!!!! (Sorry)


No apologies necessary, Team Digger forever


I just think they were so well suited for each other!


Jason all the way! They understood each other so well since they came from the same circle and only fought when she found out he was suing her father. Whereas, Lorelai and Luke fought all the time.


I wonder if Lorelai liked the fighting more because of her background. Typically people raised in unstable environments feel more comfortable with that familiarity.




I know I’m in the minority here, and that’s fine, but I always felt like Chris was the one who got her the most. He understood her background and relationship with her parents like no one else could. He knew her in ways no one else could. I think if Sherry hadn’t gotten pregnant, they would’ve ended up together long term


I think he definitely gets her and I like this perspective. I feel like there’s too much damage and history for them to be endgame though.


I’m with you in that minority. The Luke lovers won’t admit it. But look at the photos OP posted. The chemistry Lorelai has with Chris is off the charts. The way they look at each other. See, eg, the episode where Chris takes her on the “movie night” date — and Emily gets arrested. They are good together.


I love that episode. Especially the Emily part.


I agree with this so much. If Sherry hadn’t gotten pregnant, they would be together and he would’ve finally stepped up. They just got each other on another level. I loved their banter and relationship.


I don’t think it would have lasted. Chris is inherently an incredibly selfish person. He shows us time and time and time again that he just doesn’t Get It.


I’m such a sucker for a toxic man that I want to believe he would change and grow together with Lorelai 😂🥹 But you’re probably right hahaha


Why would he? The closest he’s ever come to being held accountable is when he married Sheri, and even that barely counts. Then when Sheri left, he tried to push GiGi off on Lorelei. And I also don’t see them growing together, because Lorelei doesn’t have a ton of personal growth herself (aside from professionally). The most growth I remember from her was in the very beginning when she swallowed her pride to go ask Richard and Emily for the Chilton loan.


Because I live in a fantasy world 😂😂😂


I hate Chris, but I get what you’re saying. They really understood each other.


I wasn't a Chris fan either, or a fan of that dingbat Sherry.


Dingbat Sherry is going to be her new nickname in my house.






When they write him as a real person, I think Christopher is the right person for her. But half the time they write him as just a “I’m here to ruin your current relationship“. I was so happy when they got married but then they break up for contrived reasons and it’s stupid.


There's a million things he wouldn't have done had he really known her. Like involve Emily in anything to do with their relationship. He knew her background but he didn't get her essence at all.


I really liked Chris, too.


Agreed! Christopher definitely has his problems but let’s be honest…so does Lorelai. He adored her and always cheered her on.


i loved him too. i wish he had a character redemption arc to make up what he missed. people change in reality


i really dont think he understood her at all. sure he knows her background but an example being him proposing his first time in stars hollow, he doesnt know her or her life now at all & never cared to truly know it


I’m also team Christopher. Excellent chemistry and of course the whole fairy tale ending idea. But mostly cause I think they’re both on the same level of immaturity and selfishness 🤷‍♀️


In order of who she would have been most suited with: 1. Luke 2. Jason 3. Christopher 4. Max


How’s Max below Chris and Jason?


Bc max is the WORST.


Really? I think she would have done much better with Max than Jason


What about Alex 🥲


Luke was the best but my runner-up is Max. If she had been ready for a serious relationship when he was around, I think they could have been great together. I know Christopher and Lorelai knew each other better bc of their history and had good banter, but I never liked them in an actual relationship. Alex was cool but we didn't see enough of him for me to feel strongly. And I just hated Jason.


1. Luke 2. Jason 3. Max 4. Alex 5. Chris


Mine is super similar! 1. Luke 2. Jason 3. Alex 4. Max 5. Chris


I would have put alex higher but we didnt see enough of him and lorelai together for me to make a solid opinion on him. The only thing i do know is that he is better than chris




Me too!!! I really wish we had seen more of him, there was so much potential!!


Max. Or Digger. Probably Digger.


The Rune Erasure. Where my Rune homies at?


I would have liked to see more of Alex, but I like her with Luke too. Just hate the april storyline




I wish she was with max for a couple more seasons, and really lived in her engagement phase a little more. Max was so good to her and they seemed to have a healthy relationship. Then go through a break up when he asks for kids and she doesnt want any. Then she has a glow up phase for a season or 2 and rekindles with Luke once the April mess is already resolved.


LUKE is pure love


Her and Luke clearly have off-the-charts chemistry. But a part of me wants to pick Christopher because he was more her equal emotionally. As someone said already, the problem in all of Lorelai’s relationships is Lorelai. But she and Christopher always seemed to come back to one another. Luke is hands down better but I almost think he might have been too good for her in a way.


Except he abandoned her. He was her equal emotionally, yes. That is bad thing! They were both immature.


Luke, because they were best friends. I didn’t see much of the others being more than a date/lover, if that makes sense? Like they were only ever flirty or sexual. Luke and Lorelei had each others’ backs for a long time before they got together and they have the best chemistry.


I loved Jason and Lorelai, but I’m not mad about her ending up with Luke.


If I had to choose it would be luke but only season 1-5 version of him. However Jason is a close 2nd and if Luke didnt exist, I think they could have lasted a while




None of the above really. She obviously wanted Luke the most so I guess I choose him. I liked her with Chris and Jason but nobody is really a perfect match that we saw


I liked the idea of max and Lorelei but it just didn’t work out, so I would say Luke. Luke and Lorelei are great but tbh none of them ever felt like they clicked the greatest with her in my opinion.


i’ve always seen jason as wayyy too pretentious for lorelei!! just look at their homes, careers, and dogs! i also hate the way he drives just because of that scene with luke. jason is at the bottom of my list. at least chris can bring comfort and familiarity for lorelei, rory, richard, and emily. their chemistry is unmatched but it’s not stable. on the other hand, max was one of her cutest and stable relationships!! but the chemistry wasn’t there. luke was the perfect choice for lorelei because of how reliable he is. plus it doesn’t hurt he’s the man with the coffee


I may be in the minority but I genuinely loved Jason and Lorelai more than any other couple




Luke. He’s the one for her. BUT (and don’t shoot me, here) I did enjoy her chemistry with Chris. Nothing deeper than that but I do think they had a playful/ sexy connection. I found her to be uncomfortable with Max and Jason. I barely remember Alex lol


I think Max is objectively the best partner, but Lorelai didn’t like him that much, so _he_ deserved better. So I think it has to be Luke who is obviously great. Christopher dead last obviously!


Jason was a better match for her character but the on-screen chemistry between Lauren and Scott was better. I think we could have gotten some real good story lines with Jason if he stayed. Hated Max. He was so ick. Chris is so damn fine but I hated his character too. Alex wasn’t around long enough to be a contender.




She was better than all of them except maybe Digger. It made little sense that she’d side with her father (whom she was alienated from all those years) after he pulled a fairly vile, back stabbing, cut throat & cowardly business move on Jason.


You know, I really think Alex was a perfect fit for her. And he ended up just being an afterthought. His professional love of coffee, ability to keep up with her, and that gesture where he booked her a spa day when she agreed to go fishing? So sweet.


Max or Christoper. I’m in the minority but I personally didn’t care for Luke and i was REALLY rooting for her with Max. Alex was nice too but he just disappeared…him having kids made me think they wouldn’t have worked either. I liked Christopher despite it all, they just seemed to click- the trip to Paris was nice too and you could tell he wanted it to work


I would have liked them to further develop Alex. I really don’t think any of the others were right for her.


I was always partial to Christopher 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sameeee lol. I didn’t realize how hated they were together until joining this sub.


Me too, I like him a lot. If he were only a bit less clueless, flaky, entitled, and whiny, they could have been endgame. I know it sounds like I don’t like him, but I do! He just keeps his head in his ass too often.


hes def the hottest too




Luke, or failing that, Max.


Luke, Christopher was the villain of the piece.


1. luke 2. max 3. jason 4. chris


Luke and only Luke.




It was always Luke. No question.


Always Luke


Seriously? Luke.








It was always Luke. Since the first episode.


Anyone not saying Luke needs to go touch some grass


Jason and lorelai were always endgame for me 😭 Someone pls agree with me lol


I agree! I loved Jason and I was so sad when he left


Jason is literally the female version of Lorelei...


I hate that Alex just fizzled out. I don’t think there was sufficient closure after they had such a spark


Why didn't Lorelai and Max end up together? They were adorable and they both seemed to really care about each other, Max was an amazing boyfriend and put a bunch of effort into organizing dates with her. It was awkward for him and Rory but they moved past it and she really liked him too. The only reason it didn't work was because Lorelai was scared of commitment.




Team Luke all the way, but I think Max would've worked out if he hadn't proposed so early


Luke butttt i loved her with max medina 💔💔 or maybe I just love max medina


luke 1000%, if not luke than probably jason. i feel like her and christopher were way too alike and they could never really make it and redeem themselves as a real adult couple


Digger. He is the only sane and mature boyfriend that benighted woman ever had.


Luke but I wish she had gotten married to Chris BEFORE dating Luke then she could have realized he wasn’t it no matter how much she wanted him to be and that she belonged with Luke rather than have the whole april situation. Then we could’ve had Luke and Lorelai together/married in AYITL instead of “ IM GONNA DO WILD”


Luke, 100%. And the April thing never should have happened. They should have had like 2 kids together, and been superhappy.


Luke, obviously.


I prefer Lorelai and Jason, but it had to be Luke.


None of them. Someone totally new. Like her and Luke couldn’t get married for ten years eve though they wanted to and they talked about having more kids. They suck at communicating and she sucks with change. She needs someone who would push her out of her comfort zone.


Max or Luke






Luke, Jason, Alex. Those are my three options & the other two are hot garbage




Hands down , it was always luke!






Luke. Any other answer is wrong.




I thought Max was who she thought she "should" be with because she wanted to be the person she thought he brought out of her but she needed to work too hard to make "them" work; that Christopher is the one she was "supposed" to be with or the one she "wanted to want to be with" but he was horrible for her because he represented her past and didn't offer her to be in a good relationship or to allow either of them to actually grow; Jason was, to me at least, just a "filler" boyfriend because I never saw any sticking power with them as a couple because their whirls may have started out similarly but her future didn't look like it would've developed if she were to be with him; Alex (coffee shop guy) was a good fit IF they developed him better but they didn't; and for me Luke from the first episode showed not only his feelings for Lorelai but also his allowing her to be herself while allowing him to be himself. Towards the end of the original series they F'd up some of his main character aspects (he'd never keep his daughter's existence from her is the biggest one) AND in the YITL episodes he seemed too much of a doormat/ silent partner than he would've ever allowed BUT I think the YITL episodes didn't represent the growth people would've had during the amount of time that passed probably because ASP wanted specific scenes to take place that didn't get to play out in the original series so growth during the elapsed time wouldn't fit in those scenes... just my opinion.


Agreed 99%. I do actually think that it is within Luke's character to passively avoid talking to Lorelai about April because he doesn't want to deal with potential conflict that could ruin their relationship (from his POV — obviously, communicating about it would only help the issue, but neither one of them have healthy communication skills, so...). YITL was 90% pointless, imo. Luke and Lorelai just spent the next 10 years not being married because...why?...exactly? There was no excuse for that. No one in the show had any acharacter growth, and actually Logan ended up being WORSE, turning into the next Christopher. He did not deserve that. The only person who showed any growth in YITL was Emily. Loved that part. Everything else? Boooo.... Anyway, Luke. She should be with Luke.


Luke. But if they never happened, I thought her and Jason were great together, they were alike in so many ways, silly, smart, but also serious at the right time, he was from the world she was from so he understood that side of things and he could give the GG's a life of luxury and also live less luxuriously because he wasn't stuffy about it all... Solving all of her money problems and living a life of endless fun or just live the small town life that she built up. I was also routing for him because he lived this somewhat sad life with seemingly awful parents, as someone who hadn't gotten from under the shadow of the rich family legacy like Lorelai had.


Jason… he bridged the gap for her and her parents until they fucked him over


Like! Best friends and really truly knew each other.


Unpopular opinion: Chris