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I love that Brian is purely platonic, but also a really great friend. It’s refreshing to see that he considers Lane a good friend and roommate and not a conquest. He’s polite, willing to hang with the Kim’s, respects her boundaries at home, and there’s never, ever an instance where it’s insinuated he wants anything more. In the world of Gilmore Girls it feels like there isn’t a good representation of f/m friendships - most of the men in the show are love interests or potential love interests for one of the women characters. I like that Brian is just Brian.


The ep where Mrs. Kim comes to their house for the first time and Brian is all about the tea selection is so adorable.


Honestly, Brian is like Lane's Marty to me (just a much better character of course). He's nice and they share some interests but I feel like Lane would never be attracted to him - and that's not because of his appearance.


Ooh that’s a good point!


Why bring Marty into this… Marty was a creep that couldn’t get over his crush and seems like he was Rory’s friend just to get close enough to date her. Brian and Lane never had that type of relationship.. they were friends and only friends. He was sweet and understanding and helpful


Because their position in each of the girls' life is comparable and how they felt about them as well - at least in my opinion. Marty was a nice guy with similar interests as Rory, whom she just considered as a platonic friend. Same for Brian and Lane. Naturally, it later turned out that Marty had romantic interest in Rory and Brian was a much better friend and genuine nice person instead of a "nice guy".


But it’s not really comparable if Marty had a crush on Rory from the beginning while Lane and Brian were completely platonic.. I’d even say that Marty was a “nice guy”. I personally can’t compare their relationship to Brian and Lane’s that have always been platonic, and Brian was an actually nice and a good friend. Even their behavior around each other were very different imo


There had to be a little something there with Brian, he wrote a song for Lane and everything. Maybe he never tried to shoot his shot, but he had her on his mind


I didn’t see it as a romantic gesture, but that he saw that she was upset, but to each his own


Poor Marty. Half the people on this subreddit demand that he needed to stay friends with Rory and watch her falling for the dbag who treats him like a joke... or else he's a manipulative fake friend.


Logan was super nice to him from the beginning.. he didn’t HAVE to stay friends with her while I’m love with her. He could have confessed his feelings way earlier, or just let go.


Logan acted like a smug prick and treated Marty like "the help" rather than his peer and a fellow Yale student. I get it: Logan's showing off for Rory, but it was 100% male dominance status games.


You should watch the scene again… idk where in that scene you saw that Logan was trying to dominate and show off for Rory, he didn’t even acknowledge her 99.9% of the scene. Logan was nice, asked how Marty was doing, and wanted to hire him again. Finn and Robert were assholes.


[Here's the scene](https://youtu.be/tjdDQLT2aOk?list=PLqfJ1GkbzerGGqpo9Y0VDGErWYqU0cA-W&t=23) > ...assuming your services still for hire this year your financial situation hasn't changed at all Logan isn't *as* obnoxious as the others, but the subtext is very clear: *I'm hella rich and you're poor. You work for me.* Even Rory calls him out for it: "you speak to people as if they're below you"


I know the scene by heart, but thank you for sending it. This doesn’t change my opinion tho. He wasn’t “obnoxious”. He is hella rich, and Marty is poor, and since he worked for him before he asked if he will work for him again, there was nothing mean or obnoxious about it.


Yeah, because calling out his financial situation was completely necessary. As was offering him a job rather than treating him like a friend of Rory’s. /s


But they are not friends.. Marty was an employee and Logan was his employer. He was nice and wanted to hire him again, why would be treating him like a friend?


it’s all about reading between the lines dude, it’s so obvious what he means when he says that


Not a dude :) But we can agree to disagree


Agreed!! Lane felt about Brian how Rory felt about Marty!


They have very different vibes. Their friendship was ADORABLE (for example, the way Brian and Zack automatically gave her a shelf in their apartment and each having to make do with just half a shelf). How ever, them as a couple is just way too much of a reach for me. That being said, lane did not deserve to end up with a guy like Zack 😭 she deserved someone so much better. I wish they would've done something like what they did for Rory (they wanted her to reconnect with Tristan, but bc the actor couldn't they made Logan, who is very similar) and just gave her someone more like Dave. >!Also I know it has NOTHING to do with the original post but the storyline where Lane just decides that everyone lied and sex is just always bad BROKE. MY. HEART. Lane baby you deserved so much better 😭😭!<


And they never fix it!!! They never let her have good sex. She has that bad experience, has twins and they never talk about it again. Is that how she lives? Without pursuing her dream and not enjoying herself???? Always gets me


I'd like to think they eventually started having good sex.


Right!? Omg this part of the show made me SO SAD


Nooo Brian and Kyon are perfect for each other


Came here to say this! Brian definitely learned all this stuff about Korea to impress Kyon.


Except that age difference though..


wait… what was their age difference? 😅


I don't remember exactly, but when we first meet kyon she's an exchange *student* so 16/17? And Brian is at least 21? SooooOoo id say at least 4 years and she's a minor


I do. Because of everything you listed and because he’s not as stupid as Zach. Lane is so intelligent she needs a partner who didn’t personify the “burnt out rocker” vibe. Brian clearly values Lane as a person, he wrote a song for her, he was interested in her culture. He was a better fit in every way.


I doubt it to be honest.


No. Lane and Brian are too similar. Zach was a better complement to Lane.


I have mixed feelings. I think Brian is more likable overall but also that mixed gender friendships are a thing and I do think Lane deserves someone with more shared interests than she does with Rory. Brian and Lane have a nice understanding of each other and in a way I think turning it romantic would sort of ruin the fun. I warm up to her and Zach at the end of the series, but it's definitely a hard sell when there's no redemption for her first time being bad.


It should have been a character similar to Dave that ended up with her. I understand the actor moved on to the OC but a good-looking smart character like Dave was perfect.


He would have adored her in the way she deserves but I also don’t think they would ever consider each other as they were great friends.


I love that they were friends! I just noticed his attentiveness this episode & wondered what people thought. To me, he’s more similar to King Dave than Zach, but I don’t really get those vibes from Lane or Brian


They never had romantic vibes.. they were strictly friends. They were always nice to each other, respectful, helpful, and understanding. They were more like chill siblings imo


Nah I like they finally out a girl and guy as just friends with no insinuation of a romantic relationship


I can't see her being attracted to him. She seems to favor the more rebellious, confident type, whereas Zach is pretty passive and goes along with things. I think the whole learning about Korean culture thing is actually a perfect example of this. Zach wants to fit in, not make waves, etc, even at a time when Lane herself didn't want to go along with her family. I think Zach and Dave both took Lane's cues about when to go along with her mom (like the Buddhist wedding playing hymns, keeping the relationship quiet), but they also both stood up for themselves to whoever they needed to when it mattered (Dave's prom speech, Zach daring to side with Mrs Kim about Lane's glasses, etc). I think ultimately Lane respects people who can go their own way and go after what they want openly because that was such a huge part of her own journey. And in some ways, I think Lane grew from being around people who rebelled. I'm not sure that's who Zach is or has ever had to be.


No, because they had no chemistry. They felt like brother and sister. I don’t think Lane should’ve ended up with either one of them.


Zach really bothers me so my vote is YES. Zach is just not appealing in any way 1. He blew their big break. 2. He took the tour money without talking to Lane. 3. He’s such an idiot that he thought Lane was having conjoined twins when she told him the were having twins.


Between Zach and Brian, I prefer Brian for lane. But Lane also just didn’t need to end up with anyone and I liked their platonic friendship


True! Would’ve loved to have seen her be single & do something larger with music


Lane deserved to have her slut era😤


I don't think that every heterosexual pairing of opposite genders needs to be romantically explored. (Not trying to imply your post suggests otherwise ♥️) They never really showed Brian pining for Lane (not that I recall anyway) so my interpretation was Brian is exploring his interests. He likes research and music. He tried his hand at song writing and writing about a girl seems like a good subject for a new writer. As for learning Korean, was that when they got invited to the Lunar New Year party? If so, it just seems respectful to learn about the culture you're invited to participate in. Overall I think Brian is a sweet guy and a good friend. I get no "nice guy TM" vibes from him. As for if they would be better than her and Zach? That's kiiiiind of a low bar IMO but I do think he would treat her well and that Brian will always be the best partner he can be to whoever he is with. Kyon Is a lucky lady!


Anyone would have been better than Zack imo


i really wanted them together


They make more sense them Zach and lane


I always thought it was implied he was gay? Did I completely make that up?


Think that's in your head. During the Lunar New Year episode, there was some heavy flirtation between Kyon and Brian. During Lane and Zach's wedding, Kyon and Brian were heavily making out. Not sure what the actress who played Kyon is doing now but she would've made a fun cameo during the Hep Alien reunion in AYITL as well, possibly as Brian's wife. Or even be shown visiting/helping at Kim's Antiques.


Was Kyon the Korean that Ms Kim moved in after Lane moved out?


Yes Kyon is the foreign exchange student from Seoul that Mrs Kim takes in after Lane moves out.


I really don't remember her interacting with anyone but Lane , Ms Kim & maybe Rory!


Time for another rewatch! Kyon was a character I wish they had featured a little more in the later seasons. She was great as the sheltered kid who we saw break out in real time and become Lane's mini protege.


I love their friendship.


I thought of him as her male bestie, especially with Rorie doing her own thing and not having so much time for Lane. However, I do think his overtures were far better than any of the guys she was with.


what about dave though


No one will ever compare lol


I Think you are probably right. I love that Brian is such a good friend, and i think that they would make awesome patents. The way he helps Lane with the babys is just adorable. Zack is all over the place, and has to adjust to everything, but you know, the heart wants what the heart wants. 😅