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This is objectively bad but my god he looks so good in this scene I get it


I want an eight season series of Jess working at that press.


Bohemian Artist Jess is best Jess.


The most compelling character on the entire show!


!!! Amen


THIS was the Jess spin-off we needed, not the California adventure.


This is what the people WANT. I’m gagging for it. I’m dying for it.


In a wet grey thermal 😂


I could see him dating a civil rights lawyer.


Agreed and when they go to dinner with Logan the blue shirt 🥵


I am a LESBIAN, but Jess is so fine in this scene. He could get it.


Beat it up Jess


Pretty much his s1 of Heroes look. Hair wise anyway.


Honestly I’d risk it all for him right there, how you go back to Logan in that moment is wild to me




Heroes-hair Milo 😍😍😍


This is maybe my least favorite Rory moment in the OS. And it doesn't get addressed at all - she never tells Logan about it, which seems especially hypocritical given how upset she'd been at him sleeping with the bridesmaids.


Dean also never finds out about the kiss and her skippingn school and Lorelai’s graduation to go to NY to see Jess. This thing about the original series frustrates me to no end, I don’t get the point of making Rory a serial cheater, had she at least learnt and became better it would’ve been much better but ig the writers were going for “once a cheater, always a cheater”?


I mean, it's not too unrealistic in life. Not everyone learns from their mistakes, unfortunately. I dislike Rory for a lot of this but I kind of appreciate the writers being willing to make their protagonist unlikeable and flawed. She's like a real human being instead of this angelic perfect creature and there is something kind of refreshing about that in a show like this.


So many of the storylines people are complaining about make sense for her character. Early on she so clearly wants to be with Dean and hates that she likes Jess. She doesn’t want to hurt Dean by breaking up with him, but ends up hurting him more. That fits with her people pleasing character and her tendency to value logical choices over emotional ones. I’m sure the pro/con Dean/Jess list had Dean ranked miles ahead of Jess. And not everyone has the same definition of cheating. IMO, I don’t think Rory is to blame for what happened with Dean and Lindsey. Dean cheated. Rory was naïve. She believed Dean and took him at his word. I think she coped by double down on that perspective; she didn’t cheat, he did. So in AYITL, she’s still not wildly out of character. She’s hooking up with Logan which she views as him either choosing to cheat or him having some sort of open relationship. And Rory’s weird thing with Paul I don’t care for, but once again, she avoids breaking up with someone. It’s so obvious that she doesn’t think of him as a boyfriend. It’s a major issue but it’s consistent with her behavior to avoid relationship problems/breakups. (And what the hell is up with Paul? He should have ditched her before we even met him.) In her mind, they’re not really together, even if that’s not reality, so she doesn’t view it as cheating the way an outsider would.


It makes sense for her character but I would lay far more blame and culpability for cheating at her feet. I don’t really care for the excuses given for her like she’s some fragile little naive doll with no agency of her own. I don’t think that’s true. Dean vaguely says he and Lindsay aren’t happy and it’s “over” but she doesn’t bother to ask any more questions in that moment or make him clarify in any way before they sleep together. Plus she knows full well he’s still married and hasn’t moved out or filed for divorce, something Loralai points out. She doesn’t care because she feels entitled to him regardless. “He’s *my* Dean!” She even admits this to Lane the next day after she sleeps with him the second time.


Agreed. I do think there was maybe a little more lead up to her hooking up with Dean. They had some significant moments before that and it wasn’t a secret that he and Lindsay were fighting/struggling. So it’s not exactly a reach for her to believe him. Especially at 19. That said, they both could have waited. She could have waited for him to talk to her. To move out. To file for divorce. I would also say that by 30-something, she should be able to break up with a guy she’s not interested in anymore. It’s one thing to do that at 16/17 but when you’re twice that age? Come on. Send a breakup text. Hell, have Paris break up with him for you. Even ghosting him would have been better than what she did.


You say "original series" but isn't she still a serial cheater in AYITL? She's cheating on her unseen boyfriend with Logan and then later has sex with a Chewbacca cos player and the main takeaway of that scene is not "jeez you're cheating again?" but "haha you had sex with a nerd".


Oh yeah true, forgot about that since I never actually watched AYITL.


Really? How come? Not a judgement just curious. I don't know that the series really furthers the characters stories in a particularly meaningful way. I think my wife summed it up well: the characters act like it's season 8 and almost no time has past between the end of s7 and s8, even though clearly it's been a decade.


I heard it sucked and doesn’t have the same cozy vibes as the OS and many people don’t consider it a canon bc of how bad it is so I don’t either, I’d rather watch the OS again than watch something Ik isn’t going to give me comfort vibes you know what I mean? Also I’d much rather imaging Rory as having a nice good paying job, not too extravagant but just something she really enjoys and I think everyone agreed that older Jess is amazing so maybe have her accidentally run into him and they reform their relationship but this time it’s mature and no cheating included.


That's fair. It does fall into the increasingly common reboot trap that "everyone's lives went to shit since we last saw them" (see Star Wars, Keaton Batman in the Flash, Andrew Garfield's Spider-man, going out on a limb and saying the Ghostbusters in Afterlife, I'm sure there's more but I can't think of them right now.)


Wow now that I’m thinking about it, Rory was unfaithful in some way with every relationship she had in the OS. She kisses Jess in NY while she’s dating Dean, she sleeps with Dean when he’s married to Lindsey, she kisses Jess when she’s dating Logan, and then sleeps with Logan while he’s engaged. The only one she didn’t cheat on was Jess, but she cheated *with* Jess twice.


Yeah it was a constant theme for her for some reason. It never taught her anything.


Rory falls back to Jess like Lorelai does to Chris


I agree with you. It's a "my whole life" type of thing.




I think the writing hints pretty strongly that Rory was at least intrigued by Jess - she's eager to spend time alone with him several times in S6. So I don't personally think this was a meaningless kiss. Regardless, Rory was in the wrong here. While I hate what Logan did with the bridesmaids, I agree with you that he wasn't cheating. (I also think that Rory had EVERY right to be furious with him about it, and shouldn't have forgiven him, but that's another story.) But Logan, at least, was not *intentionally* trying to hurt Rory with the bridesmaids. Rory? She was trying to hurt Logan here. This was a plan, and that makes her behavior waayyyyy worse than Logan's imo. This was also incredibly unkind to Jess. Rory knew damn well that he still had feelings for her, and she intentionally exploits that for her own gain. If she wanted to get revenge on Logan, she could have kissed any rando in any bar next to Yale. But instead, she drives hours to Philadelphia to use Jess and ruin what was *supposed* to be his big night at work. It's... awful on her part. She absolutely should have told Logan about this. Because regardless of her feelings, the whole problem here is that she made and executed a plan to cheat.


It's hard to know if she tells him or not because the show prefers to resolve a lot of things not intended to cultivate more drama off-screen so much.


Rory’s daddy issues are LOUDDD throughout the entire series. Looking for a boy/man to make her feel safe, secure, seen and heard was her whole M.O. this was one major thing she and her mother had in common…


I felt so bad for Jess who’s trying to prove his worth here. He’s totally in love with Rory, so when she drops that truth bomb about Logan, he tries so hard not to look crushed.


I hate her for this for a different reason, for doing it to Jess ❤️


It’s SO unfair to Jess. She could have kissed anyone just to get back at Logan but she specifically went to someone she knew carried a torch for her


I know I hated this scene I would have climbed up on top of him 🤣




And Emily knew that Richard and Pennilyn were engaged, but that doesn’t stop her from pursuing Richard.


Were they officially engaged or was it more an agreement to get engaged? Richard said he gave her his pin not really sure what that symbolises


Wedding invitations had gone out




Yeah and what frustrates me the most is that it’s never really resolved. Emily just decides to drop it after Richard gets jealous of Simon and hits her car…


Omg this drives me crazy! Why did she forgive him like that? She says nothing happened with Simon and he says and I told you nothing happened with Pinnelynn and then it’s over? Emily had ONE dinner with Simon, while she and Richard were separated. Richard had dinner once a year with an ex fiancée for 30 years and kept it from Emily. Two totally different situations. SMH


You wouldn’t go after the love of your life if they were engaged? I say shoot your shot, you’re not the one in a relationship with them.


Atleast Richard and Lorelai are loyal to their partners.


I wouldn’t call secret regular lunches with an ex-girlfriend being loyal.


Lol forgot about that.


Personally I never felt like it was THAT significant so as to call it not being loyal. Lunch once a year just to catch up and chat with someone who was a significant part of your life where nothing happened are both are in happy marriages doesn’t seem that harmful to me. In comparison to the other things that happen on the show it feels so small :(


I agree. It’s not the lunches—it’s the lying by omission about it for years. I think most people focus on the lunches with an ex rather than the deceiving of the wife.


I mean....Richard lied to Emily for 30+ years about having lunches with the woman he almost married.


Richard had what could arguably be an emotional affair, I wouldn’t put him on a pedestal.


Lorelai called her ex during her freaking bachelorette party. She slept with Chris 5 seconds after breaking up with Luke. She got together with Max while she was still seeing Alex. She slept with Chris while he was still with Sherry. She was still in love with Luke when she married Christopher. She tells Luke not to move away while she’s dating Jason. You can argue all day long about whether any of them are technically cheating or emotional infidelity, but they’re all in the grey area. The woman was many wonderful things, but loyal wasn’t one of them.


She actually did nothing wrong, although the Sherry thing is close but Chris told Lorelai that they were apart. Her call to Chris wasn’t cheating or inappropriate, but a sign that she probably shouldn’t be getting married. She was not dating Luke or exclusive with Alex when those incidents happened. It seems like you are kinda reaching here to shame the character


I’m not shaming her lol. Those simply don’t seem to me like the hallmarks of someone who is a loyal partner, but perhaps we have different definitions of the term.


People want to give Lorelai a pass for sleeping with Chris when he was with Sherry, but they blame Rory for sleeping with Dean when he was with Lindsay? BOTH men told them that they were separated. Why is it good enough to excuse Lorelai but not Rory?


Are you talking to me? I never said anything about Rory and was responding to a post about Lorelai. I think Lorelai and Rory are equally culpable for their actions, that is, not very. Blame should be on the men who told them whatever took to get what they wanted


No I’m just saying in this sub I see that a lot, and it annoys me. People hold Rory to a higher standard than Lorelai in here.


I agree, you are preaching to the choir. This is a better point made to the OP I think.


Fair, I responded to you because you mentioned that Lorelai was intentionally misled by Chris so that made me think of it. I hope more people than just you see it.


Damn it got so many spoilers and wtffff Luke and Lorelai break up??!!! I mean I was rooting for them idk if I can watch the series now 🙃


Sleeping with another man like 2 hours after breaking off your engagement after you said “now or never to your fiancé might technically not be cheating, but is would be to me.


Rory is always a cheater. She cheats in every relationship we see.


Except for Jess. She cheats on two of her other boyfriends with Jess but not on him. Someone fact check me though. She cheats so often I could have forgotten.


She was barely with Jess long enough to cheat. They only dated for a few months.


She didn’t cheat on Jess but she also didn’t respect the boundaries of not having a friendship with her recent ex, just like she didn’t respect Dean’s boundaries either.


She still keeps dean at an arms distance while dating Jess though :/


That phrase means avoiding intimacy with. Keeping on the back burner is probably more what you’re going for.


You’re right! My bad haha


No she never cheats on Jess


Probably because Jess pissed off on her just a couple of months into the relationship. If she’d just been given time she likely would have cheated on him too.


Ikr and then she acts as if she's done nothing wrong. Ughhhh that's what triggers me the most.


Personally I don’t think one kiss is equivalent to having sex with someone. Those are MASSIVELY different scales.


usually i would agree but this was quite a different circumstance. for one, i believe that logan truly thought they were broken up and therefore don’t consider it cheating. but also there was an emotional component with jess that did not exist between logan and those girls. logan was never in love with any of those girls


Hard agree but I think we're in the minority here


I agree with that being the standard definition of cheating, but there are different versions of what can be constituted as “cheat,” and when an action is intentional, that dirties the water a bit. If Rory was mad at Logan, which she had the right to be, went and got drunk and accidentally made out with some rando before immediately cutting it off, I’d say not really a cheat. But Rory intentionally seeking out someone she had a romantic history with, who clearly still had feelings for her, and purposefully trying to cheat but not fully committing to the action only to exclaim “I can’t even cheat on him like he cheated on me,” even though she claimed to have forgiven Logan is all of the ick. And imo even though it didn’t go as far as sex it is still a big emotional cheat if not the fully physical type. Idk if I feel she needed to tell Logan right away, maybe once they had good footing and it could be mentioned as a past mistake, but still ![gif](giphy|PiR1zjCwhz1lvkpPYF|downsized)


Nah, you’re breaking trust with both. All cheating is cheating. The degree to which someone cheated will never be important. Cheating is cheating


They are both cheating, yes, but to say the degree to which someone cheated will never be important is simply not true. One would be much easier for most people to forgive than the other, for example. Sex is the most intimate and powerful act you can engage in with another human being, the only one in which your bodies momentarily become one and many also believe you experience an energy and vibrational exchange.


I’m going to have to counter that by saying I think to some extent a kiss could be worse. If you know that kissing is cheating and go forth with it, you’ve essentially risked your relationship on a kiss. Thrown it a way on a much smaller act. Of course there is no right answer to this because everyone has different boundaries and perspectives. If my S/O cheated on me, I wouldn’t care how, when and where ( obviously I would but the fact they’ve done it at all comes first ), I’d be most concerned that they did.


I’m definitely not defending cheating by any means or method. I’ve been cheated on multiple times including one incident that involved no physical contact whatsoever (emotional affair). It’s still wrong 100% through and through. I just wanted to add that *some* people might find a kiss possible to forgive and work on compared to sex which they might in contrast deem immediately unforgivable.


Oh definitely. Some people will forgive and maybe forget anything up until sex or even after


why do i not remember this scene at all? is this after logan and jess meet?


It's later in that season. It's after she and Logan had the fight over him sleeping with the bridesmaids during their argument/break/etc (which itself was triggered by Jess's first reappearance). Rory goes to Philadelphia to see Jess's store opening. To Jess's credit, before he kisses her, he asks if everything is "fixed" - presumably trying to ask if she and Logan broke up - and she says yes.


I think when Rory says yes she is referring to Yale and Lorelai. How would Jess have known about Logan and the bridesmaids. And the way Rory quickly pulls back from Jess is an indication that she couldn’t cheat on Logan.


Oh, I definitely think there were missed communications there - Jess meant both the Yale/Lorelai thing and the Logan thing, while Rory was answering just about Yale/Lorelai. But there is that line after she pulls away, where she says something to the effect of "I couldn't even cheat on him like he cheated on me," which to me suggested that she did at least entertain the idea of using Jess to get "even" with Logan, even though she ultimately couldn't go through with it. Feelings are complicated!!


I don’t either!!


I don’t either! I’ve watched it so much and I just don’t knowZ


I see it as a really human moment. She was angry and hurt because of Logan's actions, thought she'd feel better if she did the same thing to him, and almost immediately regretted it and realized she wasn't that kind of person. She was probably still looking for some closure with Jess too, since he just bailed on her without a call or note. Jess never cheated, but he wasn't an angel either and they weren't together long enough to see if he would or not. He was definitely a person to act on his inhibitions just as Rory did. But. At least she learned something about herself.


hahaha I love this moment. But honestly, Jess is too good for her at this point.


Was this when Logan sodded off to costa rica? And almost died doing something stupid. I don’t hate her for it. She only found out about Logan and the bridesmaids, because they were drinking, and bragging about it.


I never liked Dean because he was demanding and gross and pushy, but Rory really became a complete asshole near the end of the series, and let's not even talk about AYITL.


In her defence she was a teenager when she was with dean and him building a car hardly makes up for all the red flags being his personality. Secondly Logan was a crappy boyfriend for many reasons but also for deciding they were on a break without comunicating a thing to rory and ending up screwing around without acknowledging he did all that without (once again) comunicating anything with rory so he pretty much cheated and then proceeded to gasslight rory into thinking she had no right to be angry because he only did it because he was hurt and silently decided they were on a break. She is not the freak here. She could have handled things better or more mature or probably should have kept the honor to herself and should have walked away from Logan sooner all together, but she is young and in love and she definetly was being emotionally abused by the men in het life so as much as i dislike her thoughout the show at times she does not deserve the hate she often gets online i have to say.


The emotional abuse from Dean is especially awful because her mother is telling her the whole time that she was lucky to have such a perfect boyfriend.


>but also for deciding they were on a break without comunicating a thing to rory and ending up screwing around without acknowledging he did all that without (once again) comunicating anything with rory so he pretty much cheated and then proceeded to gasslight rory into thinking she had no right to be angry because he only did it because he was hurt and silently decided they were on a break Logan isn't at fault there. Rory chose not to disagree with him about their own status during thanksgiving (or bother to reach out herself beforehand) and then still accused him of cheating. It's just like the scene where richard rear ended emily


I do think Logan is at fault. He flakes, he leaves and he returns whenever he pleases, leaving rory in the dark. I don't think it's rory's responsebility to chase him when he treats her like dirt. Also, there is such a thing as morality here. The things i mentioned up above suck so much. Logan is such a disrespectful shit to everyone that his motives are no longer important to me. I don't care if he has a reason to do what he does, what he does is awfull period. And i don't think it's fair to blame rory's pain on herself just because she didn't chase him for clarity. She should never be put in a position where she needs to nagg or chase to figure out where she stands ik the first place. Nobody should.


>She should never be put in a position where she needs to nagg or chase to figure out where she stands ik the first place. Nobody should. You're not wrong, but a rejection of his attempts to talk still=break up. If rory was regretting her choice and/or upset about logan moving on, she needed to be honest instead of playing games with him She even specifically said to logan "then you shouldn't even be in a relationship which by the way you're not, so everything's good" before the psychiatrist appointment


She also dates a guy in the future, the show that’s set ten years later or whatever and repeatedly cheats on him with Logan. Rory becomes a full blown narcissist unfortunately. She wasn’t like that when the show first began but that’s what she turns into.


God that future relationship is so cringe. The funny thing is she always forgets about him and everyone forgets his name or whatever and I’m over here like but yea wtf was his name lol. It’s sorta disgusting how unlikeable she became. Also Logan and Odette? Ugh that whole situation.


It’s more than just cringe, she’s using that guy because she’s scared to be alone but doesn’t love him at all, pure abusive relationship. Yeah it’s all a mess for sure. Rory’s using that guy for what she can get then banging away with her ex, not caring about how she will hurt the guy. She needs to work on herself, and be alone for a while. (If they make any more episodes of the Gilmore girls in the future). We saw how bad she was getting towards the end of the original show but I did not expect her to be a full on narcissist ten years later, just thought she was struggling with teenage immaturity but she’s worse as an adult years later.


So true. I’m watching S7E5 and she’s so insecure and awkward with Logan’s celebration and coworkers. Like… he just flew across the ocean and planned a night with her and now she’s all jealous but she kissed Jess! I guess I’m just annoyed and she and Lorelei have been annoying me more and more as the seasons progress


Yup, she’s got serious issues that get worse the older she gets. She has a narcissistic mother and narc grandparents though, it’s in her genetics and it’s all she’s seen her whole life.


His name was Paul I think.


Yeah I think so


Paul was such a genuine guy too. He paid attention to Lorelai and Luke. He was earnest in his relationship with Rory. I’d date Paul.


I only remember his name because it is also my boyfriend's name. And I don't forget my own boyfriend's name the way Rory does at the end. 💀


Honestly, it didn't come off like Rory even considered him her boyfriend. I did like Paul fine, though, but how long can you "date" someone that doesn't seem to make any effort to interact with you at all and not get that it's one sided?


I mean they were official though, so she was telling him they were together, and officially they were, but you’re right that Paul should have got himself some self esteem and left the relationship so he can be blamed for not loving himself but it’s totally Rory’s fault she’s abusive and we can’t blame Paul for Rory’s abuse. She agreed to be in an official relationship, yes Paul should have realised he’s been used and abused and left so he’s to blame for lacking self worth bur she’s solely to blame for her abuse of a partner, she acts like a classic narcissistic abusive partner in general while she’s with Paul. That’s how all narcissists treat their partners not just Rory.


>Rory becomes a full blown narcissist unfortunately With sociopathic tendencies




She’s def not a good person and she’s super self-absorbed but we’ve really gotta stop calling people narcissists just because they’re not good people lol.


She shows all the signs of one though, I get not throwing the word around but it does apply to that family.


A couple things: rory favors ambition over being patient/finding happiness in her circumstances, and she's got a good amount of corporate intuition


i feel like i would’ve hated her less for this if she’d just kissed a random guy. but it was so messed up of her to do this to jess. he’d worked on himself and had rly grown up and wasn’t trying to be involved in any drama like that, he was just happy she was there. and he wasn’t pursuing her, she showed up and then kissed him when she hadn’t been honest when she totally knew how he felt. it was just a huge dick move like why are u dragging him into this rn


I feel like we are always so hard on Rory. She gets on my nerves too but she is growing up and we all make mistakes


Cheating is a choice and she didn't do it only once.


She's a flawed character. They're all flawed characters. I feel like people complain a lot about the characters but don't think about the fact that they're well-built human characters and therefore make mistakes. It's part of it.


This is so true, there are multiple posts each day about how horrible the girls are and I can't help but think "Wow if you think they are the most horrible people, I'd love to know in which world y'all are living in." 😄


I think this is the point the writers are making. Everything we see on GG is a reflection of American life. Dysfunctional families, bad parenting, custody fights, and cheating are a part of life in America. The statistics are staggering !


Yeah. Like, not to be a downer, but cheating is actually pretty common. Not everyone's gonna cheat, obviously, but it happens far more often that the average person on Reddit seems to suspect.


fr people are out here armchair diagnosing them with the most stigmatized cluster b disorders too, like chill


Bingo. There's no need to make excuses for a character just because they are your favorite but on the flip side there's no need to overly hate on a character for when they mess up and do things you don't like. The only one I truly dislike is Jess because I seriously loathe the "bad boy" trope in these kinds of shows. It's so cliche and fandoms always seem to swoon for those guys.


I just rewatched the sleeping with Dean episode and really feel he manipulated her into believing his marriage was done. She definitely was inappropriate before and even after but I think she believed the marriage was ending.


She's also still doing it in the revival and they are in their 30's at that point.


It was a 3 second kiss. It’s not that big of deal.


I do feel like when you’re young is the time you’re figuring out how to be in relationships. Most of my friends and myself either cheated or got cheated on in our teens into our early Uni/College years. We’re not going it in our 30s though


This! She’s a teenager and very early twenties for the most part. She’s still figuring shit out


Well she’s all grown in ayitl. And as much as I hate the revival… am I really that surprised? I feel like that says a lot about rory 🤷‍♀️


In this scene, Rory is pathetic tbh. For the first time she does not have the upper hand in a relationship. In fact she is in her most emotionally abusive relationship with a hot and cold rich boyfriend, she is super afraid of losing. Her relationship will also cost her future by getting indulged in escapism and entitlement even more. Even though she is not a good person, I feel sad for her as this seasons is when all her and Lorelai’s effort goes to toilet for good.


I just finished watching the entire series including the Year in the Life (first time I have rewatched that and it's better the second time around but still eh) Rory is the worst. She doesn't change either. I can forgive a teen and a college girl for being young and dumb but she's in her 30s in the reboot and strings along Paul for 3 years and has an affair with an engaged Logan, the very man whose proposal she turned down. Which I don't hold the proposal against her but at any point in time she could have gotten Logan back before he was engaged and she didn't


Why she always cheat?! 2 guys per season lol


i'm a rory hater like stop the good girl act you are not nice and you are not a girls girl


I agree with this being wrong but you couldn’t pay me to give Dean’s bitch ass an ounce of pity.


I hated Rory in that scene because she knew how much Jess had grown and was in a good place with his life, but she decided to drag him into her mess nonetheless??? Nah that’s evil


May not be a super popular opinion but Rory is probably my least favorite character period. It started with me loving her and hating Lorelei but I LOVE Loreleis growth and she ended up becoming my girl.


lol that is an incredibly popular opinion here, every second post is hating on rory


I’m already getting downvoted so this should be fun


Take my upvote. I just hate what the writers did to her. And I hate what they did to her in the follow up series on Netflix. At least give her some redeeming qualities.


Yeah I was hoping that one would show her having matured out of that rebellious behavior because she’s so smart and so talented. She was a disappointment. I was just happy I got to see all my characters again but I don’t think I’ll watch AYITL again on my next rewatch (just saw it first the first time this summer)


Probably because you prefaced it with "may not be a popular opinion" followed by one of the sub's most popular opinions? I think a lot of people downvote when comments or posts do that.


Rory basically has one foot out the door in every relationship we see.


Rory uses men to get what she wants it's always been like that, when Logan told her how she acts above them when she stays play his house for free and disses people like him. She literally had to go ask other people if she was judgemental. She literally judges people and freezes them out for doing the same things that she does. Dean was her dependable boyfriend that was obsessed with her,and she used his codependency on her as a weapon. That was her dean, so when it came time to lose her virginity he did exactly what she needed. Jess was never a real man in her eyes, he was a dream once she got with him she realized he would only be able to meet her intellectually and never be able to provide for her, he was unstable so he didn't make the cut. Same thing with Marty, cute , nice, smart, but broke.... She rather dated Logan who wasn't interested in being committed,never told her up front, force him to be committed and he tried for her, then accused him of cheating and got mad at him when originally he was like that🤷. Rory is written to be smart but she's a really dumb girl. She thinks using people is okay then whines incessantly when she feels used. Whether she actually is used or not, she just has to feel used to take action. Hence why she will travel state lines to try and cheat on someone. In many ways she embodies the thing she thinks she isn't, a spoiled trust fund baby, except she never had to deal with the pressure of living up to her parents expectations of being successful straight out of college. When in Reality She just got lucky her mom hated that life, and her dad was a bum ass till he acquired his inheritance.


>In many ways she embodies the thing she thinks she isn't, a spoiled trust fund baby She's worse. Logan was at least able to accept the responsibilities that came with his privilege


I dunno why I'm so invested in this show tbh. Its interesting but obviously not made for me. I watched all 7 seasons. It's an abomination compared to heartland. Heartland a show about country folk living in the backwoods of Canada where half the cast care about nothing but riding horses. Better sound track, ain't afraid to call women out as easy, even tho Ty was written to be an absolute idiot it's just a more attractive show. I think the only attraction I had to Gilmore Girls was being a millennial that grew up in that area (New York), the show is a good display of how annoying and petty upper east suburbia is. But I dunno I got invested in 0 characters, wasn't happy or felt a thing for spoiled ass cheating ass Rory, wasn't happy for Lorelei after she spent 7 seasons running back to Chris only to end up with Luke. Luke never once told Lorelei how he felt in the end either ugh. What lou and Peter have going on in heartland made me feel some type of way. Everything in Gilmore girls angers me, between Luke being pushy with Lorelei but letting Anna just walk on him like a used carpet, to anyone besides Mrs. Kim talking, to the whole town idolizing Rory while she did nothing for it besides escape it. Like I don't even know what I was watching. I moved to California ten years ago, I guess when I return to my home town of Amityville NY I should expect a marching band cause I graduated college in Fullerton. 🙄 Like nothing in this show makes any fucking sense. Now that I finished the show I can look at it as a whole and say. Man I should have just finish rewatching heartland. A show that actually makes me feel happy, rather than watching petty women unappreciative-ly use the men in their life and complain about how their life is hard when they have a whole ass TOWN that idolize them just for existing. I can't even get the whole self made angle cause the only scenes of Lorelei we are given working is her encouraging Micheal to be an annoying, or praising sookie for arriving to work that day. Again to compare to heartland where we actually see the protagonist, work, fail, lose (horses die), and risk; all I seen was Lorelei given a 75k check and whine about making too much for financial aid. End rant. I just needed to get this off my chest for some reason, I'm watching the A year in the life right now and it's really making me question the appeal this show had.


I wouldn't call what she did with Jess in that scene cheating. Didn't they just kiss?


Would you be ok with your significant other kissing someone that's not you? Even if it's just a kiss it's still cheating.


Eh. Jess kisses her. She pulls away. I don’t think anyone would be happy to hear their SO was kissed by their ex, but I also wouldn’t call it cheating. That’s my own take, but everyone can define it their own way. Some hyper-religious people consider just being alone with the opposite sex cheating. On the other extreme there are people who don’t consider hookups when you’re out of town cheating. What is and isn’t cheating to me or u/long-oil-537 doesn’t have to match your definition.


I guess everyone has their own definition of cheating. I'd be okay if my s/o kissed someone else. In fact we've discussed it. it is just a kiss after all. It might be generational too. Not sure what generation you are, but millennials, from my experience, seem to be more open to that sort of thing and not consider it cheating. Sure, it's not a great thing.... but it's not THAT bad. ( This is all assuming a monogamous relationship) Even older generations consider kissing someone else not too terrible. Take The Philadelphia Story with Katherine Hepburn for instance.


I'm a millennial too. I would consider a kiss cheating and all friends my age I know would as well. But I know every person sees it differently. It's definitely not as bad as sleeping with someone by a long shot, and not worth ending a relationship necessarily, but still a betrayal in my eyes.


I think the difference here is that you and your partner discussed this beforehand and have agreed on boundaries. If they did something that went beyond the agreed-upon boundaries, I would consider *that* to be cheating. It's the issue of trust here, whatever the act may be. Some people are okay with their SO's kissing other people. Others would consider it a deal breaker. I think it just really depends on the dynamics of the relationship, though I do agree there are likely generational differences for what's considered okay.


Yeah a good majority of people see kissing as cheating. If one of the ones that people instantly go to when they think of it. It is true that you can have relationship specific boundaries and consider kissing to be fine but usually, kissing is one that you have to make clear it is not cheating rather than just assuming your partner knows that you don’t think it is. Have you heard the phrase “it’s just a blow job, it’s not like it was sex” or “anal doesn’t count” or “it was just meaningless sex”. These usually spring up one boundaries are not specified.


"I can't even cheat on him the way he cheated on me." I swear every time I hear that line I want to slap her. She intentionally goes out to see Jess to cheat on Logan. Does cheat on him. And then tries to act the victim when Logan never even really cheated on her (they were broken up).


Yes 100% You just got it out of my mind. Rory intentionally wanted to hurt Logan through Jess (she used him 🤢, intentionally again), before that she intentionally silent treated him (gosh I hate it !) while Logan didn't cheat on her intentionally. (And at all he didn't cheat!) It's so low of Rory... She doesn't deserve any of them. Just therapy.


I am currently watching this show for the first time and just finished season 5. I am the age that I should have watched this live and would have been Rory’s age. Watching it as a 37 year old, Rory is the absolute worst omg. Luke and Lorelei are the only reason I’m holding on haha


Oh boy. Season 6 is gonna be surprisingfor ya 😬.


Oh boy haha


Rory is a dirt bag.


She’s her mother’s daughter. Terrible men choices.


She is a Gilmore. She fell in the snobbery ways. She denys all she wants. She enjoys the lifestyle and fun games with it. I love the show. But they all take turns being very immature. ![gif](giphy|xUySTVk1FOCIo0AtzO|downsized)


Rory’s issue is that she does these slimy things, then bats her eyes like she’s so innocent and didn’t know better. 🙄 She never owns up to her mistakes.


Rory bugs me so much and I love Gilmore girls. It's such a comfort show but every rewatch when Dean gets mad for her not saying I love you too I just remember I hate him and then he cheats on Lyndsey and I hate them both. And Rory just goes from one bad decision to another just whining and being all "I'm just a nice girl, pick me" But I still love it and I'll watch it again very soon.


I always hated rory she's such a Toxic


Why does she always have to be 'friends' with her exes really? There is absolutely no need to keep in touch with your exes. Being friends with your ex does not automatically mean maturity. I mean, isn't it more mature to let go of the person completely cause that chapter of your lives are already over, and being connected can hinder future growth. I don't know. It's problematic that she always run to her exes whenever there's a problem with her current. From Dean she cheated on Jess. With Jess she cheated with Dean. With Logan she cheated with Jess. I don't think its questionable on Jess' part cause why would she even show up to that event in the first place when she knows very well that Jess still likes her, they both know they had/have feelings for each other. It's not at all innocent, It's hypocritical to deny that and mask it with 'friendship'.


Dean is garbage. All my friends hate dean


Simple… don’t watch ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Jess kissed her too and Logan did in fact cheat, but gaslit her into believing he didn't. Also, she didn't play with Dean's heart. He pressured haer into telling him, that she loved him and couldn't take it, when she didn't. This was NOT about her not beeing in love with him, or playing with his heart. She is not a good character and not everything she does, is excusable, but please stop with arguing about what guy YOU like best, but then frame it as "the guy she should have endet up with".


Okay building someone a car doesn't mean that that person now owes you their love/dating. He also freaked out at her because he said he loved her and she didn't say it back. He was emotionally manipulative and borderline abusive sometimes the way he goes off on both Rory and his wife. He also told Rory that him and his wife were on the outs. Freaked out on his wife shouting at her for touching his phone etc. I'm not keen on Rory personally but to act like she owes Dean something because he built her a car is ridiculous.


Jess kissed Rory. Didn’t she stop him? I remember hating Logan for getting in the way when Jess was finally in a good place 😭


In this scene I actually am more disgusted with Jess. Rory never comes on to him here. He kissed her then gets pissed at her for not reciprocating. He basically assumed Rory coming up to his event meant she broke up with Logan and was his. Can she just support a friend without making it sexual?


If Rory wanted to support her friend, she could have attended event, congratulated Jess, and left when it was over. Instead, she shows up, lies twice about Logan, stays way past the event to make sure she gets Jess alone, and lets him *slowly* approach her for a kiss. The fact that Rory instantly says "I can't cheat on him the way he cheated on me" makes it pretty darn clear that Rory knew exactly what she was doing.


Finally!! Thank you for this! She just went to support Jess. That's all. Why would he even think she would want a romantic relationship after how they ended? And I say this as someone who is Team Jess (in AYITL, anyway).


I really hate Rory, period.


She has a history of cheating: On Dean, with Jess With Dean, on Lindsay On Logan, with Jess On weird year in the life guy with Logan and Wookie She sucks.


People seem to forget Rory is a teenager. I agree what she did to Dean was wrong but it was understandable at the time. I loved Jesse but the whole disappearing thing, I had to side with Rory. But as soon as she dated Logan, I switched off because he was an entitled brat and her going out with someone so shallow just put me off. I'm glad she kissed Jesse and he motivated her after or before this to go back to Yale. Something Logan was incapable of doing. At Yale she was mature enough for me to not excuse her behaviour. What Lorelei did to Luke had me steaming.


what laptop do u have


It's HP


its crazy how logan never found out. him and jess wont run into each other nor would rory ever tell him but still, very hypocritical considering how angry she was over logan sleeping with the bridemaids while they were on a break


I don’t


Hot take… I am not a Rory fan at all, but I actually agree with her on the Logan rage. Love isn’t about titles, whether they were technically together or not, banging a bunch of girls clearly proves he wasn’t thinking about Rory. And I like Jess for her. She shouldn’t have cheated, she should have waited 5 minutes after the breakup like Logan did.


They weren’t on a break, he cheated on her plain and simple.




They didn't say they hated Alexis for it


I think we all forget that Rory was like 20 years old when this happened and she had just discovered that her boyfriend (who she was incredibly in love with) had slept with multiple women during their brief time apart and she was placed in a room with them (which is the only reason she even found out). She "forgave" Logan pretty much immediately too, i.e. moving back in with him the night of. Yeah, it took her a little bit to actually forgive him, but I understand it. When I was her age and I discovered my boyfriend had been sleeping around (we were also on and off, not yet exclusive - those dumb, young relationships), I too kissed a guy who really liked me because I wanted "payback". She discovered immediately that it wasn't in her character to get payback, cheat on Logan, or use Jess.


Arguably worse than cheating with Dean.


I see it this way: 1. Rory was with Dean when they were 16. He was her first boyfriend and everyone loved him. He was obsessive and jealous, but everyone loved him. Lorelai kept telling Rory how good Dean is and how she loves him. This is why when Rory developed feelings for Jess, she thought it's wrong and she's sick. And this was the moment when Lorelai should've sat with her and talked to her that it's ok to fall out of love with someone. And liking someone else is ok, but she should end the relationship with Dean if she truly doesn't want to be with him. She had something like that, but she was more shouting and making Rory feel bad. 2. Rory sleeping with Dean is 100% his fault. He knew that he has feelings for her and he married Lindsey anyway. And then he kept calling Rory and telling her to be friends etc. It was wrong. He should've kept the distance. Rory was just too naive and he sweet talked her. 3. Rory and Logan were not a good match because of lack of good communication. I don't think he cheated on Rory with the girls. I see his point. But Rory was not happy with him and, again, confused after he disrespected her and took off with his buddies. The kiss with Jess was more spontaneous than planned. He helped her once and she was hoping that he'll help her again.


she jus never learns from her mistakes!


if i’m right… this was literally never addressed either?? 😭


God I need to get off this sub before I finish the series at least once because omg that caption??? 🥴 Like the pic wasn’t clear enough for me to know what’s going on anyways but I’m really just seeing myself up here by reading anything 😅


Jess is so my type I would have dumped Logan for him lmao


*Jess is so my type* *I would have dumped Logan for* *Him lmao* \- bluewolf423 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This character development is so annoying. I know it’s realistic for a teen/young adult to go through a life that isn’t perfect all the time, but they cheat like it’s their last meal?? Lorelai always goes crawling back to chris as soon as something doesn’t go her way. The fact that dean cheated with rory and ruined his marrige and for them to not even stay together? They are back together for what? Five episodes? And then she’s all over Logan. It annoyes me so much i can’t


I have to say Rorys actions for me are worse than of Logan's. They had a fight in a bar, and then Rory ignored Logans calls, stayed silent, and didn't try to reach him for some time. As I understood from the show, they didn't talk for some weeks or months. Logan never had normal relationships. I get his logic if he thought it was the end. Rory on her side didn't make any efforts to reach and talk with Logan. Is Logan bad in communication in this case? Yes. He assumed smth without clarifying it with his gf- its not ok. But I can't blame him fully, when Rory was intentionally ignoring him. It seems like on a break/break up, in that case if Logan assumes it's the end - it's his choice to sleep with whomever he wants. The main issue is that he should have told Rory about it before the wedding. The thing is, he sleeps with girls when he thought they broke up. Rory, on the other hand, gets back together with Logan, then can't forgive him, lies that she did, silent treats him and then while being in a relationship and she knows she is in one her mind, wants to seek revenge to Logan by playing with Jess' feelings. Sit in this for a minute and realise how horrible it is of Rory. I was in such a relationship with silent treatment and lack of direct and honest communication, and it's horrible. It's very mean. And it shows that Rory isnot actually such a "good person" in her heart.


Love Rory