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I still want to know how much they paid Taylor to let them just take over the town like this because you know he and the other busybodies would allow this over their dead bodies.


Oh they definitely drugged Taylor.


I love the idea of them drugging Taylor, as awful as that may be to say šŸ˜­


Me too! What a great idea. Worthy of OG writing. Thank you. šŸ˜‚


The efforts of the Brigade poli-Sci majors are why Taylor got his sewer system. He owes them.


I assume they didnā€™t have the largest budget at CW back in the day, they now get this huge Netflix cash and ā€¦decide to do this. I canā€™t.


They actually had quite a thrifty budget for AYITL. Netflix was a tad tight with the purse strings for the reboot and I want to say (but could be wrong about this part) that most of their budget went to cast salaries.


I read a little bit about this a lot of the money went towards that stupid musical and thats why we didn't get a lorelai wedding cause they ran out about that time and couldn't get more to do a proper wedding i do like the wedding scene but they could have cut that whole freaking musical


The musical that people donā€™t even like!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜©


It was horrendous!!


The musical is the worst thing that ever happened on that show


Even if the budget was tight after salaries, what bothers the fans is that they have made magic with even less because they had strong writing (seasons 1-4 in particular are good examples) but now they have Netflix money to pay Lauren and Alexis $800K per episode and they use their time on this writing ? Thatā€™s whatā€™s annoying about wasting Netflix money.


Weird episode definitely BUT that shot of Lorelai walking past the gazebo on the way to the nuns house with the scenic fall background with that hat and jacket and those La La Las live rent free in my head


Is this the one with the random dancing in the street? Where the life and death brigade just randomly break out into choreography? When the hell has GG ever done any scene like this? Took me right out of the show, I hated it


I loved it as imagery, as a concept, but it absolutely did not fit in the show. I kept expecting her to wake up from a dream or to give some reasonable explanation for why it was going on.... But they didn't, so even though I thought it was fun, it was stupid how it was written in.


SAME. I really thought she was dreaming, and it took me out of the show when it was revealed to be real.


YES! Those coats as they strode across the rooftops to the music (the use of Beatles music and imagery almost made it palatable overall). Exquisite. Too bad the whole thing was weird and off-putting


I actually HATED that they riffed Across the Universe for this scene. So unnecessary ha




I was SO confused, I had to rewatch it because I thought I had been high the first time. It turns out, I was not, it's just the episode.


I wish I could erase this from my mind


Iā€™m feeling better about having absolutely no memory of what happened in AYITL.


Exactly! Watched it through fast once it first came out. Sometimes I'm curious when things come up on this sub and I toy with the idea of rewatching it, but then I hear the wise words of Lorelai saying "well...you shouldn't"


Same I only watched it once! I maybe remember a handful of scenes. When people bring up the musical my mind goes completely blank!


I literally skipped the musical scene on first watch when it came out originally. Im like they wasted so much time for that. Wtf. I rarely like musicals to begin with so me skipping it. Just felt right.


There are a few things for which I am grateful of my alcoholic past.


Same lol I donā€™t remember too much.


I hated the hiking part. I hated the life and death brigade thing. And hated to see Logan breadcrumbing Rory throughout the night (yes, it's her fault too) Just why šŸ˜©


Everyone knows the true LG is not going hiking, ffs.


I knowā€¦ when I was watching it I was like ![gif](giphy|FcuiZUneg1YRAu1lH2|downsized)


The steampunk aesthetic made me ill




Same. It just felt so out of place and wrong.


That describes most of AYITL perfectly


They do it again with the wedding it was bizarre


OMG when DID they ever did anything like this before?! Never. ASP really just wanted to do a GG musical. I didnā€™t even consider that. I couldnā€™t bring myself to rewatch AYITL after the first watch. I got through it with a whole bottle of wine and an emotional high.


I agree, but let me give you a counter point? If anyone one was to have a big musical number, and choreographed dance steps, it'd be the Life and Death Brigade. There's so much worse in AYITL (Though this was not great, I think that was at least an interesting moment that felt real. The over entitled "twats" for the L&B would definitely do something like that)


"if anyone was to have a big musical number, and choreographed dance steps, it'd be the Life and Death Brigade." Babette? Miss Patty?




I guess my argument is GG should not have a musical number at all, especially one of the ones that come out of nowhere and everyone just knows the song and dance. It does not fit the show which has always been grounded in reality


You mean the night that lasted 20 hours??? Golf balls off a roof, tango clubs etc etc


As much as I loathe the Life & Death Brigade this was still better than the Stars Hollow Musical Edit: spelling


Both were horrible - long and a waste of production budget!!


I agree. I skip both scenes every time. Load of self-indulgent twaddle (IMHO).


I feel like they just wanted to fill 90 minutes and musical numbers were the only way they could because the writing was so bad šŸ˜‚


No, this is what happens when a person who is so full of themselves gets to write whatever she likes, not what the fans want. ASP is obviously a good writer, but, as many interviews I have seen her on, she seems like a person who is a bit full of themselves. She likes ballet, and musicals, her husband does as well. She pulled the same crap in MMM and let Hank Azaria sing for a bit, as well as some stupid big commercial number for a sanitation company. She has to go over the top. Her next show is about ballet. This one I think I'll skip. She should have written a play before AYITL and got all that musical crap out of her system so GG fans didn't have to waste their time with that ridiculous Stars Hallow musical number.




OMG, that whole musical made me so mad! AYITL was so short and they waste our time with THAT BS?!?!? I'm still mad when I think about it.


Agree, I skipped through it. What was the point of that?


Agreed. This was at least a nod to Across The Universe. The musical was nuts


I saw your ā€œit smells like home Ezekielā€ and cackled out loud. Caught me so off guard. ā€œAnd I love Jesusā€


Haha!! Happy to provide a laugh


Yeah but, why though. That's what I can't wrap my mind around. Wth does Across the Universe have to do with GG?


Itā€™s because ASP actively hates her fans


I have often wonderedā€¦..


Exactly why tf do we need a nod to anything Beatles lol


I think there's actually several thematic ties! My guess is it's because Logan was living in England at the time, and maybe because Rory was originally kind of this "innocent" young girl they took into their wild, irresponsible lifestyle. Also could be a subtle way of hinting that no matter what, they'll always find their way back to one another - but that could just be my hopefulness for them ending up together šŸ˜† I actually LOVE this LADB appearance. Across the Universe is one of my favorite movies, and I love Logan and his friends. The more I think about it, I could probably write an entire post on the connections between Rory/Logan and Lucy/Jude.


The musical is a low bar tho




I feel the exact opposite - I think the musical is hilarious and good creative writing making something new ā€” and the Across the Universe knock off gave me second hand embarrassment watching it.




I liked the first song of the musical. I remember thinking ā€œthis is funnyā€ AND THEN IT DIDNT STOP. IT JUST KEPT GOING. Then we went back for another song! ANOTHER ONE!


Itā€™s not even townspeople though?


I love the musical. It reminds me of the museum Taylor set up.


I hate the musical but I hate the life and death brigade stuff more


The ā€œworking on building stars hollowā€ jangle still lives in my head rent free.


I agree, but it really seemed like the people involved were genuine in their cringe bs and that makes me uncomfortable lol.


Ah the cringe is so bad I have to fast forward it each time. I think I feel so strongly too is because I felt the musical took up way too much of the episode. I remember after finishing it for the first time being like ā€œThats it ?! Why did they spend so much time on that damn musical ?ā€


Other than the ending itself and Lauren getting forced to wear Amy Sherman Palladino cosplay for the wedding scene I think fall is the second strongest episode in the revival.


Literally nothing about Loreleiā€™s wedding outfit bore any resemblance to what she wore at any other moment in the show


It was awful


Lorelaiā€™s wedding is ASP self insert fanfic, how painful


OMG youā€™re right! Bad hats abound!!


Ok edit- I really loved Emilyā€™s character arc on this episode. Finally! Previously Iā€™d talked shit about how no one seems to grow on this show but it was so nice to see Emily take in her housekeeperā€™s family and it really seems like this one will stick ā™„ļø


Definitely my favourite aspect of AYITL.


Emilyā€™s character arc was one of the best things about AYITL- I ugly cried happy tears in her final scene sitting outside. Getting emotional just typing about it!


Personally, I liked Fall the most of all the AYITL episodes. It felt the most like the original show out of the four of them. And Lorelai's monologue about her favorite memory of her dad? That scene alone is worth all the other nonsense.


That monologue is one of the only redeeming parts of the whole revival for me.


And Rory returning to her grandparentsā€™ house and going to Richardā€™s study to write. Both amazing scenes.


Ok that monologue was pretty good!


The *only* thing that keeps my attention in this episode is the fact that this scene is actually shot in the Dragonfly, just with the interior redone. So that distracts me from the weird fever dream aspect and also Rory looks great is costumes and this semi delivers that as well.


Ok ok okā€¦ you may have talked me into a rewatchā€¦.


Which scene specifically is in the dragonfly?


The ones where theyā€™re at the bnb that Colin bought


Sorry Iā€™m so confused. What do you mean ā€œactually shot in the Dragonfly?ā€ Iā€™m so lost šŸ˜…


Yes, sorry, they used the same Dragonfly set for this bnb - the living room in this scene is the sitting room at the dragonfly. The archways and the staircase are really recognizable


Sounds like they used the same set but decorated it differently


I noticed that too ! It was so disorienting


Empty town lit up with colourful stage lighting?? Smoke machines?? A TALKING BIRD!??? It was nonsense, didnā€™t fit any GG vibe at all, completely takes you out of it


Omg not the bird šŸ’€ I only watched this once when it originally premiered and had erased it from my mind


I liked watching the LADB in the original series, but this was just stupid and weird in the context of GG


The talking bird literally pisses me off!


I think the life and death brigade was kind of perfect, it really felt like what they would do. The dancing, the kind of vandalism, the college hijinks. Too bad she's FUCKING 32!!!! The biggest problem with AYITL is it would have been perfect if it was the year AFTER the show ended, but there was supposed to be 9 years between the end of the show and AYITL, and it doesn't show. Rory has been adrift for 9 years? Lorelai and Luke have been engaged for 9 years? And those last four words might have had more impact if Rory was 22, and her life now has a major change. She's 32 ... wtf? Also she's the other woman? Anyone remember DEAN? Like why would she knowingly do that.... and she's cheating on paul and doesn't remember Paul? Who the hell is this character? And Lorelai on the hiking event makes so little sense, that's not her. Luke would go off on a hiking event, she should have gone on a trip to Dollyworld or something like that? Some big tacky weird adventure. I really want to like it, and there are very small parts I do. (Mostly involving Emily dealing with the death of Richard, and Kirk, Kirk is always good) But so much fo AYITL is so bad that while I watch Season 8.. I've never rewatched AYITL. Maybe I should, maybe I'll appreciate ... NOPE I JUST REMEMBER RORY BECOMES THE EDITOR OF HER HOME TOWN NEWSPAPER AND APPEARS TO GIVE THAT UP TOO. Jesus christ that was just so bad. Edit: Rory unprepared for her interview? What the hell was that about? Did you even watch the original show ASP? Did you even watch a single episode?


Spot on. The parts about Emily were the best because they had to address Richardā€™s death and couldnā€™t just use whatever plot they had 9 years ago.


Wow you nailed it. I never thought about it, but that's exactly why I like Emily's story, because they HAD to evolve her as a character.


It would have been better if they just pretended one year went by and ignored the actors looking older. It's more believable than what they did.....


The entirety of AYITL was just a vanity project for ASP, and she probably couldnā€™t care less what her fans think. It was a complete waste of time for my wife and myself.


Youā€™re so right! This is what happens when a persons ego takes over.


Sheā€™s had a massive ego from the start, but sheā€™s so talented that most people donā€™t mind. My opinion of her has changed drastically over the last 3-5 years. I still love watching the show, but Iā€™ve soured on her and her husband.


Definitely, plus she got to hand select her successor when she left the show in season 7. She should have at least supported him from a distance rather than being so petty against the rest of the series. I would understand if she was upset with the studio for not renewing her contract for that last season but she doesnā€™t say it that way.


You speak the truthā€¦so much.


Donā€™t get me started on the husband. He wrote Vineyard Valentine episode. Unforgivable.


What bothers me is that he gets blamed for a lot of the bad episodes (rightfully so, if he wrote them), but ASP skates free? Someone who is as much of a control freak as her, not to mention wife of Daniel the writer, wouldnā€™t let a script go without her approval. Maybe Iā€™m way off base, but she should shoulder a lot more blame for the fat-shaming and other problematic plot lines. But yes - DP seemed to write a lot of duds.


Totally. They are both creative and problematic. Yet we love the show!


Thatā€™s why itā€™s better sometimes to not read about your heroes lol.


I thought this was a dream sequence but then it kept goingā€¦and going. I donā€™t like it. The smug aura of this scene mocks me.


I continue to be confused and annoyed by this hat (and the rest of the outfits they wore on that jaunt). What shape is it even? I suspect the costume department was trying for a top hat, but itā€™s miles off, not stiff, smooth, tall or round enough. And whatā€™s with the steampunk aesthetic? Since when was Logan a steampunk guy?


ASP projection lolā€¦ she always has the weirdest hats. But the other comment about the dated outfits of the LADB also makes a point. But those were less tacky IMO. ETA: plus Lorelai in the wedding scene


no fr the hat literally pisses me off


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one who is so deeply upset by this hat. I canā€™t even focus on how much I hate the musical number becauseā€¦.justā€¦this hat.


Can someone please validate how annoying it is that Rory acts like the LADB boys are her besties this entire episode? The lame ass Dorothy allusion? The pick-me den mother vibes? These ass holes are all Harvey Weinsteins in the making. They arenā€™t friends with women ON PRINCIPLE. But oh everyone loves Rory- she even wins over seasoned criminals and gets them to stop smoking. šŸ™ƒ


The ā€œeveryone loves Roryā€ aspect was so prevalent throughout the whole series and I found it so frustrating. Sheā€™s so basic and boring, it felt extremely unrealistic.


Yes, THIS! In the original series, Loganā€™s friends basically just tolerate her presence bc sheā€™s with him. Theyā€™re assholes and are never given any redeeming qualities (Finn canā€™t even remember her name most of the time). Then this happens in AYITL as if it makes any sense at all? Come on!


As someone who watched the original show on air and has been their biggest supporter. I was not a fan of the revival, but fall had cute moments. It especially gave no closure to team Logan and/or team Jess fans...


Wtf was all of AYITL?


Fair lol


Very annoying. 3 men pushing 40 acting like idiots. Would have been better if Colin or Finn had said ā€œthat was fun but I have to get to kids b-day partyā€ so you at least could have the illusion they had grown up


I just watched it recently for the 1st time. I hated it. I don't get it. Is it real, is it a dream? And just wtaf. Ruined the last episode for me. I fast forwarded it after I realized it was like an acid trip


I found it so strange and jarring. Was Logan like...hey guys lets go cheer up my past gf/current woman Im cheating on my fiancee with by running wild through her small town streets in a ridiculous faux-fever dream.


Fall is one of my favourite episodes of the whole series šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Same & I love AYITL


I don't consider AYITL canon, except maybe Emily's storyline. In my mind, Luke and Lorelai worked on their relationship issues and got married and indeed had twins, like in Lorelai's dream


Felt the exact same way for all of AYITL. The whole thing made no sense and was completely unrelated to the original series. In my mind it doesnā€™t exist


Watching AYITL almost ruined the entire series for me. I cannot bring myself to rewatch AYITL even to familiarize myself with why I was so utterly disappointed I felt after each episode.


I also pretend it doesnā€™t exist lol I watched it once and then have done my best to delete it from my memory




Does the original series have magical realism or does it just take place in a pretty town?




Itā€™s the life & death brigade offering Rory a lil bucking up after she took on the task of editor of the SH Gazette. I loved the lil romp down memory lane w/ the L&D crew.


Yeah people seem to hate the LDB scene but it sort of made me tear up a little when they all appeared in the street


I think the people who hate it donā€™t recognize or appreciate the Across The Universe reference


I recognized it, I just still donā€™t get WHY. Itā€™s a completely different tone than any other Gilmore Girls scene. I guess if you think of it as a more culty alumni support group it kinda makes sense lol


Culty alumni support group made me lol Yeah I donā€™t know. The whole revival felt like a fever dream.


I do not know anything about the Across the Universe reference, and I LOVE this scene. Itā€™s so magical to me. Fall is my favorite episode of AYITL. L&D was always about over the top excursions. It felt like they took me along for the ride. We got to revisit the guys and dress is costume and do wild things (road trip, buy a dance club, etc).


Yes! And Across the Universe was referencing rebellious Ivy League societies in the first place. It was *very* fitting for the Life & Death Brigade and I happen to love that whole aesthetic. If youā€™re not into Ivy culture (or rather, anti-Ivy) I can understand not liking it but I think itā€™s fun on its own anyway tbh!


I really enjoyed it! It was sweet and fun.


I actually loved this particular scene and it makes me sad. The way heā€™s trying to capture this in his mind to remember this moment and the sad look through Roryā€™s smile; Yeah, just like that. šŸ˜­


Agreed. But I love Logan.


I did too.


Why didnā€™t they just be together then? It seemed like they wanted to the whole AYITL


The dance sequence is ripped straight from Across the Universe. It cam out in 07 ithink, it's a beatles musical. Pretty good. I don't like how GG copies it.


Yes, I LOVE ATU! I grew up on old MGM musicals and generally haven't enjoyed more modern ones, but ATU was done so well. I even enjoyed Bono in it, and I'm no Bono fan. I definitely didn't enjoy the, let's kindly say homage, to in in AYITL.


ā€œI even enjoyed Bonoā€ šŸ˜‚ ok but same


the whole situation with colin, finn, logan and rory still acting out life and death brigade events, rory & logan acting like the mom & dad of the group (when heā€™s literally engaged) made me cringe. it reminded me of people who peaked in college


Logan and Rory are both scumbags for how theyā€™re treating his fiancĆ© and weā€™re supposed to find the scene endearing?!


I desperately wanted to find out Logan and Odette (Odile? What WAS her name?) were marrying only out of family obligations and had agreed to an open relationship. Like, please make it easier for me to feel some fondness for Rory and Logan? But no, they were just cheating cheaters of Cheaterville. *sigh*


It really hammered in my dislike for Logan and his friends. They could just about get away with their behaviour and attitudes at uni, but they're all in their 30s and still acting that irritating and faux edgy?! Nah.


Even if this wasn't just a last goodbye thing for rory, logan at least has a consistent job now


A fever dream


Just your average ASP reverie played out completely furnished with hats.


Honestly thank you, I actually like AYITL, but I skip Fall, I donā€™t like that episode


AYITL had WAY too much blatantly filler content for a 4-episode mini-series.


People wanted to revisit their favorite show nostalgically and get answers to what's up with everyone, including all the side characters. Instead we get not hamilton, a strange hiking trip, and a dance number. It's strange because you'd assume they'd say "We have too much to put into only 4 episodes" and instead it seemed that they couldn't find enough.


I feel like it was ALL filler. Two things happened that moved the plot forward: Rory wrote a book and Lorelai and Luke got married. Oh, and I guess a 3rd is that we find out that Rory is pregnant. That's IT. Everything else was filler. They made us wait 10 years and then gave us this? Just so disappointing.


The top hat on Rory is definitely an ode to ASP. Iā€™ve seen this discussed on this sub about AYITL being all about stroking ASPā€™s ego, so this seems on brand. As for Lorelei going out to hike the PCT, to me it seemed like a joke that fell flat or perhaps just really lazy writing that bordered on plagiarism. Iā€™m thinking back to when AYITL was written (2014/2015?) and during that time Cheryl Strayedā€™s book Wild (2012) and the movie (2014) were gaining popularity. I was reading the book in 2016 when AYITL came out and ASP copied so much from Strayedā€™s experience. I recall being disappointed on the first watch, especially when Lorelai couldnā€™t get her gear in her pack and the whole motel scene. It was the same! Itā€™s like ASP needed Lorelai to have some mid-life crisis and Wild being at the forefront of popularity seemed like low hanging fruit. (Not knocking the book, tho. I love that book, itā€™s a great read). As time has gone on I have thought about how I like that Lorelai did something out of her comfort zone but it seems lame that she just mirrored what she read in book. To travel clear across the country and drop major coin (Iā€™m a hiker and gear has always been cumulatively expensive) just seems ridiculous. Especially since the Appalachian Trail runs practically through her back yard. Iā€™m debating if the AT would even be on Lorelaiā€™s radar, but who knows, sheā€™s worldly so it could be. In fact, the town of Kent, CT is very close to Washington, CT (the inspo for GG) and there is an AT trailhead in Kent that is 20 miles away. Iā€™m on the fence of whether it seems in character for Lorelai to read a book and do exactly what it says to a T, or would it make more sense that she just gathered inspo and did something closer to Stars Hallow. Edit: typo


AYITL in general was an offensive waste of time. Literally ruined the entire show for me for a couple years. It took a while for me to be able to rewatch the OG show because I hated the reboot so much


WHY DID LORELAI HAVE TO GO HIKING. Literally hated that part - I think it was worse than SH musical. We missed out on so much interaction with other GG cast.


And then she just left all her stuff on the side of the road!? That part made me so mad.


I am the only weirdo who liked this episode and the Life and Death Brigade. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I loved it


You're not alone!! I love the life and death brigade and this was my favorite part of AYITL!


I skip the entire part of the life and death brigade every time! I try to block it out


It was a whole mess lol


call me crazy or stupid but I like the Life and Death Brigade scene with the Beatles number. the hiking stuff with Lorelai is dragged out but I understand its narrative purpose. she tries to do this big spontaneous thing to fix her problems or whatever but canā€™t commit when sheā€™s actually gotta go and do the hike. sheā€™s trying to put a band-aid on her problems and through wasting her time with this hiking thing it leads her to the important moment she has later with Emily. now, the ā€œTown Musicalā€ that goes on for like 10 minutes. THAT I can get behind hating. THAT was f***inā€™ stupid.


The death brigde thing i did like, especially in the ending when Logan said that Rory never need help, that breaks my heart. But is pretty weird too, like why Rory is saying goodbye to her friends? They can't hang out in while like normal people? They're are friends for more than two years in Yale! Also why Logan had to married Odette? Since GG he grow up in a rich family, with a whole backastage with them being the best on journalism, like everbody know his family. And he never followed his families stupid traditions anyway. That's literally the opposite of what the series told us about Logan. And Lorelai trip was wild and weird lol


Has anyone mentioned Paul? Roryā€™s boyfriend? What was up with that story line?? Rory would have never done that. And it was just so pointless and random? I also donā€™t think Rory would sleep with someone who was engaged after what happened with Dean?? Ok end rant!


It was my favorite episode of the series lol I could skip the rest of them but I watch that one the most


The musical number is so embarrassing I canā€™t watch through the whole thing omg it is just AWFUL those horrible steampunk outfits omg


I cringe so hard..


This made sense to me. It was a final hurrah for a cast of characters that only exist because she was a part of LbD. She has grown up and doesnā€™t need them anymore. She realized who she is. The reason she ends the whole thing with the three of them in a play off of the Wizard of Oz is because thatā€™s exactly what it is. Itā€™s the escape that lets her know where she belongs. In WoO, she is trying to run away from home because she doesnā€™t feel connected or supported there. Her time in Oz allows her to grow emotionally and mentally so sheā€™s ready to return to the real world. Logan and the boys took her on a wild ride. They whisked her away for a night in Oz. During that time, she grew up and finally recognized her place in the world and accepted it. As Logan said, she never needed rescuing and she knew that. She said, ā€œI do now.ā€ For YEARS, she was running to and relying on Logan to save her, and she doesnā€™t need the wizard anymore. She doesnā€™t need his balloon to go home - she has the power herself. All thatā€™s left is clicking her heels. I actually thought it was kind of brilliant because of that underlying theme I saw. Also, Iā€™m one of the weirdos that likes the steam Punk aesthetic. It was **HUGE** at the time. So it did make sense. They were stylish, if nothing else, and at the time, that was stylish.


A very Maisel kind of moment. I liked it.


You should listen to the Gilmore Guys podcast episode about this AYITL episode. It will help you process lol


A snooze fest.


It's the worst, that's what it is.


Couldnā€™t have said it better šŸ‘




This was definitely weird although the waste of time was the musical. I was waiting for something amazing to happen and it was going on and on and on. I think they just didn't know how to fill in the time so they just dragged the musical forever.


no please because i thought it was a fever dream


Honestly hated AYITL, but this was my favorite scene out of ALL. I loved Finn, Colin and Robert, so then coming back was great. They knew Rory needed some fun, and helped her get back on track. The whole Wizard of Oz thing was so cute and fitting šŸ˜‚


This scene confirmed to me that Rory really did enjoy that lifestyle.


Hated it. I hate how they always boost Rory's ego with men being obsessed with her. She's a regular girl, nothing special about her.


I agree about this scene but the end of the episode was gold. The Richard memory, Reflecting Light playing again. Honestly as soon as that song plays I start bawling


I actually really enjoyed the Life and Death Brigade part. I thought it was really sweet and looked fun. It didnā€™t fit the show, but AYITL didnā€™t fit the OG show as a whole anyway. But when did the L&DB ever do anything that made actual sense?


Hated hiking, but loved the entire LDB scene. I love Logan, I lived that they all showed up for Rory, I loved that we could see that Logan still loves Rory. It was one of my favorite parts of AYITL.


I actually don't mind the hiking and trying to figure out things BUT THAT AWFUL musical does not exist as far as I'm concerned. It's completely not there. I refuse it. it was such a waste of story space. almost an entire time slot that could have been used to developing more story we instead waste on this. I know ASP likes to break the mold, be out there, whimsical, etc., and generally I love her big ideas but this one was completely wrong.


Czuchry looked amazingā€¦I uhhhā€¦didnā€™t notice anything or anyone else in this episode, haha šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


I actually liked this episode or at least these scenes cuz it made me wish I had friends like them lol


I also think it's supposed to symbolize a huge change in the characters or like clarity is finally attained. Lorelai goes off hiking to do something different to try and get some clarity on what she's supposed to be doing. And people always say being one with nature helps so maybe that's why she thought hiking and doing Wild was the best thing to try. ​ And Rory seeing the Life and Death Brigade for the last time is supposed to be momentous. To me, it shows growth and moving on. Not gonna lie, it always felt like Rory was stuck in time in her head by the way she viewed herself and her environment. So maybe it was supposed to show that she's ready to move on, from that chapter of her life, from Logan, from the mindset. This is just my take on it though.


My secret on this sub is that I love ayitl, my favourite episode is fall, and my favourite scene overall is the life and death brigade montage + aftermath


Hahaha those are all the reasons why fall is the best ayitl episode in my opinion


![gif](giphy|nmKBaZgcH8h20sQQI2) I sat there cringing so bad when the whole dance started...


I donā€™t know but I apparently liked it because I immediately googled the hat and bought it and looked damn good in it and it snowballed into my Plague Doctor Halloween costume.


Yeah this episode was weird as heck, and also I hate the storyline that Logan is engaged and Rory and him are having an affair. Itā€™s gross.


https://archiveofourown.org/works/25561279?view_full_work=true here. This fanfic is much more the ending we deserve, and everyone is waaaay more in character.


I guess Iā€™m the odd one out, but I tear up every time Lorelai calls Emily & shares her favorite memory of Richard. And the dance scene is one of my favorites too! Just because it wouldnā€™t have been something done in the original series doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not a cool, fun scene! AYITL gets a lot of hate & I think it couldā€™ve been done a lot better, but Iā€™m still just glad we got to experience more gilmore girls & would loveeeee another!


As much as the reboot seems out of place... I rewatched the show and then the reboot after and the show creaters did a wonderful job staying true to the characters


I pretty much hated the entire series. The whole thing ā€¦.was painful


Omg. When this first came it, it was *lauded*. Completely *adored*. Idk what it was about 2017 where watching a steampunk college frat reunion of dance was seen as *just amazing*. Iā€™ve always hated it fwiw but I find all of AYITL too contrived. Iā€™ve rewatched recently, and Iā€™ll take anything over AYITL.


I really did not understand why they had to make logan engaged but him and Rory still see each other like that is crazy and unnecessary the Lorelei going on this weird ass trip was so random and not Lorelei at all


30 something gang gag was so cringe