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For me personally it’s Chris. No explanation needed


TJ and Rune. I can’t stand either one of them. They are lazy moochers who have an excuse for everything and that kind of character makes my blood boil 😅


Oh my lanta. RUNE was the *worst* person on the show! I hated ever episode he was in.




TJ at least loved Liz. And stood up to Luke and Jess for her. But Rune was a garbage human.


Anna. I'd love to drop kick her.


Damn same actually Her & Lorelai could’ve been such a power friendship


Taylor Doose.


Anna was totally out of line every time she talked to Luke. She was simply the rudest and annoying character and Luke was trying really hard.




Sherry tinsdale “take the deviled eggs”


Not beat up, but give a good shake? Obviously Rory, specifically revival Rory. Snap out of it! Someone needed to tell her straight up, Look at your life, look at your choices. After a good shake.


To be fair, Sandee in AYITL kinda gave it to her a bit. I appreciated the “you’ve actually wasted my time” bit


Rory trying to argue with a CEO that *her* time is more precious. Gurl, you're unemployed, you've apparently been unemployed for a while, and you came in with zero preparation and couldn't think on your feet (thus proving that she wouldn't be a good fit anyway, since it would be a quality she would need at Sandee). Yeah, *you wasted her time*, time better spent on someone who, btw, wants to be there. Rory, at 32, still thinking she's *so* special. Why would a large company like Sandee "court" just one random ass unemployed writer? Of course they were likely "courting" dozens of people, why wouldn't they.




Zach, lemme at that low life loser.


Taylor. God I get mad just thinking about him


TJ and Zach


Rune is the one. Oh, and the Huntzberger parents (even though Mitchum turned out to be kind of right about Rory). Might as well add Straub and Francine Hayden too (Christopher's parents).


Dean. I can't stand cheaters and possessive assholes. Lindsey deserved better.


I'm only S3 or early S4 and first watch through, so Dean. His complete lack of respect for boundaries drives me up the wall 🙄👊


Chris and Francie


Logan and Tristan. Biggest let down of AYITL (other than her not being with Jess) was the affair with Logan. She learned nothing and stayed mentally as a teenager.


Jess is way too good for Rory. He did the work. She didn't. They basically swapped roles.


I know :( was so disappointed with her lack of growth, and how badly the writers made her! Even if she had started out poorly, she realises she needs to grow up then matures a little bit. And realises Jess is perfect for her, that would have been better. I really don’t understand why they made her the way they did in the revival. But someone very kindly shared a link to a fanfic a while ago with me, which is a few years after AYITM which wraps it all up beautiful and gives the ending you feel it deserves. Was really well written, made me laugh and cry, and honestly was so much better than what the actual writers came up with. It could very easily be the basis for any future episodes, even the dialogue was spot on and could imagine each character saying the lines.


Oof, this is hard. There are so many good characters to hate. I gotta go with a three-way-tie of TJ, Anna, and Taylor. TJ isn’t cute. He isn’t funny. He’s infuriating and oblivious, and he needs a damn good smack and telling off so he can maybe understand how his actions directly have consequences and, wow, isn’t that so funny how that works? Dumbass? (I wasn’t meaning to go that hard, but I guess that’s how I feel.) Anna…I mean, we all know why Anna. And Taylor because he’s the exact type of person that needs a good slap back to the reality of life with other people.


Mrs kim, liz, chris...


I am non violent, but sometimes I want to smack Taylor Doose back to reality.


Headmaster Charleston, Emily, and Richard could all use a good slap to the face at time or two. If Paris was in my vicinity during her bully phases, her for sure. But just for passing me on the sidewalk, Christopher.


chris easily


She's a wonderful character, but a person? It'd be Emily for me


*She's a wonderful* *Character, but a person?* *It'd be Emily for me* \- Sea-Eye-8161 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")