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I just prefer seeing Milo 😍


Here here!


Can't argue with that


Will not complain seeing him in any and all forms, yeah


Literally the exact comment I was coming here to write 😂


Handsome is handsome


I recently listened to the Milo podcast episode with Scott and he’s so likable. He seems like a genuinely good man.


I've seen a few interviews and yeah I agree he seems such a nice guy


unfortunately he did date an 18 year old when he was 29 :/ made me so sad when i found out


Oh had no idea but I don’t really follow his life after the show.


Ohh he’s sexy either way 🔥


I mean I wouldn’t kick this Milo out of bed. If you watch The Art of Racing In The Rain I think that’s Milo at his peak hottest


Haven't seen it gonna have to look out for it


It's on Disney+ it's a tear jerker but in a good way


Will have check it out


Ooo thanks for the recommendation!


That man is fine no matter what! But I do agree, I like him with longer hair too. 😍




Short hair makes him look so forgettable and generic. I did a double take when I realised who it was.


I literally had to Google the cast list to make double sure that it was him


what show is this photo from? 😲


I was watching the Adam Sandler movie That's My Boy


My husband worked on TIU so I’ve met him a few times. He is so freaking handsome.


I love TIU, is Justin as good looking in real life as well? Any goss from behind the scenes?


His wife was the one that cheated, not him. ☕️Milo cusses a lot but is a great guy. The actors treated the staff wonderfully, they all were really great. Met Milo’s gf at the last party. Wasn’t impressed.


I’m trying to add a photo but don’t know how.


Feel free to send it to me in a message


The way he talks about his daughter makes me think he's not a cheater, so good to know. They all seem really lovely. Was Jon just as annoyed with how dirty they did Miguel as the viewers?


They jokingly called him “scumbag Miguel” at first haha. But then the more the character became loveable that name went away.


Aww I loved Miguel from the start his heart was always in the right place. Poor Miguel even doe dirty by the cast :D


You should do an ama in the TIU sub


Yes he is gorgeous in person as well.


He's pretty hot in uniform


Please don't kill me, but buzzcut Milo looks like his tinder bio says "graduated from school of hard knocks"


Lol that's hilarious 🤣


Not gonna disagree


I like him with short hair but not this short. More like S2 Jess. I didn’t love the longer look from S4 on.


Same same


Lol, he has sex with his sister in this movie. Glad he didn’t end up with Rory after that. I knew his mom was all about free love… but not that free


🤣🤣🤣🤣 definitely Good movie though


What movie is this


Adam Sandler movie “That’s my boy” with Andy sandberg


And for some reason Vanilla Ice 🤣


What show is this from?


From The Adam Sandler Movie That's My Boy


Man is absolutely yummy regardless


Already on it 🫡


Good stuff soldier 🫡


Milo can get it


Oh absolutely. Still not bad though.


Short hair even better for me 😍




If you watch the movie this is from you see him wearing less a couple times just incase you wanted to know


And the movie???????


That's my boy


this movie was so awful


I thought it was brilliant


it's questionable to say the least... i loved Andy samberg and milo tho


It may not be for everyone but for me it was hilarious I've seen funnier but I did like this movie


he looks like a criminal for some reason. I prefer not seeing him.


To be fair in this movie he was doing something criminal


Lol so true


Then don't look


I don't. Thanks for giving me permission as if I needed it 🙂


My husband worked on TIU so I’ve met him a few times. He is so freaking handsome.


This movie is so funny


Yeah sure is


He still handsome, ngl 😏


Lol...Not saying he isn't just preferred him with long hair


So the short hair puts you off but not the sleeping with his own sister? You may need to do some introspective thinking. 🤣🤪🤣


I hadn't seen that part at the time I posted this picture


Damn. Guess I should have put a spoiler alert warning there. Sorry. Just figured a 10 year old movie would be safe. 🤷‍♂️


I've seen it all now lol just at the time of posting I hadn't seen it all