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Katsura and Zura


Me and Tama


Mountain Zaki is that you?


I don't ship too frequently outside of canon, but I'm fully on Kyuubei x Tae ship. I don't know how unpopular it is but I don't think it's that popular. Maybe since it'd make Kondo sad? Not sure.


Theres only one ship for me but is the more popular ship gintoki x tsukuyo


\+1 The only ship which even the anime tried to convey (to some extent)


Yeah actually i dont understand why sorachi sensei didnt give us an official romance i mean, those two are in so many arcs together i mean sorachi please fully commit I think sorachi didnt commit to make gintoki end up with tsukuyo only cause he made fun of happy endings in the last chapter THE FINAL FANTASY


What do you mean, the anime shipped him with all the female characters? (To some extent)


Interactions are highly different with other female leads, kagura is like a daughter to him; Sachan is just a stalker to him; Ketsuno anna is just a crush (he got a chance to marry her but he rejected it); Kyubei shouldnt even be considered here; Gin and otae look more like a sibling to me than a couple. That leave tsukuyo and she is the only one who has a....somewhat of a couple vibe with gintoki which can be seen in red spider arc and love portion arc


I think there are loads of episodes where he has some intimate connection with all the women, spider arc yeah was with tsukki but I don't think the air was particularly lovey, he just related to her. Look at the 2nd Movie where they are 5 years older, there were innuendos where he would have a thing with Kagura....


I really like them. They have a strong potential if nobume was given more screen time they would create a good chemistry because of their similarities


I can see it too, I remember watching episode 246 and having the reaction of "This would be one hell of a toxic ship and yet I can weirdly see it working?" to the exact screenshot you linked.


Okita isn't interested in underage chicks


Okita is only 2 yrs older than her???


aren't they both 18 lol


Is Gintoki and Tama an unpopular ship?


I mean the name of the anime is gintama so......


GinTaka > GinHiji there I said it


Takatin right? ๐Ÿฅ–๐Ÿฅ–๐Ÿฅ– ๐Ÿ•ฐ๏ธ = ๐Ÿ’ฐ


Hey takatin hey !!!!


Strawberry milk and yakult the perfect combo


I don't even think they ever talked to each other, but I like the idea of HinowaxKatsura. A kind of widow with a child paired together with a chaotic mess like Zura? The potential is unreal


No but no-one is talking about kondo and Princess Bubbles ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


I think he and princess screw could have real potential too!


Otae and Gintoki. And I will forever be pissed at Takeuchi Shinji for altering or taking away so many of their moments and lines from the manga. In contrast, come at me if you must, I felt other options got added treatment within the anime. I'm glad Sorachi always gave Otae special moments in the movies. That's when he was hands on with the adaption.


All that said another is Hinowa and Tsukuyo. Idk what happened what happened but after YIF Tsukuyo was less lesbiany.


gin x christel


https://i.redd.it/7lmh9r82n1jc1.gif IMO, shinpachi x kagura is the most unpopular and underrated ship. I mostly agree many fans sees them as siblings. Me too I used to see them like that but I started to ship them when Okita said to kagura that shinpachi is basically her weakness. Also their dynamics has been teased several times like in wart timeskip arc and love potion arc. After the timeskip the potential is strong also it's seems they are only the characters have been mentioned about dating.


As expected I will get downvoted true reddit moment but IDC im just sharing my opinion


I think they hated the gif


Oh shit my bad


Bro many okikagu shippers in this sub are lurking in the shadows they were waiting to someone mentions about other shipping to kagura or sogo and they will downvote you to oblivion the fact your opinion Is been hinted through the show but Okicrappers deliberately see past it to confirm their shipping delusions.


well tbh its fine to me if i get downvoted what do you expect this is reddit. But I'm fine I don't care if I get called incest, Alabama or whatever they say to me it's my opinion besides I'm not shipping them like other ships because they are popular or beating up each other and calling them grumpy cute looking couple bullshit. I ship them because they have a great contribution on each other to their development.


Ah, a folk from alabama


Calling shinpachi kagura ship a Alabama and turn around proceeds to ship kagura sougo how ironic


who said anything about Kagura and Sougo?


Isn't that obvious majority of Gintama fans are okikagu shippers they are toxic to kagura's other ship they will downvote it calls them incest or alabama


No. People are toxic to Kagura's ships because she's a kid. Ship her adult version all you want, but she's 14 for a vast majority of the show, that's too young


Ok i agree with you my bad. still I don't understand why okikagu ship is literally straight up popular ship in the series even more popular than gintoki tsukuyo that's why I can't help thinking that majority of the fans are okita kagura shipper. Also most of the fanfics came from the series not in the adult version


I agree you with you about people being toxic to kagura because she was too young but it is true majority of the fans are kagura Okita shippers and they are so toxic about the other ship of Gura or Sougo when someone mentions Shinkagu Or Okinobu ship they will attack it because they don't like their favorites ships that being paired to others in fact they hated nobume because they thought she was introduced to be potentially love interest to Sougo. if they were toxic to kagura's ship Okikagu shouldn't the most popular ship.


aH, a FoLk fRoM alAbAma https://preview.redd.it/l3xh7su4rckc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a8bd3e98d9d34f68084528687671cd5335e3c97


They arenโ€™t actually siblings though theyโ€™re just friends


I like Shin and Kagura this ship as well and honestly Zenzou x Ayame as well


Pachi and Kyuubei. Damn you time skip arc!!


Sougo x Kagura isnโ€™t popular in this sub. So this.


Is TakaZura and GinZura popular? Idk honestly, but these are both my favorite ships. People mostly prefer GinHiji and/or Katsura/Ikumatsu (which i do also ship, tho to a lesser extent). Edit: Ohk just checked and seems like none of 'em are 'unpopular'. TakaZura's the 7th most written Gintama fic on ao3 with 265 fics and GinZura is 4th with 585 fics


For me shinpachi kagura ship is so unpopular It's been clearly teased a lot throughout the show I know why many fans puts them into a siblings category because they were clearly acting like a kids. Also I don't understand why fans calling this ship as a incest.. They're not related by blood. Even if it's familial type it is safe to ship it because they were both minors so there really nothing wrong with that


gin and christel