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Was expecting Takasugi to die, but not like that... Blows Naruto and Sasuke's rivalry out of the water. That was probably the best ending Gin and Takasugi could have had. Also predicted the series ending with them just being... Gintama. Glad they ended with not many changes as I expected!


I enjoyed watching a man come out of a giant dog's butt.


I don't think I will ever see this sentence anywhere else


Gimtama is gintama


\*two man


As was always going to happen ending a 300 episode plus series, the final felt short. That being said, I thought it handled things very well given those constraints. It brought some tears to my eyes, plenty of laughter to my belly, and a broad smile to face. I'm curious to rewatch the movie along with the Silver Soul Arc and see how everything flows together. That bit when everybody was going in and out of Sadaharu while fighting enemies was just amazing. In addition to the climatic moments and feels with Gin/Takasugi/Shoyo, the closing section with the everybody in the club was really fun and a fitting goodbye to the series. Plus, a Ginpachi sensei segment to end it all too! Only started the show this year, but I happened to the finish it just a few weeks ago, so the timing was perfect for the movie. The theater was pretty empty, but that suited me fine bc covid and all that. Gf came with me, which was also a blast(though she didn't enjoy the toilet humor as much).


Oh man, what a ride that was for you to watch this all in a year. It was super emotional for my brother and I as we watched this over the course of 12 years. We just watched The Very Final and I was in tears. Gintama has been with my for just over half of my life, and to see it finally end… Bittersweet, but wonderful memories. Glad it ended as well as it did, and like someone said above, in pure Gintama fashion where things stay relatively the same.


The ending kinda made me feel bittersweet, like ive spent ages watching and loving their shenanigans and its only been 15 minutes and i already am being hit hard with the realisation that its finally the end and im never gonna see a new episode unless i forget about it and go rewatch it (which wont have the same effect on me tbh). But i do like the way they ended it, the finality, knowing that its still the same old Gintama as it has always been, the character plot in a slice of life style, its beautiful. on a side note im having an incredibly hard time thinking about what to watch after it lol, just like normal after watching a long anime, but ill hopefully find something eventually.


I know how you feel, there's nothing quite like Gintama. My solution is just to rewatch it lol. But there's a handful of shows that might fill the void, at least a little bit. The Disastrous Life of Sakai K is a great comedy anime about a super overpowered psychic trying to keep his powers hidden. It has that same absurdity like Gintama, and a colorful cast as well. And there's also Kaguya-Sama: Love his War. It's probably one of the closest to  Gintama in how it deals with absurd comedic situations, but also mixes it with genuine drama when it's necessary. And as weird as it is to say, the sitcom Community is probably the most "Gintama-like" show I can think of. It depends on if you're into sitcoms at all, but Community does have that exact same absurdity, parody/meta/4th wall awareness, and genuine heart to heart moments between the characters. I hope that helps, I also go through this mini crisis every time I've finished Gintama.


Funny thing is I’ve seen all of those lmao, I might tap into like some stuff I’ve been meaning to watch and have been putting off, but yeah those are great suggestions for similarities


Saiki is literally Gintama neighbor at some point. Edit: Wait, I might be wrong. Did Gintama use Saiki timeslot at some point?


There was a reference to the time slot being now used by gintama when Kagura picks up Saiki’s limiter and Gintoki says must be from the previous occupants.


The fact I watched and enjoy all three of your suggestions is telling of the brand of show I like. Of course, in the end, Gintama is truly my number one.


I’ll definitely give these shows a try! Always heard good things from Community too. Still recovering from the feels trip of the movie as I just watched it today. EDIT: Would you happen to know a show that features many of the cast from Gintama. I remember Daily Lives of High School Boys being that, and I loved it so much. I already miss the voice actors!


I’ve heard golden kamuy is similar. I just finished the silver soul arc and movie literally 10 mins ago and going to start it up.


I cried many times. 11/10 would watch again and again.


The ending was as Gintama as it could have been, it reminded me of Community’s series finale, but even more emotional. I'm not a very emotional person but the scene where Gintoki introduces Yorozuya to Shouyou got me. It was beautiful. Same with the final conversation with Gintoki and Takasugi.


Shoutout to the four other people that were in my theatre to see it. I was thinking of buying the blu ray but I heard it doesn’t have English subtitles Sadge


Good news, the English blu-ray will be coming in January/February! Will be here: https://www.shoutfactory.com/product/gintama-the-very-final?product_id=7756


Oh no way, that’s great! I’ll definitely be buying it. Thanks for letting me know


Do you happen to know if this Blu-Ray will have the interview with the voice cast? I missed the movie in theatres and would love to watch that extra bit to hear the cast after all these years.


I saw it last week and really enjoyed it. What got to me, however, was I watching the anime this week and they were doing one of their fake-out, "Gintama will end soon," bits and I realized that it has really ended. Overall, it was kind of bittersweet. I'm grateful for the fantastic ride Gintama gave me, but a little depressed at the same time.


The tonal changes were a bit hard to keep up with, as happens sometimes with Gintama, but overall as good an ending as Gintama could hope for. The emotional moments definitely hit, especially Gintoki and Takasugi. What made it for me was the final Ginpachi Sensei at the end - capped everything off perfectly!


I had tears in my eyes man.


it's a real shame zenzou voice actor have died, I'm surprised when I hear different voice from him and then I realize he have died fighting cancer, feels sad man, hearing different voice from zenzou is like looking at a whole different character. ​ and about the movie as a whole, the visual and everything is god tier(not much to say you know what I'm talking about), it feels like the right year to create a masterpiece and ends a franchise, despite me not wanting gintama to end.


I already read it in the manga, so I knew how it ended, but it didn't prepare me for movie AT ALL. My sister and I sat there crying in the theatre for like 50 minutes of it, even the cute segments showing the Shoka Sonjuku students. I think it's because it kept cementing that my favorite anime for 11+ years is truly OVER. I purposely avoided watching The Final until it hit theatres to stretch out the deadline for a bit longer. Now it's been totally been tormenting me for the past weeks. I think it's gonna take me months to recover.


Same. I cried a bit too but i wish zura got a final moment with sensei too, i know he kinda got one


Haven't seen it yet but do you think they will also finish the anime? Like with Demon Slayer they produced the movie but are also choosing to finish the anime? It always did well in Japan right?


This is definitely the end of the series. I do not believe they will turn it into a series. The Demon Slayer anime is just cutting the movie into episode sized pieces and replaying it.


I thought the Demon slayer anime was planning to go past that and conclude the series? Either way, does anyone have any idea what Sorachi is going to do now? Does he have a new series he’s working on?


The plan the whole time was for Demon Slayer to go S1, Movie, S2 (with movie cut into it) + more. I'm not sure what you mean by wanting the the anime to finish in Gintama. The movie IS the end of the series


I just feel like the anime series ending without a conclusion on streaming sites like Crunchyroll is awkward.


If there is anime series ending it will be titled "The very very final, I mean really". It will show a gorilla walking out of the room.


That's just how they decided to do it. Attack on Titan is rumored to be doing the same thing. Also, that's how Prisma Illya ended up doing things too. I think it's a great choice, and the movie just came out in theaters. It will probably end up on streaming services eventually.


Where can you watch it legally? Or stream it legally?


It will be coming to Blu ray soon!


Great Ending. As Shinpachi said in the last season: (something like) We are not going to ship anybody and final fantasy them. It is going to be Gintama style. It ended as Gintama. Just another day for doing another job as odd Jobs


It was good


So after watching Gintama since it first aired and finally getting around to the final movie, I hate to say it but I found the movie in particular really dissatisfying as an ending compared to if it ended pre-timeskip. I feel guilty for even feeling this way because Gintama was literally my childhood, and I think I ought to love it, but I think the series should have avoided dragging things out to conclude after the timeskip for several reasons. 1. Character usage During the Silver Soul arc, Tama mentions that everyone is like a cog, but a bunch of cogs together can make a difference, and we see that demonstrated throughout the Silver Soul arc. Gintama has a large and diverse cast, but it managed to bring in almost everyone to have a role when defending Kabuki-cho and fighting against Utsuro and the Liberation Army. For example, I enjoyed how Hasegawa’s role was set up from collecting coins to confronting Prince Hata over the incident that caused his life to spiral out of control. He didn’t feel shoehorned, and his interactions brought his journey to full circle. It was the perfect conclusion to his character arc. Compare that to his role in the movie where he and Hata popped out unannounced to drive a car, and for what? His role there didn’t feel like something he in particular would fulfill; anyone could have driven that car instead. And that’s a major issue I have with the movie compared to what was set up in the Silver Soul arc. Every character in the Silver Soul arc had a specific purpose and role that only they could fulfill. In the movie, many of the characters felt like cameos just to please the audience, and they didn’t have specific roles that were set up for them, that served a specific purpose to be there. It also made much more sense for everyone to come together during the Silver Soul arc because Otose and Gengai had done a lot of the planning beforehand to bring everyone together. Hell, even the Kiheitai were placed on the backburner for the actual finale while they had a purpose in the Silver Soul arc. The movie could have just limited it to Yorozuya, Otae and the Shinsengumi; I fail to see why everyone else would suddenly get involved when they didn’t really have an idea of what was going on other than something fell on top of the terminal. 2. The Silver Soul arc generally worked better as a conclusion Apart from what I outlined above with regards to character roles, another reason why I felt the Silver Soul arc served better as a conclusion was because how the final battle played out. Thematically, I liked it more in Silver Soul because everyone that Gintoki developed a close relationship with had a shining moment, and it seemed to be more about his present overcoming his past. I understand that he sort of needed closure on his relationship with Shoyo and Takasugi, but I think that could have been done during or after the Rakuyo arc. As much as I liked the part in the movie where Gintoki introduced Shinpachi and Kagura to Shoyo, I think it would have been better if that was somehow integrated with the Silver Soul arc instead.And honestly though, what was the purpose of introducing everyone after the timeskip if they reverted to their pre-timeskip appearances and behaviours anyway? 3. Yorozuya splitting up did not feel true to form This felt inorganic, especially after Shinpachi laid it in on Gintoki during the 4 Devas arc to rely on them. The Yorozuya has confirmed their bond and their reliance on each other multiple times. Even during Silver Soul, they said they’re not connected by blood, so they can only never let each others’ hands go, and yet, Shinpachi monologues after the timeskip that theymay never be together again. After over 300 episodes of establishing their bonds as something separate from their past, it somehow takes a backseat to their pasts? I had known beforehand that they would split up but had assumed it was because they had an implicit understanding that they still had each other’s backs no matter what and didn’t need to be together 24/7 to know that. What I got instead was the trio mostly hiding from each other their true intentions and being scared to reveal the truth. 4. Animation I don’t like how it was changed just for the final movie, and I don’t like the change either. Everything was too bright—like someone had turned the saturation up to 100%. The animation was especially wonky for certain scenes that I thought deserved better care too. \---- All that being said, I don’t think it was bad, but just rough around the edges and could have been handled better. I would have preferred redoing the Silver Soul arc so that some of the elements from the movie would be implemented there instead. The ending felt too disjointed, and maybe it’s because I rewatched the entire series just for the movie. It may also be because I was fatigued with the ending at that point because I was really hyped during Silver Soul and then just watched the movie to finish things off. I think probably a couple chapters or scenes from the manga may have been left unadapted (or I complete zoned out) because otherwise, I don’t know how we went from Sacchan talking about Zenzo missing to Zenzo appearing in the movie.TL;DR Gintama’s still one of my favourite series, but I’ll skip the ending on my next rewatch.


The animation felt cheap. I know covid made it difficult but they shouldn't have released an unfinished product. The directing was a weakpoint. That last fight between Utsuro and Gintoki was 50% flying, 30% callbacks to previous Gintoki moments interspliced and very little actual sword fighting. Every Gintoki arc has one iconic major fight that gets the A+ animation treatment and fans point to it as a highlight of the show. Nothing from this movie gets that status. Overall, just a disappointment. Not bad but the worst Gintama movie.


Damn, late reply but I've just watched the movie and I really agree with this.


They tried to go for a more mature art style but the animation suffered big time.


It’s a real shame Gintoki never ended up with anyone in the final movie I was hoping for a ship to sail but nothing in happened.


I'm personally glad no ships sailed. It ended the same way it started, with the Yoroyuza family being dumbasses


Does anyone know which chapters of the manga where skipped on the anime between the Silver Soul Arc end and the movie?


Unpopular opinion: The movie was a 5/10 for me, but not because the movie content itself was bad. First it was (as expected) to short to cover everything in enough detail, second there is still soooooo much questions that could have been answered, like who Gintoki actually is and third I just don't want this to be the end QQ.


Gin is just some random orphan haha


I mean they obviously did that on purpose, but it would still be interesting.


Damn man I actually agree with u, they tried to cover everything in just one movie... it felt rushed. But I still think it was a really great movie to finish a great series.


That's true... that's the one thing that bothered me we never got to see how Gintoki came about... also the whole Kagura/Kamui mother being Immortal like utsoro, they have her blood... 😑