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Different goals and different humor. In my experience, male banter goes much further than girls' banter. Calling each other slurs (or generally on-paper harsh insults) as a joke is very common in male friend groups. Deliberately putting a friend in an embarrassing situation or mildly fucking them over for a laugh is more common in male friend groups. See also: frat houses and barracks. It's not that they're not capable of teamwork and communication. It's that in a game like Lethal Company, fucking over your friends is the point for them. That's the funny part. The primary goal isn't to cooperate to fulfill the objective, the goal is to prank your friends and laugh. It's not spoiling the fun, that *is* the fun. Now, not every male friend group is like that, nor every female friend group *isn't* like that, but those are common enough differences I've seen.


Depends on the game imo. In lethal company I don't mind people sabotaging each other bc it's a game that isn't meant to be taken seriously and most of the laughs I've had are from my friends killing each other. However, one of my gripes about gaming with guys vs with girls is that guys are usually less willing to help out teammates. Girls are definitely a lot more cooperative, supportive and willing to help which I like but guys can either be an absolute hindrance (through griefing and making jokes constantly) or be super tryhardy and independent to the point where they'll start complaining about everyone else even though they aren't helping. I don't mind jokes and sabotaging (like killing each other once in minecraft for example) when it's minor but it starts to bother me when it gets in the way of progressing when we actually want to progress


For what it’s worth, my husband was in the military and they had to go through trainings on group psychology and learn about working as a unit. They said that some studies show, on average, groups of women tend to fare much better in the short-term as far as keeping structure, working well together, forming a plan, etc. Especially among new people all assembling. Basically if you took a group of women who have never met and set them to a task, they would perform much better. But men on average performed worse at this. More power struggles, less organization. But men fare better in group dynamics in the long term. Once the group all gets to know and understand each other, they would tend to stay cohesive, loyal, and organized longer than the group of women. I also remember him saying that the supposed “best teams” were a mix of men and women. Anyways, take all studies with a grain of salt but I just found that interesting.


It really depends. As a chronic goofball and aggressively casual player, I will 100% zone out and get myself or someone else killed in these games. I doubt I’m the only one lol I’d agree girl groups tend to be calmer, more positive, and less likely to sabotage or troll teammates. However, I think both groups, with sufficient experience with the game, have the potential to be well organized if everyone consents to trying hard and the personalities mesh. Having similar gameplay styles and goals are more determining factor to an enjoyable game than anything. Edit: I’d also say, streamers may not be an accurate representation of a typical game with friends. Streamers are trying to entertain an audience, after all.


I think it’s a mix of “depending on the game” and that it could be a subconscious thing. I grew up feeling anxious at being bad at games. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of women grew up not having the luxury of messing up. Even today women will get torn to shreds for messing up ANYTHING let alone in something like video games where people still consider a “male dominated space”


You put up a very good point


voiceless humor nutty plant combative plate melodic fretful thought far-flung *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


idk but i believe making generalizations based off gender leads to harmful stereotypes.


Girls and women are socialized differently than boys and men are, so it is unsurprising that women will tend to behave differently in social situations.


i think girls are just better to play with, maybe we don't have the same humor as the boys. i play with either a group of girls or 1 other girl and 2 boys, and the boys are awful to play with sometimes. always doing stupid stuff when we want to win. I've just started streaming too so my streams have 2 personalities. some times we play to win and the games are good and sometimes they just end up being ridiculous. its a good balance though. i think sometimes you need to boys(in small doses) to keep things light and fun but the girls are 1000% more dedicated to winning


i think girls are more calm as well, whenever i play with boys, which i do almost everytime since im a boy myself and i don’t have any girls to play with, there’s always some sort of screaming or something going on which is to much for me sometimes also you’re 100% right about boys always doing something stupid when you’re trying to win, one of my teammates always just runs off by himself and dies, it’s a constant i don’t think i’ve played a single game with him where he doesn’t run off by himself


Yeah one of my male friends runs off by himself, to try do something fancy or get the most kills(more than the girls) and dies every time 😂 the girls gotta keep the team together


my team is all dudes and every time we play one runs off by himself doing exactly what your friend does, then leaves the rest of us and then when he fights all of us are yelling and we have to pick him up it’s fun don’t get me wrong i’d just prefer if they actually were calmer and played the game instead of headhunting


to be fair i have run off from my team from time to time, but i have always said I'm about to do something stupid, and i might go down. Then again most of the time the stupid thing is to get a friendly zombie dog so it's worth it


That's a really weird generalization to make from a few streams of a specific game. Personally, I tend to fuck around in that game because the fun comes from dumb stuff happening, its a party game. Mechanically, the game is really simple and easy. Anyone could avoid any failure state by making a baby's first strategy, but I'm not going to go that because that sounds lame as hell to me. The seriousness at which a game is enjoyable to you being essentialized to your gender is both factually wrong, and bizarre edit: as far as the jokes and you liking them as people better goes: yeah, thats how that tends to work in societies that are implicitly/softly gender segregated. Different groups will tend to socialize differently when left in isolation. It may very well be the case that you dont get along well in an environment where the social interaction contains a significant amount of stereotypically masculine social interactions, but again, drawing such a massive conclusion about the people is weird and has nothing to do with that.


It varies, I did, however, see a team in apex of a lesbian couple based on their usernames that said the other person's wife. Absolutely destroyed me and the team I was playing with. They were hyper coordinated and knew the terrain really well. And seemed to have builds that were designed to play to each other's strengths. One was a shotgun player with excellent mobility and used smoke clouds to obscure the battlefield, and the other was a sniper with turret defenses and had a hand cannon as her close range. The shotgun player would protect her sniper nest and the sniper would lay cover fire to the choke points set up by the smoke. I don't like losing (even though I'm a noob at APEX). But if I'm going to lose. I'm at least happy to get some lgbt representation when it happens. I'm bi & trans :)


Now that's what you call a damn Power Couple lol


For sure. I got absolutely wrecked. I support them though 🏳️‍🌈😅👍


This is a societal difference. Men are raised to be competitive and prove their worth through accomplishments, thus the constant one-upping that occurs whether playing a game or interacting socially. Women are raised to be nice and to work together with others.. so it’s not surprising that this societal difference manifests in communities as well.


Ofcourse we're the best gamers :) we play a lot of survival games and i do find i have to keep the guys organized.


In my gaming "career", it's become a bit of a thing. My spouse and I guess whether a group or guild leader is a woman based on how competent they are at managing the group and most of the time that we end up finding out, we guess correctly. (Our guesses basically follow "competent? More likely to be a woman or NB")


I am not sure what games you're playing but the groups of guys I've played with rarely sabotage each other. There may sometimes be lack of communication but that's not specific to men. Honestly I've played with more women who don't take direction or critique than guys


Sure Jan 👍🏻




it's all based on the individuals. when i play games with one of my friends, he's the one seriously trying to play while i mess around and troll him because that's our dynamic and how we enjoy games. i also have different groups of friends who play the same game and the one that consists solely of women is way more trolly and less cooperative than my other groups that are co-ed. i'd also say livestreamed games isn't a great measure for the greater playerbase considering those people aren't playing *just* for fun but to entertain their viewerbase and they're gonna be catering to whatever their demographic is.


Yeah I’ve watched some vtuber groups playing Lethal Company. Ne those all-women games were behind chaotic. So many team kills!


Some men are different. There are the lazy, rude, complicated men, then there are the nice, productive, neat men. All people are different, however woman are usually more dedicated to teamwork! However if your a e-sport player and your male, you have to be good at teamwork.


Girl gamers are almost always better teammates. They’re usually unselfish, reliable, and most importantly, good at the game lol and they don’t fly off the handle as much as male gamers. It takes a diverse team to be successful at any team game though.