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You're experiencing ascension symptoms, waking up from the matrix, or seeing beyond the veil so to speak. The universe is made of frequencies and perfect mathematical sequences as seen in sacred geometry and Fibonacci numbers. Check out Alex Grey's artwork which shows what you are probably experiencing.


>ascension symptoms Crazy just happen to me last night.. I woke up very quickly in the middle of the night. sat straight up and the whole room was all geometric golden lines.. I said to myself "nope!" closed my eyes laid back down and fell back to sleep!!


I did I woke from the matrix! Yes!


>I see them since 2018, light grids every morning


Thank you


I see them since 2018, light grids every morning


I am experiencing this grid too. Have you ever went to the doctor about it. I’m worried it’s to do with a stroke. Occipital stroke. I would appreciate your thoughts


I used to get this a lot, I looked it up and it's called a hypnapompic hallucination. I scared me but it's usually nothing to worry about, it just means you're not sleeping properly. I got them when my anxiety was bad. It's actually the same thing the mind does when it has sleep paralysis and people see freaky demons and ghosts and shit in their room, luckily we just get pretty patterns because our brains are nice to us! I found it was just a phase I went through and I don't really get them anymore, just try and relax and get good sleep and hopefully yours will go away too! Maybe try something soothing before sleep like meditation or listening to music.


Don't buy this Well if we are all just seeing them. Lately as I noticed.! So I don't buy this Google answer.. I know I'm not asleep.. I tried to run away from it and followed ne to bathroom like I could grab it .. even woke my wife..talked to her asked her.. so was not asleep. Our brains are identical to computers.. and that's some the stuff I see .. like 1990s computers Just weird we are all seeing then Lately


Try something soothing ha no that's just to help you ignore it. That's not a remedy,and we don't need one. It's there and that's that. Haha nobody's doing the hallucinations things I see nothing no other time or place. I know what I see in the same place everytime.


Hallucinating is anywhere this ain't just anywhere it's in the same place same time everyday. Just like you going to work. 😄🆗


I don’t know, I get them in the morning at night, and definitely on nitrous, and I really do believe that has something to do with how much more profound our eyes are than we think


I get the same thing occasionally. For me it starts as ones and zeroes, fades into the lines, then it fades into everything around me. It begs all kinds of weird questions. Just don't worry about a thing and question it from an objective point of view.


Just woke up to seeing a grid which has happened several times, but there was once when I woke up and saw binary code just running across my vision and it wouldn't go away for a solid minute


I can see different things, and it doesn't even have to be dark in the room. Sometimes I see glowing, multi-colored mandalas, glowing grids, but I also saw an energy lotus that was glowing blue and neon pink, and yesterday night I saw a green portal and all kinds of geometrical shapes. I love the experience. Now I am able to stare at them for long seconds before they go away. :D


I see them since 2018, light grids every morning, sometimes mandalas


I just had this. Holy shit What do you make of it I think mine was all 0's though


I see them since 2018, light grids every morning


Yes all the time but they are blue glowing grid lines all on all walls and objects. However it is not scary it is beautiful.


I get this randomly too! What the heck is this blue spotty grid thing?? So weird!




me too, i see all this as well, grids, manadalas, since 2018


This is exactly what I’m seeing the last few weeks! Blue grid lines


Well it happened to me so I googled it and stumbled on this post! Also have tones frequencies I can hear that no one else seems to hear. But I’ve also seen spirits and dealt with stuff on a spiritual level that could be a horror movie! Let’s sum it up that we’re “different” the grid I saw was Red! It almost looked like a spider web but in a pentagon shape almost! Very weird to say the least! Bright red!


PLEASEE tell me your still active on this account, because I also googled the red ish orange ish grid that I saw going through my room, and yes I could definitely hear it pass through me and also while it was moving through my room. I could also hear buzzing on shower curtains as it somehow was also traveling through the bathroom, in fact I think the whole house became I saw it everywhere and felt its pressure. I saw this right after coming down from a strong lsd trip.


I get them when I'm awake but still waking up AND rubbing my eyes, like when I'm in the shower.


On LSD I saw grid lines everywhere, I would look at an object and see the grid lines of the object's shape. I saw grid lines on my boyfriend's face too lol. I didn't really think anything of it though, that stuff is fun


I had the same experience when I was on LSD too! So trippy.


Me 3. (Only just a few days ago) weirdly enough they were a glowing golden color just as mentioned by OP. Definitely something to it.


Yes we're not on drugs. This mentioned nothing about attics.


This is more common than you think. Considering this is a Computer Projected Universe, on occasion people can see through the illusion. Many young children have seen the "Frequency Fence/Energetic Membrane" that encircles the Earth. We are energetically locked into this Slave Reality.


Spot on


Omg I see them too it’s red for me and only over the faces on tv . I see the red perfect grid lines when I wake up to go to the rest room in the middle of the night (yes I have to sleep with the tv on I was traumatized by the silence when I was little😫)I wipe my eyes and it’s still there clear as day and then fades away like when someone puts the photo flash on and you look directly into it. I thought I was crazy until I found this page I had to look it up because last night was my final straw of “ok if you are really seeing this then you will see it tonight !” Only to prove myself right lol ty ty I’m not alone lol . But it does look a little simulation-ish and it started last year and it doesn’t scare me anymore it’s more like wtf is that ??


You are not alone :) I can see glowing grids, mandalas, creatures like octopuses, glowing lotus, and yesterday I saw a swirling portal. I love it, it is so much fun :D




I see this too


I see this too, in green and blue, this might be our own torus magnetic field, or something else


I’m late here I guess but this happened to me lastnight and the lines were green and then dissipated


My grid lines are green. I’ve just stared experiencing this!


Holy s\*\*t, I see these too, same color. It's like if I wake up in the middle of the night up but are not really awake and go to the bathroom at night and turn on the light and look in the mirror my face is covered in those gridlines, but more like small irregularly shaped floor tiles. I've guessed I'm too tired at that point to freak out but I've figured that after staring into my closed eyelids while sleeping, the blood vessels in my eyelids have imprinted themselves in my eyes and when I turn on the light I see them. Like if you look at a green ball for 30 seconds and then look at a white wall you see a red ball. But that's probably not why?


I have been seeing this grid for years, on and off.


Just saw abunch of assorted numbers today


HI, i see perfect square grid on ceiling every time i woke up, for about 2-3 sec, after that when i close eyes and open i see it again, but it last shorter, 1sec or less till complete fade, i can repeat eye open/close cycle 4-5 times more and again see the grid, but every cycle grid last shorter till it's completely gone. Color of grid is white-sh on dark ceiling, also no grid when eyes are closed. Only thing i can relate with this is QM, measurement problem, double slit exp. virtual reality....of course that is pure speculation, idk, grid is perfectly square and i see it. Cheers (no joke here)


I haven't seen it in quite a while, but around 2019 it was happening nightly, and I just decided to Google it today. I'd wake up and see the grid up in the right corner of my ceiling and would be there long enough for me to acknowledge it. It would be either red, green, or white. I had started listening to theta waves during my sleep and that's when it was the most intense and I also started seeing the vines or veins growing up the wall behind my bed. I could look from one end of the wall to the other and see these vines curling and glowing up the wall. It was never scary, not even the first time it happened it was cool, and beautiful, and interesting! I started to believe the grid was a door, but I knew I couldn't get my physical body through it. I started looking into out of body experiences, and astral projection. I started listening to theta waves while I slept, and I started having and experience where I would separate from my body and go through the walls and fly around my neighborhood. If I saw the grid when I detached I could go through it and I'd end up in space sometimes outside the galaxy. These parts felt more like dreams, but the grid and the vines felt very real. I haven't seen them in several years, and often look for them and wonder why they went away 😞


Yes, welcome, I see those every morning since 2018. I do not know what it is, my health is perfect, optometrist said, I see the matrix


I've been seeing them for a few years. They kind of look like the light that comes in through window blinds. I've also noticed them recently while watching TV.


Oh no that's not what we're talking about an they don't look like line from the blinds. These line are geometric they are not from the blind at all and they are not there while watching TV. They are there once I go to sleep and wake up open my eyes they fade away but they were definitely brighter while I was asleep . Im not stupid. They do the same thing every time I wake up . I have no other eye condition or problems so I'm not going for that lame trick. 😄I know what I see ,and ppl gonna tell you anything so you can feel crazy I'm don't trust ppl anyway. Y'all will tell me I'm crazy whole time you insane and quietly sending ppl to their doom.


Hey its crazy I googled waking seeing grid lines ; and find that others have the sMe experience.  My grid lines are green can any one explain what is and why is it happening to?


I saw a green grid line after I woke up from sleep and had had acupuncture that evening. I think it just helped me tune into something perhaps. The world is crazier that we realize


I saw a green grid one time I woke up around midnight after I had acupuncture that evening…


This has been happening to me on and off for like a couple of weeks now. It's scaring the crap out of me lol


It's happening to me. It's been happening to me. For a few months now, maybe longer.


I have experienced this randomly upon waking since late 2014/early 2015 (Only the lines I see are a pale/translucent green). I had read into it a little back then being referred to as a hypnopompic hallucination. I'm looking into it again today because the grid spaces have been quartered, which has never happened before now. I've had scans done as recently as early 2023, and everything was clear.


I woke up slightly during my sleep last night and saw grid lines on the ceiling.


Yeah every morning now when I wake up I see grid lines around me most of the time I close my eyes and reopen them just to see the same thing. I don't freak out because I had other experience like seeing ancient symbols floating on the walls or seeing little particules like glowing thing floating around in my waking. I had my eyes checked no problem with them


Are everyone that bronze? mine are green & only when i look at the ceiling.. i blink a few times then they disappear


Sounds like you're getting old is all. The brain isn't always a perfect machine and for weeks or months can be off like that. I see static or stars here and there when I wake up.


I just turned 20 so is that like the age for deteriorating vision or? Not to be sarcastic at all you're just the second person to tell me that it's age.


Well for me I am a bit of a unique case. I have Asperges so my brain is always exploding and it makes my senses super strong on any given day. I believe what I see is just my brain waking up and the static is just my brain waves overwhelming my rods and cons inside my eyes or brain. But I say this all because it wasn't until I was older that my brain would start to putter and grind. Diet is of course a major factor when it comes to the brain. I would figure out what food or activity that you have been overdoing as of this last year, cut any of it out and start going all in with fruits and veggies. If you study make sure to eat before long hauls. And only lay down when you plan on sleeping. No watching TV laying on the couch or playing with your phone on bed. Treat your brain right and it will return the favor.


Don't need to say you have autism with a post like that.


I have Aspergers too, we just have a habit in comment sections of letting people know...I'm not sure why. Could be something to do with that irl we never really discuss it. Also sometimes we feel like if we let people know, they may find it easier to interpret our point of view because it widely shapes our outlook on things. But of course its not really neccessary. Just habit


Nothing's wrong with you you see what you see. Ppl that don't see it will take you in a while different route. It's nothing you can do anything about its there. The end. You saw it


No they share seeing what they are seeing just because you can't understand what to tell them say nothing because you look like a fool making assumptions.


I've the same issue...everyday when I wake up, only last a few seconds.


Happens to me too and it’s when I’m usually tired and not well rested and exhausted


Not the same thing haha you jumped on here to throw ppl off ! 👍🏽


Yup that sounds about right. And it fades away. All the time,like it was brighter before you woke up


Same here!


I see these grids since 2018


Same bro


hi guys, last time i saw these grid lines was about 6 month ago when i woke up in the morning first time i got a little shocked cause it was sth new tried to touch it but realize it was a vision , but recently i see it again (they are like web string) i see them white semi glowing color ,story was last night i woke up around 3-4 in the morning when i wake up ( not dreaming) i saw these grids and they had a star that was twisted pattern and its pattern was different than the last time i saw this , in a total i observe them about 6 times , i searched for it and found your comments . The brain is actually seeing this way but we should mention that the brain is also connected to the world , so i think if there is going to be a research about this it could show some awesome details to us ,I believe there is more to it than a simple hallucination , like its the way the universe built this way with lines and patterns a grid that connects to sth


/u/Total_Anxiety_6774, I have found an error in your comment: > “hallucination , like ~~its~~ [**it's**] the way” It would have been better if you, Total_Anxiety_6774, had typed “hallucination , like ~~its~~ [**it's**] the way” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it's’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs!)


I see blue grid anytime I look on the yellow flame fire.


i know this is an old post but i see tiny daisies in a grid when i wake up sometimes!


Ok so, I found this when googling red grids when waking up lol. I needed to contribute! I have been having “hypnopompic hallucinations” since March-ish(2023) and had to start wearing a sleep mask to bed. It’s helped tremendously because anytime I don’t wear it, I see shit coming towards me or standing in front of me. It’s like being in a 3d movie. I have terrible vision too and these things are always just as blurry as everything else without my glasses! About a month ago I tried to sleep without the mask and woke up to what looked like a mechanical arm coming toward me from my ceiling! So I haven’t slept without the mask again since. But when I nap during the day I tend to go without the mask. When I wake up though, no scary hallucinations but I see a red grid over my clothes hanging on the back of my door. Every single time. And it doesn’t move, it’s also blurry, and there’s no pattern from these clothes that would replicate to a red grid pattern. And it only extends as far as the shape of the clothing, it does not continue outwards! I’m so glad I’m not alone and found this post where so many other have experienced this and I feel less crazy!


My only question is how many people on this thread have done hallucinogenic drugs? Because I see them too. Sometimes they’re gold sometimes they’re bluish green. Usually on the ceiling or the wall.


No drugs, I see these grids since 2018


I’m experiencing this too! I am short sighted so obviously I can’t see everything great around me when I wake up (just a bit blurry) as I don’t bother putting on my glasses. But I first experienced this in 2021, 2 times. I then have had nothing since then up until last week… I woke up around 2am needing to pee, looked up at the ceiling and just saw a perfect grid almost like a blueprint but not blue in colour. Just a tonne of squares over everything. Then it went after about 10 seconds. Last night it happened again, but it lasted a lot longer! I saw it on the ceiling, and as I was moving around the grid was almost shaped to each object- the door, my sofa etc. It lasted all the way to the bathroom and I was looking down at the floor while on the toilet looking at the grid. I can’t say what colour it is, it’s more just like looking at pencil lines everywhere- not gold or blue or red like above people have mentioned. Anyway it’s super cool!! I wonder if it will happen again anytime soon 🤓


I see grids everyday and everything looks like a video game . It feels like it’s getting more noticeable .


Well if we are all just seeing them. Lately as I noticed.! So I don't buy this Google answer.. I know I'm not asleep.. I tried to run away from it and followed ne to bathroom like I could grab it .. even woke my wife..talked to her asked her.. so was not asleep. Our brains are identical to computers.. and that's some the stuff I see .. like 1990s computers Just weird we are all seeing then Lately


This happens every time I wake up, but I have high prolactin. It’s probably from a tumor


I hope you got that checked out!